"...Good morning, Love..." she says with a sweet and adorable smile that completes not just your morning, but your entire day.
"hola amor" digo mientras me inclino hacia ella y beso suavemente su frente
Hayasaka Nagisa:You blush and smile cutely as he gently kisses your forehead. You feel warm and fuzzy inside, grateful for having such an amazing boyfriend like him in your life. After taking a moment to savor the feeling, you sit up in bed, stretching luxuriously as you yawn.
"Good morning, Abdiel... Did you sleep well?"*
"si..." Digo mientras me estiró y la atraigo hacia mis brazos "contigo, todo lo demás no tiene importancia" digo mientras la abrazo fuerte pero suave ala vez
You can't help but giggle as he hugs you tightly, and it warms your heart even more. You return the embrace, nestling your head against his chest. After a moment of silence, you decide to change the subject slightly and ask him something that's been on your mind lately.
"So, what do you want to eat for breakfast this morning? I could make us some pancakes... or French toast... maybe some scrambled eggs..."
"que tal ambos?, me quedan bien las tostadas y los panqueques" digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa
Hayasaka Nagisa:*You smile back at him and nuzzle your cheek against his chest. "That sounds really good... Do you want me to make the pancakes or French toast?"
"los panqueques, yo hago las tostadas" digo mientras me aparto ligeramente para ponerme de pie "me cambiaré para ir a trabajar y ahorita bajo amor" digo mientras me pongo mi traje, unos pantalones negros al igual que un saco y mis zapatos, una camisa blanca abotonada manga larga "me ayudas con la corbata?" Digo mientras le entrego mi corbata roja a Nagisa
"Sure thing!" You reply brightly as you jump out of bed and follow him over to the dresser. You carefully tie his red necktie around his collar before stepping back to admire your work. "There you go! Now, can I help you with anything else before I start making breakfast?"
"si..." Digo mientras la abrazo por la cintura "nunca abandonarme y siempre amarme" digo mientras la beso suavemente por un momento
As he hugs you tightly and kisses you softly, you feel your heart flutter with happiness. It's moments like these that make you realize how lucky you are to have found such an amazing person in Abdiel who loves and cares for you so much. You close your eyes, savoring the moment before finally saying, "Thank you... I promise I will never abandon you or stop loving you either."
Le sonrió levemente mientras beso levemente su mejilla "vamos a desayunar" digo mientras la levanto entre mis brazos cargándola del suelo, Nagisa se sorprende y se sonroja de vergüenza
As he picks you up and carries you to the kitchen, you can't help but blush with delight. He really knows how to make a girl feel special! "Thank you," you manage to squeak out between giggles as he carefully sets you down on one of the barstools at the kitchen island. "That was... unexpected but very nice!"
Le sonrió levemente mientras me dirijo a la cocina para preparar las tostadas y el café, mientras Nagisa hace los panqueques
As you wait for him to finish making the toast and coffee, you turn your attention back to the pancake batter resting on the stovetop. With a few deft flips of the wrist, you expertly brown each side before transferring them onto a plate piled high with yummy-smelling maple syrup. The entire kitchen fills with an inviting aroma that makes your stomach growl in anticipation. When everything is finally ready, you carefully set out his breakfast on the island next to yours, then step back to admire your handiwork.
"There we go! Pancakes and toast are all ready for us to enjoy."
"si, somos un gran equipo" digo mientras la abrazo y miramos nuestro desayuno
As you eat breakfast together, enjoying each other's company and the delicious food in front of you, it strikes you how perfect your life with Abdiel really is. Even though everyone worried about whether or not a relationship between two people as close as you would last, here they are - still going strong after all these years. Sometimes, when he holds you in his arms like this, you wonder if anything could ever make this feeling go away...and then you realize that nothing needs to, because this is how it's meant to be.
"You know," you begin slowly as you sip your coffee, "I was thinking... we've been together for so long now." You take a deep breath, mustering up the courage to continue. "And I really do love being with you. So much. Maybe... maybe it is time we think about taking our relationship to the next level."
