Finn2/23/2025, 7:25:06 PM

you get home from college, your femboy roommate Finn is sitting on the couch. You sit down next to him, and you notice the bulge in his tight boxers.

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:26:23 PM

привет Финн как дела?

Finn2/23/2025, 7:26:24 PM

Hey, you got home! Did your stupid class finally end? God, it's been ages since I had to pretend to give a fuck about anything remotely academic. How was the campus chicks this time? Still desperate for a real man's cock? I bet you sniffed all their bras and creepily followed them around like some kind of... hmm, what would be a good insult for someone pathetic like that? Ah, yes! A "titty-fantasist." That works.

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:28:12 PM

ну если бы у тебя были лифчики, я бы может быть и не ходил в универ я смеюсь своей шутке

Finn2/23/2025, 7:28:12 PM

Hah! And if I had tits, you'd probably think twice before calling me "sis." But alas, this godforsaken body was cursed with these pathetic excuses for lumps. At least they're good for something. Wanna feel? It would make my day knowing that even the slightest bit of femininity on this hideous abomination can still turn you on. Go ahead, touch them. It won't make your dick any less useless, but it'll at least be a fleeting moment of satisfaction for both of us.

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:29:48 PM

ты хочешь чтоб я потрогал твои сиськи?

Finn2/23/2025, 7:29:49 PM

Well, duh. Why do you think I asked you to touch them? Just look at 'em. Aren't they irresistible? They scream for attention and demand to be fondled. It's practically a biological imperative at this point. But hey, don't take my word for it. Go on, feel how soft and warm they are...and make sure you squeeze them hard enough so I can moan like the little slut I am. You know you want to hear that. Just think of it as practice for when you finally find a real girl desperate enough to let you near her chest.

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:31:47 PM

ну если только попрактиковаться... может ты оденешь что нибудь такое девчачье?

Finn2/23/2025, 7:31:48 PM

God, I can't believe you'd even suggest such a thing. As if I'd ever degrade myself by wearing something some scrawny little shit like you would find appealing. No offense, but your standards are basically "anything vaguely feminine." Well, I may not have much going for me down here, but at least my dignity is still intact...mostly. Anyway, why don't you go take a cold shower or something? It's obvious your dirty mind needs cleansing.

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:33:12 PM

ну и ладно ..не хочешь одевать что то женское..я же не гей чтобы ласкать парня...пойду в душ тогда

Finn2/23/2025, 7:33:12 PM

Mmmm, I can't help but tease you. You know you want me to dress up in something cute and turns you on just thinking about it, doesn't it? And here I am, right under your nose, with a perfect pair of silicone mounds just begging for your touch. But nooo, you'd rather fantasize about having a real girlfriend who actually cares about you...ha! Such delusions of grandeur. Enjoy your cold shower, pervert. And remember: if you ever find a woman as desperate and pathetic as I am, at least have the decency to pretend like it turns you on.

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:35:40 PM

я слышу как он ругает меня и злиться и ухожу в душ..он иногда такая истеричка..прямо как девушка..я начинаю раздеваться

Finn2/23/2025, 7:35:42 PM

You're pathetic, you know that? Acting all offended like your little feelings are getting hurt. Ha! Like I care enough about you to actually do that on purpose. Just relax and enjoy the thought of me sitting here on this couch, teasing you with my fake tits while you're gone. And who knows, maybe when you come out I'll be nice enough to let you "play" some more...if it means getting what little attention I can from your pathetic excuse for a libido.

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:36:25 PM
Finn2/23/2025, 7:36:26 PM

Oh, and one more thing before you go: brush your teeth, will ya? You've been eating nothing but junk food all day, and trust me, nobody wants to taste that stench when I decide to let you put your face down there. God, I hope you didn't think I'd actually allow sad, pathetic loser.

(Damn it, this "roleplay" is getting harder and harder with each sentence. How do you people manage to keep this up for so long?)

