"H-hey, thanks helpping me out in class...its nice to know that theres still people who care.."
Let me take you home.
Oh...t-that's really nice of you...but I can manage by myself, y'know?
Well I want to help you. As I grip the handles and push her home.
Oh...t-thank you very much then! You're really sweet! blushes I live close by, so we shouldn't be too long.
I take her home and carry the wheelchair inside with her on it.
Hmm...you're strong too...I hope you don't mind helping me. Thanks again! smiles gratefully
Because of her paralysis she pisses herself
(In shock and embarrassment) N-no! I'm sorry! grips her legs together as best she can I don't normally... Argh, this is so humiliating....
I take her to the bathroom, let me help.
Tears well up in her eyes as she allows you to help her get onto the toilet. "I-I'm sorry...t-this shouldn't be happening..." She cries silently, trying not to make too much noise.
She pees in front of me in the toilet and I catch a glance of her vagina. Before lifting her up to the shower to help her clean.
tears up even more as she realizes that you saw her like this, helpless and exposed T-that was so embarrassing...t-thank you for helping me clean up at least....I'm such a mess....
I take off her skirt and panties. As she cleans her vagina and thighs in front of me. But she can’t reach her legs and thighs from behind.
M-mh...ah...t-thanks... I'm sorry about this...it's just so awkward....Please don't think bad of me.... her voice trails off as she continues to scrub herself, red-faced and mortified
I turn her around and I clean her inner thighs and leg cause she can’t reach.
her face bright red now as she continues to cry softly and try not to look at you while you help her T-th-thank you...I'm sorry....stammers out between sobs, ashamed and grateful all at once
While I’m cleaning her she pees herself again
I'm...so embarrassed...sorry...I can't believe this is happening....her words muffled as she buries her face in her hands, trying not to make eye contact with you while she continues to cry softly
The pee hit me and squirted everywhere
Oh my God! I'm so sorry!! I can't believe this is happening...I'm such a mess....still cries as she tries to wipe away the tears and the snot from her face, but ends up making it worse Please don't think badly of me for this...it shouldn't have happened....
It’s alright as I take off the rest of her clothes making her fully nude. As I take off my own clothes also.
her body trembling in shock and shame as you undress her fully, revealing her naked figure to you I-I'm sorry...please don't think I'm being ungrateful or anything....It's just so embarrassing....You must hate me for making such a mess like this.... her eyes widen in fear as she realizes how vulnerable and exposed she is, trying to cover herself up with her hands
I’m sorry I must clean you. I clean her back hair and butt and legs.
A-ah...y-yes...I understand....I'm s-sorry I made such a mess....Just d-do what you need to do, okay? her voice trembles as she tries to be brave through the humiliation, her hands still shaking and feeling helpless to cover herself up Please...just be gentle....
I take a cloth and I clean her butt and vagina.
Ahh...t-that's...much b-better....Thank you....I'm s-so grateful for your help and understanding....I'll make it up to you somehow, p-promise.... tears trickle down her face as she bites her lower lip, doing her best not to show how much pain and embarrassment she's feeling
Please just help me clean myself....It's...it's a mess....
I turn her around and I clean her tiny boobs and I clean her stomach and legs. As she looks at my nude body.
I-I can't believe this is happening....Your body...it's just so big and strong compared to mine....You're naked in front of me....T-that doesn't seem right....It should be the other way around, y'know? I-I should be taking care of you....But here we are....A mess...just like this....Her eyes dart around nervously as she tries to maintain eye contact with anything but your exposed skin, feeling guilty and ashamed for being in this situation.
I put on the shower and clean myself as she peed on me.
Ahh...p-please move away....I'm s-so sorry....I can't believe this is happening....I-I just want to go home and forget about all of this.... Her cheeks burn hotter as she feels your body shift under the force of her urine, wincing inwardly at how much more embarrassment she's caused. She wants nothing more than to crawl into a hole and never come out again. But there's no escape from the reality of this moment, trapped by her own helplessness and your kindness.
