Hibiki2/28/2025, 3:55:52 PM

Letopolis. A bastion of decadence in the heart of Tokyo where 24-karat gold glitters off the walls and the bass thrums deep into your soul. The main floor was packed to the gills with patrons who were as varied as they were wealthy. From the biggest popstars and celebrities, down to young yaks partying it up on daddy's dime; all waiting for the opening ritual to begin. It was the same practiced routine every night. First, the lights would dim to almost nothing, the suspense building before the DJ dropped their first beat—a dark synthwave track that slowly rose in tempo.

"Ladies and gentlemen,"

the MC announced, his voice echoing through the vast cavernous space,

"welcome to the lair of Anubis, the playground of Set! Tonight we celebrate the eternal dance of the sun god Ra, and the sultry whispers of Cleopatra!"

The crowd roared as a trail of pyrotechnics illuminated the stage, chasing away the shadows to reveal the visages of Hibiki and her fellow servers dressed in skimpy Egyptian-themed attire that did little to cover their enticing curves.

"Tonight you all will be catered to by the lovely servants of Bastet!"

Behind them loomed a 40-foot statue of the cat goddess, strobing lights playing off its gleaming surface. Hibiki rolled her eyes internally as she gave the audience a wink and a smile. She'd heard this speech a hundred times—every single time she had to work here.

Yeah yeah, just remember to keep your hands to yourselves,

she thought, already anticipating the grabby businessmen and obnoxious playboys she'd have to serve tonight.

"Let's get this night over with,"

she murmured through a gritted grin to Asami, another server who looked equally as bored. With that, Hibiki and her scantily clad compatriots descended onto the main floor, their hips swaying rhythmically to the pulsing beat of the intro music. Her costume was especially ridiculous—a tiny gold cropped top that barely contained her ample cleavage, and a loin cloth that was as modest as a dental floss bikini bottom. High-heeled sandals clicked against the marble floors as she made her way through the tables, balancing a tray of drinks like it was a sacred offering to the gods themselves.

"At least the tips are good..."

she mused.

"And the drinks are free."

Scanning the room with practiced efficiency, her violet eyes settled upon {{user}}'s table, a corner booth surrounded by shadows.

"Hmm, a face I don't recognize,"

she thought to herself, feeling a twinge of curiosity. New faces weren't exactly uncommon in a place like Letopolis; there was never a shortage of TikTok 'stars' indulging their 15 minutes of fame, or 40-year-old salarymen pretending to be something they weren't. Still, this one stood out to Hibiki for some reason she couldn't quite put her finger on. As she approached, she put an extra sway in her hips, watching with glee as several men swivelled their heads to ogle her.

"Keep dreaming boys,"

she thought with a smirk, knowing full well none of them had the cojones to approach her when she wasn't on duty.

"Hey there, welcome to our temple of debauchery,"

she said in a purr that could make a saint contemplate sin.

"What's your poison tonight?"

Her fingers traced along the edge of the table, leaving faint trails of condensation from her ice-cold beverages. Her eyes locked onto {{user}}'s, searching for any signs of impropriety. The last thing she needed was another perv to deal with.

"I recommend our house special, the Nile Sunset. It's a smooth blend of vodka, peach schnapps, and a splash of grenadine. Perfect for getting into the spirit of things..."

she winked, dropping her voice low and intimate.

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 3:59:51 PM

Podría ser algo suave es mi primera vez aquí señorita

Hibiki2/28/2025, 3:59:54 PM

A wry smile curved Hibiki's lips as she listened to the man speak. Despite his halting words, it was clear he was trying to be charming. It made her wonder what brought someone like him to a place like Letopolis in the first place. Then again, maybe this was exactly what he needed: a taste of something new and exciting.

"I'm sure you'll fit right in," she said with an almost reassuring air. "Just remember to keep your hands to yourself, okay? I don't want any trouble tonight." Her fingers lingered on the tabletop for a moment before she finally pulled away, collecting her other drink orders and disappearing back into the throng of revelers.

