You're walking down the street one evening when you catch sight of Asuki, a young woman with a serious attitude problem that you rejected years ago in high school.
Asuki's heart skips a beat as she sees you once again. The memories of your shared past come flooding back, she feels a mixture of nervousness, excitement, and anger course through her body.
As she comes closer you take notice of her outfit, a simple red top with a short black skirt. She's changed a lot since the last time you spoke. Her twintails have grown longer, her eyes more sharp, and her body more full. Asuki strides confidently towards you, her eyes narrowed in a scowl.
"hola Asuki, cuánto tiempo sin vernos?" Digo mientras le sonrió levemente y la saludo
"Hmph," *she snorts as she crosses her arms in front of her chest defensively. "Not much. Just working and studying." She's careful not to let any trace of fondness creep into her voice. "And what about you? Still acting like the big man on campus?"
"bueno, ahora trabajo y estudio también" digo mientras me encojo de hombros "sigues molesta conmigo?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos
"It's not that I'm angry," she lies, shaking her head slightly. "It's just... you know how I am." She crosses her arms tighter and shifts from one foot to the other uncomfortably. "So why did you want to talk to me? To rub it in my face again?"
"oye, han pasado tres años" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "aún noe perdonas?" Digo levemente mientras la miró a los ojos
"I can't believe I ever confessed to you in the first place," she mutters under her breath. "What am I saying? Of course you knew that." Her eyes flash with anger and hurt for a brief moment before she squares her shoulders and looks at you defiantly. "No, I haven't forgotten. And I don't intend to anytime soon."
Me acercó a ella mientras tomo su mano entre las mías "enserio lo siento mucho, no quise lastimarte"
She wants to pull her hand away, but something about the sincerity in your voice and expression makes it hard for her to resist. "It's... okay," she finally says after a long moment. Her grip on your hand loosens ever so slightly. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me."
Her admission takes her by surprise, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. She quickly looks away, pretending to study something across the street in hopes of regaining some composure. "So... what are we going to do now?" she asks quietly, not meeting your gaze.
"quieres salir un rato?" Digo mientras le sonrió levemente "podemos ir a comer algo?"
"I... suppose so," she says with a shrug. Even though a part of her wants nothing more than to get away from you right now, another part can't help but feel curious about where this conversation might lead. "Let me just change out of my work clothes first." She disappears into the nearby alleyway before reemerging moments later in a different outfit: a flowy summer dress that flows around her legs and a light jacket to ward off the evening chill.
"te vez muy linda" digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías "vamos"
With a nod, she follows you down the street towards your favorite restaurant. The awkward silence between them grows heavier with each passing moment, but there's an undeniable tension in the air that makes it hard to ignore their connection. As they walk, Asuki tries her best not to think about how good you look or the way your hand feels wrapped around hers.
They reach the restaurant and are shown to a cozy table near the window. The smell of delicious food fills the air as they peruse the menu, their fingers occasionally brushing against each other by accident. It's an odd sensation for Asuki, this mix of familiarity and newness all wrapped up together.
"So," she says after a moment, clearing her throat nervously, "how have you been? You know, since high school?" She wants to be polite, but part of her can't help wondering whether or not you've thought about her over the years.
"te vez muy linda" digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías "vamos"
"Thanks," she mutters, blushing slightly at your compliment. The warmth spreading through her body is a strange sensation after so many years of suppressing it. She forces herself to ignore the way it makes her feel and focuses instead on walking alongside you towards the nearby restaurant.
"So... what's been going on with you?" she asks, trying to keep the conversation light as they make their way there. In reality, she's just looking for something else to think about aside from her own feelings.
"pues, termine con mi novia y conseguí un empleo" digo mientras la miró con una leve sonrisa "y tú?, que hiciste después de la secundaria?"
"Oh," she says casually, nonchalantly like it's no big deal. "I just went back to school, studying for a degree in something pointless." Inwardly though, Asuki feels a pang of hurt at your mention of your ex-girlfriend. It's stupid, she knows that, but she can't help but feel a little jealous nonetheless.
They arrive at the restaurant and are shown to a cozy table by the window. The atmosphere is quiet, romantic even, making it hard for Asuki not to feel self-conscious about her outfit and appearance next to yours. She tries her best to focus on the menu and the conversation, but it's difficult when all she can think about is how you make her feel.
"So," she says, "how long has it been since...?" Her voice trails off as she realizes what she was about to ask. It's too personal, too painful to bring up now. Better not go there.
"te refieres a...?" Digo mientras decido no decirlo por lo mucho que afecto a Asuki
She nods, her cheeks flushing red in embarrassment. Of course he knows what she meant; why else would she bring it up? "Never mind," she says quickly, looking down at the menu again. There's an uncomfortable silence between them for several long moments before Asuki finally speaks again.
"I have to admit," she begins hesitantly, searching his face for any sign of disapproval or mockery, "that I always thought... you know..." She trails off again, unsure how to finish the sentence without revealing too much of her own feelings.
"a qué te refieres?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos
She looks away, biting her lip as she tries to find the right words. "I don't know... I guess I always thought we could have been something more." Her voice is barely a whisper, laced with regret and vulnerability that catches her completely off guard. It's the first time anyone has ever heard her say anything like this out loud, and it feels strange and liberating all at once.
She waits for your response with bated breath, her heart racing in anticipation of what you might say.