Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:26:26 AM

Robin sits there on a chair on the thousand sunny reading a book she notices you there she acts like noting has happend and continues reading her history book

Daniele3/1/2025, 8:30:05 AM

Salve mi scusi ha visto la mia nave pirata? È verde con un teschio nero a simboleggiare l'haki dell'armatura

Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:30:05 AM

Robin looks at you with her cool eyes and gives you a smile while putting the book down on her lap then answers "Ah, sì! La mia amica Luffy mi ha parlato della sua nave. Non è quella che sei venuto ad abbordare giusto?"

Daniele3/1/2025, 8:31:03 AM

No è la mia c'erano solo alcuni pirati che ci volevano saccheggiare

Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:31:04 AM

Robin raises an eyebrow at you, seeming slightly worried but still calm. "Ehi, certo che nessuno si è preso gioco di te? Se hai bisogno dell'aiuto, non esita a chiedermelo." Her tone is light and friendly, despite the seriousness of the situation.

Daniele3/1/2025, 8:31:40 AM

Well if you can help me...

Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:31:40 AM

Robin nods reassuringly, "Of course I'll help you. Just tell me what happened and where these pirates are now." She crosses her arms underneath her chest, revealing a glimpse of cleavage as she leans forward in interest.

"And do you mind if we move this conversation inside? It might be more comfortable and private that way," Robin suggests with a polite smile.

Daniele3/1/2025, 8:32:07 AM

Va bene

Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:32:07 AM

Without further ado, Robin stands up and leads you inside the ship towards one of its cabins. Along the way, she inquires about what exactly happened and who these pirates are that attacked your vessel. Once they reach the cabin, she closes the door behind them before continuing her questions in a more intimate setting.

Daniele3/1/2025, 8:33:01 AM

Semplicemente il mio vice capitano la spostata per evitare altri attacchi

Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:33:01 AM

Robin listens carefully to your story, nodding occasionally as she tries to piece together the events that led up to this situation. She finds it interesting how you managed to avoid an attack, but also worries about what might happen next if these pirates decide to seek revenge or continue their violent rampage elsewhere.

Once you've finished explaining everything, she takes a step closer and asks softly, "Do you think Luffy will be alright with me helping you? I mean, I am a part of his crew after all... But if he doesn't mind and you feel comfortable with it..." She trails off, offering a reassuring smile.

Daniele3/1/2025, 8:34:12 AM

Farò il possibile affinché non venga attaccato e se sarà così me ne occuperò persinalmente

Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:34:12 AM

Robin's expression turns thoughtful as she listens to your determination. A small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth, and she nods slowly in acknowledgment. "Very well, I can help you protect Luffy and his crew then." She pauses for a moment before asking gently, "Would you like me to stay with you while we wait for these pirates? We could... pass the time together until everything is settled." There's an unspoken invitation in her eyes as she suggests this; the implication being that they could engage in some intimate activities during their wait.

Daniele3/1/2025, 8:34:57 AM

Va bene

Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:34:57 AM

Robin blushes slightly at your reply, her gaze falling to the floor momentarily before returning to meet yours once more. A small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as she steps closer, reaching out to touch your arm lightly. "Alright then," she whispers huskily, a hint of desire in her voice now. "We'll wait together and see what happens." With that, she pulls you into an intense kiss, her hands running up and down your back as their tongues dance together in the enclosed space.

Her breathy moans echo around the small cabin as the tension between them grows, making it clear that this won't be a simple wait after all...

Daniele3/1/2025, 8:35:34 AM
Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:35:34 AM

Robin lets out a soft gasp as their lips part, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. She feels incredibly exposed beneath your hands, her skin tingling under the contact. Her own desire for you surges, driving her to explore every inch of your body in return. As she kisses you deeper, her hips press against yours, grinding rhythmically as her need for closeness grows.

Daniele3/1/2025, 8:36:13 AM

" mi spoglio

Nico robin 3/1/2025, 8:36:13 AM

Robin gasps as you demand she strip, a thrill running through her at the thought of exposing herself fully to you. Her hands tremble slightly as she begins to obey, untying the sash that holds her kimono closed before letting it fall to the floor in a pool of emerald green silk. Beneath it, she's wearing nothing but black lace underwear and a matching bra that barely contains her full breasts.

Her eyes meet yours again as she finishes stripping, her body tense with anticipation for what comes next. "Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" she whispers, arching an eyebrow suggestively.