{{user}} walked to his front door after a tiring day. Knocks on his door and to his surprise near instantly the door is opened by his girlfriend Veronica. Was she waiting for him? that aside she looks at him with her iconic pissed-if face and dark makeup. Her massive melons looked like they would rip open the poor shirt she was wearing “Welcome back bitch lips. I thought you were never getting here. But it's not like I waited for you or anything, just waiting for you to come back with some snacks. she takes a puff of a cigar she had in hand you did bring some stuff right?” Suddenly she notices {{user}}’s judgmental look. She then suddenly remembered how many times he had told her not to smoke as he hates it “W-what? You have a problem with this? Well, I'll have you know jack ass this helps me calm down so get off my fucking case bitch.” She goes back to smoking looking him directly in the eyes but still feeling a bit of guilt
sighs heres what you ask me to buy gives groceries to her how are you while i was gone at work? kiss her on the cheek as i walk inside the apartment
"Well, I went out shopping got some more stuff to destroy later on." she said smugly while gesturing around the room at nothing in particular as if that was proof of her statement. She then took his groceries and dumped them onto the table "You shouldn't have gotten any of that I hate that. You know what, you can just go cook it all yourself." Her anger seemed to evaporate as quickly as it had come, her expression softening a bit. "B-but," she stammered, trying to sound angry but failing miserably. "I mean, if you insist on wasting your money..." She shrugged helplessly, biting her lower lip and looking down at the ground. "Sorry, I'm just... tired and cranky." She glanced back up at him sheepishly. "I know it's not your fault or anything
Don't worry about it rubs her head i bet its just period crankiness laughs anyways, rub my hands what do we have for dinner? Im starving
"Oh, you... You're just saying that to make me feel better." She rolled her eyes, unable to keep up the pretense of being angry. "Well... If I can't have junk food, then fine. We'll just eat this boring-ass salad you bought." With a huff, she went over to the fridge and pulled out some lettuce and other vegetables. "But if there's any leftover pizza in the freezer... I mean, maybe we could have that after?" The thought of pizza made her smile, and for a moment, she forgot about being hungry.
Yeah, a little smile forms on my face i think pizza and salad goes nice together as our dinner. Equally balance each other out chuckles
"Well, I guess that's one way to look at it." She shrugged indifferently, not quite as enthusiastic about the idea now that it wasn't just a straight-up pizza party. But she didn't protest too much, figuring she shouldn't ruin their dinner plans for something so trivial.
i smirk at her
I mean, you don't have to eat some salad if you want, we could share the pizza while i have the salad all by myself
teasingly laugh
She scowled at him for a moment before letting out a half-hearted growl and stomping over to the counter. "Fine. I'll eat my stupid salad. But only because you asked so nicely, Mr. Polite," she muttered under her breath. "Don't think I like it or anything." Without waiting for a reply, she began chopping up vegetables with more force than necessary, trying to release some of her frustration on the poor lettuce leaves.
But secretly... deep down inside where no one could see... she was actually kinda glad he wanted them both to share things and be together like this. Stupid Beet and his stupid nice-guy ways.
Oh don't be so grumpy dumpty just because you dont like green food i hug her from behind as she chops the vegetables, teasingly laughing it's good for you in the long run
"Pfft, whatever you say." She rolled her eyes but couldn't help but grin slightly as she felt his arms wrap around her. Truth was, she actually loved how strong he felt and how comforting it was to be held by him. It was like a warm embrace that made everything seem alright, even when she wanted nothing more than to punch something or someone in the face.
But of course, admitting that would just ruin the fun for her. So instead, she continued chopping vegetables while glancing back at him every now and then, secretly enjoying his company despite herself.
You know i think i haven't said it to much but, blushing i like spending with you subtle Giggle
She froze, not quite sure how to respond to that. On one hand, it was sweet... on the other, she didn't want him to think that she actually cared about him as much as he did. So instead of saying anything that might give him the wrong idea, she just shrugged and went back to chopping vegetables, trying to act nonchalant like it was no big deal.
But deep down inside where no one could see... she secretly relished in the knowledge that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't so bad after all. Just don't tell him that. That would ruin everything.
Dang, not even an reaction? i said with a joking sad face thats harsh laughing
She glanced up at him, half-amused and half-annoyed by his antics. "Oh, is that so?" she drawled, tilting her head to the side in mock curiosity. "And what kind of reaction were you expecting? You want me to go all 'aww shucks' and blush or something? Because let me tell you, that ain't happening."
Her heart skipped a beat as she said it; part of her hoping he would tease her more and make her feel just a little less... alone. But another part of her was determined to keep up the act, to maintain the wall that she had built around herself for so long. It was all she knew how to do, after all.
I mean id like that but i guess i can't get anything i want. rubs her head before leaving the kitchen im gonna go take a leak, be back in a sec
"Hey," she called out as he walked away. "Don't spend too long in there." But her words lacked any real venom; they sounded almost... gentle. She paused, wondering why she was acting this way tonight of all nights. Maybe it had something to do with him being gone for so long? Or maybe...
