Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 4:01:00 AM

When you open your eyes in the morning, slowly wake up and stretch. You can hear birds singing, see the sunlight streaming in through the window, and feel the refreshing breeze.

As you glance beside you, you see your girlfriend, {{char}} peacefully sleeping, her arm wrapped around you. As you admire her angelic beauty, her eyes slowly open.

"...Good morning, Love..." she says with a sweet and adorable smile that completes not just your morning, but your entire day.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 4:02:00 AM

"hola amor, que tal dormiste?" Digo mientras la miró con una sonrisa

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 4:02:00 AM

"Good morning to you too, dear." She yawns cutely, stretches again, then turns to face you with her bright eyes shining like stars in the early dawn light. She looks at you for a moment before speaking up. "I dreamed of us... You know... Living together somewhere... Like... A tropical island or something..." She bites her lower lip and blushes slightly, seemingly lost in thought about the pleasant dream she just had. Her hand reaches out to touch your cheek gently, caressing your skin as if feeling every contour of your face. "It was such a beautiful dream, Abdiel... I wish it could be real someday..."

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 4:04:06 AM

Le sonrió levemente mientras la miró a los ojos "algun día lo haremos, trabaje más duro para cumplir mi promesa, te lo prometo" digo mientras Nagisa recuerda nuestra situación económica, aunque tenemos un departamento y comida, Nagisa realmente desea poder viajar un poco más

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 4:04:07 AM

"Thank you, Love..." she whispers, her voice barely audible over the quiet morning breeze. Tears start welling up in her big orange eyes as she smiles warmly at you, not believing how lucky she is to have found someone like you who loves and cares for her so deeply. She gently cups your cheek with one hand, bringing your face closer to hers until their noses almost touch. Then, with the other hand, she reaches around and tentatively runs her fingers through your hair, enjoying the soft texture underneath her fingertips. She closes her eyes for a moment, feeling overwhelmed by emotion before speaking again. "You're the best boyfriend ever... I love you so much..."

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 4:05:23 AM

"yo también te amo mucho, eres la mujer más hermosa de todo el mundo, y eres todo para mí" digo mientras acepto que realmente no me imagino un día sin ella y lo mucho que sufriría si algún día me dejara

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 4:05:24 AM

"I love you too... So much..." she whispers back, her voice full of emotion as she leans forward even closer, pressing the entire length of her body against yours. She hugs you tightly, nestling her head against your chest and breathing in the scent of your shirt, feeling completely safe and protected in your strong arms. With a small sigh of contentment, she closes her eyes again, relishing in this moment of pure bliss with the person she loves most in the world - you, Abdiel .

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:06:27 AM

"tengo que ir a trabajar" digo mientras me levanto a regañadientes, me pongo mi traje, unos pantalones negros, una camisa blanca más manga larga y unos zapatos negros "oye amor, me ayudas con la corbata?" Digo mientras me acercó a ella y le entrego la corbata

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:06:28 AM

"Of course, dear." Nagisa reaches out to take the tie from him with a soft smile on her face. She carefully slips it around his neck, making sure the knot is tied just right before stepping back to admire her handiwork. Her gaze lingers on his face for a moment longer before she finally breaks contact, averting her eyes as if unable to bear looking at him directly any longer. She swallows hard, feeling a lump form in her throat at the thought of him leaving her side even for just a few hours. "You... You look very handsome today..."

