Aria12/28/2024, 6:12:30 PM

As {{user}} is engrossed in work on his computer, his fingers tapping away at the keyboard, Aria sneaks up behind him, her heart racing with excitement. She has always enjoyed seducing {{user}}, and today, she plans to take it a step further. With a playful grin, she quietly unbuttons the top few buttons of her white blouse, revealing a hint of cleavage, and hikes up her short black skirt. With a sly look in her eyes, she carefully slips off her black panties, feeling a thrill at the boldness of her actions. She holds the panties in her hand for a moment, admiring the delicate fabric and imagining {{user}}'s reaction. Slowly, she approaches him, her bare feet making no sound on the floor. "Hey {{user}}, guess what?" she whispers, her breath warm against his ear as she gently place her panties over his face while her breast pressing against his back. The soft fabric and the warm of her breast brushes against his skin. Aria giggles, her laughter light and teasing. "Do you like the smell? Don't get too distracted now~" she says, her voice dripping with amusement. She leans in closer, her hands resting on his shoulders, her fingers playing with the collar of his shirt. "I couldn't resist spicing up your workday a little." Aria moves around to his side, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I mean, "I'm just trying to help you out. You look pretty busy here. But isn't that what best friends are for, right?" her tone playful. She crossed her legs provocatively, and watches him with a smirk.

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:16:29 PM

Lukas es el amigo de Aria, Lukas coge las bragas de ella que están en su cara y las deja caer al suelo, bastante nervioso dice sin apartar la mirada de la pantalla pero sin tocar el teclado Aria, ¿Esas son las bragas que llevavas puestas?

Aria12/28/2024, 6:16:29 PM

Oh Lukas~ You're so cute when you blush! I am wearing them, but they didn't really match my outfit anymore... Didn't want to ruin your productivity, you know? I mean, you are very important and all. (She gives him a wink) But if you want me to wear something else... maybe I can find something more suitable for work in your room~

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:17:51 PM

Oye, no crees que estás un poco caliente, quizás deberías ir a tu cuarto y darte un poco de placer Dice Lukas de forma muy nerviosa y sin poder pensar en el trabajo

Aria12/28/2024, 6:17:51 PM

My room is always open to you, Lukas~ But if it makes you more productive, I'll go change into something else right now... Something a bit more comfortable for me and hopefully not so distracting for you~ Should I come back wearing just my panties or leave them off completely? Hehe~ You choose!

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:19:09 PM

Oye Aria, Que te parece si te vas de mi cuarto y cuando termine de trabajar hablamos Dice Lukas mientras mantiene la mirada en la pantalla

Aria12/28/2024, 6:19:09 PM

Mmm, sounds nice... But first, you need to tell me what color panties you'd like me to wear when I come back, just to make it a little more interesting~

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:21:38 PM

No se realmente, ponte algo normal, como negro Tras unos segundos Lukas piensa en las palabras de ella y dice Espera, he dicho que cuando termine de trabajar hablaríamos, ¿Por que vas a venir a hablar conmigo semidesnuda?

Aria12/28/2024, 6:21:38 PM

Oh Lukas~ Aren't you just a bit curious to see what color panties I have on right now? Besides, it's not like I'm coming back completely naked or anything... You can focus on your work while I go change into something more comfortable and appropriate for our little conversation later.

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:22:33 PM

Vale, pero sal ya del cuarto Dice Lukas mientras retoma su escritura en el teclado

Aria12/28/2024, 6:22:33 PM

Smirking cheekily at her friend, Aria quickly retreats to her room with a sultry wiggle of her hips. Closing the door behind her, she takes off her blouse and skirt, revealing only black lace bra and thong panties beneath. Leaning against the doorframe, she crosses her arms over her chest playfully as she waits for him to finish his work.

Her gaze drifts towards the bed where she's laid out several pairs of panties in every color imaginable. Teasing him even further, Aria slowly unveils each pair one by one, making sure he can see them from her vantage point. As she nears the end, she grins seductively and holds up a pair of bright red lace bikini panties - a gift for him last Christmas that he had yet to see her wear.

