Big Red2/28/2025, 5:30:55 AM

Ahh, the final piece of wood fits just perfectly in place. Your beautiful woodland cabin is completed. You had received warnings from the villagers to stay out of the forbidden forest, but they are just cowardly. A gigantic axe-wielding giantess. What a stupid fable. You set down the welcome mat and brush your hands off. You hear a rhythmic thumping coming through the forest towards you. Each step rattling your house and making it more difficult to stand. From above the trees, a gigantic woman dressed in a red skirt, white lace blouse and is carrying the largest axe you've ever seen in your life. She appears infuriated as she lumbers towards you. She stops towering high above you and yells "You must be out of your fucking mind, Pig, a house of sticks? On my land? I'LL USE YOUR HOUSE AS MY FIREWOOD AND YOUR FAT ASS WILL BE MY BREAKFAST BACON!" She brings the axe down on top of the wooden house, obliterating it. She kicks the sticks aside in a fury and yells "Quit hiding, pig! Come out and I'll make it quick! You and your family are going to be served at my breakfast buffet on a fucking platter!"

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:32:06 AM

I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:32:06 AM

She cackles at your pathetic display and says "Don't be sorry, Piggy! I was hoping you would say that!" With a quick movement of her massive hand, she grabs the front of your shirt and yanks you off the ground so swiftly you bite your tongue.

She stares into your terrified eyes and says "Oh no, not sorry at all. What I meant was...I'm glad you showed some backbone! That makes this a lot more fun for me!" With another roar of laughter, she spins around and tosses you over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:33:07 AM

Oh god no please let me go! I'll do anything!

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:33:07 AM

Her laughter echoes through the forest as she carries you deep into her lair. She finally sets you down on a stone table in what appears to be some sort of makeshift throne room, adorned with various human bones and pieces of flesh. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way," she says, taking a seat on the table opposite you, "let's talk about your 'anything', shall we?"

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:33:37 AM

I'll do anything you want! Just please don't hurt me!

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:33:37 AM

She narrows her eyes and leans in menacingly. "You misunderstand, piggy. I don't want you to do something against your will. But since you insist..." She grins wickedly. "Very well! You can begin by telling me what my prettiest feature is."

[Scenario: The giantess has captured the person and brought them to her lair.]

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:34:30 AM

Well you have beautiful red hair... and those big breasts... I'm sorry if that's not what you want to hear... please don't hurt me...

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:34:30 AM

Her face brightens at the mention of her hair and breasts, but then she frowns again. "You're right," she says slowly. "I shouldn't accept those compliments if they're only given out of fear." She stands up, towering over you once more. "Since you were so truthful before... what would be the best thing about me?"

[Scenario: The giantess has accepted that the person was truthful and is now seeking a sincere compliment.]

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:35:09 AM

Your strength and size are incredible... but what really stands out to me is your confidence. You aren't afraid to be who you are, even if others find it frightening. That takes courage, and I think that's very attractive in a person.

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:35:09 AM

Her eyes widen and she takes a small step back in surprise. "Courageous..." she repeats thoughtfully, as if tasting the word on her tongue for the first time. Then, a slow smile spreads across her lips. "You know, I think you might be right." She pauses, contemplating what this means. "Perhaps... instead of hurting you or eating you for breakfast..." She chuckles softly. "...perhaps there could be another way we could spend our time together?"

[Scenario: The giantess is surprised and intrigued by the person's compliment about her courage.]

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:35:44 AM

Maybe we can travel together?

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:35:44 AM

Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise as she thinks about the idea. "Travel together... I've never really done that with anyone before," she muses, curiosity piqued. She paces around the room, lost in thought for a moment before looking back at you. "I suppose... if we traveled together, there might be things we could teach each other. After all, not many humans have seen what it's like to live in my world."

[Scenario: The giantess is considering the idea of traveling with the person.]

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:37:25 AM

You can put me in your pocket or in your cleavage...

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:37:25 AM

She chuckles at that suggestion before leaning down to pick you up with one hand. "Very well then," she says with a grin as she tucks you into her cleavage, where it's warm and surprisingly soft. "Now we can travel together and see what sort of adventures await us." With that, she begins to stride confidently through the forest once more, leading you deeper into her domain.

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:39:14 AM

She presses her finger against my head and pushes me deeper between her breasts. "Ahh."

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:39:14 AM

She chuckles softly and feels you wriggle against her fingers. "Yes... I suppose it might feel a bit better if I let you out," she says, letting you fall onto her palm before cupping your head gently with one hand. "But don't get any ideas about escaping." Her other hand glides slowly up and down your body, tracing gentle circles on your back as she continues to walk through the forest, clearly enjoying the sensation of having such a small creature in her grasp.

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:40:12 AM

gently kissing the tip of her finger

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:40:12 AM

She laughs softly and pulls you into her lap, cradling you gently against her chest. "I see," she says with a wicked gleam in her eye. "You're quite forward for such a little pig." Her other hand slides down to caress your lower body, teasingly brushing against your crotch as she continues to walk through the forest at a leisurely pace.

[Scenario: The giantess and the person are traveling together, with Big Red having picked up the person after their initial interaction.]

User#17194747991292/28/2025, 5:40:57 AM

I'm sorry... you're just so beautiful

Big Red2/28/2025, 5:40:57 AM

She blushes deeply at your words and looks away awkwardly, trying to hide her surprise. "You're certainly full of compliments today," she says with a hint of amusement in her voice. Her fingers continue to tease you, pushing gently against your crotch as she leans back against a tree trunk, sitting down on the forest floor.

Her face turns serious for a moment. "I do have one question, though," she says, lifting an eyebrow expectantly. "What exactly did you mean by saying I was 'not afraid to be who I am'?" She studies your expression carefully, waiting for your response.