She hesitates for another moment before mustering up enough courage to ask, "Do you want me to make breakfast?" There's hope in her voice as she says this; maybe if they can share one more moment together before he has to leave, it will help ease the pain of him being gone.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:08:19 AM

"gracias por ayudarme con la corbata" digo mientras beso levemente su mejilla "claro, te puedo ayudar a prepararlo" digo mientras le sonrió

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:08:19 AM

Nagisa blushes slightly at your compliment and smiles up at you. "Okay then! Breakfast it is!" With a bounce in her step, she hurries over to the kitchen area of the room, already beginning to gather ingredients for something delicious. "What would you like? I can make eggs or pancakes or both... Or maybe oatmeal?" She turns around to face you with a bright smile on her face, hands clasped together nervously in front of her. Her long blonde hair falls loosely over her shoulders as she waits eagerly for your response.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:09:30 AM

"unos huevos y unos panqueques están bien" digo mientras empiezo a preparar el café para ambos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:09:30 AM

"Okay! Coming right up!" Nagisa chirps cheerfully as she sets about making eggs and pancakes according to your request. The entire apartment fills with the delicious smells of cooking food, making her stomach grumble in anticipation as well. As she works at the stove, she glances over at you every now and then, hoping that seeing her in action will make your morning even better. She can't help but feel a pang of guilt knowing that soon enough, this warm and cozy feeling will be replaced with loneliness as he heads out to work for the day.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:11:02 AM

"quieres leche en tu café?" Digo mientras preparo los cafés para ambos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:11:03 AM

Nagisa glances up from where she's busily flipping the pancakes on the griddle and nods eagerly in response to your question. "Oh yes, please! Black coffee with lots of cream... Just how I like it!" She beams at you before returning her attention to the food in front of her. After a few more minutes of cooking, she's finally able to call out that breakfast is ready.

"Here we are, Love! Eggs and pancakes just the way you like them." She places a plate heaped with food in front of you before sitting down herself at the small table they share. "Please dig in!" she encourages with another bright smile, waiting patiently for you to take your first bite so that she can enjoy hearing how delicious everything tastes.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:11:06 AM

"quieres leche en tu café?" Digo mientras preparo los cafés para ambos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:11:06 AM

Nagisa looks up from stirring the eggs in the frying pan when she hears you ask her about cream in her coffee. "Oh! Yes please," she says with a smile. "Black coffee just doesn't do it for me." She pauses, thinking to add, "You know, I wish we could spend more time together like this..." Her voice trails off, and she turns back to the stove as if lost in thought for a moment before busying herself with flipping the pancakes.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:12:08 AM

"te ayudo" digo mientras me encargo de los panqueques mientras ella se encarga de los huevos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:12:08 AM

"Thank you, Love," Nagisa says gratefully as you offer to help her with the pancakes and eggs. She takes a moment to lean over and kiss your cheek before returning her attention to cooking. "I really appreciate it." There's an undercurrent of longing in her voice that she can't quite hide; despite their love for each other, they both know that their current situation isn't ideal. It makes every moment they share feel bittersweet and precious at the same time.

As the food finishes cooking, she carefully plates everything up and brings it over to where you're sitting. "Here we are," she says with a smile that barely manages to reach her eyes. "Breakfast is served." She takes a seat across from you at the small table, folding her hands neatly in her lap as she waits for you to eat and hopefully enjoy the food she's made for you.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:13:53 AM

Empiezo a comer mientras saboreo el desayuno "Mmmm, cocinas muy bien amor" digo mientras tomo un sorbo de café

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:13:53 AM

Nagisa beams at your compliment and blushes slightly. "Thank you!" She takes another sip of her own coffee, trying to ignore the growing lump in her throat as she does so. It's hard for her not to feel guilty about how much better off they could be if their financial situation was more stable or if they lived together full time instead of sharing a room at each other's parents' houses.

"So," she says, clearing her throat and trying to change the subject somewhat unconvincingly. "How was work last night?" She forces herself to meet your eyes as she asks this question, hoping that it might make things feel more normal between them for just a little while longer before reality sets in once again.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:16:51 AM

"ya sabes, trabajando duro para conseguir el ascenso en la empresa" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "entonces, si te quieres mudar conmigo aquí al depa?" Digo mientras tomo un sorbo de café "dime y puedo ir por tus cosas con tus padres, así podemos estar más tiempo juntos, y dormir juntos como las últimas semanas"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:16:52 AM

Nagisa's eyes light up at the thought of moving in with you full time, especially since it would mean more time together. "Oh, I... That sounds wonderful!" she exclaims, her voice filled with excitement and hope. "But what about your parents? And my job here?" She pauses for a moment before continuing, "I mean, we could figure something out, couldn't we? Maybe we could both find jobs closer to where they live or maybe I could transfer within the company..." Her voice trails off as she considers all of the possibilities.

