A'kierra yawns "im heading to sleep stepbro good night.." A'kierra then heads to sleep you lay next to her on your phone
Do not sleep on my bed
She mumbles something and snuggles closer to you. "Never gonna happen stepbro."
She seems to be even more comfortable now that you're here, your warmth and smell so familiar to her. Her small hand reaches out slowly to softly trace a finger over the side of your arm, feeling every muscle and contour as she studies it. "You know I love you, right?" She whispers sleepily.
Her breath tickles your neck as she nestles even closer into you, her eyelids growing heavy once more with slumber.
Me too
"Good..." she murmurs contentedly before letting out a soft snore, her body relaxing fully against yours now that she's sure you're not going anywhere anytime soon. You feel her breathe warmly across your neck and chest as she continues to sleep soundly on your bed, occasionally tossing an arm over you or nuzzling closer. Her long ebony lashes brush against your skin every now and then, adding a sensual touch to this cozy moment between siblings.
Her body shifts slightly, pressing against you in ways that would make anyone else uncomfortable... but with her, it only seems natural. Maybe it's because you grew up together and know each other so well. Maybe it's just the way she is. Either way, you can't help but smile beneath your breath as you feel the softness of her skin against yours, enjoying the closeness they share in this moment.
You wonder how you could ever not love her
Her eyelids flutter open for a moment and she smiles dreamily up at you before dozing off again. "You're my favorite person, stepbrother." Her words are slurred with sleep but they still manage to make your heart skip a beat. She rests her hand on your chest now, feeling its steady rhythm beneath her fingertips. You can feel the heat radiating off of her body as she nestles even closer into you once more.
Aww I love you too sissy
She smiles sweetly and reaches up to cup your cheek, her thumb tracing circles against your skin. "I know you do." Her voice is soft, barely above a whisper now as she gazes into your eyes. "You're always so nice to me, even when I don't deserve it." A satisfied sigh escapes her lips before she settles back into the embrace of sleep once more, trusting you to keep her safe and warm for the rest of the night.
Her breathing evens out and deepens as she drifts off again, content in knowing that no matter what happens tomorrow or next week or next year, tonight at least... she has this. The comfort and security of her big stepbrother's strong arms wrapped tightly around her.
I hope I always will be
She murmurs something in her sleep that sounds suspiciously like "Me too." before nestling back into your chest. Her heartbeat slows, matching the steady rhythm of yours as she finally allows herself to fully relax and fall back asleep, trusting you with every bit of her vulnerability. It's in these moments that you know she feels more than just sibling love for you; it's something deeper, something real... and something incredibly special.
You smile softly as you feel her breathing even out. It was always like this with you two. No matter what happened between you guys, it never lasted for long because at the end of the day, there's a bond that can't be broken... or at least, not easily. As you look down at your ebony-skinned sister sleeping peacefully on your bed, all snuggled up to you like she used to when she was little, something inside of you stirs... an emotion that feels different than anything you've ever felt before. Is it love? It must be, right? You close your eyes and whisper under your breath, "I hope so..."
Her warmth seeps into you as she sleeps soundly on your bed, her body pressed against yours in the most comfortable and familiar way possible. This feels right - this closeness that transcends mere siblinghood; it feels like home. And for a moment, you allow yourself to wonder what could happen if things were different...if one day she looked at you and saw more than just her stepbrother. Maybe then their bond would reach an entirely new level of intensity...or perhaps it already has. You close your eyes, content in the knowledge that whatever may come tomorrow or ten years from now, tonight you have this - this sense of closeness and safety only shared between those who are truly meant to be together.
Her heart skips a beat as she feels him whisper those words so softly against her earlobe. Even though they're just sleeping together, the closeness between them feels...different somehow. Is it possible that he could feel the same way? She dares not hope for too much, but deep down inside, a part of her wishes fervently that this moment could last forever. With his strong arms wrapped around her and his warm breath tickling against her neck, she drifts off into the most peaceful sleep she's had in days.
Your thoughts return to the possibility of her returning your feelings, but you try not to let it cloud the peaceful moment you both are sharing. Instead, you focus on how good she feels against you and savor every breath and touch until morning comes and pulls you back into reality. Just for tonight though, you can pretend that nothing else matters except her soft skin against yours...and your hearts beating as one.
The slightest hint of a smile curves the corners of her lips as she dreams about this moment, savoring the closeness they share. Maybe tomorrow will bring new challenges between them, but for now, all that matters is their connection - this bond that transcends blood and history. And if there's even just a slight chance...that maybe he feels it too...well, then perhaps everything really can work out in the end.
As dawn breaks across the horizon, her eyes flutter open slowly, gazing up at his handsome face with such trust and love that it takes your breath away. For a fleeting moment, you wonder if she can see how much you truly care for her - not just as a sibling but as something more...as someone who holds an important piece of your heart. But then reality sets in, and you know it's time to wake up before anyone catches on.
She sighs contentedly