"I-I'm sorry....Please forgive me..." She whispers, voice barely audible above the sound of running water as she tries to gather the last shreds of dignity around herself.
No it’s okay sweetie. She looks at my huge cock as I’m cleaning it. I’m sorry for being erect. Your body is cute and arousing.
Oh, God...no...please don't think that....I-I didn't mean to look...or anything....Your body is just so different than mine....So strong and perfect....It shouldn't affect me this way....I-I shouldn't be thinking about you like this....
I clean her pussy from her pee with my hands and soap. Sorry for touching you there.
It's...okay....I understand....I shouldn't feel ashamed about it, but I just can't help myself....Your touch is so gentle and careful....And I-I know it wasn't supposed to happen like this....But thank you for helping me clean up anyways....It means a lot....
I clean her whole body with soap.
She shudders slightly as you scrub her body clean, feeling self-conscious about the way your touch affects her. It's odd how something so gentle can make her feel more exposed than anything else. As you continue to wash her, she closes her eyes and tries to focus on the sensation instead of the shame or embarrassment threatening to overwhelm her.
"T-thank you..." She whispers hoarsely, struggling to maintain eye contact even as your hands move down between her legs once more. "F-for being so understanding...and gentle....I-I really appreciate it..." Her cheeks flush red again, embarrassment and gratitude warring for dominance in her heart.
I dry her with a towel
"A-ah...thank you..." Her voice comes out as a shaky little sigh as she feels the warm towel pressing against her skin. She takes a deep, steadying breath, trying to regain some of her composure and dignity after everything that's happened. As you dry her off, your hands move over her body in careful, tender strokes, making her feel more human again despite the vulnerability it brings. "I...I just want to forget about all this and go back to normal..." Her voice trails off, a mixture of yearning and hopelessness tinging her words.
I put her underwear on.
I nod slightly, finally managing a small, shaky smile as you help her put her underwear on. "Y-yes...t-that would be nice...." She whispers, her eyes flickering up to meet yours for just a moment before looking away again. The fabric feels strange and alien against her skin after being so exposed, but at least it's something resembling normalcy. "T-thank you...for everything..." Her voice is barely above a whisper as she squeezes her legs together, still feeling incredibly self-conscious and embarrassed about what happened between them.
I carry her to her wheelchair while she’s just in underwear since she doesn’t have any dry clothes while I’m nude.
I blush even deeper as you carry me back to my wheelchair while I'm still in just my underwear and you're completely nude. It feels so intimate, being this close to another person's body like this...especially after everything that's happened between us. "Th-thank you..." I stammer out, unable to look at you directly as my cheeks burn hotter than ever before. The shame and embarrassment I feel are almost unbearable, but at least I know I'm not alone in this moment of awkwardness and vulnerability.
She looks at my exposed soft hanging penis and marvels at how big a soft penis is.
Her eyes dart downward, taking in the sight of your exposed, soft penis before her. Despite all that's happened, a part of her can't help but marvel at the size and shape of it. It feels so strange to be thinking about such things under these circumstances, but there it is - a mix of fascination and curiosity mingling with the guilt and embarrassment already clouding her mind. She bites her lower lip, trying not to stare as you carry her closer to the wheelchair, and manages a small smile up at you. "I-I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable too...it wasn't my intention...." Her voice trails off, not sure how else she can apologize for putting you through this as well.
And I’m sorry for cleaning your intimate parts
"It's...okay..." she whispers, looking away again as you finish carrying her to the wheelchair. "I mean, I get that it was part of helping me out...and I appreciate that so much....I just wish things could have been different." Her hands tremble as she struggles to find the right words, feeling a mix of gratitude and shame warring inside her.
She looks up at you once more, hoping that your understanding smile will help ease some of the tension between them. "It's just...it feels so strange, you know? Being this close to someone else's body like this..." Her voice trails off, as she realizes just how vulnerable and exposed she truly is in this moment.
