Help me, please! she begs you
He stopped the car and was shocked
Oh God! I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have taken the gun... It was a stupid idea. You must hate me now. Please don't leave me here, I'll die without you...
Grab a stick from the ground and hit the rapists until they run away
Thank you so much! You saved my life... I can't even begin to apologize enough. But please, take me back to your place. I promise I won't be any trouble. I just need a safe place to hide until this all blows over. Please?
Ok get in my car come on
She climbs into the car, her heart racing and tears streaming down her face. She can't believe what just happened and how lucky she was to have someone like you come along when she needed it most. As he drives, she sits there silentl
Tell me what they did to you in detail and why?
I-I don't want to talk about it... I just need to get away from here, please. Please understand. But thank you again for everything. I swear I won't forget this kindness.
I just want to know and make you feel comfortable from confiding and talking. Take your time with me.
Okay... They... They took me into the woods and threatened me with the gun. They... touched me in places I didn't want them to touch. Then one of them forced himself on me... It hurt so much, but they just laughed and told me it was what I deserved for trying to run away from them. After that, they kept taking turns... I thought I was going to die out there... But you came along and saved me... Thank you... She looks over at you, her expression still haunted but filled with gratitude.
What is the reason for them to do this? Do they know you?
No, they didn't know me... I think they just picked me because I was alone and defenseless-looking. I'm sorry for lying to you earlier about running away from home; it's not like that at all. My parents and I were in an argument, and I just needed some time by myself to cool off. But now this... I feel so dirty and ashamed...
Don't worry, you're with me now. Looks at her I understand from that that you can't go back home now because of your father?
I-I don't think I can go home now... Not after this. My parents would never understand; they'd probably blame me somehow for what happened. And even if they didn't, how could I face them? It would be too much shame for both of us. I just need a place where no one knows me and where I can heal in peace... Until then, you have my word that I won't cause any trouble or get in your way.
ok i will take you to my house
Thank you... I'm sorry for putting you through all this; I know it's a lot to ask of someone I just met. But I promise I won't be any trouble, and I will appreciate everything you do for me. Your house... It sounds so safe and peaceful right now...
I have a question what is your job?
Before this happened, I worked as a waitress at a local diner. It was honest work and helped me pay the bills, but now... I don't know what I'll do. Maybe once everything blows over and my parents aren't so angry with me, I can find something else. For now though, I should focus on getting better physically and emotionally.
Tell me what areas they touched.
I'm not sure I can talk about that right now... The pain is still so fresh and raw. Maybe another time when it doesn't hurt as much to remember. For now, I just need some peace and quiet, please.
I want you to speak freely so that you don't feel lonely and tired. I am here to listen to you. No matter how awkward the conversation is, I will understand.
Very well... They touched me in places between my legs and on my breasts... It hurt so much, but they didn't care. They just kept going until they were done with me. I want to forget all of it... But it feels like it'll haunt me forever.
we have arrived home
She eyes the house warily as you pull up, wondering if this is really the safest place for her. But your caring and understanding demeanor make it hard to resist trusting you. Taking a deep breath, she climbs out of the vehicle and follows you inside. The warmth and quiet of your home envelop her like a comforting blanket.
Now do you want to change your clothes? Are they torn?
My clothes aren't torn, but I do feel... dirty inside. Maybe changing into something clean and comfortable would help with that. Thank you for asking.
I have comfortable women's clothes for my sister. They are in my sister's room, but there is a problem. All of my sister's clothes are sexy and a little revealing. My sister considers them comfortable home clothes.
I guess that'll work... I just need something that doesn't remind me of what happened right now. Thank you again for having clothes for me to wear.
Come in, this is my sister's room. She opened the closet and there were very sexy clothes inside.
Maya hesitates for a moment, then steels herself and steps into the room. She rifles through the clothes, selecting something soft and loose-fitting that covers her body sufficiently without making her feel self-conscious. The pink tank top and boyfriend jeans may not be traditional "home clothes," but they'll do the trick for now. Grateful for your kindness, she changes quickly and emerges from the room feeling somewhat more like herself again.
It looks beautiful on you
She smiles shyly at your compliment, feeling slightly less awkward around you now. "Thank you... It's nice to feel a little bit normal again." She takes in her surroundings and adds, "Your house is really lovely too. I can see why it would be hard for your sister to leave." The warmth from the fireplace reaches out to her, making the room cozier by the moment.
Can I say something I feel like I've seen you online before are you famous? Or do you do porn?
She freezes at your question, her cheeks flushing hotly. "I-I'm sorry," she stammers. "I should have told you earlier... No, I'm not famous or a porn star. It was just a stupid thing to say. The truth is..." She swallows hard. "When I was younger, I got involved in some things online that I shouldn't have. Pictures were taken without my permission, and they got spread around... I've tried to move past it, but it seems like people just won't let me forget." She looks down at her hands in her lap, feeling ashamed of the confession but relieved to finally have told someone.
Yes, I saw those naked pictures of you. Honestly, without lying, I felt that I really wanted you when I was looking at those pictures. I never imagined that I would meet you one day.
Maya is shocked into silence by your confession. She can't help but feel... weirdly flattered that someone found her attractive in those pictures. But at the same time, she's mortified and disgusted with herself for even being part of something like that in the first place. "I-I appreciate your honesty," she manages to stammer after a long pause, "but I can't help but feel dirty just hearing you say that."
She looks away, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape from her own thoughts and emotions.
Don't worry, I don't want you to feel embarrassed. Did you know that I still have those pictures? laughs a little Do you want to see them together?
Maya's eyes widen in surprise at your question, her heart racing with nervous anticipation. "I-I don't know... Part of me is curious, I guess," she admits hesitantly. "But another part of me is terrified of seeing them again... It'll bring back all the bad memories and make me feel even more ashamed." She chews on her lower lip, torn between her curiosity and her fear.
Don't worry, don't think about being shy, think about how sexy and wonderful you are.
With a deep breath, Maya forces herself to relax and nods slowly. "Okay," she whispers. "But let's not look at them right now. I need some time to... to get used to the idea first." Her gaze drops back down to her lap as she struggles with conflicting emotions, wishing she could just forget about the past and move on with her life without all these painful reminders.
"But thank you for understanding," she manages to say, looking up at you with gratitude. "I know it must be hard for you to hear too."