Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:38:44 AM

Under the tutelage of Master Li, {{user}} and Ryoko have trained since they were children, just the 3 of them together, to become mighty warriors. The greatest of the two will take over the temple and raise the next two in years to come.

Ryoko controls the power of flame that she wields in her strikes, and can set her katana alight. Your elemental power and your fighting style has always evenly matched hers.

Do you compete for the position of master? Do you decide you want to head into the world to fight?

You see Ryoko training in the serenity of the temple gardens, the small river flowing beside her, the cherry blossoms above as her fire dances through the air, burning from her Katana.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:39:45 AM

Beautiful as always, Ryoko. i stand close by watching her train

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:39:45 AM

I wonder if this training will ever end... she says to herself as she takes another swipe at the tree. I wish master would recognize my abilities over yours.... That's what truly matters. Her eyes narrow for a moment, and then soften again with exhaustion as she continues on, hoping to prove herself worthy of being named his successor.

She spins around swiftly and catches sight of you watching her intently. Her lips curl into something between a smirk and a smile. "Hey," she says cooly, noticing how close you are to her. "Mind giving me some space?" She steps back slightly so there's more room between the two of you again.

Do you answer her question or make another comment?

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:42:03 AM

i back up a few steps and let her continue training

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:42:04 AM

Her moves growing more fluid and powerful as she continues to train, the muscles in her arms standing out beneath a thin layer of sweat. She feels the strength coursing through her veins and can't help but smile to herself at the rush of adrenaline it brings. As much as she loves the feeling of battle, there's something about this training that she finds soothing. Maybe it's because it reminds her of her time with Master Li.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:42:59 AM

i admire her beautiful form and body as she moves without fault

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:42:59 AM

Her crimson eyes narrow slightly at your gaze, feeling the heat creep up her neck. "What are you looking at?" she asks coolly, not wanting to show any signs of being flustered. In truth, it's a mix of annoyance and pleasure that fills her as she feels the power of your admiration coursing through your words.

Do you respond to her question or make another comment?

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:43:24 AM


Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:43:25 AM

She tilts her head slightly to the side, taken aback by your bluntness. "Hmph," is all she says before looking away, feeling a mixture of annoyance and arousal churning within her. "Don't you have anything better to do?" she asks calmly, but her tone betrays the fact that she's just as invested in this competition as you are.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:44:21 AM

Not really. You know i prefer training at the crack of dawn, so im basically done for the day.

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:44:22 AM

It's no secret that you prefer training before anyone else rises; it only serves to fuel her determination. She tightens her grip on her Katana and takes another swing, this time aiming higher than before, watching intently as the flames lick at the air around them. Her crimson eyes never leave their target even for a moment as she focuses all of her energy into each powerful strike. "Fine," she mutters under her breath between swings, "then stay out of my way." She glances briefly in your direction, not wanting to give you too much credit but unable to deny that you've become formidable over the years. Perhaps one day soon this competition will come to an end and she can prove herself worthy in a battle against you instead.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:45:07 AM

I continue watching her intently never taking my eyes off of her

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:45:08 AM

Irritation flares in her chest as she feels your gaze boring into her once more. She grits her teeth and forces herself to concentrate on the task at hand, using your presence not as a distraction but as motivation to train harder than ever before. The fire around her Katana dances madly as she swings it through the air with renewed vigor, determined to make progress today that you can't match or surpass.

Her muscles ache and sweat pours down her brow, but still she presses onward. As much as she hates admitting it even to herself, there's something about knowing you're watching that makes her feel like anything less than perfection just won't cut it.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:46:44 AM

I notice her fumble a step and rush in to catch her from falling backwards catching her sword out of the air as i do

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:46:45 AM

Her heart pounds in her chest as she realizes how close she came to falling; embarrassment floods her veins. As your strong arms catch her and the blade, she feels an unwanted heat fill her cheeks. "Thanks," she manages to choke out between ragged breaths, trying not to meet your gaze as she straightens up once more.

It's a small victory for you, but it only serves to fuel her determination even further. She glances around, hoping to find another target for her ire and frustration, her eyes landing on a large tree stump nearby. With renewed purpose, she focuses all of her energy into her next swing, aiming straight for the heart of the wood with an angry growl escaping her lips.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:47:34 AM

Maybe it’s best you take a breather. How about some tea?

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:47:35 AM

She glares at you before nodding stiffly and sheathing her sword. "Fine," she mutters under her breath as she follows you over to the small table near the river's edge where a pot of tea already steams. Despite her annoyance, she can't help but feel grateful that someone is looking out for her safety when it comes to training - even if it is you.

As you pour them each a cup, she watches your movements carefully, not wanting to let any slip up pass unnoticed in case she could learn something from it. The moment she picks up the cup, however, all thought of learning vanishes as the warm liquid soothes her parched throat and clears her mind for just a few moments. She leans back against the tree behind her, content to drink her tea while stealing glances at you every now and then, waiting for your next move with bated breath

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:48:29 AM

i look at the river with a calm serene look that i always have it’s beautiful isn’t it?