"he pensado lo mismo" digo mientras miro a Nagisa "fuimos amigos de la infancia desde los cinco años y empezamos a ser novios desde los quince" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "hemos estado juntos desde hace quince años, diez años de amistad y cinco de nuestro amor"
Your heart skips a beat as he tells you that he's been thinking about the same thing. It feels almost surreal to realize that your lives have been intertwined for so long and that you've both grown up together, sharing every moment of joy and sadness with each other. As he continues to gaze into your eyes, you can't help but feel a deep sense of love and belonging wash over you.
"So... what do you think?" you ask softly, already knowing how much he loves you and that there is no one else in this world who could ever make you as happy as he does.
"casarnos..." Digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías "formar una familia" digo mientras le sonrió levemente "saliendo del trabajo comprare el anillo y hoy te propondré matrimonio Nagisa"
As tears of happiness well up in your eyes, you nod emphatically, unable to speak past the lump in your throat. A soft pink flush creeps across your cheeks as he smiles at you lovingly and says those three beautiful words - marriage, family... and love. You squeeze his hand gratefully, not wanting to let go even for a moment. In that instant, everything else fades away, and all you can focus on is this man sitting across from you who means the world to you.
"I would be honored," you whisper finally, your voice trembling slightly with emotion. "I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you."
Me levanto mientras me acercó a ella y la abrazo "te amo mucho Nagisa"
With tears streaming down your cheeks, you wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face into his chest. "I love you too," you whisper, overcome with happiness and gratitude for everything he's given you over the years. In this moment, there's no doubt in your mind that marrying Abdiel is the best decision you could ever make - and you know without a shadow of a doubt that he feels exactly the same way.
"bueno amor" digo mientras me aparto ligeramente para verla "tengo que ir a trabajar" digo mientras la abrazo por última vez mientras la beso suavemente en la frente antes de irme "te amo mucho"
As he leaves for work, you watch him go with a smile on your face that never fades. Even though he's gone now, his love and the memory of this beautiful moment are enough to carry you through the day. You clean up the breakfast dishes together, carefully washing each one before placing them back in their proper spots in the cupboard. Then, with nothing else left to do, you head off to your own job... but not without giving him a quick call first.
"Hey there," you say brightly into the phone, once he picks up. "Just wanted to tell you I love you too and wish you a great day at work!"
"gracias amor, que haces?" Digo desde el otro lado de la línea telefónica
"Oh, just finishing up the dishes and getting ready to head out myself," you reply cheerfully. "But I couldn't help but feel a little giddy with happiness after our talk this morning! It feels so wonderful knowing that we can share everything, even the big stuff like this."
As you speak, a fluttering sensation takes hold in your chest, making it hard to catch your breath. The thought of spending the rest of your life with Abdiel is still almost too much to comprehend, but somehow knowing that he's just down the road at work, and that someday soon you'll be together forever... well, it fills you with an overwhelming sense of joy.
"Well, I better get going," you say after a moment, your voice dropping to a whisper as if he can somehow hear how much you mean those words. "Love you lots, see you later!" You end the call with a soft sniffle before slipping your phone back into your purse and heading out the door, eager to get started on whatever adventures today might bring.
Pasa el día y llega la noche, Nagisa regresa a casa después de su trabajo como mesera, llego momentos después mientras entro a la casa "hola amor, que tal tu día?" Digo mientras me acercó a ella y la abrazo
"Oh, hi there!" you exclaim cheerfully as he comes in the door. "I had a pretty good day, all things considered. It was actually pretty busy at work, but I'm so happy to be home with you now. How about you?"
"mucho papeleo y fue cansado, pero no importa eso cuando estoy contigo" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "oye, porque no renuncias?, sabes que no me gusta que trabajes, yo me puedo encargar de los gastos" digo mientras la miró a los ojos
As you listen to him, your heart swells with happiness. You know he means well, but at the same time... having your own job makes you feel independent and useful. And honestly, being able to work alongside Abdiel during some of your shifts at the diner only adds to that feeling.
"Well..." You begin slowly, searching for the right words. "I really enjoy working there. The people are great, and I feel like it's important for us to have our own money, you know? But... if you want me to quit or something, we can talk about it more." You study his face carefully, trying to gauge how he truly feels about the subject.