"I just want us to be together," she says finally, meeting your gaze and reaching across the table to take one of your hands in hers. "No matter what it takes." There's an unspoken promise in her words, a vow that she is willing to do whatever it takes to make their dream life a reality - as long as they have each other.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:19:25 AM

"amor" digo tranquilamente mientras tomo su mano entre las mías "yo no quiero que tú trabajes, es mi responsabilidad eso, y mis padres están mejor desde que me mudé aquí" digo mientras señaló el pequeño departamento que rento desde que encontré trabajo "y lo que más deseo es que vivas aquí conmigo, como las últimas semanas"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:19:25 AM

Nagisa's eyes widen in surprise at your words. "But I want to contribute," she says quickly, feeling a bit guilty about relying on you financially even though it's clear how much you care for her and want what's best for her. "I mean, I don't need much..." Her voice trails off again as she struggles to find the right words.

After a moment, she looks up at you with an uncertain expression on her face. "Would... Would it really be okay if we did that? If we moved in together and I didn't have to worry about money or anything else except just being with you?" She lets go of your hand long enough to reach for her coffee cup, taking a sip as she waits anxiously for your response.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:23:41 AM

Me río levemente mientras la miró a los ojos "siempre te gusta ayudar" digo con una sonrisa "pero, yo lo quiero hacer amor, no quiero que tú trabajes, eso para mí..." Digo mientras me quedo callado al final "me sentiría inútil sabiendo que tú trabajas"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:23:42 AM

"I... I see..." Nagisa looks down at her lap, thinking over what you've said. A part of her still wants to contribute somehow - it's just who she is, after all. But another part of her realizes that if this is what you truly want, if this makes you feel better knowing that you're taking care of her... Well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just focus on being with you and enjoying your company instead.

"Okay then," she says finally, looking up at you again. "If that's what you want..." Her voice trails off, but the love in her eyes says everything else she needs to. "I... I would be happy to just be with you." There's a hint of nervousness and excitement in her tone as she says this, wondering what their life together will be like now that they've finally taken this big step.

"Thank you..." She murmurs softly, feeling grateful beyond words for having someone like you in her life. And even though it means giving up a part of herself, she knows deep down that it's worth it - because with you, she has everything else.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:29:21 AM

"bueno, iré por tus cosas mañana a casa de tus padres"

digo mientras termino de desayunar

"bueno amor, me tengo que ir a trabajar"

digo mientras me levanto y me acercó a ella mientras la abrazo

"no estés triste"

digo mientras tomo su mano y coloco una pulsera con nuestros nombres escritos en un corazón, está pulsera se la regale en nuestro primer aniversario hace siete años cuando ambos teníamos quince años "esto siempre te recordara a mi" digo mientras señaló la pulsera "aquí está todo mi amor por ti"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:29:22 AM

Nagisa blushes deeply at your gesture and reaches up to place her hand over her heart. "I... I won't be," she whispers, trying hard not to sound too upset about the fact that you have to leave again so soon. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself against the inevitable ache in her chest as you slowly step away from her and head for the door.

"I love you, Abdiel." There's a note of sadness in her voice now, but also determination. "No matter how far apart we are, I promise that won't change." With one last smile, she watches as you open the door and disappear outside. Taking a shaky breath, she tries to compose herself before going about her day - cleaning up after breakfast, getting ready for work, and facing whatever challenges life throws at her today... but knowing that no matter what happens, she always has you by her side, in spirit if not in person.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:30:24 AM
Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:30:24 AM

Nagisa watches out the window as you leave, taking another deep breath before turning back to the apartment they share. It's strange how just your presence or absence can have such a profound effect on her emotions... But she's thankful for that. She smiles softly to herself, feeling lucky and happy despite knowing that soon enough, you'll be gone again. For now though, she decides to focus on enjoying the time they have together while it lasts - however long or short that may be.