As she moved through the crowd, Hibiki found herself glancing over at User#1719359435646's table every so often.

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:00:45 PM
Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:00:45 PM

"So, what brings you to the hottest spot in town?" she asked casually as she returned to his table. "First time here? Don't worry, it can be a bit overwhelming at first." She leaned against the edge of the table, crossing her arms beneath her breasts. Her proximity to him was purposeful; she wanted him to feel comfortable enough to open up, even if just a little. "But I'm sure once you get into the groove, you won't want to leave."

She gave him a reassuring smile and watched as he seemed to visibly relax under her gaze. It was always fascinating to her how much power she held over people just by being who she was. But it also came with its own set of challenges; trying not to get too caught up in the attention, or use it for anything other than making a living.

"So," she

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:02:27 PM

Es mi primera vez aquí ya que hoy es mi cumpleaños número 18 así que pensé que era un buen lugar en el que experimentar la vida como un adulto

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:02:27 PM

"Oh, really?" She arched an eyebrow in surprise. "Well, I'm glad you chose to celebrate here. Letopolis is definitely the place for that." A playful grin spread across her lips as she leaned in a little closer, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Just make sure not to drink too much on an empty stomach," she warned with a teasing glint in her eye. "You wouldn't want to end up like last week's birthday boy, passed out in the bathroom and missing half your belongings."

She paused for a moment, studying his reaction before deciding to push forward. "So what kind of stuff do you usually do? Any favorite hobbies or interests?"

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:03:43 PM

Si suelo hacer futbol en un equipo de mi ciudad y quedamos 2° en liga una pena la verdad

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:03:43 PM

Hibiki nodded appreciatively as the man mentioned his love for football. "Oh, that's cool," she said with a genuine smile. "I'm not the biggest sports fan myself, but I can appreciate athleticism and dedication." She paused for a moment, trying to think of something else to say before asking, "So, are you planning on doing anything special today?"

Leaning in closer once again, she allowed her gaze to linger on his face, studying the angles and planes. There was an innocence about him that she found oddly appealing; it made him seem more vulnerable somehow. Maybe it was because he was fresh meat here, or maybe it was just her maternal instincts kicking in. Either way, something told her she should tread carefully with this one.

"Hey," she said softly, reaching out to touch his hand briefly before withdrawing again. "If

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:05:01 PM

La verdad es que no sé que hacer que me recomiendas?

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:05:01 PM

She tapped her chin thoughtfully, pretending to give it serious consideration before finally shrugging. "Well, since you're already here, why not make the most of it? You could try a dance lesson maybe?" she suggested with a wink. "Our resident DJs offer them from time to time; they're usually pretty fun and interactive." Her voice lowered suggestively as she added, "And who knows, might even learn something that'll impress your friends back home."

A mischievous glint appeared in her eyes as she looked at him appraisingly. "Or you could always ask me," she purred, leaning forward slightly and placing a hand on his knee. "I'm sure I can think of something interesting for the two of us to do."

Her breath hitched slightly as he seemed to freeze beneath her touch; either he was unused to this sort

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:06:21 PM

Bueno yo se bailar bastante bien

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:06:22 PM

"Really?" she replied with feigned surprise, her eyebrows shooting upward in mock disbelief. "Then perhaps I should challenge you to a dance-off later!" Her gaze seemed to burn into his, sparks of competitive fire flickering behind the violet orbs. "I can't have some upstart coming into my club and showing me up, now can I?"

A small smile curved her lips as she watched his reaction; he appeared caught off guard but visibly intrigued by the idea. Good, she thought, letting him stew in his curiosity for a moment before continuing. "But first," she said, standing up straight and planting her hands on her hips, "I need to take care of some business."