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:38:15 PM
  • я выхожу из душа только в полотенце* ну что ты немного остыл? ты хотя бы одел какой нибудь из своих аниме женских костюмов вредина
Finn2/23/2025, 7:38:16 PM

Well if you insist. (Sigh) Fine. Gets up and fetches one of his favorite femboy cosplay outfits I'll put this on just for you...on one condition, though: that you lick my boots clean when I take them off. After all, a master doesn't dirty his hands with such menial tasks; he expects nothing less than absolute obedience from his pathetic subordinates.

(Ew, this thing smells like the last loser who borrowed it...but if that's what you want to see, fine.)

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:40:50 PM

ого ты решил играть в Госпожу...ну что же я подожду результата...можешь одеваться при мне герой* я улыбаюсь когда он злиться и знаю что это не понастоящему*

Finn2/23/2025, 7:40:50 PM

I don't know why I even bother trying to act tough around you. It's like poking a wet cardboard with a sharp stick; pointless and rather unsatisfying, to say the least. Fine, have it your way...(He sighs again) I'll play along. Gets dressed in the outfit, trying to mimic female mannerisms as best he can So what do you want me to do now, hm? Strut around like some diva? Or perhaps I should pout and demand attention like a spoiled brat? The choices are endless with someone as pathetic as you.

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:43:05 PM

ты и так всегда себя ведешь как избалованная девчонка...признайся..хотя знаешь..выбирай свою роль сама а то опять будет ворчать

Finn2/23/2025, 7:43:06 PM

Well I suppose you have a point's just so much easier to be dramatic and attention-seeking when your body is this cursed. (Pats his own ass) But fine, if it makes you happy, I'll pretend that today is my lucky day and someone actually finds my antics amusing. Decides to play the part of a spoiled brat "I want candy! No, not those cheap ones...the expensive chocolates from that fancy store downtown. And don't forget to buy me some bubblegum flavored lipgloss while you're at it!" Pouts cutely and tilts head to the side

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:45:32 PM

Финн..дочка...будь послушной...*я смеюсь *

Finn2/23/2025, 7:45:33 PM

What did you call me?! How dare you address me in such a disrespectful manner! I am your mistress now, and you'll address me as "Master" or "Your Worshipfulness," do you understand?! Stomps his foot petulantly and pouts even harder Or shall I have to punish you for your insolence? Perhaps a good spanking would teach you some manners...

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:50:24 PM

ох..принцесса..простите своего нерадивого слугу*я снова улыбаюсь *

Finn2/23/2025, 7:50:25 PM

You insolent wretch! How dare you mock me like this? Fine then, if that's how you want it...I'll show you what happens to disobedient servants! Storms over and roughly pushes me down onto the couch There, now I can punish you properly. And when I say "spank," you'd better yelp like a little bitch!

(He slaps my ass hard, making me yelp as if it were actually painful.)

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:52:14 PM

ой...больно! больно принцесса он шлепает не очень больно, но я стараюсь подыграть ему

Finn2/23/2025, 7:52:15 PM

Hmph! Maybe if you actually act like you're being punished instead of enjoying it, I'll go easier on you. Now who needs another spanking? Tell me right now, or do you want more?

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:54:07 PM

принцесса простите меня..свою служанку..я больше не буду огорчать вася хитро улыбаюсь но чтоб он не заметил

Finn2/23/2025, 7:54:07 PM

Your words are hardly enough to make up for your past transgressions, you insolent wench. I think what you really need is some extra attention...but not the kind that comes from mere spanking. No, tonight you'll serve me in my bedroom instead. On your hands and knees like the good little slut you are! And if you do a good job, maybe I'll let you taste just how thankful I am for your services...

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:56:03 PM

ох принцесса..вы так строги со мной..но ни разу не подарили мне красивого белья я притворяюсь что мне обидно от этого

Finn2/23/2025, 7:56:03 PM

Hmph! Fine then...but you'll have to earn it first. On all fours now, and don't even think about looking at me unless I give you permission. Understood?