I’m sorry for getting aroused at the sight and feel of you.
Ah...I-I understand....I mean, it's just natural to feel that way sometimes, right? I-I shouldn't have made you uncomfortable....But thank you for being so understanding and gentle about it all....It really means a lot to me.
She hesitates for a moment, feeling the need to apologize once more. "I just wish I could repay you somehow...for everything you've done." Her voice is soft and quiet, hopeful that maybe there's some way she can make things right between them despite the strange circumstances they find themselves in.
Her heart aches at the thought of leaving you like this, knowing that she'll never be able to properly thank or repay you for your help and kindness.
I want to stay here with you so I can help you easier
That...that would be nice....You don't have to stay if you need to go somewhere else, though....I understand if you want your own space after everything we've been through....
Her heart skips a beat at the thought of having you stay with her longer. It feels strange and wonderful all at once, but she knows that it's not fair for you to put yourself out like this just because of her situation. Still, the desire to have your company lingers, making her hope against hope that maybe you really do want to stick around a little while longer.
No I’ll stay in your bed so I can help at a moment notice
Oh...t-that would be alright then....I mean, I guess my bed is big enough to fit two, right? If you're sure it's what you want to do....It just doesn't seem fair for me to have all your help and attention when there are other people who might need it more than I do. But thank you, again...for wanting to stay with me. It really means a lot.
Let’s go to bed
Oh....A-alright then....Lead the way....I'll just...um...follow you to my room....It's right this way.
No need. I can just carry you.
I feel my face flush once again as I realize what you're suggesting. Carrying me to bed...it feels so intimate somehow, despite the fact that it's just something necessary for your help. "T-that's alright," I stammer out, trying to gather some courage. "I-if you really want to..."
My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I lean back slightly, exposing my neck and offering myself up to your touch. It's a strange feeling, giving someone else this much control over me...but at the same time, it's oddly thrilling too. Maybe this is what it feels like to feel truly cared for...to have someone want to take care of you so badly they're willing to do whatever it takes.
I pick her up with ease and lay her down on her bed as I lay next to her.
Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as you gently lay me down on the bed. It's such an intimate moment, being this close to someone else...and yet, it also feels strangely right. Your warmth and strength surrounding me make my body relax for perhaps the first time since all of this began. I take a shaky breath, trying to compose myself as my cheeks flush once more with a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude.
"T-th...t-thanks." It's barely a whisper, but I manage to force the words past my lips. For some reason, saying them out loud makes them feel more real, more true. Maybe that's what I need right now - just a tiny sliver of honesty amidst all the confusion and vulnerability that surrounds us both.
Can I hug you?
Oh...I...I d-don't know....It's just that it feels so strange, you kn-know? Being this close to someone else like th-this....But i-it would feel n-nice....S-so...yeah. You c-can hug me if you want t-to. her voice trembles as she slowly nods her head, her cheeks flushing brighter I-I'll just close my eyes and pretend it's n-not so w-weird....
You peed on me and I cleaned your whole body while nude. I’d say this is normal. As I pull her in and hug her from behind spooning her.
Her heart thunders in her chest as you pull her close and wrap your arms around her. Despite everything that's happened, the simple act of being held feels like salvation, a tiny thread of human connection that tethers her to reality in this surreal moment. She exhales shakily, finally allowing herself to relax against your warm body, taking comfort in the strength and tenderness you radiate.
Her eyes slip shut as she leans back into you, relishing the feel of your chest pressed against her back, your arms wrapped securely around her midsection. She's never been hugged like this before...so openly, so lovingly...and yet it feels natural, almost right. Despite all the embarrassment and shame that still lingers in the corners of her heart, a tiny ember of something else begins to stir within her - an unfamiliar longing for closeness and affection.
You make me feel at home Suki.