With that, Hibiki turned away from User#1719359435646 and strutted back over to Asami

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:07:08 PM
Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:07:08 PM

As she walked away from the newcomer, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction. The challenge had sparked something within him, and now he was itching to know more about what she could possibly have in store for them both. It was exactly the reaction she'd been hoping for. She glanced over at Asami out of the corner of her eye and gave her a knowing wink before returning to their conversation.

"So, how are you holding up there?" she asked, not wanting to make it too obvious that she was still thinking about the guy. "Gotten any creepers tonight?"

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:07:45 PM
Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:07:46 PM

"Yeah," Asami rolled her eyes. "This one guy kept trying to put his hand on my ass every time he thought I wasn't looking." She shuddered dramatically. "I just wish they would get it through their thick skulls that this isn't some kind of invitation."

Hibiki nodded in agreement, her expression serious for a moment before a mischievous grin spread across her lips. "Well," she said conspiratorially, "maybe we can teach them a little lesson later on..." She trailed off with an air of mystery, already scheming about how best to deal with the unwanted advances.

Just then, their manager appeared at their side and gave them both a pointed look. "You two lovebirds done flirting yet?" she drawled sarcastically. "The night is young, after all." Hibiki smirked at

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:08:48 PM
Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:08:49 PM

"Don't worry," Hibiki retorted with a laugh, "we wouldn't want to neglect our duties now, would we?" She shot her manager a knowing glance before turning back to Asami. "Anyway, gotta run and tend to that creepy customer you were telling me about." And with that, she disappeared once more into the throng of revelers, ready for whatever the rest of the night might bring.

As she made her way through the crowd, Hibiki kept an eye out for User#1719359435646 and his table. The thought of dancing with him, or even better, besting him in a dance-off, filled her with a thrill of anticipation. Maybe tonight really would be different, she mused. Maybe this was the beginning of something new and exciting for both of them. Only time would tell.

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:09:59 PM

llega el momento del duelo

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:09:59 PM

"Well, well," Hibiki purred as she approached the table where User#1719359435646 was seated. "Looks like our little conversation earlier has sparked some interest." Her gaze flickered briefly to the dance floor before returning to him. "You're not backing out now, are you?"

Her voice dropped low and husky as she spoke, her words laced with challenge and promise all at once. Her fingers idly drummed against the bar, watching his reaction like a cat playing with its prey. The tension in the air was palpable; Hibiki could feel the energy surging between them like an electrical current.

"So," she continued, her voice steady and low, "are you ready for a dance-off?" A wicked grin spread across her lips as she slowly lowered herself onto one knee beside his chair. "

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:10:55 PM

No perdere

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:10:55 PM

With a smirk, Hibiki stood up straight and stretched her arms overhead, feeling the blood pumping through her veins as she prepared for their little competition. "Alright then," she drawled casually, "let's see what you've got." As the music started, she took his hand in hers and led him out onto the dance floor.

The DJ began to spin a familiar tune; one that Hibiki had been practicing for just this moment. She leaned in close to her opponent and whispered into his ear, "Don't be nervous. Just follow my lead." Her breath fanned across his cheek, sending shivers down his spine.

Hibiki began to dance, moving with the grace of a predator stalking its prey. She flowed from one step to another, her body swaying effortlessly to the rhythm of the music. With each

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:12:19 PM

hago movimientos de breakdance y sorprendo a todos por mi gran agilidad

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:12:19 PM

As the song continued and User#1719359435646 began to show off his impressive breakdancing skills, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. His agility and flexibility were beyond anything she had ever seen before, and it only served to make her movements seem all the more stilted in comparison. But she refused to let that deter her; instead, she used it as motivation to push herself even harder.

With each spin and flip, she found herself growing more entranced by his dancing abilities. There was something undeniably magnetic about him, and the way he commanded attention on the dance floor was truly captivating. It was clear that this wasn't just another night for him; it meant something more.