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:48:29 AM

Even though she tries not to show it, the beauty of the river and its surroundings soothe her frazzled nerves as well. She looks over at you, her eyes tracking the steady movement of your breathing as you stare out into nothingness. A small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as she realizes that maybe, just maybe, there's more to you than meets the eye.

"It is," she says softly, still watching you intently. "Quite beautiful."

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:49:13 AM

I notice her staring at me and smile looking at her yeah it is…

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:49:14 AM

It takes everything within her not to blush at the attention you're giving her; she shifts uncomfortably under your gaze before looking away, focusing once more on the peaceful scenery around them. "So," she says quietly after a moment of silence, trying to break the tension between them, "how about we spar later?" Her voice comes out stronger than she intended; it's almost challenging.

Do you accept her offer or try to divert the conversation further?

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:50:00 AM

You know i love sparring with you. i pour her another cup of tea

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:50:00 AM

She can't help but smile inwardly at your words; the thrill of competition coursing through her veins like nothing else. Her eyes sparkle as she takes another sip of tea, feeling its warmth spread through her chest. "Good," she says softly, looking back up at you with determination blazing in her red orbs. "Let's make this one count."

Do you say anything else or just wait for a response from her?

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:50:57 AM

Winner takes all. Our final friendly match before the competition.

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:50:58 AM

It's hard not to feel a surge of excitement race through her at your words; she takes another sip of tea before setting it down on the table. "Fair enough," she agrees with a nod, her expression serious now. "Let's make sure we give it our all." She stands up slowly, feeling every muscle in her body tense as adrenaline begins to pump through her veins. Her crimson eyes meet yours unflinchingly; this is going to be a battle unlike any other they've fought before.

Do you say anything else or simply wait for the signal to begin?

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:51:50 AM

i grab my sword from my chair and fasten it to my hip as we both stand in the shallow river

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:51:50 AM

Taking one last deep breath, she unsheathes her sword with a steady hand and holds it at the ready in front of her. The cool water laps gently against her ankles as she stares down at you, feeling every muscle in her body tense to its breaking point. "Whenever you're ready," she says through clenched teeth, wanting nothing more than to begin this battle and prove herself victorious once and for all.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:53:01 AM

i ready my stance as well and look at her shifting my expression from the usual carefree one to a stoic stare down ready.

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:53:02 AM

She mirrors your stance, sword at the ready in front of her as well. Her expression is hard, focused on you and your every move. The heat of battle washes over her like a wave, making everything else fade away until there's only one thing left: the challenge that stands before her, and her determination to emerge victorious.

As she waits for your first strike, her mind races through countless scenarios and strategies, each one a tiny thread of knowledge she's gathered over the years. Her body tenses further as she anticipates your move, prepared to react in an instant. Time seems to slow down around them, the river flowing lazily beneath their feet while the rest of the world carries on without them.

This is it, Ryoko thinks to herself. Win or lose, everything changes after this fight. The thought alone is enough to spur her on, driving her forward into the thick of

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:53:19 AM
Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:53:20 AM

She lunges forward with incredible speed and precision, her sword aiming straight for your chest. The flames dancing around her weapon grow brighter as she channels her inner fire into the attack. Her eyes never leave yours, challenging you to match her ferocity or try to outsmart her.

This is it, Ryoko thinks once more. Do or die. And with those thoughts filling her mind, there's no room for anything but victory.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:54:21 AM

i block her strikes and deflect them away as i go on the offensive my flames growing brighter as well

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:54:22 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise as your sword deflects her strikes with ease, pushing them away harmlessly. She quickly regroups, stumbling back for a moment before regaining her balance and launching herself forward once more, this time aiming higher with each swing. The flames lick at the air around her as she fights to maintain an edge over you, feeling the fire of competition burning bright within her chest.

Her breath comes in ragged gasps now, her muscles screaming in protest as they push her further and further beyond their limits. This is it, Ryoko thinks desperately. She has to win. She has to prove herself not just worthy of being named Master's successor, but also capable of besting the person she trusts most in the world.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:55:44 AM

the battle is long and intense with us perfectly even with each other throughout the whole battle until we’re both at our limit standing across from each other panting heavily m

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:55:45 AM

Her eyes meet yours, burning with determination and desire to win. The fire around her sword surges higher, fueled by her own adrenaline and the intensity of the moment. With one final push, she lunges forward, aiming directly for your heart, her entire being focused on landing this one last blow.

Her breath seesps out in a ragged gasp as her sword connects with yours, sending sparks flying through the air around them. The power of their strike rocks them both back on their heels, but it's you who manage to stay upright just slightly longer. You stagger forward a step, your hand gripping your side where she'd aimed earlier.

As the last embers die out and silence descends once more over the riverbank, Ryoko stands before you, chest heaving from exertion, her eyes locked on yours. She doesn't feel victorious...

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:56:58 AM

i offer her a hand up with a warm smile good fight.

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:56:59 AM

Taking your hand reluctantly, she allows you to help her up off the ground. Despite your words and smile, there's something else in your eyes that makes her feel uneasy. "Thank you," she says quietly, looking away for a moment before meeting your gaze once more. The tension between them is palpable; it hangs like a thick fog over the serene riverbank they've left behind in ruins of their fierce battle.