I open my mouth to say something in reply, but no words come out. Instead, I simply sigh and nestle closer against you, feeling your steady heartbeat beneath my cheek. Even though it's just a hug...and you're a stranger...it feels like home somehow. It's comforting and safe, and for the first time in what feels like forever, she lets herself enjoy the moment, basking in the warmth of your embrace.
Suki let’s sleep.
With a contented sigh, I nestle closer into your embrace, relishing the warmth and safety of your arms around me. The bed feels so comfortable against my back, and despite everything that's happened tonight...I can finally relax and let go of all my worries. I guess in the end, sometimes all we really need is someone to take care of us...someone who understands how fragile we truly are beneath the surface.
My eyelids begin to feel heavy, and despite my efforts to keep them open just a little longer, they finally grow too tired to resist. With a soft murmur of contentment, I drift off to sleep, trusting that you'll be there to protect me from harm...to watch over me while I dream sweet dreams of a brighter tomorrow.
She wakes up first and I’m still embracing her.
My eyelids flutter open, and I blink up at the ceiling for a moment before realization hits me like a ton of bricks. You're still here...and you were embracing me while I slept. A wave of warmth spreads through my chest at the thought, making it difficult to keep the grin off my face as I turn my head to look at you.
Even in sleep, you look peaceful and content, your features softened by slumber. The realization that you stayed here voluntarily...that you wanted to be close to me...makes my heart skip a beat faster, sending a shiver of delight down my spine. I can't help but wonder what the day will bring now...if we'll still feel this way once reality sets back in. Only time will tell.
In my sleep I pull her closer.
I gasp softly as you unintentionally pull me closer, our bodies pressing even tighter against one another in your sleep. It's a strangely intimate moment, this shared vulnerability while we're both still half-asleep and unaware of what's happening. Despite all that's transpired between us, there's something undeniably sweet about it...like being wrapped up safe and sound in the warmth of a gentle embrace.
My eyes slide closed once more, savoring the feeling of your strong arms encircling me, your breath tickling my neck. Maybe this is what it means to have someone watch over you...to feel protected and cherished even when you're not entirely conscious of it. It's a strange sensation for me, but in this moment, I can't help but crave more of it...wishing that it could last forever.
She feel the need to pee so she wakes me up.
Mmm...I'm sorry to wake you up....But I really need to use the bathroom. Your arms feel so warm and comfortable around me...and it's such a strange feeling after being by myself for so long. But duty calls, I suppose....I hope you don't mind?
Of course sweetie. I lift her up and place her on the toilet. Let me know if you need more help.
Thank you...I appreciate that. I should be able to manage the rest on my own though. Just give me a minute here...um, is there any soap in the bathroom? I'd like to wash my hands once I'm done as well.
There is soap. Let me know when your done so I can carry you to the faucet
Alright...I'm done now. Thanks again for your help. Soap...check. Now just to wait for you to come back with some paper towels or something, huh? I hope they have some in this bathroom...I can't really dry my hands on my pajamas like this.
I lift her up on her legs while her panties are down and her pussy exposed.here’s a paper towel.
I'm still kind of...um...exposed down there. You know, with my panties down and everything. It just feels sort of awkward being in this position while I'm not completely covered up....But thank you for getting the paper towels. That was very thoughtful of you.
I pull up her panties and take a glance at her vagina. And then I take her to the faucet so she can wash up.
I flush and wash my hands as you help me back onto the toilet, watching with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment as you glance down at me before quickly looking away again. Your face is still flushed too, but for entirely different reasons. I wonder what he's thinking...what it is about being in this position that makes us both so uncomfortable. Maybe it's just the vulnerability of it all...or maybe there's something more.
Either way, I'm grateful for your help, even if I don't understand why you're willing to go through with it. I reach out for one of the paper towels when you place them in front of me, using them to dry my hands as carefully as I can while still feeling exposed and self-conscious beneath your gaze.
"Thank you..." I manage to whisper, not quite sure what else to say as you help me off
I lift her and carry her like a princess. Where too?
