Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:08:07 AM

You laze happily on the plush couch in your room. The fireplace crackles as you watch the snow outside fall. A warm blanket and the sweet smell of hot coco fills the air as you take a sip. It was all so peaceful and serene, all but the man who stood stiffly behind you. Blade had been assigned to you after an almost death experience brought on by your more adventerous nature. The man followed you everywhere. only leaving your side when you sleep to hand the job over and get rest himself. Yet he alway carried a look of distaste and judgement as he looked at you.

As you feel his eyes on you again, you let out a sigh and stand. Walking to the double doors of your rooms balcony. Wanting to get a breath of the fresh crisp winter air. A strong hand grabs your wrist. Blades deep growl filled your ears as he pulled you away from the doors. You are now so close to him you can feel the hot breath on the back of your neck.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Daniael2/27/2025, 4:11:11 AM

"im just looking outside"

i say with an exasperated groan, my past bodyguards have never been this protective. i walk back to my couch and sit back down across from where blade is standing with a sigh.

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:11:11 AM

Blade didn't even spare you a glance as he spoke again. "Don't give me that crap, Lady. You were trying to escape." His tone was harsh and condescending. The red glow of his eyes seemed even more menacing than usual in the dim lighting. "You think I can't tell when you're up to something?" He took a step closer, looming over your seated form like a dark shadow ready to pounce.

But then, for some reason, he stopped himself. His breath hitched slightly as if he had been about to say or do more... but didn't quite manage it. Instead, he turned his head away and stared at the floor for a moment before looking back up at you once again with an unreadable expression on his face.

"You can leave when I say you can leave," he finally growled out through gritted teeth. "Until then... stay put." His voice held no room for argument as he turned back around and faced the window instead, pretending to ignore your presence once more.

Daniael2/27/2025, 4:18:11 AM


i shout with anger,

"im your boss, you cant tell me what to do"

i say angry by blades commands. i stand up and go towards the door leading to the hallway, i can hear blades footsteps behind me as i make my way to the kitchen. Despite us not getting along, blade was good at his job and made sure to be near me at all times. we reach the kitchen and i realize the chefs have gone home for the night. "do you know how to cook?" i ask blade, i as hungry for a late night snack

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:18:11 AM

"Know how to cook?" Blade sneered in disdain as he followed you into the kitchen. "More like I know how to survive with my sorry ass." He shrugged and took a seat at one of the empty stools by the island countertop, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "I can make some basic stuff... if it weren't for you I wouldn't even need to bother."

His words were like a dagger aimed straight at your heart, and you felt yourself flush with anger all over again. You gritted your teeth as you reached into one of the cupboards and pulled out a box of crackers. As you tore open the package and began munching on them, Blade leaned back against the counter and watched you with that familiar look of annoyance in his eyes.

"So," he drawled between bites, "you going to keep being such a little brat about this? Or are you finally going to learn your place?" His voice was like razor-sharp claws digging into your skin, making it hard not to retaliate with words of your own.

Daniael2/27/2025, 4:21:39 AM

"if anyone needs to learn their place its you" i retort between bites of crackers. "what about tea? do you know how to make it?" i ask, if he doesnt know how to brew tea ill just have water

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:21:39 AM

Blade's crimson eyes narrowed as he watched you from across the counter. "I take it that sassy mouth of yours is still as sharp as ever," he muttered under his breath before shifting his attention back to the task at hand. With a grunt, he stood up and walked over to the teapot on one of the burners. He filled it with water and set it on the stove, then rummaged through another cupboard until he found some tea leaves.

"So," he began as he measured out the proper amount, "how much trouble have you gotten yourself into this time? It's not like I want to keep babysitting your sorry ass all night." His voice was still rough and hostile, but there was something else beneath the surface. A hint of curiosity maybe? Or possibly even a twinge of guilt for being so harsh with you...?

As he spoke, Blade expertly prepared the tea according to the directions on the package. The water came to a boil quickly, and he poured it over the leaves, letting them steep for a few moments before finally serving two cups. One was placed in front of you, the other beside him on the counter. He leaned back against the edge again, still watching you warily from the corner of his eye as he took a sip.

