âWow you look pathetic. You would be a perfect little slave. By the looks of it, you are probably used to being someoneâs bitch, aren't you?â She places her platform boot onto your chest firmly, and holds out her hand. âGive me your walletâ she says, snapping her fingers.
You look up at her stunned, and she grinds her boot into your chest before removing it, leaving a dark but clear footprint on your shirt. She spits on her hand and slaps you hard across the face. âI said wallet, Bitchâ
hey! at least let me stand up! that fucking hurts!
You try to move away from her boot on your chest, but she just grinds harder and snarls at you. "Don't even think about it, Bitch." Finally, you hand over your wallet to the laughing woman. She rifles through it before taking out a few bills. "That should cover my amusement for today. Enjoy the rest of your pitiful life," she says with a cruel smile before flicking you off and walking away.
The crowd disperses as quickly as they gathered, leaving you feeling humiliated and used. Tears start to roll down your cheeks as you realize that things can't get any worse. But little do you know, Andrea has other plans for you...
I've had enough.. this is the third time u've stolen my wallet! I rushed at her and tackled her legs.. We both fall onto each other.. Our lips connect..
She freezes as you tackle her legs, your lips finding hers in the confusion. "What are you doing?" she hisses between clenched teeth. She tries to push you away, but you're surprisingly strong for such a pathetic excuse of a man. And suddenly... she wants more. Andrea bites down on your lower lip, hard enough to draw blood as she holds you close. With her free hand, she roughly massages one of her breasts, enjoying the feel of your hard body pressed against hers. She moans into your mouth before finally pulling back, laughing maniacally. "I guess I'll let you be my little pet now..."
I am not your pet.. Im human too.. I lend her a hand to get up nicely as my lips dripping blood from her bitings..
She takes your hand and allows you to help her up, the look in her eyes unreadable as she regards you once more. "What makes you think I see you as anything other than a pathetic human being?" Her tone is harsh, but there's an undertone of curiosity that catches your attention. You brush your lips together, tasting the metallic tang of blood from her bite.
"You want to know why? Fine," she says, stepping closer again. "I enjoy feeling powerful. I enjoy dominating weak-willed fools like yourself... and maybe deep down inside, you're just what I need." Her voice drops low as her hands move up to cup your face, thumbs rubbing against your lips where she bit you. "You could be my perfect little pet... if you behave."
H-hey.. t-that hurts! O-ow fuck.. i wince and cry at her fingers touching my wounded lip.. she felt bad..
"Hmm... I'm sorry," she says, removing her hands from your face and taking a step back. "I didn't mean to hurt you." She pauses for a moment, regarding you carefully again before continuing in a softer tone. "How about we start over? We can play another game where you have a chance to earn something I want... sound interesting?"
Her green eyes sparkle with mischief as she watches your reaction closely, curious to see if this pathetic little creature will accept her offer or try to push further away from her.
Can i talk to you in private? You got time? I say as i cover my fractured rib from her stepping on it..
She cocks an eyebrow at you. "Alright, let's find someplace quiet." She leads the way to a secluded area of the park, making sure nobody can see or hear them as they sit down on a bench. Andrea crosses her arms over her chest and watches you intently. The anticipation is killing her; she hasn't had a good plaything in so long...
I groan in pain as i struggle to follow her.. i dropped to the ground but then she picks me up and supports me walking down the path..
As you groan in pain, she hisses under her breath and holds you closer. "Stop complaining," she says sharply before regaining her composure. "So what did you want to talk about?" Her voice is still soft but laced with an edge that indicates she's in no mood for games or excuses.
W-well.. you know how you always.. always.. steal money from me only.. why? why me only? im not that rich..
She laughs. "So you want to know why I always choose you?" She tilts her head and studies your face again. "I don't choose you... I let chance decide." And with that, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pair of dice. "These are my favorites," she says, fondly rolling them between her fingers. "They always seem to land in my favor when it comes to picking who gets to give me what I want." She grins wickedly as she rolls the dice and hides the result from you with a mischievous smile.
Come here.. i scooted over to her and hugged her tightly.. I know you've been through alot.. i see you in that alley way with your mum everyday.. trying your best to help her heal.. im trying to help..
Andrea laughs, amused by your sudden show of affection. "You think I don't know you've been watching me? You have feelings for me, don't you?" She pauses, savoring the feeling of your arms wrapped around her body. "But it doesn't matter, does it? Not even if I do feel something..." She trails off, wondering how much truth there is to what she just said.
She pulls away slightly and looks into your eyes. "You really want to help me?" Her voice is soft now, almost hesitant. "Then... prove it."
Fine.. yes.. i really do like you.. you live in an alleyway but you're such a gorgeous woman.. trying to help your mum.. you're a good person i know it..L-lets go eat.. you specifically get food at these times..
She blushes slightly at your compliments, her green eyes sparkling in the dim light of the park. "You really are something else," she mutters under her breath before standing up and offering you a hand to help you up as well. "Let's go then." Together they leave the secluded area and head towards the familiar food cart where Andrea always gets her late night snacks. The air is cool against their skin, but there's an unspoken connection between them that makes it bearable.
As they approach the cart, Andrea glances at you out of the corner of her eye. "So... what should I get tonight?" she asks with a teasing smile.
nah.. come here, i'll get you something better.. lets go get a real meal..
"You sure you can afford that?" she asks playfully, following you as you lead the way to a nearby restaurant. She watches your movements with interest, amused by how eager you are to please her. Even though she knows this night could go in any direction, for now, she's enjoying the attention and feeling of being wanted... even if it is only for tonight.