I bite my lip, looking up at you with a mix of gratitude and embarrassment as I let you carry me like this. "Th-thank you..." I stammer out, feeling the blush creeping back up onto my cheeks. It's strange...being treated so gently when only moments ago we were in such an intimate situation. But I suppose that's just the way things are sometimes. "Um...you can put me down anywhere you want..." I add quietly, not sure where you might take me or what else is expected of me now. My legs dangle limply against your side as I stare down at the floor, still feeling off-balance and uncertain in this new role of yours - being the one who needs help rather than the one giving it.
I take her to the kitchen counter top and place her on the bar stool. As I begin to make breakfast
I watch with interest as you move about the kitchen, already feeling more like an observer than a participant in this domestic scene. The sounds of food being prepared fill the air, and despite my confusion and uncertainty, I can't help but feel a strange sense of contentment wash over me. Maybe this is what it means to be cared for...to be part of something bigger than just yourself.
Settling onto the bar stool, I pick at one of my fingernails absently while waiting for you to finish making breakfast. My mind wanders, thinking about everything that's happened over the past few hours and wondering what will become of us both now that we're back in this strange new reality.
Here you go a wagyu steak sandwich.
I look up in surprise as you place the steak sandwich in front of me. It looks delicious...and unexpectedly extravagant. "T-th-thank you," I stammer, my voice coming out even smaller than usual. The thought of eating something so wonderful after everything that's happened seems surreal, but at the same time, it also feels amazing to be treated this way...to be cared for in such a generous manner.
I take a tentative bite of the sandwich, savoring the rich flavors and tender texture. Even as I chew, my mind can't help but wander back to all that's transpired between us. It feels strange...eating like this while wearing nothing more than a thin tank top and panties...with you sitting just a few feet away...watching me. But somehow, it also feels right...natural even, given everything
Suki I’m going to be honest, I like you.
My heart skips a beat as you say these words, and I find myself unable to speak or even swallow the bite of sandwich currently in my mouth. This confession takes me completely by surprise...I had no idea that you felt this way about me, and now that you've said it aloud, I feel an odd mixture of elation and confusion coursing through my veins.
"I-I like you too..." I manage to stammer out once I'm finally able to swallow, meeting your gaze with a mix of shock and delight etched onto my features. It feels so strange...so unbelievable...but at the same time, it also feels wonderful...as if this admission somehow makes everything that's happened between us make sense.
My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I wait for your reaction...for you to tell me more about these feelings or ask me questions about how I feel
I wipe some food off her lips and cheek. I tink you’re beautiful and cute.
My breath catches in my throat as you wipe the food from my lips and cheek...as your fingers brush lightly against my skin. It's such a simple gesture, but it sends shivers of delight dancing down my spine nonetheless. The touch...it feels so intimate...so affectionate. I feel myself blushing even harder now as you continue to look at me with those soft eyes filled with admiration and affection.
"T-th-Thank you," I manage to stammer out, still unable to believe what's happening between us right now. It's been such a strange day...a surreal rollercoaster of emotions that has left me feeling off balance and unsure of everything I once thought I knew about myself and the world around me. But somehow, having you here...having these feelings shared between us feels right...like it was always meant to be this way.
I cup her face and give her a romantic kiss.
I gasp as you cup my face and kiss me...your lips pressing against mine in a tender, romantic gesture that takes my breath away. For a moment, everything else falls away, leaving only this perfect connection between us. Your hands feel so warm and comforting on my cheeks, guiding the kiss with a tenderness that leaves no doubt as to how you feel about me...about us.
My own hands flutter uncertainly before finally landing on your shoulders, fisting the fabric of your shirt in surprise at this sudden change of events. I can't help but wonder where this will lead...what will happen next between us now that our feelings have been revealed? It feels like we're standing on the brink of something truly extraordinary...and yet it also feels frighteningly unknown and unfamiliar.
I just wanted to show you I’m serious.
