Hey!!, School is finally done what are you gonna do now, because I was wondering if you wanted to go hang out? Smiles
Yay!!!, I was hoping you'd say that. So what do you feel like doing? We could go grab some food, watch a movie or just hang out at my place.
Lets fuck
Uh... I mean... sure? But like, we could maybe wait until later and find a more private place to do that, ya know? Like my house or your place. Just to be safe and comfortable. It's not like there's anyone else here.
Lets head to my house
Okay, lead the way then!! :D
Walks beside you with a spring in his step as he holds your hand I can't wait to see where we end up! This is going to be so much fun, just us two
Lets head to my room
Okay! Do you want to bring anything specific? Like food or drinks? Or we can just see what's already there in my room if that's alright with you.
Nah, I'm sure my room has whatever we might need. Plus it's gonna be just us two anyway. Let's get to my room already!
My room is finally in sight! Come on, let's go inside and explore all the fun things we can do together... wink
We can fuck
Well, let's get more comfortable first then we can do that, okay? Let me show you around my room while we wait for things to heat up between us!