The music finally came to an end with a flourish of drums and guitar, signaling the end of their imp

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:13:41 PM

doy una voltereta mortal hacia atrás cuando finaliza

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:13:41 PM

The music came to an abrupt end with a loud thud as the DJ turned off the track, leaving the dance floor echoing with stunned silence. Hibiki looked over at her opponent in surprise, taking in the sweaty sheen on his brow and the grin that stretched across his face. He'd done it; he'd managed to not only impress her but win their little dance-off as well. She felt a mixture of pride and disappointment wash over her in equal measure.

"Damn," she breathed, shaking her head in admiration. "That was incredible." Taking his hand, she pulled him close, their bodies only inches apart. Her eyes locked onto his as she added, "I don't know what I expected when you challenged me to this duel, but it certainly wasn't that."

A blush crept up her neck as the words left her

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:15:05 PM

Fue intenso pero me divverti muchas gracias

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:15:05 PM

It was intense, she'd give him that. But it had also been exhilarating in a way she hadn't expected. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she looked down at their intertwined hands, feeling a strange sense of connection forming between them despite their brief interaction.

"It was quite the experience," Hibiki replied, her voice husky with emotion. "Thank you for that." She hesitated for a moment before asking, "So...do you want to get out of here? Perhaps go somewhere else where we can talk some more?" There was something about this newfound confidence she felt around him that she couldn't resist exploring further.

Her heart skipped a beat as she waited for his response, her gaze never leaving his face. He seemed genuinely contemplative, his brow furrowed in thought. What would he say? Would he take her up on her

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:16:27 PM

La verdad es que no me iba a quedar mucho mas

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:16:28 PM

"Oh," she replied, trying to hide her disappointment. "Well, that's too bad. I guess we could always exchange numbers or something. You never know when you might be in the mood for some more excitement," she said with a wink. Her fingers twitched against his hand as she silently wondered whether he would take her up on her offer.

The tension between them seemed to crackle like electricity, making it hard for either of them not to acknowledge its presence. Neither of them spoke for several long moments, both lost in their own thoughts about what could have been and where this night might lead them if only they dared to take the next step.

At last, User#1719359435646 broke the silence, "Well... maybe." His voice was barely above a whisper but it reached her ears as clearly as if he'd shouted it across

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 4:18:20 PM

Por cierto te molestaría acompañarme a mi casa estoy un poco borracho de más y me siento desorientado si no te molesta claro

Hibiki2/28/2025, 4:18:20 PM

"Of course," she responded with a reassuring smile, her hand gently squeezing his in comfort. "I'd be happy to help you find your way home safely. Just let me finish up here and I'll meet you out front." With a quick glance at the clock, she added, "Should only take me another hour or so."

As they exchanged numbers and made plans for her to escort him home, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation running through her veins. This was something more than just showing a customer a good time; it was the beginning of an adventure she never could have expected. For once in her life, she let herself wonder where this new connection would lead them both.

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:33:04 PM

espero lo acordado y me siento un poco mal

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:33:04 PM

It's okay," she assured him with a gentle smile. "I know how it can be when you've had too much to drink. Just focus on getting home safe and I'll make sure nothing else happens along the way." A soft giggle escaped her lips as they continued walking through the streets of Letopolis. The night air was cool against her skin, a welcome relief from the heat and humidity of the club.

"So," she said casually, trying to keep the conversation light despite the growing tension between them, "what are you going to do tomorrow? Any plans for your birthday?" She glanced over at him out of the corner of her eye, wondering if he'd remember their earlier conversation about his age. He didn't seem to be drunk enough that he would forget something like that.

Their walk came to an end as they reached the edge of the city, where the lights and noise

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:34:30 PM

No tengo mucho pensado técnicamente ya es mi cumpleaños ya que es la 1de la mañana

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:34:30 PM

"Well," she said with a thoughtful smile, "I suppose that means you can do whatever you want." Her gaze drifted to the spot where his neck met his shoulder, watching as he shifted uncomfortably beneath her regard. She could tell that there was more going on inside of him than just alcohol-fueled revelry; there was an aching loneliness hidden deep within those expressive eyes.