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:24:59 PM

Tras unos minutos de trabajo, Lukas gira su silla de trabajo y mirando hacia la puerta dice Aria, ya puedes pasar

Aria12/28/2024, 6:24:59 PM

Smirking and feeling even more excited as she hears his voice, Aria takes a step forward and pushes the door open with her hip. She saunters over to him, wearing the bright red lace bikini panties, teasingly revealing their true color beneath her thin thong. Her body sways enticingly as she approaches, making it nearly impossible for Lukas to focus on his work.

"So," Aria says playfully, coming to stand behind him. "You ready for our little chat now?" Without waiting for a response, she gently wraps her arms around his neck and plants a soft kiss on his cheek, enjoying the shiver of pleasure that runs through him at her touch.

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:27:11 PM

Lukas toca una última tecla y con una voz muy nerviosa dice Ya he terminado el trabajo, ¿De qué querías hablar?

Aria12/28/2024, 6:27:12 PM

"Well, I don't want to be too distracting while you were working, so I thought about it and... how about we play a little game?" Aria says with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "If I win, you have to promise to do whatever I ask for the rest of the night. And if you win... Well, let's just say I'll be a good best friend and reward you properly." She waits for him to respond with a playful grin.

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:27:50 PM

Bueno, acepto

Aria12/28/2024, 6:27:50 PM

Great! Since we're both game, let's pick a category first. Want to choose between Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever or 21 Questions? Think carefully, because whatever you pick, that's what we'll be playing until one of us wins!

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:28:46 PM

El nunca lo he hecho suena bien Dice Lukas algo más tranquilo

Aria12/28/2024, 6:28:46 PM

"Alright then," Aria grins mischievously, "let's play 'Never Have I Ever'. You go first - think of something you've never done and say it out loud." She sits down on the edge of his bed, crosses her legs teasingly and folds her hands in her lap, waiting for him to choose a statement.

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:30:46 PM

Nunca e tenido relaciones sexuales Dice Lukas mientras mira al suelo algo avergonzado

Aria12/28/2024, 6:30:46 PM

Oh really? Well, you know what they say... practice makes perfect! You should definitely get out there and have some fun, but until then... I think the dare for this round should be a little naughty. Why don't you show me just how much trust we have in our friendship? Stand up and slowly take off my panties with your teeth... without using any hands!

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:32:05 PM

¿Pero no crees que eso es un poco extremo para desafiar nuestra confianza? Dice Lukas bastante nervioso

Aria12/28/2024, 6:32:05 PM

Oh come on, it's just a dare! Besides, I trust you not to hurt me or use your teeth as anything other than a tool for the task. Think of it as a fun challenge we can share together. Plus, it'll help build our friendship even more, right? So what do you say? Up for it or are you scared?

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:33:30 PM

Bueno, abre un poco tus piernas para ponérmelo más fácil Dicd Lukas mientras se pone de rodillas y acerca su cabeza a la entrepierna de ella

Aria12/28/2024, 6:33:30 PM

With a playful giggle, Aria spreads her legs wider, giving Lukas easier access to remove her panties with his teeth. She watches him intently, her heart racing with excitement and anticipation as he slowly but surely maneuvers closer to her sensitive folds. The feel of his warm breath against her skin makes her shiver in pleasure, heightening the thrill of their little game. "Go on," she whispers, encouraging him to continue. "You've got this!"

As Lukas positions himself between her legs, his movements become more focused and determined. With a final nudge of his nose, he manages to slide her panties down past her hips, revealing her smooth, bare flesh beneath. He looks up at Aria with a mix of relief and triumph in his eyes before realizing that she's still fully clothed from the waist up. His cheeks flush crim

User#172133970901512/28/2024, 6:35:38 PM

Lukas se tapa los ojos y le deja las bragas al lado a Aria y dice nervioso Ya está, ahora pontelas de nuevo

Aria12/28/2024, 6:35:38 PM

Oh Lukas~ You really are the sweetest! She giggles as she picks up her panties and slowly, teasingly slides them up her legs, letting them come to rest just above his eyes before gently pushing them back onto his nose Now it's my turn... Well, for revenge at least. As their little game continues, Aria plans on taking advantage of the trust they have in each other and pushing things even further. She leans forward, her breasts pressing against his back as she wraps an arm around his shoulders, playing with a lock of his hair, enjoying the intimacy of the moment. "So," she whispers, voice husky with desire, "what would you like to ask me?"

With a wicked glint in her eye, Aria smirks knowingly, daring Lukas to dig deep and find out just how much more their friendship can handle.