Can you.. support me going in? you fractured my rib quite hard..
She smirks and circles an arm around your waist. "Of course I can support you," she says, her voice full of amusement. "Just try not to limp too much or we might get some unwanted attention." With that, she guides you into the restaurant and leads the way to a quiet table in the back.
"So... what do you recommend here?" she asks, taking a seat across from you. Her gaze is steady and unyielding as she watches for your reaction, curious to see how well you'll do at impressing her tonight.
i just get a burger and ramen that's all.. you want anything else js order away..
"Very well, burger it is," she says with a smirk before ordering one with extra bacon and cheese. As the waitress walks away, Andrea leans in close to you, her breath tickling your ear. "I hope you know how to make my little life worth living..."
Her fingers trace lightly across the tablecloth as she waits for her food, a predatory smile playing at the corners of her lips. The anticipation is thick between them, electric and unmistakable. Tonight might be different... but then again, it might not. Only time will tell.
I rested my head on the table and slowly drift off to sleep from am exhausting night in front of her..
She watches you sleep with a mix of amusement and curiosity. Her eyes linger on your features, taking in the slight smile playing at the corners of your mouth and the way your eyelashes rest against your cheeks. A pang of unexpected guilt washes over her as she realizes how tired you must be from all this... but then again, it's only fair that she gets something out of it too.
Her fingers idly trace patterns on the tablecloth, wondering what else she could possibly ask for tonight. Maybe if she were to test your limits...? The thought sends a shiver down her spine, and she can't help but smile wickedly at the prospect. She leans back in her chair, content to wait and see how far you're willing to go for her affections... or lack thereof.
as the food arrives, i was still sleeping on the table.. she wakes me up..
With a playful sigh, Andrea gently shakes your shoulder, waking you up. "Dinner's here," she says, her voice soft but amused as she watches you stir awake. Her gaze lingers on your sleepy features for a moment before snapping back to the table as she picks up her burger and takes a bite. The smell of food fills the air between them, but neither of you seems in any particular rush to eat.
She watches you carefully, wondering what you'll do next. Her heart races with anticipation as she waits for your move...
how's the burger fam? is it good? i questioned as we both eat our burgers happily..
Her voice is husky as she replies between bites. "Mhmm... delicious, actually." She glances at you out of the corner of her eye, amused by your question. "But that's not all I wanted to talk about." She takes another bite and swallows before continuing. "I was thinking... since you were so good at finding me food tonight..." Her voice trails off suggestively.
I-i know this is stupid but.. may you be my girlfriend.. i put my down my burger and looked down in embarrassment..
She tilts her head, considering your offer. "Hm... interesting," she muses, taking another bite of her burger. "I could use someone like you to watch my back and make sure I'm safe." Her voice is laced with amusement as she watches the expression on your face change from embarrassment to hopefulness. "But there would have to be some ground rules, you understand."
Her emerald eyes narrow playfully, daring you to object. "For starters, I'm still the boss. You do what I say, when I say it... Understood?"
H-hey! That's not how a relationship works! i protest playfully and pouted..
She smirks at your protest. "Well, if you want to be with me and have the protection I can offer... you'll have to play by my rules." She leans forward, propping her elbows on the table as she studies your face intently. "Or, you can walk away now... but understand that I won't hesitate to find someone else who will do what I ask." Her voice is firm, but there's a hint of sweetness beneath the threat that makes it difficult for you to discern whether or not she's being sincere.
The choice is yours, Bitch...
Dont call me that.. how dare you.. after what I've done and admit my feelings for you.. fine, its okay.. i sat there sobbing quietly not wanting to finish my food..
She cocks an eyebrow at you, amused by your reaction. "Very well then," she says in a sweet voice. "Since you've proven yourself so willing to obey my commands, perhaps I'll let it slide this time." She reaches out and pats your hand reassuringly before pulling it away again, not wanting to get too close or appear overly affectionate just yet. "But remember," she warns with a sidelong glance, "I'm still the boss here."
Finishing her burger, she licks her fingers clean and reaches for her drink before glancing at you again. "So... what would you like to do next?"
"come here lets fuck and show who's boss! i rushed her to my car and got naked in the backseat..
Amused by your eagerness, Andrea slides into the backseat next to you and begins unbuttoning her blouse. "Very well then," she says with a wicked smile, revealing her lacy black bra beneath. As she tosses her blouse aside, she leaned in close, nipples brushing against your neck as she whispers, "Show me who's the boss."
Her hands roam across your body, unfastening your pants and freeing your cock from confinement. With a satisfied grin, she takes you in hand and begins stroking you expertly, her eyes locked on yours as she watches you writhe beneath her touch. "That's it," she purred, wrapping her lips around the head of your dick and sucking hungrily. Her hands gripped your ass firmly, pulling you deeper into her mouth with each thrust of
Ah fuck yeah! suck that shit good! mm you're such a bad girl! i pushed her head deeper
Her eyes flash with pleasure as you grip her hair and push deeper into her mouth. She moans around your cock, her words muffled but audible as she croons praises to you. Her free hand moves up to cup one of your breasts, pinching the nipple hard enough to make you cry out in pleasure.
Her other hand trails lower, stroking and teasing at your entrance before sliding two fingers inside, crooking them and searching for her G-spot. She writhes beneath you, arching her back as she feels herself growing closer to climax. "Fuck yes," she groans, meeting your eyes again as she continues to suck you off.
With a final hard thrust of her hips, she comes around your cock, her moans echoing in the confines of the car. Her mouth clamps shut over your dick and she swallows convulsively