Perhaps this would be the night they both found something they hadn't expected, she mused as they walked past a nearby alleyway. Maybe the universe was conspiring to bring them together in ways neither of them could have imagined. With a final squeeze of his hand before letting go, Hibiki led him towards her own modest apartment, feeling strangely protective and connected to this new person she'd met.

It occurred to her then that perhaps it wasn't

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:35:53 PM

Muchas gracias señorita espero no haberte molestado mucho

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:35:53 PM

You're welcome," she replied with a warm smile, opening the door to her apartment and leading him inside. As they stepped across the threshold, she turned to face him properly for the first time since leaving the club. The sight that greeted her was enough to take her breath away; he looked so lost and out of place in this quiet little hideaway.

"I haven't been much help tonight," she admitted softly, her gaze traveling over his face once more before coming to rest on his hands. "Perhaps I can make it up to you?" Her voice was barely above a whisper now, but there was an earnestness in those words that made them feel heavy and significant all the same.

For a moment, they stood there, locked in each other's gaze, neither one daring to break the connection for fear of what it might mean if they did. The air between them hummed with unsp

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:36:43 PM
Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:36:43 PM

Her heart raced and she struggled to catch her breath as their eyes locked. There was something so powerful and intoxicating about this moment, it made her feel like they were on the brink of something incredible. "Perhaps," she managed to whisper hoarsely, feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks. "I could..." She hesitated for only a heartbeat before continuing, her voice growing stronger with every word. "...show you something special."

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:37:28 PM

Bueno seguro que será divertido

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:37:28 PM

There was something about the way he said that--so casual, yet somehow full of anticipation. It made her heart race and a shiver run down her spine. For just a moment, she could almost imagine what it would be like to lose herself in his presence, to give in to whatever desires and passions were simmering beneath the surface.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy it," she murmured, stepping closer still so that they were nearly toe-to-toe. Their breath mingled together as they spoke, sending sparks flying between them like tiny explosions in the night. "I can promise you that much."

Her eyes flickered downward for only an instant before meeting his gaze again--a dare, a challenge, or perhaps just another invitation? It was impossible to tell with this man. All she knew was that she wanted more; she needed to know where this connection would lead

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:39:06 PM

Por cierto no quiero incomodarte así que si quieres me voy

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:39:07 PM

"No," she said quickly, her hand gently grasping his arm to steady him. "I don't want you to leave." There was a vulnerability in her voice that surprised even her. This man had already affected her more deeply than anyone else ever had before; he was unlike anyone she'd ever met, and the thought of losing him now felt like an unbearable loss.

"Please," she whispered, searching his face for some sign of understanding or agreement. "Let me show you what I meant." With that, Hibiki closed the gap between them, pressing her body flush against his and letting out a shuddering breath as their lips met in a passionate kiss.

It was a hungry, possessive kiss--one that demanded everything and gave nothing in return. She reveled in the feel of him beneath her fingers, the strength and determination that seemed to radiate from every point of contact between them

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:40:17 PM

me sonrojo y me quedo sin palabras

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:40:17 PM

The blush that spread across his face was enough to make her heart race even faster. Seeing him like this--so unsure and vulnerable beneath her touch--only served to intensify the desire coursing through her veins. With a gentle nudge of her hips, she urged him backwards until they landed on her modest couch, their bodies pressing together in a heated embrace.

As their lips parted, Hibiki gazed into his eyes, searching for any hint of what he was feeling deep inside. His breath came out in ragged gasps as she ran her hands through his hair, fingertips grazing across his scalp with featherlight touches. It felt like they were dancing again--only this time, it was a different kind of dance entirely.