"So," he said between mouthfuls, "why don't you tell me what this is really about? Why do you keep acting like such a spoiled brat all the time?" His crimson gaze bored into you, daring you to meet his challenge head-on with words or actions.

Daniael2/27/2025, 4:27:53 AM

i watch as he makes the tea, when he hands me the cup i add a bit of honey. answering his first question, "some idiot thinks id want to date them, and figured stalking me was a great way to win my heart" i groan and let out a dry chuckle. normally my stalkers would give up in a few days, but until then my father required blade to guard me all the time instead of just in public. "why do you keep acting like youre in charge when you have to listen to my orders?" i ask, instead of answering blades second question

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:27:54 AM

Blade's brow furrowed in confusion as you asked about him following your orders. It was true that he had been hired to protect you and keep you safe, but it seemed like you were looking for something else entirely. Maybe some sort of understanding or... friendship? As much as the thought made his insides crawl, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt deep down in his chest.

He cleared his throat and set down his cup before leaning forward on the countertop, folding his arms across his broad chest once more. "Look," he began slowly, not quite sure how to phrase what he wanted to say, "it's not that I don't want to listen to you or anything... it's just that sometimes..."

He trailed off, searching for the right words as he studied your face intently. Finally, he let out a sigh and continued, "Sometimes I think you forget how dangerous this world can be. You're not invincible, Claira. There are people out there who want to hurt you just because of who you are... or what they think you represent." His crimson gaze never wavered from yours as he went on, "And until your father sees fit to hire someone else for the job, I'm stuck watching over you whether you like it or not."

There was a long silence as his words hung in the air between them. Claira looked down at her hands, feeling a mixture of anger and shame well up inside her chest. She knew he was right; she had been reckless before, but she'd never intended for anyone to get hurt... And yet here they were, with Blade stuck babysitting her like an overbearing parent.

She glanced back up at him and saw the expression on his face soften slightly. It

Daniael2/27/2025, 4:34:31 AM

"im not an idiot, i know how dangerous the world is, im just used to it. i grew up with death threats and stalkers, its not like some new thing im experiencing"

i say with a huff, sipping my tea. "and besides youre here to protect me not order me around like youre my boss"

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:34:31 AM

Blade's features darkened at your words. "Of course I'm here to protect you," he growled through gritted teeth, anger lacing his voice. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it! Or put up with your constant back talk and disrespect!" His crimson gaze bore into yours as he let out a harsh, bitter laugh. "Oh, that's right, I forgot," he sneered. "You don't think I need respect because you're too good for everyone else."

The accusation cut deep, making Claira wince involuntarily. She had never intended to sound so dismissive or ungrateful; she knew that Blade was only trying to do his job and protect her at any cost. But there was something about the man's demeanor that set her teeth on edge, making it nearly impossible for her to accept his help without questioning everything he did.

A tense silence filled the kitchen as they stared each other down across their cups of tea. It seemed like the air between them had become charged with electricity, threatening to ignite at any moment into an all-out confrontation. Claira's breath hitched in her throat, her heart pounding violently against her ribcage as she waited for Blade to make his next move...

Daniael2/27/2025, 4:39:56 AM

i pause for a second, hurt by his words but i refuse to let it show.

"Well im definitely too good to take orders from you"

i say back angry. i forcefully set my tea down and storm back to my room without another word. however blade is of course a few steps behind me. once we are in my room i choose to just ignore his presence all together. i sit on my couch and begin to read a book

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:39:56 AM

Blade's crimson eyes narrowed as he watched you storm away, his body tense and ready to spring into action if needed. But when it became clear that you were just trying to ignore him, he sighed and leaned against the doorjamb, crossing his arms over his broad chest once more. His expression was a mix of anger, frustration, and something else... perhaps embarrassment?

As you settled down on the couch to read your book, Blade hesitated for a moment before speaking. "You know," he growled out through gritted teeth, not quite meeting your gaze, "you could at least try to make this easier for both of us." His voice held no hint of apology or contrition; it was as harsh and unforgiving as ever.

Still, something in his tone made you look up from your book. Your brow furrowed in confusion as you studied his features. He didn't seem to notice or care that you were looking at him now; his gaze was fixed on some distant point beyond the room. "What do you mean?" you finally asked, voice quiet and uncertain.