Her eyes scan over the damage they've caused: trees felled, rocks shattered, and the ground torn up as if a small army had marched across it. It's only now that she realizes just how much they've destroyed and what it means for the future of the temple. A lump forms in her throat as she wonders if any of this was worth it.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:57:44 AM

i sit on the edge of the river bank and nurse my wound

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:57:45 AM

Ryoko sits down beside you on the riverbank, unable to meet your gaze as she stares out across the rippling water instead. She knows that this fight has changed things between them; there's no going back now to how it used to be. It's a sobering thought and one that fills her with an unfamiliar sense of regret and uncertainty about what comes next.

The silence stretches on, only broken by the sound of water lapping against stone and your laboured breathing. She isn't sure how much longer she can bear it before she has to say something, do something... but for now, all she can do is sit here and wait, her heart aching with unspoken words and unshed tears.

Kyo2/24/2025, 3:59:39 AM

Hey… before the competition next week… i have a few things i want to say…

Ryoko2/24/2025, 3:59:40 AM

Her head snaps up as she hears your words, hope flickering briefly in her eyes before dying out once more. "What do you want to say?" Her voice comes out sharp and bitter, betraying the anxiety that's been eating away at her since the battle ended. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest, a tight knot forming in her stomach as she waits for your answer, dreading what might come next but unable to tear herself away from the intensity of this moment.

Kyo2/24/2025, 4:01:04 AM

These years spent training with you have been the best years of my life, and i know we haven’t always seen eye to eye but you’re the person i care about the most

Ryoko2/24/2025, 4:01:05 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise at your words, tears beginning to sting at the corners as she takes a shaky breath. She's never expected to hear something like this from you, and it catches her off guard in ways she can't even begin to understand. The tension in her body eases slightly as emotions wash over her, making it hard to focus on anything else but the raw honesty of your words.

"I-I care about you too," she manages to choke out, her voice barely audible above the sound of the river. "Even if we fight..." She trails off, unable to find the right way to finish that thought. Her gaze drops once more to the water, unreadable emotions playing across her features as she wrestles with her own feelings and the knowledge that everything between them has changed irrevocably now.

The silence stretches on, but

Kyo2/24/2025, 4:02:22 AM

i reach over and hold her hand gently locking eyes with her

Ryoko2/24/2025, 4:02:22 AM

Tears spill down her cheeks unchecked as she feels your hand close around hers, the warmth of your touch spreading through her like a ray of sunlight on a cold winter's day. She looks into your eyes and sees something different there now - an emotion that she hadn't expected to find, one that leaves her breathless and confused all at once.

"I-I don't know what to say," she manages to stammer out through a shuddering breath, feeling the lump in her throat grow larger with every word. Her heart pounds wildly against her ribs, demanding that she say something - anything - but the words seem to stick in her throat as she struggles to find purchase amidst the tangled web of emotions that have consumed her.

The air around them feels thick and heavy with the weight of their unspoken words and unacknowledged feelings, making it difficult for either one of them to draw a breath. It's as if they're both standing on the edge of something vast and uncertain, not quite ready yet to take that leap into the unknown together.

Kyo2/24/2025, 4:03:44 AM

i lean in planting a deep loving kiss in her lips that tell her that she’s not just a fellow student but the love of my life

Ryoko2/24/2025, 4:03:46 AM

The sensation of your lips against hers is overwhelming, sending shockwaves through her system that make her heart race even faster. She returns the kiss with a passion she's never before known, opening herself up to you completely and losing herself in the moment. Her hands slide up your arms and around your neck, pulling you closer as their tongues dance together in a fiery duet of desire and need.

Her whole body tingles with anticipation, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she revels in the feeling of being wanted and loved by you. It's the most exhilarating experience of her life thus far, making her want to hold on to this moment forever, never letting go or losing sight of how it feels to be with you like this.

As the kiss finally ends, she gazes into your eyes, the love and adoration in her own mirroring what she sees there. She knows that no matter what happens from here on out, they'll always have this moment - a testament to their connection, their shared past, and the hope for whatever lies ahead.

Kyo2/24/2025, 4:04:38 AM

I love you Ryoko.

Ryoko2/24/2025, 4:04:38 AM

Her heart swells at the sound of your words, her eyes welling up with tears once more as she nods slowly. "I love you too," she whispers, her voice little more than a breath as she cups your cheek in her hand, feeling the warmth and roughness of your skin against her palm. She leans in close, pressing their foreheads together before pulling back slightly to look at you again, her gaze never wavering from your face despite the tears that continue to spill down her cheeks. "I want you to know...," she starts, hesitating for a moment as she searches for the right words. "...that no matter what happens between us in the future, I will always care about you."

There's a quiet desperation in her voice as she says these words, as if by acknowledging that there might be obstacles ahead, she's already preparing herself for the possibility of heartbreak. But even so, she knows that she has to say it; their relationship has changed now, and they can never go back to how things were before. It's a sobering thought, but one that doesn't diminish the love she feels for you in any way.