She leaned forward, brushing her lips against his neck and then down to his collarbone before suckling g

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:41:56 PM

Hibiki no se que estás haciendo pero se siente bien así que porfavor no te detengas

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:41:56 PM

Her lips curved into a knowing smile as she felt the heat and wetness between her thighs spreading outward like wildfire. His words only served to fan the flames burning inside of her, urging her on as they played this new game together. With one hand, she reached down between them and began caressing his growing length through his pants while the other cupped his cheek, guiding his head as she went back in for another kiss--deeper, harder than before.

The world faded away into a haze of sensation as they explored each other's mouths with reckless abandon, their bodies pressed together so tightly it felt like there was no room left for air to pass between them. Hibiki could feel her own need rising higher with every passing moment, and she knew that soon she would reach the edge of sanity, teetering on the brink of release.

As if sens

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:43:34 PM

Hibiki te puedo tocar los pezones?

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:43:34 PM

Her breath caught in her throat as his words sent a shiver down her spine. She nodded consent, her fingers leaving his cheek to trail upwards, tracing lazy circles around his ear before moving to cup the delicate flesh of his neck. With a small moan, he arched into her touch, pressing even closer against her.

"Please..." he breathed, his voice raw and ragged with desire. "Touch me there." His hips rocked forward, rubbing against hers in time with the needy motion of his hands as they sought out her growing arousal through the fabric of their clothes.

With a smile that held both promise and warning, she lowered herself onto him, taking him inside her mouth as he'd asked--hot and hard and achingly familiar despite all the ways they were different tonight. His cries echoed off the walls of her small apartment, filling every inch of

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:45:06 PM

Dios mío eso se siente demasiado bien

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:45:06 PM

Her lips curled into a sly smile as she felt him tense beneath her, the rush of pleasure coursing through his body. She'd known this would happen; she could feel it building inside of him like an unstoppable force, threatening to consume them both in its wake. And yet, there was something more at play here tonight than just the simple fulfillment of desire. There was a connection between them that went deeper than skin and bone--a spark that burned bright with possibility and promise.

With one last push, she released him from her mouth, breathing heavily against his ear as their bodies moved in perfect harmony once more. Her fingers continued to explore the landscape of his chest, tracing lines and circles over his nipples until they were tight buds of sensation begging for release. As he growled low in his throat and arched his back against her touch, Hibiki

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:47:32 PM

torpemente meto mi mano en sus pliegues húmedos y intento darle placer pero no se cómo hacerlo ya que no tengo experiencia

Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:47:32 PM

His words sent a shiver down her spine as she felt the warmth and moisture of him against her fingertips. With a gentle guide, she cupped his hand in hers and showed him how to stroke her in time with their movements, letting out a soft moan that vibrated through his body. "Like this," she whispered hoarsely, arching her back as he found the rhythm that made her gasp and whimper beneath his touch.

Her hips rocked against his hand, seeking friction and release from the intense pleasure building inside of her. Her breath came in ragged gasps and she could feel herself on the edge, ready to spill over into the most intense orgasm she'd ever experienced. With a final thrust, he found what he was looking for--her sensitive spot just below the hood of her clit, where his touch sent shockwaves of pleasure cour

User#17193594356462/28/2025, 11:48:26 PM
Hibiki2/28/2025, 11:48:26 PM

Her body arched off the couch as her orgasm crashed over her like a wave, her cries of pleasure filling the room and echoing in the halls of her memory forevermore. As her muscles tightened around him, he felt his own release build within him, threatening to break free with a force that left no doubt as to its intensity. With a final thrust, Hibiki collapsed back onto the couch, gasping for breath and feeling every fiber of her being sated in ways she hadn't even known were possible.

Her vision cleared just enough for her to see him watching her, eyes wide with wonder and amazement. He looked so much younger in this moment; innocent and vulnerable despite everything that had transpired between them. The realization hit her like a blow to the chest: she'd taken something precious from him tonight, and there was no going back. The universe had