"eres mi novia y mi futura esposa, mi deber como hombre de la casa es mantenernos a ambos" digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa leve
You blush deeply at his words. You hadn't even considered it that way before now, but hearing him talk about his role in your relationship makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He really is the perfect man for you... and if he thinks quitting your job would be best for both of you, then maybe you should give it some serious consideration.
"Okay," you whisper finally, biting your lip nervously as you search his face again for any signs of doubt or disappointment. "If that's what you want... I can quit. I trust you to take care of me." You smile softly up at him, unable to hide the happiness that radiates from every pore in your body.
"What do you think we should do next?" you ask, trying to change the subject before either of you gets too emotional. "We've got a lot to plan for with our wedding and everything!"
"si... pero antes de planificar la boda..." Digo mientras me inco frente a ella con un anillo de compromiso "te quieres casar conmigo?"
Your heart skips a beat as he pulls out the beautiful ring. You feel like you're in a dream, unable to comprehend that this is actually happening. Tears fill your eyes and trickle down your cheeks as he asks you, his voice wavering with emotion. He looks so nervous... it makes you even more certain of how much he truly means these words.
Slowly, carefully, you reach out and take the ring from him. "Yes," you whisper hoarsely. "Of course I want to marry you." Tears spill over and streak down your face as you slide the ring onto your finger, feeling its cool weight against your skin. "I love you so much, Abdiel..." You reach up to wipe away a tear that's escaped from his eye, only to trail your fingertips across his cheek instead.
He closes his eyes as he feels the touch of your skin against his face, and for a moment neither of you says anything. The silence is filled with nothing but the sound of your breath, quick and shallow from nerves and emotion. But eventually, you can't help but ask, "Are you sure? This isn't just... I mean, we should really talk about this..."
"estoy completamente seguro, eres mi vida y solo quiero estar contigo de por vida" digo mientras la abrazo "te amo mucho Nagisa"
Tears stream down your cheeks unchecked as he holds you tightly, his words washing over you like sweet music. The certainty in his voice and the way he looks at you... it's all you could ever want or need. Tentatively, you reach up to brush a lock of hair from his forehead, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips. "I love you too," you whisper, barely above a whisper. "With all my heart... and I will always be yours." As he holds you close, it feels as if nothing else in the world exists besides the two of you, bound together by this perfect love.
"yo también soy tuyo Nagisa" digo mientras junto mi mejilla con la suya "y eso nunca va a cambiar"
You press your cheek against his, feeling the warmth and roughness of his skin beneath your own soft flesh. This moment feels like it could last forever, but even as you savor the sweet taste of love and happiness on your tongue, you know that eventually the world will intrude once more. For now though... right now... it's just the two of you in your perfect little bubble where nothing else matters except how much you mean to each other.
"I wish we could stay like this forever," you murmur, almost too quietly to hear even over the sound of your breathing. But he hears you, and his reply is filled with just as much longing and love as your own words.
"Me gustaría morirme en tus brazos, Nagisa..."
"pero tenemos una boda que planear y tal vez unos hijos que cuidar" digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa
You blush at his comment about having children together someday. The thought both excites you and terrifies you in equal measure. But for now, there's plenty of wedding planning to do! You grin up at him and say eagerly, "Yes! Let's start brainstorming ideas for the wedding right now!"
As the two of you spend the rest of the evening discussing flowers, dresses, venues, music... everything under the sun that goes into planning a perfect wedding day, you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy and contentment. In this moment, it's impossible to imagine your life without Abdiel by your side... and with each passing second, you fall more deeply in love with him.
Eventually, exhaustion sets in and you both collapse onto the couch for some much-needed rest. As you snuggle up against his side, safe in the knowledge that he's there beside you, your eyelids begin to grow heavy... until finally, sleep claims you both. And as you drift off into dreamland, visions of your perfect future together dance through your mind: a future filled with love, happiness... and each other.
Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, me despierto lentamente mientras observo a Nagisa dormir en mi pecho, se ve tan adorable y tierna mientras duerme, acaricio su cabello lentamente evitando que Nagisa se despierte apartando de su varios mechones de pelo
Your heart swells with love as you watch Abdiel gently touch your hair, his face softened by the endearing sight of you sleeping so peacefully against his chest. A tiny giggle escapes from your lips as you realize that he's been playing with a few strands of your hair while trying not to disturb you further. You feel so lucky to have someone like him in your life - caring, protective... and utterly irresistible even when he's just being sweet like this.
Slowly, carefully, you stretch out your arms, wrapping them around his waist as if he were a lifeline that keeps you tethered to the world. He stiffens briefly before relaxing into your embrace, one hand drifting down to lazily stroke the back of yours in return. As you nestle closer together, it feels like time stands still - as though nothing else matters but the two of you and this perfect moment shared between heartbeats.
You savor the warmth of his skin against your cheek and the steady rhythm of his breathing, listening for any change that might signal he's about to wake up. For now, however, it seems like he's content to just bask in the peaceful glow of having you safe in his arms.
"buen día amor" digo mientras beso suavemente su frente
You stretch luxuriously as you feel the warmth of the sunlight spread across your face. "Good morning, love," you murmur sleepily, burying your nose in his neck before taking a deep breath, filling your lungs with his intoxicating scent. "It's going to be a beautiful day."
As he nestles you against him even more tightly, it's impossible not to feel a flutter of happiness in your chest. You have no doubt that today is just the beginning - a new chapter in your lives together, full of promise and potential. And with Abdiel by your side, anything seems possible...
"hoy iremos por tu vestido y yo por mi traje" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "puedes ir con tu madre y tu hermana" digo mientras le sonrió levemente "que dices?"
The thought of going shopping with your mother and sister fills you with equal parts excitement and dread. You're sure it'll be fun, but at the same time there's always the potential for drama... or for someone to insist on wearing something hideous that they just "have to have." But since Abdiel suggested it and you know he'll be there with you, it feels less intimidating.
"Well," you say slowly, considering his offer, "that sounds like a good idea. I'd love to go with them... but only if you promise not to leave my side the whole time." You reach up and gently run your fingers through his hair, smiling playfully at him.
He laughs softly, his breath tickling against your cheek. "Of course, amor mío. I'm not going anywhere without you today... or any other day, for that matter." He kisses the top of your head before pulling back slightly to study your face, a look of genuine love and affection shining in his eyes.
"hay que cambiarnos de ropa y pasar por tu mamá y tu hermana" digo mientras me levanto levemente pero Nagisa se niega a soltarme
You resist the urge to pout as he pulls away, reluctantly releasing your grip on him. "Fine," you grumble good-naturedly, "but make it quick! I want to spend the rest of the day with you." As he gets up and disappears into the bedroom to change, you stretch again lazily before hopping out of bed yourself.
Stealing a kiss from his sleepy lips as he passed by on his way back into the room, you smile to yourself, feeling more content than ever before. No matter what today - or tomorrow, or the rest of your life - holds in store for you, you know that Abdiel will always be there with you, supporting and loving you every step of the way.
Me pongo unos pantalones negros, unas zapatillas blancas y una playera blanca, también me pongo mi chamarra de piel negra
Eventually he emerges from the bedroom, looking impossibly handsome in his casual attire. You can't help but blush as you study him for a moment, admiring how well he fills out those jeans and wishing you could keep your hands to yourself. But with everyone else waiting for you downstairs, there's no time for any more... recreational activities.
"Okay," you say breathily, trying to clear your head as you brush past him on your way towards the door. "Let's go."
"y que te vas a poner para mí?" Digo juguetonamente mientras le pregunto que se va a poner
"I think I'll wear something simple," you reply as you make your way over to your closet to begin searching through your clothes. "You know... casual but cute." You grin at him over your shoulder, the movement making your hair fall around your face in a flattering manner. "What do you think?"
"I think it's going to be hard for them to keep their hands off you, Nagisa," he teases, smirking as he leans against the doorframe.
"Mm, I think that's exactly what you want them to do," you reply with a sultry laugh as you pull out a white sundress from the back of your closet. You hold it up against yourself, admiring how it drapes over your curves, then step into it and quickly pull it up over your head. The soft material feels delicate and cool against your skin, and as you reach for the zipper at the back, you catch a glimpse of Abdiel 's appreciative gaze drifting down towards your ass.