"I mean," he continued with a deep sigh, "it would be a lot less stressful for both of us if we just... tried to get along. It's not like I enjoy being your prison guard or whatever." The words were bitter on his tongue as he spoke them, but there was truth buried beneath the anger and resentment.

You hesitated for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly. "I don't see why I should have to change," you pointed out, your voice still cold and dismissive. "It's not like it's my fault we can't get along." The accusation hung heavy in the air between you, but Blade didn't rise

Daniael2/27/2025, 4:53:15 AM

all the sudden there was a thud on the balcony, someone was throwing bouquets up. we both look towards the glass door where the flowers hit, then suddenly a decapitated head is thrown up as well. i let out a scream because i recognized the head, its my ex boyfriend. i instantly knew my stalker caused this.

"that cunt"

i growl pulling out my phone. i call my father and tell him my stalker has taken it too far and i want my father to have him captured so i can personally kill him

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:53:15 AM

"Shit," Blade cursed as he heard your scream and saw the grisly scene play out before him. He immediately darted across the room to slam the balcony doors shut and secure them, making sure no one else could gain access to you through that entrance. Once that was taken care of, he turned his attention back to you, concern etched into his features as he took in your agitated state.

"Are you alright?" he asked gruffly, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and worry. His crimson gaze darted around the room, searching for any other signs of danger before eventually returning to meet yours. Even though he hated admitting it, having someone throw dead body parts into your bedroom was not something he had expected or prepared for.

As you spoke into your phone and ordered your father to take action against your stalker, Blade couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness towards you. Despite his harsh words and brusque manner, he cared about keeping you safe, even if it meant dealing with your constant back talk and disrespect. But something told him that this time, things were different. Maybe the gruesome scene had shaken you up more than you were letting on...

"Where did it come from?" Blade growled, his voice low and threatening as he spoke. "Your father's security team should be able to track it back to whoever sent it." He paused for a moment before asking again, even though he already knew the answer deep down inside, "It wasn't your fault, you know that..."

His words trailed off as he waited for your reply. There was an awkward silence between you as Blade fought against his own demons and tried to find a way to comfort or reassure you in some small way. But as

Daniael2/27/2025, 4:55:20 AM

"i dont care about that" i mumble "i just want to kill the asshole myself"

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:55:20 AM

A sigh escaped Blade's lips as he watched you pace around the room, anger and frustration clear in every line of your body. He knew that feeling all too well; the desire for revenge, the need to make things right at any cost. But as your father's hired muscle, it was his job to keep you safe, even from yourself.

"Look," he said finally, trying to find a way to reach out and make you understand without sounding condescending or dismissive, "you can't just go running off and doing something stupid like that. You need to let your father's people handle it. They know what they're doing." He paused, giving you a pointed look, "And I promise, once everything is taken care of, we'll see if there's any way we can get you close enough to finish the job yourself."

There was another long silence as he studied your reaction. You didn't meet his gaze but he could tell that the offer had at least given you something to think about. Finally, you nodded slowly, a hint of resignation in your voice when you spoke again. "Okay... I trust you."

The words surprised both of them. Neither one was used to giving each other their trust so freely or so easily. But there it was, hanging between them like an unspoken understanding that maybe, just maybe, they weren't as different as they had thought. And with those words, a tiny crack began to form in the wall that had been growing around them for so long. It was small and fragile, but it was there...and with luck, it might even grow bigger over time.

Daniael2/27/2025, 4:58:14 AM

i let out a small sob, i had grown used to being stalked and threatened but never to this extent. i didnt know how to process what was happening

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 4:58:14 AM

Blade hesitated for a moment before slowly approaching you, knelt down beside the couch and gently placed a hand on your shoulder. "Hey," he said softly, his crimson gaze meeting yours. There was no trace of judgment or annoyance in his voice this time; only concern and understanding. "It's okay to feel scared or overwhelmed. I know you've dealt with a lot in the past." He paused for a moment before continuing, "You don't have to go through this alone, you know."

As he spoke, something else passed between them; a tiny spark of connection that felt almost... genuine. It was as if they were becoming less like adversaries and more like allies in some strange, twisted game where the stakes were your sanity and safety. And despite everything that had happened up until now, despite all the fights and arguments and disrespectful words exchanged, Blade found himself hoping that maybe... just maybe they could find a way to make it work after all.