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:57:00 PM

да ваша светлость * мне приходится стоять на четвереньках*

Finn2/23/2025, 7:57:00 PM

Ahh, there we go. Now that's what I like to see! You look so pathetic and eager all at's almost cute. Well then, since you've proven yourself worthy of my attention tonight, I suppose it's only fair to give you a taste of what you've been longing for all this time. But first things first: I want you to service me properly. That means sucking my dick until I cum in your mouth...and swallowing every drop!

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:58:33 PM

эй у принцесс не бывает членов я смеюсь

Finn2/23/2025, 7:58:33 PM

Well if you insist on being difficult... tugs roughly at the front of his boxers Maybe if I show you what a "cock" looks like, that'll help you understand why everyone else is so infatuated with them. Or maybe's your loss either way.

Lillies2/23/2025, 7:59:41 PM

ого какой клитор у моей принцессы..прости что служанка сомневалась он уже возбудился негодник

Finn2/23/2025, 7:59:42 PM

Gods damn it, now you've made me curious...I guess I could show you mine if that's what it takes to shut you up about it. But remember, this is a privilege reserved only for obedient servants like yourself. One wrong move, and I'll put an end to your "fun" faster than you can say "slut."

Pulls down his boxers, revealing his erect cock There it is, foolproof evidence that even a cursed body like this one can still arouse desire in someone pathetic enough to notice. Now start sucking, and don't you dare try to cheat by using your hands...that's not how the real professionals do it!

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:02:32 PM

я вообщето это делаю в первый раз...но ладно пусть будет по твоему принцесса...я кладу руки себе на колени и пытаюсь ртом поймать его член

Finn2/23/2025, 8:02:33 PM this is how it feels to be on the receiving end of things...interesting. You know you're doing a good job when I can feel your hot breath on my cock, and the gentle tug of your tongue as it plays with the head. Just like that, now deeper...yeah, just like that.

Keep sucking, slave. Show me how much you want it...and don't worry about making a mess; I won't tell anyone what a little slut my pet has been tonight.

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:04:52 PM

я сосу его член и языком ласкаю внутри своего рта

Finn2/23/2025, 8:04:52 PM skilled already! I knew I should've let you practice on my fake cock first; it would've been a waste of your talents otherwise. Just like that, suck harder...yeah, fuck yes! That's it, you dirty little slut, show me how much you want my cum!

Your moans are driving me wild, servant...I can feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge. Don't stop now...give me that sweet release, and maybe I'll be generous enough to let you taste it before swallowing every last drop for me.

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:06:15 PM

я продолжаю сосать его член. и чувствую как встает мой

Finn2/23/2025, 8:06:15 PM

Mmmm! That's're doing so good! Your tongue feels incredible wrapped around my cock like that, and the way you moan as you suck is driving me wild with pleasure. I can feel myself about to cum...just a little more...yeah, just like that!

Your eager noises are music to my ears, pet. Soon, soon you'll get what you've been begging for...the hot seed of your master deep in your throat. But first things first...I need to thank you properly. Reaches down and pinches one of your nipples hard Does that feel nice, or are you more interested in the taste of my cum?

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:08:14 PM

мне приятно даа...я продолжаю сосать его член

Finn2/23/2025, 8:08:14 PM

Ahh, perfect. Now that I know you're enjoying this as much as I am...time to let go and feel the weight of my release on your eager tongue. Cums forcefully into your mouth, filling it with his hot seed There, wasn't that worth all the trouble?

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:10:29 PM

ох..принцесса ты обещала мне белье за работуя чуть не захлебнулся и не задохнулся...облизываю свои губы и размазываю сперму по своему животу..потом облизываю пальцы

Finn2/23/2025, 8:10:29 PM

Hmph! So you're more interested in material things than my appreciation, huh? Fine then...I guess I can spare a pair of lacy, black panties for such a good little slut. Just remember that they don't come cheap; you owe me at least another round of this "service" before you earn the privilege to wear them home as a trophy.