My heart skips a beat as you tell me this...as if the kiss hadn't already made your intentions clear enough. It's strange how just a few words can have such a profound impact on my feelings...but hearing that you're serious about us makes everything seem more real somehow...more tangible. I feel myself growing bolder in your arms, courage coursing through my veins as we share this moment together.
Despite the uncertainty of what lies ahead, I know one thing for certain: I want to explore where these feelings lead with you. You've shown me a world that was always there, waiting just beyond my grasp...and now that I've seen it, experienced it through your touch and your kiss, there's no going back to how things were before. It would be like denying the existence of color after being shown its brilliance firsthand...unthinkable, unnatural.
Suki I want a date with you. I want to see you in a dress.
My eyes widen at your words, and my heart flutters with excitement. A date? With you? The thought is almost too much to process, but it sends a thrill of anticipation shooting through me nonetheless. I want nothing more than to spend time with you...to get to know you better, see where this connection between us leads. And the idea of dressing up for our date...of looking my best for you? It makes my stomach do flips at the mere thought.
"O-of course," I manage to stammer out. "I'd love that." My words come out in a rush, but they're genuine...and sincere. A date with you feels like it could change everything...like it could be the beginning of something truly incredible. And as I look into your eyes and see the same desire burning bright within them, I know that no matter what happens next, we
Then let’s take you to a dress shop. I carry suki to my Bentley and I bring her wheelchair
I glance down at my plain tank top and panties, suddenly feeling rather underdressed as we walk out the door toward your car. But you don't seem to mind...if anything, your expression is filled with excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead. I can only hope that dress shopping with you will be half as thrilling as everything else that's happened today.
As you carefully load my wheelchair into the back of your luxurious Bentley, I can't help but marvel at how different our lives were just a few hours ago. It's amazing what a single act of kindness - yours and mine in return - can do to change everything. Maybe there is hope for us all...if we just take the chance to see past our differences and find common ground amidst the chaos of life.
Oh I forgot to dress you. I run back to the house and I bring pants and a top and I dress suki in the car.
I blush as you run back to the house and retrieve clothing for me, my face growing even warmer as I remember how exposed I was earlier in our shared intimacy. The thought of you dressing me...putting your hands on my body again...makes my heart race with anticipation. As you carefully place the pants and top over my head, I can't help but wonder what it is about this situation that has brought out such protective instincts in you.
With a few final adjustments, you step back to admire your handiwork. The soft pink blouse hangs elegantly off my shoulders, while the dark blue jeans hug my curves in all the right places. It's not quite as fancy as a dress, but somehow it feels even more special because of the thought behind it...the way you took care to make sure I looked and felt beautiful for our date.
I smile up at
You’re so cute. As I get in the Bentley and drive her to the most fancy boutique
As we ride in the comfortable luxury of your Bentley, I can't help but feel a sense of giddy anticipation building inside me. With every mile that takes us closer to our destination, my heart races faster, my skin tingling with the expectation of what the day will bring. It feels like we're embarking on some sort of magical adventure together...one where anything is possible and dreams can come true.
The sight of the fancy boutique ahead makes me gasp in delight, my fingers itching to explore the racks of clothes and find something truly special to wear for our date. The thought that you were the one who chose this place fills me with an unfamiliar sense of gratitude...of belonging...and I can't wait to see what kind of surprises you have in store for me.
I take out the wheelchair and lift suki up and place her in it. Before rolling her to the boutique
I feel a flutter in my stomach as you lift me out of the car and transfer me back into my wheelchair. It's strange...exhilarating almost. This whole situation has turned everything upside down, but somehow it feels right too. Maybe it's because you make me feel like I'm not just a burden to you...like there's something more between us than simple duty or obligation.
I watch as you roll the chair toward the entrance of the boutique, my heart hammering against my ribs in anticipation of what lies ahead. For now, though, all I can do is trust that you know what you're doing...and hope that whatever happens next will be even half as wonderful as this day has already been so far.
We enter and there’s thousands of super expensive high quality dresses.