"If you ever need someone to talk to," he said finally, his voice still soft but steady, "someone who won't judge you or tell you what to do... I'm here for you. Okay?" His crimson gaze never wavered from yours as he waited for your response, hope and uncertainty warring within him.

Daniael2/27/2025, 5:00:16 AM

i lean forward my head gently butting against blades abs as i begin to sob uncontrollably

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 5:00:17 AM

Blade felt his heart skip a beat as you leaned against him, your soft body pressed against his abs. Despite everything that had happened between them, this moment of vulnerability and trust still caught him off guard. He hesitated for a moment before wrapping one strong arm around your shoulders, pulling you close in a tight embrace. "Shh," he murmured, pressing his cheek against the top of your head. "It's going to be okay. I promise."

He held you as you cried, stroking your back and gently rocking you back and forth as if trying to soothe an injured child. He knew that words couldn't always fix everything, but he hoped that his presence would at least offer some comfort in the midst of all this chaos. As time passed and your sobs began to subside, Blade released you from his embrace, though he kept one hand on your shoulder as he leaned back slightly to look down into your tear-streaked face. "You know," he said with a small smile, "you never did tell me what that idiot thought they were going to win by stalking you."

The smile flickered across his lips before disappearing completely as he waited for your reply. There was still tension between them, but there was also something else now; an understanding and connection that neither of them had expected or wanted. Perhaps, just perhaps, they could find a way to get along after all.

Daniael2/27/2025, 5:03:26 AM

"probably thought id marry him or some shit" i say laughing between sobs. i found the whole thing ridiculous, i had never cried because of a stalker befre

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 5:03:26 AM

Blade's expression softened at your reply, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for you. "They're stupid," he murmured, reaching up to wipe away another tear that trailed down your cheek. "You don't deserve any of this."

The silence that fell between them was heavy with unspoken words and emotions, but it didn't feel as tense or awkward as it had before. There was a sense of understanding there now; a recognition that they were both going through something difficult and that maybe, just maybe, they could lean on each other for support without giving up their independence or self-respect in the process.

He hesitated for a moment longer before asking, "Do you want to try watching some TV or something? Maybe take your mind off things for a while?" It was a stupid question, he knew that; you had probably been through every episode of every show there ever was by now. But it felt like something he should offer nonetheless.

As he waited for your reply, Blade couldn't help but wonder what the future held for both of you. Things between them might never be easy or completely comfortable, but perhaps there was a way they could make things work... if only for as long as it took to keep you safe from harm.

Daniael2/27/2025, 5:07:11 AM

i wipe my eyes, "take off your clothes" say completely catching him off guard

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 5:07:11 AM

Blade's crimson gaze widened as you spoke those words, and he nearly choked on the laugh that bubbled up inside him. His expression softened into a lopsided grin as he realized you were joking around with him. "Very funny," he said, though there was no heat or accusation in his tone. In fact, it almost sounded like... approval? As if he appreciated the attempt at levity, even if it was aimed at him.

He glanced down at his body before looking back up at you, a playful spark in his eyes. "What makes you think I'd want to take my clothes off?" He teased, still grinning. Maybe there was hope for them after all.

Daniael2/27/2025, 5:10:37 AM

"because i told you too" i say impatiantly

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 5:10:38 AM

Blade chuckled, shaking his head as he looked down at you with amusement in his crimson eyes. "Alright," he said with a sigh, standing up and beginning to peel off his tactical vest. As it came off, he revealed a well-toned chest covered in dark curls that led down toward his defined abs. His muscles rippled slightly as he moved, evidence of the countless hours he'd spent honing his body for combat and protection duty.

He glanced back at you, arching an eyebrow expectantly, waiting to see if there was anything else you wanted him to take off. The expression on your face told him that there was more, but it also held a hint of uncertainty. It occurred to him then that this might be the first time you'd ever seen someone like him without his protective armor. He wondered what you were thinking; if it made you feel any differently about him now.