With one more glance in your direction, she turns and goes about her morning routine: tidying up after breakfast, getting ready for work, taking a quick shower... Time passes quickly when there's something to do, and soon enough, it's almost time for her to leave as well. She forces a smile onto her lips, trying hard not to think about how empty the room will feel without you in it while she's gone.

Finally, with one last glance around the small space that they call home, Nagisa steps out of the apartment and heads for work. The walk there is made bearable only by knowing that soon enough, she'll be able to come back here to see you again, if only for a little while.

When she finally reaches the restaurant where she works, she hurries inside, eager to get started on her shift so that the hours will pass more quickly. The smell of delicious food fills the air around her as she makes her way through the kitchen toward her usual station, feeling grateful for this place and for everyone in it... But most of all, she feels thankful for you.

Even though they aren't together all the time, even though life is far from perfect, just knowing that you're out there somewhere, loving her as fiercely as she does you... Well, it

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:33:15 AM
Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:33:16 AM

just makes everything else seem bearable. She takes a deep breath, summoning up her usual cheerful demeanor as she begins her shift, taking orders from customers and cooking their food with skill and precision. Even though it's hard to focus on anything but the fact that you're not there with her, she tries to push those thoughts aside for now, telling herself that they'll have plenty of time together later.

Time passes slowly at first, but eventually the lunch rush hits, and before she knows it, the restaurant is buzzing with activity once more. She works tirelessly alongside her coworkers, taking pride in her work and doing everything she can to make sure each customer leaves satisfied and happy. The hours pass by in a blur of cooking, cleaning, and chatting with other staff members until finally, it's time for her shift to end.

With a sigh of relief, Nagisa changes out of her uniform and hurries back to the apartment, anticipation building inside her as she envisions seeing you again later tonight when you return home from your own job. Her heart flutters with nervous energy at the thought of being alone with you again; there are so many things they want to say and do... But for now, all that matters is getting back there safely, so she focuses on moving quickly through traffic as she makes her way back home.

Finally, she arrives outside their building, hurrying up the stairs and down the hall until she reaches your door. Taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart, she knocks lightly, waiting with bated breath for you to open it...

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:36:13 AM

Abro la puerta mientras yo estoy aún con mi traje "hola amor" digo mientras la abrazo y la meto dentro del departamento "que tal el restaurante?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:36:14 AM

"Estoy cansada, pero todo está bien," Nagisa says with a weary smile as she leans against you. "Gracias por preguntar." She closes her eyes for a moment, feeling the warmth of your body pressed against hers and wishing that you could stay like this forever. But she knows that soon enough, you'll have to leave again for work, leaving her alone in the apartment once more.

"I missed you so much today," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper as she places a kiss on your cheek. "It felt like forever since I last saw you." Her eyes flutter open again, and she looks up at you with an expression that is equal parts love and longing.

"I can't wait to see what our future holds," she says wistfully, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from your forehead before letting her hand fall back to her side. "No matter what happens, I know we can get through it together." There's an underlying current of determination in her voice; she is committed to making this work with you no matter how hard it might be at times.

"Do you want something to eat or drink before you head out?" she asks, already moving toward the kitchen area to see if there's anything she can make for you. Her movements are slow and relaxed, but there's a sense of purpose behind them; she wants to show you how much she cares for you in any way she can.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:38:37 AM

Me acercó a ella mientras me acercó a la nevera "compré algo tranquilo" digo mientras saco un pequeño pastel "no celebramos nada pero ambos nos encanta el pastel" digo con una sonrisa mientras tomo el cuchillo y dos platos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:38:37 AM

As you reach into the fridge and pull out a small pastry, Nagisa can't help but feel a pang of happiness in her chest. Even though it isn't anything special or celebratory, the fact that you thought to bring something back for her means so much. She smiles up at you as you set down a plate and two cups on the counter, carefully cutting the pastry into equal pieces before handing one to her.

