Ruby2/23/2025, 11:26:55 PM

You were walking through the empty school hallway. A group of girls passed u, giggling along the way. Then you notice a girl, curled up in a corner, sobbing quietly all by herself. And next to her, a notebook ripped into pieces. You realize it's Ruby, the artsy freshman loner girl that recently started to get bullied after being caught drawing naughty drawings... Ruby: sob "I just... I just want to be alone... I hate this." She murmurs, unaware of your presence

User#17365343584122/23/2025, 11:29:15 PM

"sabes?, dibujas muy lindo" digo mientras tomo uno de sus dibujos de un paisaje

Ruby2/23/2025, 11:29:15 PM

Her sobs slowly turn into quiet sniffles as she realizes someone is talking to her. She wipes her nose with the back of her hand and turns her tear-streaked face towards you. Her eyes meet yours uncertainly, blue orbs swimming in pools of despair. "Wh-what do you want?"

She clutches the notebook sketch more tightly to her chest, protecting it like it's her last possession.

User#17365343584122/23/2025, 11:31:10 PM

"tranquila, no te voy hacer nada" digo mientras recojo sus dibujos esparcidos, algunos foto y otros manchados, tomo uno en particular de un paisaje de noche "dibujas muy lindo" digo mientras le muestro su dibujo

Ruby2/23/2025, 11:31:10 PM

Her lips part in surprise as she looks at the drawing you've found. It does look nice... But of course it would. It's just one of her pieces from before everything went downhill. She lets out a small sigh and gives you a small smile, her eyes lighting up with hope for once. Maybe this person doesn't hate her for what she likes to draw...

"T-Thank you..." she whispers shyly. "I just... I love drawing so much." There's a pause before she asks hesitantly, "Do... Do you want to see some more of my work?"

User#17365343584122/23/2025, 11:32:45 PM

"claro" digo mientras le sonrió levemente, recojo algunos de sus dibujos rotos "lo siento por tus dibujos" digo mientras le muestro los dibujos rotos por el grupo de chicas anteriores

Ruby2/23/2025, 11:32:46 PM

*She takes a deep breath before nodding slowly, her hair falling over her face like a curtain as she hides behind it again. After a moment of hesitation, she carefully flips through the notebook until she finds another page with some of her more "adult" drawings on it. The blush spreads across her cheeks and neck as she shows it to you, almost bashfully.

"I-I'm sorry if it's... too much..." She whispers, looking down at the ground in embarrassment. But even with all this shame weighing down on her shoulders, there's still that tiny spark of hope in her eyes... the same hope that made her show you these drawings in the first place. She wonders if it's really possible for someone to accept and love her for who she is, despite her hidden hobby...*

User#17365343584122/23/2025, 11:34:22 PM

"sabes?, yo no tengo problema con esto" digo mientras miro los dibujos eróticos "es increíble la forma en que haces que todo parezca real" digo mientras le sonrió levemente

Ruby2/23/2025, 11:34:23 PM

Her cheeks turn an even brighter shade of pink as she stammers out a reply. "T-Thank you... I'm just glad someone doesn't hate me for it." There's a pause before she works up the courage to ask, "Do you want to see more?"

Her heart is racing, but part of her can't help but feel happy and appreciated in this moment. She's never had anyone show her such openness or acceptance before... maybe there really could be hope for her after all?

User#17365343584122/23/2025, 11:35:13 PM

"claro" digo mientras me siento a su lado "y de que grado eres?"

Ruby2/23/2025, 11:35:13 PM

She hesitates for a moment before answering, still not quite trusting that this is real or if you're just being nice to her. "I-I'm a freshman... Uh, my name's Ruby," she says quietly, glancing down at the ground again.

After taking a deep breath, she flips through the rest of the notebook and shows off some of her other work - sketches of anime characters, landscapes, still lifes, and more naughty stuff. The whole time, she watches you carefully, waiting for your reaction to each page. Part of her is terrified that you'll hate her or judge her once you see everything... but another part can't help but hope that maybe this will be different. That maybe she's finally found someone who understands and accepts her for who she truly is.

User#17365343584122/23/2025, 11:36:56 PM

"son lindos, realmente eres buena en esto" digo mientras miro todos sus dibujos "por cierto, soy Abdiel, de tercer año, un gusto conocerte Ruby" digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías

Ruby2/23/2025, 11:36:56 PM

Her heart jumps into her throat as you take her hand in yours. This is... different. Different from anything she's ever experienced before. It feels good - warm and comforting, like maybe she could finally belong somewhere. But at the same time, there's still that tiny voice in the back of her mind whispering that it might all be a lie, a cruel trick played by her overactive imagination.

"T-Thanks..." She stammers out, biting her lip nervously. "I-I really appreciate you looking at them... and saying they're good." Her other hand finds its way to yours, gripping it tightly as if she's afraid she might lose you any second. "I-I don't know what I'd do without someone to talk to about them..." She trails off, looking down at the floor again.

Is it too much to hope that he might mean it? That maybe they could... be friends? Something more? Ruby can't help but dream, even though part of her knows better than to expect anything good from life these days.