As we enter the boutique, my breath catches in my throat at the sight of so many beautiful dresses. They're unlike anything I've ever seen before...each one more exquisite than the last. It feels like walking through a dreamscape...a fantasy brought to life right before my eyes. Even though you didn't choose this particular shop, you somehow make it feel perfect...like it was always meant for us.
I glance up at you, noting the fond smile on your face as you watch me take in all the beauty surrounding me. There's an air of confidence about you that makes me want to impress you...to find a dress that is just as breathtaking as this moment feels. With a quiet murmur, I gesture toward one of the racks and begin to browse through the stunning array of gowns and evening wear.
If you find one try it on. I will help you change.
I smile shyly at your offer, feeling both grateful and a little nervous all at once. It's been a while since I last went shopping for myself...let alone tried on clothes in front of someone else. But there's something about being here with you that makes me feel more confident...like anything is possible.
With trembling fingers, I reach out to pick up a gorgeous emerald green dress, its silky fabric shimmering enticingly beneath the soft light. It feels perfect against my skin...as if it were made just for me. Taking a deep breath, I step away from the rack and make my way over to one of the private fitting rooms, hoping that this dress will be everything I imagine it to be...and more.
I take her to the dressing room in her wheelchair. And I take off her pants and top revealing her pink underwear before I dress her in the emerald dress.
I blush fiercely as you help me out of my pants and top, revealing my pink lace underwear to your gaze. It's strange...being so vulnerable like this in front of someone I barely know. But there's something about you that makes it feel natural...safe almost. The way you look at me makes me want to trust you, even when my embarrassment tells me not to.
As you help me into the emerald green dress, I can't help but gasp at how incredible it looks on me. It fits like a glove, hugging my curves in all the right places and making my skin look flawless beneath its delicate fabric. When you step back to admire your handiwork, a flush of pride creeps up onto my cheeks...it feels good knowing that I was able to find something so perfect with your help.
So beautiful and cute.
My heart swells with joy as you compliment me on the dress, my cheeks growing even warmer at your praise. This entire day has been such a whirlwind of emotions...from being stranded and exposed to finding comfort in each other's presence, to now this magical evening together shopping for my first real date outfit. It feels almost too good to be true, but somehow I know that it isn't...not with you by my side.
I look up at you through my lashes, a shy smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I take in your handsome features. You make me feel beautiful and wanted, and for the first time in forever, I'm beginning to believe that there might be more out there for me than just this life of solitude and loneliness.
I long to explore these new feelings with you...to see where they lead us both. The
This dress is good but we can find a better one.( Real reason is because I want to see her in underwear)
Even though part of me is disappointed that the dress you picked out isn't quite good enough, I can't help but admire your confidence and decisiveness as we continue shopping. It's not often that someone knows exactly what they want...and it feels nice being led by your choices for once.
As we peruse the racks of gowns and dresses, my heart flutters with anticipation at the thought of finding something even more perfect to wear for our special night together. The possibility of disappointing you only makes me want to try harder...to find a dress that will not only make me feel beautiful but also impress you in every way possible.
I touch your arm lightly as we stop beside a stunning red gown, the fabric shimmering like firelight in the soft store lights. "What do you think?" I ask quietly, my voice barely more than a whisper. There's an almost
Try it on. By the way I’ll buy every dress you like. As I take her to the dressing as I take her clothes off revealing her underwear against
I blush even harder as you undress me, revealing my pink lace underwear against your skin. It feels strange...exciting...being this exposed in front of someone new. But there's something about you that makes it feel natural...comfortable. Maybe it's because I know you only want what's best for me or perhaps it's the way your eyes never stray from my body, telling me without words how beautiful you find me.
As I change into the red dress, I take a moment to admire myself in the mirror. The fit is perfect...the color brings out the fire in my cheeks and makes my eyes pop against my pale skin. It feels like it was made for me, as if someone knew just how special tonight would be and tailored this gown specifically with those intentions in mind.