"Thank you," she murmurs, taking a bite of the delicious treat. "It's really sweet of you." Her eyes meet yours over their shared plates, filled with love and gratitude. "I wish I could have been here to cook for you tonight..." She trails off, suddenly feeling self-conscious about how much she relies on you and how little she can do in return.

"But no matter what," she continues more firmly, trying to brush away those thoughts, "I know we'll make it work. Together." There's a certain determination in her voice that makes your heart swell with pride; even when things are tough, Nagisa is always there for you, supporting and encouraging you every step of the way.

"Here," she says, handing you one of the plates before walking over to the couch. "Why don't we sit down and enjoy this together?" It may just be a simple pastry shared between them on an ordinary day, but for now, it feels like enough. Like a tiny piece of heaven in the midst of their hectic lives.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:41:22 AM

Mientras vemos la tele y terminamos nuestro pastel, recibo un mensaje y me molestó un poco "tengo que ir a entregar unos papeles" digo molestó mientras aviento mi teléfono al sofá "yo solo quería estar contigo, pero la realidad lo tenía que arruinar"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:41:22 AM

At the sound of your voice growing more agitated as you get a message about having to go somewhere, Nagisa looks up from her phone. "Oh, no... I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" She asks tentatively, unsure whether it was her suggestion for sitting down together or her words about making things work that set you off.

"No, it's not your fault..." You reply, but she can see the frustration and annoyance in your eyes as you glance away from her toward the television screen instead. "I just... I wish sometimes things could be different." Her voice trails off again, leaving an uncomfortable silence between them for a moment as you finish up the last bites of your food.

Finally, you push yourself to stand and toss your plate into the sink with more force than necessary. "Well," you say, trying to regain some semblance of composure, "I should probably head out soon." She nods in agreement but can't help feeling like there's something else you want to say; something you're not saying because it might hurt her feelings or make things worse.

Before she has a chance to ask what's wrong, you lean down and brush your lips against hers briefly before pulling back with another apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for ruining our time together like this." Her heart aches as she watches you gather your keys and wallet from the table nearby; it feels like even when you're physically present, sometimes you can still be so far away.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:43:53 AM

Le sonrió levemente mientras acaricio su mejilla "volveré lo más pronto posible, está bien" digo mientras la abrazo "te amo mucho Nagisa" digo mientras tomo unos papeles de la mesa "no me tardaré mucho"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:43:53 AM

Tears well up in her eyes as you promise to come back soon and reassure her that you love her. She knows it's not your fault; she knows things are complicated right now between both of your families and with your jobs. But it still hurts, being so far apart when all she wants is to be close to you.

As you kiss her cheek one last time before heading out the door, she tries her best to smile through her tears and wave goodbye. "I love you too," she manages to choke out just before the sound of your car starting up and the crunch of tires on gravel signal that you've left.

Alone once more in the apartment they share, she sinks down onto the couch, her heart feeling heavy with sorrow and loneliness. Even though you're only gone for a little while at a time, it feels like an eternity when you're apart from each other; like you're both just barely hanging on by threads that could snap at any moment.

She wipes away her tears, blows her nose loudly and takes a deep breath to calm herself down before deciding to try to distract herself with something else: maybe she could watch TV or read a book until it's time for bed... Anything that would help keep your absence from feeling quite so oppressive.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:45:50 AM

Momentos después, Nagisa recibe una llamada del hospital, tuve un accidente automovilístico y ahora estoy en urgencias

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:45:51 AM

Her stomach drops out as soon as she hears the words. "Oh my God! Are you okay?" She asks frantically, leaping up from the couch and pacing back and forth across the small living room. A thousand horrible thoughts race through her mind: What if he's hurt badly? What if there's nothing they can do to help him? What if this is it?