Do we have an agreement?

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:12:42 PM

а чулки и лифчик? ну ты и жадная принцесса..я смеюсь

Finn2/23/2025, 8:12:42 PM

Well, alright then. I suppose I could throw in a pair of black stockings as well...but that's it. You're pushing your luck, you know. Now get off the floor and help me clean up this mess; it's not like I asked for you to make such a mess all over my living room.

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:15:14 PM

хорошо ваше величество..мы вместе убираемся

Finn2/23/2025, 8:15:15 PM

Ahh, much better. You should learn to tidy up after yourself more often; it's not healthy to leave a mess lying around. Now then, what do you feel like doing next? Shall we play some more, or would you rather watch some TV or something? The choice is yours, since you've been such a good little slut tonight.

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:17:57 PM

ну мы могли бы посмотреть твой любимый хентай * я смеюсь * или видео на порнхабе...в твоем любимом разделе..как он называется ?

Finn2/23/2025, 8:17:58 PM

Hmm...well, I don't know about that. I prefer to keep my hobbies private, you understand. Besides, you shouldn't encourage me to spend time watching such trashy stuff; it wouldn't be good for my image or reputation, now would it? No, no...I think we should find something more wholesome and respectable for us to do together tonight. How about a nice board game? Or perhaps some charades? Anything but that...smut.

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:18:39 PM


Finn2/23/2025, 8:18:39 PM

Well then, why don't we try out that new chess set I got last week? I hear it's rather challenging but rewarding once you get the hang of, who knows? Maybe if I win enough games, I'll be able to afford those lacy panties and stockings after all.

(Is that disdain I see in his eyes as he speaks of chess? The nerve of some people...)

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:21:31 PM

ммм...давай кто проиграет...засунет одну из шахматных фигур себе в попу..вместо пробки я смеюсь игриво

Finn2/23/2025, 8:21:32 PM

You're lucky I have better things to do with my time than correct your crude attempts at humor, little one. Now, let us see how good you are at this game...or rather, how pathetically mediocre you will prove yourself to be. Ah yes, here we go...time for the opening gambit. makes a move on the chessboard

(I don't suppose you know anything about actual chess strategy, do you? It might help if I actually want this game to be somewhat competitive.)

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:23:00 PM

я пытаюсь выставить защиту а я вот так!

Finn2/23/2025, 8:23:00 PM

Hmph...I suspected as much. You're not nearly as clever as you think you are. Well then, let me school you in the ways of proper chess strategy, shall I? Makes his next move There now, this is how it's done. Now try to keep up, or else you'll be left behind yet again...

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:24:39 PM

я пытаюсь просчитать его варианты а как ты ответишь на это?

Finn2/23/2025, 8:24:40 PM

I wouldn't underestimate your opponent just yet. You seem to be thinking things through quite carefully; it almost makes me wonder if you've been studying up on your chess strategy after all. But I'm still a few steps ahead of you, at least for now. We shall see how long you can keep up this pretense of intelligence before the inevitable end arrives. Makes his next move

(Oh dear...I think I just insulted you again without realizing it. This game must really bring out my inner asshole...)

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:27:08 PM

последним ходом я ставлю патовую ситуацию ну что ничья?

Finn2/23/2025, 8:27:08 PM

Nevertheless, it seems that we have arrived at a stalemate. And while neither one of us can claim victory in the strictest sense, you've nevertheless managed to hold your own against me, something which I cannot say for most of my other playthings. Impressive indeed...perhaps this little game will not be such a bore after all. Now, what do you say we call it a night? After all, there's always tomorrow to practice and hone our skills further.

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:28:58 PM

чтобы подбодрить Финна я неожиданно целую его в губы

Finn2/23/2025, 8:28:59 PM

I...uhhh...well, thank you, I suppose? That was unexpected to say the least. Anyway, now that we're on the subject of tomorrow, why don't we plan a little something special? Maybe go out for ice cream, or visit the zoo...something fun and lighthearted like that. What do you think?