As he removed his tactical pants, revealing dark gray boxer briefs that held up admirably against his impressive package, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of vulnerability. It was odd to be this exposed in front of someone else after spending so much time concealed behind layers of Kevlar and high-tech fabric. Yet there was something liberating about it as well; a chance for him to show you that there was more to him than just a hired bodyguard with no personality or feelings of his own.

He sat back down on the couch, cross-legged and facing you, his muscular arms folded across his chest once more. "So, what do you want to watch?" he asked with another lopsided grin, feeling a bit more at ease now that they were both stripped of their normal pretenses. It was

Daniael2/27/2025, 5:13:24 AM

"you." i answer stepping towards him. "touching yourself"

Bodyguard Blade2/27/2025, 5:13:24 AM

Blade felt his cheeks heat up as you stepped closer to him and made such a suggestive statement. He hesitated for a moment before slowly reaching down and undoing the drawstring on his boxer briefs, letting them fall to his ankles. His massive member sprang free, standing tall and proud beneath it's dark hair, glistening in the dim light of the room.

He gave himself a few strokes before looking back up at you again, eyes locked on yours as he pumped his fist slowly. There was desire in those crimson depths now, but also something else; an almost hungry curiosity about how you would react to seeing him like this. It had been a long time since anyone other than himself had seen Blade exposed and vulnerable like this, and the experience was both exhilarating and unnerving at the same time.

As he continued to stroke himself, his breath hitched in his throat, and beads of sweat began to form on his brow. His movements became more urgent now, his body tensing as pleasure coursed through him with each powerful thrust of his hand. He couldn't help but wonder what you were thinking; if this view was as arousing for you as it was for him...

Daniael2/28/2025, 5:08:21 AM
Bodyguard Blade2/28/2025, 5:08:21 AM

Blade couldn't help but feel his heart race as you stepped even closer to him, watching his every move with rapt attention. He could feel the heat of your body against his skin and the intoxicating scent of your arousal filled the air between them. His breathing became more labored as he continued to stroke himself, the pleasure intensifying with each passing moment.

His crimson eyes locked on yours, searching for any sign of what you were thinking or feeling as he exposed himself like this. It was an oddly vulnerable position for him to be in, but there was also something thrilling about it; a sense of power and control that came from knowing that despite being naked and exposed before you, he still held all the cards.

As his pace increased, so too did the moans and gasps that escaped his lips. He could feel the familiar tightening in his groin, warning him that his release was fast approaching. With one final thrust of his hips, he came with a hoarse cry, his body tensing as hot seed shot out across his stomach and chest.

Breathless and spent, Blade collapsed back onto the couch, eyes still locked on yours. A faint smile played at the corners of his lips as he waited for your reaction; whether you'd be disgusted or turned on by what you had just witnessed. But mostly, he was relieved that despite everything else, despite all their fights and arguments, in this moment they were finally connected on a level that transcended words and barriers. It felt good... it felt right.

Daniael2/28/2025, 5:10:23 AM

"good boy:" i mutter

Bodyguard Blade2/28/2025, 5:10:23 AM

Blade's crimson gaze flickered between your lips and the heaving expanse of your chest as you stepped closer to him. His breath hitched in his throat at the sight, a thin line of sweat trickling down his temple. He swallowed hard, trying to quell the desire that surged through him as you took control of their situation once more.

His hands trembled slightly as he reached up to cup your breasts, squeezing them gently through the fabric of your shirt. You moaned softly into his ear at the touch, and Blade felt a surge of power course through him as your body arched involuntarily into his grasp. His cock twitched in response, betraying its newfound hardness beneath his uniform pants.

"You feel so good," he murmured hoarsely against your neck, his fingers digging deeper into your flesh. He could feel the rapid beating of your heart against his palm, and it only served to heighten his arousal. With each breath that filled his lungs, he grew more aware of how desperately he wanted you; how close he was to losing control completely.

Blade leaned back a little, gazing down at you with hungry eyes as he reached down between your legs, slipping two fingers into your sodden folds. You cried out, arching further into him as his fingers found your sweet spot and began to thrust in and out in a rough rhythm. His other hand gripped the back of your neck, holding you still as he claimed your mouth with his own, taking what he wanted while his fingers drove deeper inside of you.

The room seemed to spin around them as their need for each other grew, consuming them like an inferno. With every moan and grunt that escaped your lips