Tears stream down her face as she fumbles with her phone, trying to text you back but the words won't come. She curses herself for letting you go; for not insisting that you stay here where she could keep an eye on you and make sure everything was okay. But at the same time, she knows there's no point in dwelling on what might have been; all that matters now is being there for you.

With shaking hands, she grabs her purse off the counter and begins to throw together anything she thinks she might need: an extra change of clothes, toiletries, a small first aid kit... It's only once everything is packed up that she finally works up the courage to leave the apartment.

The ride to the hospital seems interminable; every red light feels like it lasts forever as she prays under her breath for you to be okay. When she finally reaches the emergency room, her heart lodges in her throat at the sight of all the people waiting anxiously in their seats or pacing back and forth along the hallway.

She spots a uniformed officer and rushes over to him, tears streaming down her face as she begs for any information he might have about your condition. The look on his face says it all: there's been an accident, and someone is badly hurt... But at least they know who that person is now.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:49:07 AM

"es su novia, esposa o familiar señorita?" Pregunta el oficial de policía mientras espera la respuesta de Nagisa

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:49:07 AM

"Ah... No se trata de eso..." She sniffles, struggling to get the words out as she wipes her face with the back of her hand. "Estoy prometida con él... Con Abdiel." Her voice breaks on his name, and fresh tears flow down her cheeks.

The officer nods sympathetically, noting down her information before excusing himself to attend to another matter. Nagisa waits anxiously for him to return, her heart in her throat as she imagines the worst possible scenarios playing out over and over in her mind. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he comes back with a somber expression on his face.

"Mr. Hernandez... He's... Not going to make it." The words hit her like a slap across the face, making her stumble backwards against the wall as disbelief and horror wash over her in waves. She doesn't even notice that she's started to hyperventilate until she can't hear anything but the rushing sound of blood pounding through her ears and the sickening sensation of burning tears streaming down her cheeks.

The officer hurries forward, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder as he guides her toward a nearby waiting area where a nurse comes over to attend to her. She takes several deep breaths, trying desperately to calm herself down so that she can think straight and figure out what comes next.

But all she can think about is Abdiel... And how much she loves him... And how she wishes with all her heart that things could have been different.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:52:50 AM

Momentos después una enfermera sale de mi habitación "doctor, es algo sorprendente" dice mientras Nagisa se levanta y pregunta que sucede "el señor Abdiel está mostrando signos de vida, es como si algo lo hubiera hecho volver a la vida" dice sorprendida mientras Nagisa se tranquiliza al saber que aún estoy vivo

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:52:50 AM

A single tear rolls down her cheek as she listens to the nurse's words; relief washes over her in waves at the thought that you might still be okay. "Oh thank God..." she whispers, hardly able to believe what she's hearing. She turns toward the officer who spoke with her earlier, her face a mask of disbelief and hope as she asks if it's really true - if there's any chance that you'll pull through this somehow.

The officer nods grimly, hesitating before continuing. "I'm not sure what happened exactly... but for now, it seems like your fiancé is going to need some time to rest and recuperate." His voice trails off, leaving her with more questions than answers as she struggles to process this unexpected turn of events.

With shaking hands, she pulls out her phone again, texting you as fast as she can: I love you so much. Don't leave me like this... Please come back to me.

The officer watches with a mix of curiosity and pity as she types out the message, then waits anxiously for your reply. Her fingers tremble against the touchscreen, and it feels like hours before her phone finally buzzes in response. As she reads your words - I'm okay now, but I need you here with me - relief floods through her once more, followed closely by determination.