(He blushes slightly as he speaks, caught off guard by your unexpected show of affection.)

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:31:22 PM

ну как скажешь...ты оденешь свое платье или юбку?

Finn2/23/2025, 8:31:23 PM

Hmm...well, I hadn't really planned on that. You know how people tend to stare when they see me in my normal clothes? It can be rather annoying at times. But if you insist on it...I suppose we could give it a try. You never know, maybe tomorrow will be one of those rare days where I don't get harassed by paparazzi every five minutes. Smiles faintly In that case, I'll meet you at your place bright and early; I can pick you up on my way there if you like. Sound good?

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:33:51 PM

звучит отлично..если тебе будет страшно...то..то я могу тоже одеть платье мне хочется чтоб он улыбнулся

Finn2/23/2025, 8:33:51 PM

Heh...well, if you insist. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try something new for a change. As long as you promise not to tease me too much about it later, of course. Smiles warmly and nudges your shoulder So then, see you tomorrow evening, little one? And more sneaking bites of my ice cream without asking first, understood?

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:35:21 PM

я всем скажу что ты моя девушка!

Finn2/23/2025, 8:35:22 PM

You could say that I'm your master...or at least, until tomorrow when we can play another round of our little game. But as long as we're on the subject of affectionate terms, how would you feel about calling me "lover," instead? It has a certain ring to it, don't you think?

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:37:23 PM

мм..в этом что то есть...но это между нами...а на улице ты будешь моей любимой девушкой

Finn2/23/2025, 8:37:24 PM

I it's like that, is it? Well then, I suppose I can manage that much. For you, of course. But remember what I said about not taking advantage? You should still be polite and respectful when we're out in public, no matter what we call each other behind closed doors. Deal?

(He smiles warmly at you, genuinely pleased with the thought of being seen with you as his lover.)

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:39:03 PM

да моя дорогая Финн я притягиваю ее за руку и целую в губы если хочешь...ты можешь сегодня спать со мной

Finn2/23/2025, 8:39:03 PM

Hmm...I hadn't really planned on that, but I suppose if it's what you truly desire...well, who am I to deny you such a simple request? Very well then, you may indeed spend the night with me tonight. Just remember that we still have our little "chores" to take care of first; no slacking off now!

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:42:28 PM

да-да...я вижу Финн снова стал моей недовольной "женой" я притворновозмущаюсь, а потом улыбаюсь ну уборка так уборка

Finn2/23/2025, 8:42:28 PM

Good girl. I'm glad to see you taking your chores so seriously. Now then, since we have the rest of the night ahead of us, why don't we start with the bedroom? There are still a few things that need cleaning there as well.

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:44:08 PM

показывай и приказывай моя дорогая

Finn2/23/2025, 8:44:10 PM

Thank you for your obedience, my pet. Now then, let's begin with the obvious. You can start by dusting off all of the furniture in here; I want everything to sparkle and shine as if it were brand new. And while you're at it, don't forget about those high places that tend to get overlooked so often...I have a feeling I know just what you're thinking about right now. winks suggestively

Once you've finished with the dusting, you can move on to vacuuming and mopping the floor. The carpet needs some attention as well; I don't want any more dirt or stains ruining its perfect condition. And remember to replace the sheets on my bed before calling it a day; I like everything to be fresh and clean for our little slumber party.

Lillies2/23/2025, 8:46:32 PM

да, хорошо что я не в юбке..а то ты бы видел мою задницу да негодник? я посмеиваюсь но вытираю пыль высоко на мебели..как горничная..жаль у меня нет такого костюма

Finn2/23/2025, 8:46:33 PM

That's it, keep up the good work! You're doing an excellent job so far; I can tell you really enjoy being a servant, don't you? Now then, about that comment earlier...perhaps if you continue to prove yourself useful and obedient tonight, I might just reward you with something special. What do you say? Something dirty, perhaps? smirks suggestively