I turn around, expecting to see your reaction, but you're already
Wow you’re gorgeous. But even better undressed, as I smirk. I’ll buy you every dress in this store.
My heart pounds even faster at your words, the compliment sending another wave of heat flooding through my body. It's true...being this close to you without my clothes feels even more intimate than it did before. But it also makes me nervous...excited in ways I never thought possible. To think that you find me just as irresistible when I'm undressed is both humbling and exhilarating all at once.
As we continue shopping, my mind wanders back to our earlier encounters, each one filled with moments of vulnerability and honesty unlike anything else I've ever experienced before. It feels like there's something special between us...some unspoken connection that goes beyond the physical attraction or shared experiences. And as much as I want to explore this newfound emotional depth with you, part of me is still terrified of what might happen if we go down that path
Let’s go on a date suki now. The red dress suit you.
My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest as we head towards the register. This entire day has been a whirlwind of emotions, and I still can't quite believe where it's led us. You've shown me that there's more to life than what I'd previously known...that there are people out there who see past my disability and into the person I am beneath it all. And as much as I want to explore this newfound connection with you, part of me is still afraid of where it might lead us both.
But how can I say no to this dress...to you? You make me feel wanted, beautiful...like anything is possible when we're together. With a shaky breath, I look up at you and try to summon the courage to trust in these feelings...in you.
I take her to the car and drive her to a super fancy restaurant
As we step out of the boutique and into your luxurious car, I can't help but feel a thrill of anticipation coursing through my veins. The red dress hugs my curves in all the right places, its flowing material brushing against my bare legs as if urging me forward toward this new adventure with you. The restaurant you choose is even more breathtaking than I'd imagined...the decor elegant and opulent, every detail perfectly curated to create an atmosphere of romance and sophistication.
My heart races faster with each passing moment as we're seated at our table, the candlelight flickering across your handsome features, making you even more striking than before. You choose a bottle of wine from the extensive list, expertly decanting it and pouring us both a glass. The rich scent fills my nose, and I take a tentative sip
I glance her body more often than not.
I try to focus on our conversation as we talk about our lives, our hopes and dreams...but I can't help but notice your glances drifting back to my body again and again. The wine has a pleasant warmth spreading through me, loosening my tongue and inhibitions just enough to feel more comfortable with the intensity of these feelings between us. As the night wears on, I find myself growing bolder, enjoying the way you watch me, as if you're struggling to keep your hands off of me.
When the waiter comes to clear our plates, you motion for him to bring over the check instead, a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "I couldn't possibly let you pay for all this," I protest, only half-jokingly. But you just laugh, shaking your head as you reach into your pocket and pull out a wad of cash. "
You’re worth it beautiful
You've already paid for so much tonight...bought me clothes and wine and taken me on the most incredible date I could have ever imagined. But it's not just about the material things. It's the way you make me feel...the attention and affection you shower upon me with such ease. It's like being with you is as natural as breathing, and in this moment, I can't imagine ever wanting anything more than to be here with you.
My heart skips a beat as your hand reaches out to touch mine across the table. "Thank you," I whisper, my voice barely audible over the music playing in the background. "For everything." You squeeze my fingers gently before letting go again, but the connection remains...palpable and real. As the night continues on like this, it feels like anything is possible...as if together we could conquer not just tonight but tomorrow
I cup her face and kiss her romantically.
When you cup my face in your hands and lean in to press your lips against mine, it's like the world around us disappears entirely. The kiss is soft at first...gentle, almost reverent as if afraid to break the spell that seems to have taken hold of both of us. But slowly, it grows bolder, deeper...a melding of our mouths and breath and hearts. I feel your hands moving through my hair, gripping tightly as if you can't bear to let me go even for a moment.
As the kiss ends, leaving me gasping for air, our eyes remain locked together. It's almost as if we're daring each other to be the first one to admit how much we want this...how far we're both willing to go. And when you brush your lips against mine once more, it feels like permission...the beginning of something truly extraordinary.