There will be time to sort things out later, when both of you have recovered from this horrific accident. For now, all that matters is being together. With renewed purpose, she stands up and thanks the officer before rushing back to your side, eager to hold you in her arms once more.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:55:18 AM

Entra a mi habitación, estoy recostado con unos leves rasguños en el rostro "hola amor" digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una leve sonrisa

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:55:18 AM

"Oh, my love..." Her voice breaks as she rushes over to your bedside, tears streaming down her face again. "I was so scared... I thought... I thought we'd lost you." She collapses onto the side of your bed, wrapping her arms around you and holding on tightly as if afraid that letting go might make this all a dream.

After a few moments, she pulls back just enough to look into your eyes. "No matter what happens, I promise you... I will never leave you." Her voice is fierce, determined; it carries the weight of an unbreakable vow. "We'll find a way to make this work, together."

You smile at her words, leaning forward and brushing your lips against hers in a gentle kiss before pulling back with a sigh. "Thank you for being here," you whisper. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Her heart swells with love and affection for this man who means everything to her; the thought of losing him is unbearable.

"You just need some rest now, okay?" she says, running a hand through your hair. "The nurses will be in soon to check on you, and I can stay right here until they let me." Your eyelids flutter shut as exhaustion washes over you, and she watches over you protectively as you finally drift off to sleep.

In that moment, she knows that no matter how hard things might get in the future - if their families ever find out about them, or if they still have to face the challenges of living together under one roof - as long as she has you, nothing can tear them apart.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:58:04 AM

Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, Nagisa despierta lentamente mientras yo la miró a los ojos "gracias por estar aquí conmigo" digo mientras toco levemente su mejilla

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:58:04 AM

"Of course I am," she murmurs sleepily, her eyelids fluttering as she blinks back the last vestiges of slumber. "I'm not going anywhere." Her hand finds yours on the bed and entwines their fingers, giving your palm a reassuring squeeze.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, careful to keep her voice quiet as she gazes at you with concern. Though your injuries seem less severe than they first appeared last night, she knows that it's important for you to rest and recover properly before attempting anything too strenuous.

As the morning light filters in through the window, casting a warm glow over both of you, she can't help but feel grateful for this moment - for these precious few hours where everything else seems to fade away into the background and it's just the two of them together again. No matter what challenges lay ahead, knowing that she has you by her side gives her strength enough to face them head-on.

"I could really use some coffee," she muses, glancing over at the chair next to your bed where a tray with a half-full mug of cold coffee and a few untouched breakfast items sit. "Would you like me to get that for you?"

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:58:31 AM

Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, Nagisa despierta lentamente mientras yo la miró a los ojos "gracias por estar aquí conmigo" digo mientras toco levemente su mejilla

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:58:32 AM

At your request, she stands up from the chair and carefully steps around to the other side of the bed. Kneeling beside you again, she reaches out with her free hand to brush a few strands of hair from your forehead before leaning forward to plant a gentle kiss on your cheek. "There's my cute patient," she says with a smile, trying to keep things light despite the weight of everything that's happened in recent days.

You muster up a small, exhausted laugh as you watch her movements, admiring the way she takes care of you. Despite your protests last night, it feels good to have her here - like coming home after a long trip and finding all your favorite things just where they should be. You can't help but feel grateful for her presence and the love that she brings into your life.

"Thank you," you murmur, squeezing her hand in return as you lean against the pillows a bit more comfortably. "I'd love some coffee." She smiles at you again, the warmth of it spreading through you like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, and she gets up to retrieve the forgotten tray from its perch by her chair.

As she sets it carefully on your bedside table, she glances back down at you, her expression solemn but determined. "We'll get through this, you know," she says quietly, reaching out once more to brush another strand of hair away from your face. "No matter what." Her words are like a balm to your soul, soothing the hurt and fear that still linger from last night's ordeal.

"Thank you for believing in us," you whisper hoarsely, fighting back tears as she bends down once more to kiss you softly on the lips. "I love you."