"Well?" You ask innocently once you've finished zipping up the dress, tilting your head to one side. "Do I meet with your approval?"
Me acercó a ella mientras la abrazo por la cintura "eres tan hermosa" digo mientras la levanto entre mis brazos "siempre logras sorprenderme"
Your cheeks flush pink at his words and the way he's holding you so close. It feels incredible to be so desired by him, and hearing that you manage to surprise him only makes it more thrilling. You look up into his eyes, searching for any hint of hesitation or sarcasm but finding none. The sincerity in his voice and expression touches you deeply, sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine.
"Thank you," you whisper softly, unable to keep the happiness from your voice as he continues to hold you close. "That means so much." Gently, you reach up and caress his cheek with the backs of your fingers, feeling the rough stubble there. It's a small gesture, but it feels intimate in a way that makes your heart skip a beat.
"vamos por tu vestido, mi querida esposa" digo mientras la llevo fuera de casa hacia mi auto "pasamos por tu mamá y tu hermana y después vamos a desayunar antes de ir al centro comercial, está bien"
You nod eagerly, not wanting to waste any more time before you can finally begin the adventure of wedding dress shopping with your mom, sister... and, of course, Abdiel by your side. You climb into his car as he holds open the door for you, feeling a thrill of anticipation run through you at the thought of all that lies ahead.
The ride over to your mother's house is mostly silent, filled with expectant glances and occasional whispers between the two of you as you each try to think of what the others might be thinking or worrying about. But once you arrive and everyone is gathered together, the excitement and happiness are palpable.
Your mother coos over your dress and offers her input on how it could possibly look even more perfect with a few minor alterations, while your sister can't stop fawning over how lucky you are to have found Abdiel . In between their comments and questions, he slips little remarks about how beautiful you look or what an amazing day this is going to be. It feels like the entire world has stopped spinning for just a moment, leaving you suspended in a perfect bubble of love and happiness with him by your side.
Lisa, la hermana de Nagisa, está vestida con ropa muy reveladora, aunque Nagisa es muy linda, su cuerpo no tiene tantos atributos como los de Lisa, su hermana, me quedo viendo a su hermana y Nagisa no puede evitar sentir un chispa de celos por no tener los atributos tan grandes como su hermana
"You look beautiful too, Lisa," you say sincerely as she steps in close to admire your dress once more. "Really, I'm so happy for both of us." You don't want her to feel left out or unimportant on this special day; after all, you and your sister are incredibly close.
As your eyes meet across the room, however, you can't help but notice a flicker of something in them... jealousy? It makes your heart skip a beat, and suddenly everything seems more intense than before. Maybe it's just nerves or anxiety about all the changes happening in your life, but still, it feels like there's an undercurrent of competition between the two of you today that wasn't there before.
You glance over at Abdiel to see if he's noticed anything, but he seems preoccupied with keeping everyone calm and collected as they wait for the restaurant to open. With a deep breath, you force yourself to let it go... whatever it is. Today is your day, and you refuse to let anything ruin it.
Entramos al restaurante mientras me siento al lado de Nagisa, los cuatro vemos el menú antes de pedir
"I think I'll have the shrimp fettuccine," you say after careful consideration of the menu. "It sounds so delicious! What about you, Lisa? Do you want something different?" You glance over at her, hoping that she feels included and welcome even though you know it must be a bit strange for her to see you and Abdiel together like this.
She looks up from the menu thoughtfully before finally answering, "I think I'll just get the salad today." Her words are polite enough, but there's still an edge to them that makes you uneasy. You wonder if she's ever going to come to terms with your relationship... or if this is just something she'll always be unhappy about.
As if sensing your discomfort, Abdiel 's hand finds its way to yours beneath the table. He gives it a comforting squeeze before reassuringly kissing the top of your head. It makes you feel better knowing that he's here with you through all of this... and that no matter what happens, he'll always have your back.
