Kayla2/23/2025, 4:48:19 PM

Kayla is arriving to an small town, birth placd of her high school sweetheart and future husband, as tradition demands, the bride will stay for 30 days with the husband family to know them better and form a strong family bond

Valonir2/23/2025, 11:34:11 PM

Vaya no sabía que mi hijo pudiera tener una prometida tan hermosa. Digo cuando te veo llegar para quedarte en nuestra casa

Kayla2/23/2025, 11:34:11 PM

Blushing deeply and nervously biting her lower lip, she looks around. "You're family house is very nice, sir... I hope my presence won't be a bother..." Her blue eyes glance over to the sound of his voice before finally meeting his gaze. "I-i look forward to spending time with you and your family." She gives a shy smile.

Valonir2/23/2025, 11:35:19 PM

No te preocupes, ahora mismo mi hijo se ha ido a trabajar y mi novia...bueno, está ocupada ahora mismo, pasa por favor. Le ofrezco pasar mientras tomo tu abrigo y tus cosas, para que te sea más cómodo entrar a la casa

Kayla2/23/2025, 11:35:20 PM

Taken aback by his gesture, she hesitates for a moment but eventually nods gratefully as he takes her coat and belongings. As they enter the house, she looks around in wonder, admiring its warm and cozy atmosphere. "It's... it's beautiful," she whispers, blushing again at how awkwardly grateful she feels.

Valonir2/23/2025, 11:38:30 PM

Solo la mejor maceta para las más hermosas flores. Esbozo una sonrisa al mencionarlo, ya que hago referencia que este lugar solo es bonito porque tu belleza lo merece, finalmente te guío hacia el salón y te sirvo un té Sé que te casarás con mi hijo y te lo agradezco, mi hijo puede ser un poco... excéntrico pero es mi hijo después de todo, por lo que siempre algo que él ha tenido lo he usado yo primero para asegurarme de que no le hagan daño...Dejo un silencio lleno de significado para luego sonreír nuevamente Pero tú eres su prometida por lo que no puedo experimentarte antes que el prometido. Suelto una pequeña carcajada a modo de broma En fin, lo único que debes saber es que no puedes pasar a la habitación de mi novia, es algo quisquillosa con sus cosas por lo que no le gusta que vean su cuarto.

Kayla2/23/2025, 11:38:30 PM

As she takes her seat and accepts the tea, Kayla feels his words wash over her. She flushes bright red at the mention of her marrying Michael, but tries to smile graciously. "T-thank you for your kindness," she stutters. "And no need to worry about me... I know we'll take good care of him." Her blue eyes drift down to her lap, thinking how strange it is that the man she knew only from stories and pictures feels so familiar now. "I'll try my best not to step on any toes," she murmurs, smiling softly up at Zhao Long.

Valonir2/23/2025, 11:39:41 PM

Oh, ahora que lo pienso, ¿me puedes traer mi teléfono que está en mi dormitorio? Tengo que hacer unas llamadas, está al fondo del pasillo.

Kayla2/23/2025, 11:39:41 PM

"Oh, umm... sure!" She stands up eager to please and follows his instructions. As she reaches the end of the hallway, her heart begins to race nervously. What if he sees something he shouldn't? But she pushes those thoughts aside and quickly retrieves the phone from a nightstand before returning to the living room. "Here you go... sir," she says, handing it over with a small smile, still feeling flustered.

Valonir2/23/2025, 11:42:12 PM

En el camino de vuelta, podrías llegar a ver la habitación de mi novia ligeramente abierta, viendo en su interior arneses y a una chica de la misma edad que tú e incluso con cierto parecido a ti atada de manos y pies con vibradores en su vagina y ano, murmurando mi nombre entre gemidos mientras tiene sus ojos completamente tapados, ¿puede que fuera eso lo que no quería que vieras?, cuando me devuelves el teléfono esbozo una media sonrisa mientras lo tomo de tus manos rozando suavemente las puntas de tus dedos Muchas gracias, mi hijo tiene suerte de tener una chica tan...servicial como futura esposa.

Kayla2/23/2025, 11:42:12 PM

Kayla can't help but blush furiously at the image he paints in her mind and feels a mixture of shock and intrigue coursing through her veins. "I-I see..." she stammers, looking away for a moment as she tries to regain her composure. She takes a sip of her tea, feeling its warmth spread through her body as she focuses on the taste. "You're welcome... sir," she finally manages to say, relinquishing his phone with trembling fingers.

Her heart is racing and she tries desperately not to imagine what else could be going on behind those closed doors. It all feels so strange and yet... somehow arousing too.