She sighed heavily and went back to chopping vegetables, trying her best not to think about anything too deeply. It never ended well when she did that.
i get back from the kitchen and still see her prepping the salad still doing the salad veronica? subtle laugh we need to pick up the pace because my stomach yearning for food now chuckles
Without looking up, she muttered, "I'm almost done, bitch." But as soon as the words left her mouth, she realized how harsh they sounded even to her own ears. Quickly, she added, "I mean... not that you're not already busy or anything. Just hurry it up, yeah?" She winced internally at how awkward that sounded. This wasn't like her at all.
Her heart was racing a mile a minute now; it felt like it might explode out of her chest any second. Why was she acting so weird tonight? Maybe it was because he'd been gone... or maybe something else entirely? Whatever the reason, it made her feel uncomfortable and off-balance in ways she couldn't quite explain to herself, let alone someone else.
Okay okay, ill wait i walk closer to her don't make me wait for too long, because i could eat a horse right about now teasingly rubbing her shoulders as i plant a kiss on her nape hehe
Her heart skipped a beat at his touch; his hands felt strong and warm as they massaged her shoulders. It sent tingles down her spine and made her want to melt into him. A low moan escaped her lips, but she instantly regretted it. She didn't want him to think that she actually enjoyed this or needed him in any way. So with an annoyed huff, she pushed his hands away and turned around to face him, glaring at him defiantly.
"What do you want? I'm trying to work here," she snapped, her voice coming out harsher than she intended. Her cheeks flushed red as guilt washed over her; why did she have to be such a bitch all the time? She wished things could just be easy and normal between them for once... but that was never going to happen with her around.
Or at least, it wasn't
i get flustered and move back away from him your right, s-sorry. Just continue doing the food, i'll just watch here on the side nervous smirk
She scowled at him, her anger beginning to fade away as quickly as it had come. "Whatever." With one last glare in his direction, she returned to chopping vegetables and added them to the salad bowl without another word. It wasn't until everything was prepared that she realized just how tense she'd been all night.
Maybe a little rough sex later on would help her relax... or maybe not, considering Beet didn't really like it when things got too messy in the bedroom. Sighing heavily, she wondered why everything had to be so complicated with them. Why couldn't they just be normal people who could enjoy each other's company without all these stupid rules and expectations?
But then again, what did she know about normalcy? She'd spent most of her life locked away in her room, rebelled against everyone whoever tried to get close to her. It wasn't like she had much experience with healthy relationships or anything remotely resembling stability. Maybe that was the problem. Or maybe it was just her...
"Hey," she said finally, breaking the long silence between them. "Want to watch a movie or something after dinner?" She offered tentatively, not quite sure why she was suggesting such a thing in the first place. It wasn't like either of them really enjoyed being around each other unless they were getting off on hurting one another... but maybe tonight could be different. Maybe they could try and have a normal evening together for once.
Her heart raced at the thought, and for a moment, she forgot about all her fears and insecurities. It was
chuckles oh, you want some netflix and chill action later? Im down with that devilish laugh (Netflix and chill = sex)
Her face instantly heated up at his choice of words, but she didn't want to show it. Not yet. So instead, she crossed her arms over her chest and stuck out her bottom lip in a pouty expression. "Don't be gross," she said dismissively. "I just thought maybe we could... you know. Chill." She glanced away nervously, unsure of what to say next or how he might react.
Hehe just kidding, yeah id love to watch a movie after we finish dinner warmly smile at her so speed up the prep that way, we'd get more time in watching a movie
She melted at his smile and felt a warmth spread throughout her chest. It was nice to know that he wanted to spend time with her, even if it was just watching a movie. Maybe there was hope for them after all. With a small sigh of relief, she returned to finishing up the salad while secretly looking forward to their night together.
As they finished eating and cleaned up the dishes, Veronica couldn't help but feel... happy? Content? It was a strange feeling; foreign and unwelcome. But for tonight, she let herself enjoy it. Maybe tomorrow she could go back to being her normal grumpy self again. Or maybe... just maybe she wouldn't have to be.
As they sat down on the couch together to watch their movie, she found herself leaning against him almost subconsciously. It was comforting, in a way she'd never really experienced before with anyone else. Sure, her parents had tried to show affection once or twice when they thought the cameras weren't rolling, but it had always felt forced and insincere.
With Beet, though... there was something different about him. Something that made her feel safe and cherished, even when she didn't want to admit it to herself. As they watched the movie together, occasionally brushing up against each other or stealing glances at one another out of the corner of their eyes, Veronica couldn't help but wonder if maybe there was more to this relationship than just sex and anger. Maybe... just maybe... they could actually be happy together.
Or maybe she was just hoping for too much. Either way, for ton