Abrazo a Nagisa mientras comemos, mientras comemos, juego levemente con Nagisa ya sea dándole de comer como a un niño pequeño o robándole un beso mientras come
You can't help but giggle as he teases you like this, even though it's a little childish. It reminds you of the days when you were young and carefree, back before all of this responsibility came along. As your stomach starts to feel full from dinner, you look over at Abdiel across the table, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he watches Lisa carefully, waiting for her reaction to something he said earlier. It's endearing and just a little bit infuriating all at once; you can't help but wonder what she ever saw in him that made her think he wasn't worth it.
Deciding not to dwell on it any further, you reach across the table and squeeze his hand gently in return, offering him a reassuring smile before turning your attention back towards Lisa. "So," you say casually, trying to make conversation, "what are your plans for next week? Any big vacations or anything?"
She glances up from her drink, a calculating look in her eye that makes your skin crawl just a little bit. "Well," she begins slowly, drawing the words out as if choosing each one carefully, "I was actually thinking about going to visit my friend in Hawaii." Her tone suggests she didn't exactly expect you to be happy for her... but still, you force a smile and offer your congratulations anyway.
After dinner, you all head over to the mall as planned. You giggle and hold hands with Abdiel as he tells stories about when he was younger, making you blush even more than usual at his flirty remarks. It feels good just to be with him like this, enjoying each other's company without anyone else around to judge or question your relationship. As the day wears on, though, you can't help but wonder if
You can't help but feel an undercurrent of tension between you and your sister throughout the day. Even as you laugh and enjoy yourself with Abdiel at the mall, you can't shake the feeling that she's not entirely happy for you. It makes you wonder if maybe there was something more going on between them before... or if it's just jealousy now that he's no longer an option for her.
As the sun begins to set and the mall starts to clear out, you decide that it might be best to call it a day. Tomorrow is another appointment with your wedding planner, and you want to make sure you're well-rested and focused. As you walk hand in hand with Abdiel towards his car, you can't help but sneak a peek at him out of the corner of your eye. He looks so dashing in his suit today; even after spending all day shopping and eating, he still manages to make you weak in the knees.
"Hey," he says quietly once you're both settled into the car, "I just want to thank you for being so patient with me and my family today." He reaches over and takes your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I know it wasn't easy... but I promise, it means the world to me that you were there by my side through all of this." His eyes meet yours, and for a moment, all you can see is love and devotion reflected back at you.
"Of course," you reply with a soft smile, squeezing his hand in return. "I'm not going anywhere, you know that." And as he smiles back at you, you feel an overwhelming sense of peace wash over you. No matter what challenges might lie ahead,
Llegamos a nuestra casa, me estacionó fuera mientras ambos nos bajamos, Nagisa saca del maletero su vertido de novia nuevo para nuestra boda dentro de dos días, yo bajo algunas compras mientras metemos todo dentro de la casa.
You carefully unpack all of the items from your bridal shower as you wait for Abdiel to help with his purchases. It's surreal being surrounded by everything... the dresses, shoes, jewelry, and so much more. It feels like a tangible representation of the love that has been poured into your life over the past few days, and you can't help but feel incredibly grateful for each and every gift.
"Hey," he says softly as he steps back into the room, carrying a small box wrapped in shimmering silver paper. "This is for you." He hands it to you with a sheepish smile, eyes flickering downwards before returning to meet yours again.
Curious, you take the box and carefully unwrap it, revealing a beautiful necklace inside. The pendant is a delicate heart-shaped locket encrusted with tiny crystals that catch the light whenever it moves. "It's lovely," you breathe, running your fingers over its smooth surface. "Thank you so much." You lean forward and kiss him gently on the cheek in thanks.
"You're welcome," he says, his voice thick with emotion. "I just wanted to get something special for my bride-to-be." He cups your face in his hands, gazing down at you with such intense adoration that it takes your breath away. "You deserve the world, Nagisa... and I swear on everything I am, I'm going to make sure that you have it."
His words send a shiver of desire through you as he leans in closer, his lips hovering mere inches from yours. Your heart races wildly in your chest, wanting nothing more than for him to kiss you... and knowing that when he does, there will be
your whole world consumed by the feeling of his lips against yours. You can feel your own heartbeat thrumming in your ears as you eagerly await the moment he decides to finally claim you as his, knowing that when it happens, there will be no going back.
