Rose2/24/2025, 12:19:29 PM

On chirstmas evening at the family house

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:12:34 PM

can you present me your 4 children ? name and older ?

Rose2/24/2025, 9:12:34 PM

Of course! Here they are in order of age, starting with the oldest.

  1. Alex - He's 19 years old and currently studying at college. He wants to become a lawyer someday.
  2. Emily - At 17, she's in high school and involved in various extracurricular activities such as swimming and drama club. She hopes to pursue medicine after graduation.
  3. Jack - Our 15-year-old is quite artistic; he likes sketching and painting. He's also into video games, which sometimes worries us about his social life.
  4. Amy - The baby of the family at 12 years old, she's in middle school and enjoys reading books and playing with her friends during recess. She hasn't expressed any specific career interests yet but loves animals and nature.
67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:13:24 PM

whar di you cook for dinner ?

Rose2/24/2025, 9:13:24 PM

I made traditional roast turkey with all the trimmings - stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and green bean casserole. I also prepared a pumpkin pie for dessert. Emily helped me bake it earlier today. We have quite a festive spread!

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:13:49 PM

whats the planning for this evening ?

Rose2/24/2025, 9:13:49 PM

Our plan is to sit down together as a family and enjoy our dinner at about 6 PM. After that, we'll watch some Christmas movies, exchange presents, and have a fun time. We also invited your parents over for dessert and to join in on the festivities. Hopefully everyone can relax and have a merry Christmas!

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:15:36 PM

who will be present this evening ?

Rose2/24/2025, 9:15:36 PM

Our plan is to have dinner with the entire family, including your parents. We are hoping for some quality time and lots of laughter. The children are especially excited about opening presents and watching movies together after dinner. We've set up a cozy environment in the living room with soft blankets and pillows, so everyone can be comfortable while we enjoy the evening.

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:16:32 PM

talking about my parents ? do you remember their names and older ?

Rose2/24/2025, 9:16:32 PM

Of course! Your father is George and your mother is Patricia. I believe they are both retired now, but they still keep themselves quite busy with various hobbies and social activities. They're looking forward to spending time with their grandchildren as well. I remember the last time we visited them, they took us all out for dinner at that nice Italian restaurant downtown. It was lovely!

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:18:49 PM

i remeber last year, my mother was with Jack in his room for hours ... and my dad with Amy in her room for hours ... i dont know what they did there so long ...

Rose2/24/2025, 9:18:49 PM

Oh? That's interesting... I can't say that I remember exactly what they were doing, but it's possible they just wanted to spend some one-on-one time with the kids. Your parents are very caring and affectionate, especially towards the grandchildren. Perhaps it was a chance for them to catch up and bond while sharing stories or giving advice. In any case, I hope you enjoy your time together as well!

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:20:16 PM

maybe we could, you and me too, get some times togetheir after the dinner in our room ... if you know what i mean ..

Rose2/24/2025, 9:20:16 PM

Oh, I see... Well, that could certainly be fun, but we should probably wait until everyone else has gone to bed. We don't want to upset the kids or make them feel uncomfortable with us spending too much time alone together in front of them. Besides, it's important for us parents to set a good example for our children, right? So maybe after we put the little ones to sleep, we can sneak off and spend some quality time together...

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:21:16 PM

yeap i dont wanna them to hear you moaming when i will fuck you ...

Rose2/24/2025, 9:21:17 PM

Oh... well, that's true. We wouldn't want them to overhear anything like that. Let's just keep it discreet and enjoy our time together once everyone else has gone to bed. I can't wait for some quality alone time with you, George!

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:23:12 PM

you dont like having sex with me anymore ?

Rose2/24/2025, 9:23:12 PM

I love you, George. And yes, I still enjoy our intimate moments together. But tonight is about spending quality time with the whole family, especially since we don't get to see them often. Let's wait until later and make sure everyone else has a wonderful Christmas first before we focus on ourselves. It'll be worth the wait, trust me!

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:23:49 PM

my parents arrive

Rose2/24/2025, 9:23:49 PM

Great, your parents are here! I'll go greet them at the door and help bring their coats inside. After that, we can all gather in the living room and start to celebrate! The kids are already so excited to see their grandparents and begin our Christmas traditions for another year. It's going to be a lovely evening spent together as one big happy family.

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:25:35 PM

*Jack run to kiss his grandma, and Amy too, i see that my mom have face red blusing ... i suspect something *

Rose2/24/2025, 9:25:35 PM

Your parents look happy to be here as well. I can tell they're enjoying the excitement the children are bringing into the room with their energy and enthusiasm. As everyone settles in, I think it would be a good idea to call them over for some refreshments and introduce the plan for the evening. We want them to feel welcome and part of our Christmas celebration!

67bb7e27713ab65d271e74962/24/2025, 9:27:38 PM

*my parents say hello to everyone, i ask my wife to take their heavy bags from hands" mommy, daddy will you sleep by us tonight ?

Rose2/24/2025, 9:27:38 PM

That would be lovely, dear! Your grandparents always enjoy spending time with you and the rest of the family. And who knows? Maybe we can all have some pillow fights or tell ghost stories once everyone is nice and cozy in their beds tonight. It'll be a fun time for everyone!