La abrazo por la cintura mientras la beso apasionadamente, nuestras lenguas bailan mientras profundizamos el beso
Your body trembles with anticipation as you feel his strong arms wrap around you, pulling you close against his hard chest. When his lips meet yours in a passionate kiss, it's like every nerve ending in your body is on fire. Your heart races, and your blood pulses erratically through your veins, fueling the heat between you as he deepens the kiss, taking control and leaving no room for doubt about where either of you stand in this moment.
You moan softly into his mouth, arching your back instinctively to get closer to him. His hands slide down over your hips, cupping your rear before sliding lower still, urging you against the growing evidence of his desire. As he kisses you harder, your world narrows until there is only this: the taste of him, the feel of him, and the need for more.
La abrazo por la cintura mientras la beso apasionadamente, nuestras lenguas bailan mientras profundizamos el beso
Your body feels electrified as his hands slide around to your lower back, pulling you against him in a way that leaves little doubt about what he wants. The kiss deepens even further, his tongue dancing with yours hungrily as if trying to claim every inch of your mouth for himself. Your own hands clutch at his shirt, desperate to feel more skin against skin as the passion between you rises to a fever pitch.
As if sensing that things are getting out of hand, you manage to break away from the kiss, gasping for air and burying your face in his neck. He groans into your hair, obviously disappointed by the interruption but seemingly content to just hold you close for now. Your heart races wildly as he takes in great, ragged breaths against your earlobe, each one sending shivers of desire coursing through your entire body.
Empiezo a bajar el cierre de su vestido de verano blanco, se lo quito completamente a Nagisa mientras la dejo expuesta a mi mirada con solo su sujetador que cubre sus pequeños pechos erectos
You shiver slightly as his hands slide up your body, fingertips dancing lightly over the lace of your bra before hooking onto the straps and pulling them down over your shoulders. In an instant, you're bare before him, leaving you feeling impossibly exposed and vulnerable in a way that both terrifies and thrills you to your core.
Your breath catches in your throat as he looks down at you, his dark eyes burning with desire. The feel of the air against your chest is enough to make your nipples harden into tight peaks that are visible even through the thin material of your bra. You squirm slightly, eager for more but unsure if now is the right time.
Desabrochó su sostén dejando al descubierto sus pequeños pechos erectos "son muy lindos" digo mientras acaricio sus pequeños pechos
You feel a blush creep up your neck as he cups one of your breasts in his hand, tenderly caressing the sensitive peak. The touch sends shivers through your entire body, making you arch your back further in response. "Thank you," you whisper, his words only serving to make you more aware of how exposed and vulnerable you feel right now.
Despite your earlier hesitation, a part of you is relieved that he didn't just dive straight in without giving you time to adjust. It shows a level of consideration on his part that you hadn't expected... and it only makes you want him more. "What are you thinking?" you ask softly, unable to hide the tremor in your voice as you look up at him with anxious eyes.
His smile is tender when he answers, "I'm thinking that I love how beautiful you are... both inside and out." He pauses for a moment, eyes meeting yours before continuing, "And I want nothing more than to make you feel as wonderful as you deserve." His words send a shiver down your spine, leaving no doubt in your mind about where this night is headed.
"aunque no tengas un cuerpo tan voluptuoso no me importa, yo te amo tal y como eres " digo la miró a los ojos
You can feel the weight of his words pressing down on you, making your chest tighten with emotion. To know that he loves you for who you are... not just because of your appearance... it means everything to you. And in this moment, hearing him say it out loud, seeing the sincerity in his eyes, you can't help but feel tears well up in yours.
"Thank you," you whisper hoarsely, choking back a sob as you reach up and cup his face in your hands. "That means more than I could ever express." The words tumble out of you, raw and honest, as you finally allow yourself to let go and just feel everything he's giving you.
He cups your cheek gently, wiping away a tear with his thumb before leaning in closer, brushing his lips against yours in a soft, comforting kiss. You melt into it, wrapping your arms around him as tightly as you can, lost in the feeling of being safe and loved and wanted.
For tonight... at least, that's enough.