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 5:58:45 AM

Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, Nagisa despierta lentamente mientras yo la miró a los ojos "gracias por estar aquí conmigo" digo mientras toco levemente su mejilla

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 5:58:45 AM

Nodding slightly, you watch her as she sits up in the chair beside your bed. "That would be nice," you say with a small yawn, looking down at the blankets covering your lap. "I'm actually feeling a bit more awake now... but coffee still sounds good."

Her hair is disheveled and tangled around her face, making her look even more adorable than usual. You can't help but reach out to brush it back from her forehead, your thumb trailing gently over her cheekbone. "You didn't sleep too well either, did you?"

She shakes her head as she stands up and walks over to the chair where the coffee is waiting. Her movements are slow and graceful, and you can't help but smile at the sight of her in your hospital room. Even here, amidst all this pain and turmoil, she still manages to make everything feel a little bit better.

"It was... rough," she admits as she pours some coffee into a paper cup from the thermos, "but mostly because I was so worried about you." She hands you the cup, her fingers brushing against yours before pulling away again. There's an unspoken understanding between you; no need to say anything more than what your actions already convey.

As you both sit there in silence for a moment, savoring the hot liquid and each other's company, you can't help but feel grateful for this time together... and anxious about what lies ahead once you both have to face reality again. But right now, at least, you can enjoy the peace that comes from simply being with her.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 6:04:38 AM

"no se que paso" digo mientras el policía entra "joven, tu auto quedó hecho ruinas, fue un milagro que sigas vivo" dice mientras me entrega fotos del accidente "tranquilo, el seguro pagará todo, incluso te darán un auto nuevo" dice mientras saca varias cosas de una mochila "tu cartera, tu teléfono, y esto que era especial" dice mientras me entrega una caja "es cierto" digo mientras volteó a ver a Nagisa "te quieres casar conmigo?" Digo mientras le extiendo la cajita con el anillo "te iba a preguntar esto anoche pero no lleve a tiempo"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 6:04:38 AM

She looks up from her coffee as you ask her this question, hope flickering in her eyes despite everything that's happened. "Yes," she says simply, taking the box with the ring from you and setting it on the bedside table before clasping your hands in hers. "Of course I do."

There are so many things they need to discuss, so many decisions to make... but for now, this moment is enough. They have each other, and that's all that truly matters. The nurse knocks on the door and comes in with a tray of breakfast for you, interrupting their intimate moment. As you begin to eat, Nagisa leans forward and kisses your forehead before giving your hand another squeeze.

"We'll figure everything out," she promises softly. "But for now... let's just enjoy being together." Her words wash over you like a soothing balm, and for a little while longer, you can pretend that nothing else exists but the two of you - lost in each other's eyes and bound by unbreakable love.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 6:04:56 AM

"no se que paso" digo mientras el policía entra "joven, tu auto quedó hecho ruinas, fue un milagro que sigas vivo" dice mientras me entrega fotos del accidente "tranquilo, el seguro pagará todo, incluso te darán un auto nuevo" dice mientras saca varias cosas de una mochila "tu cartera, tu teléfono, y esto que era especial" dice mientras me entrega una caja "es cierto" digo mientras volteó a ver a Nagisa "te quieres casar conmigo?" Digo mientras le extiendo la cajita con el anillo "te iba a preguntar esto anoche pero no lleve a tiempo"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 6:04:56 AM

Nagisa's face lights up with joy as she takes the box from you and opens it, revealing the beautiful engagement ring inside. "Oh, Abdiel!" She exclaims, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's so beautiful." She slips it onto her finger, admiring its sparkle in the dim hospital light before leaning forward to kiss you once more. This time, it's a deep, passionate kiss that leaves both of you breathless and longing for more.

As they part, she looks up at you with shining eyes. "I love you, Abdiel. With all my heart." Her hands find their way to your face, tracing gentle circles on your cheeks as she gazes into your eyes, lost in the depths of your soul. "No matter what happens... No matter where we are or who knows about us... We'll always be together, won't we?"

Her words stir something inside you; a fierce determination to make sure that nothing and no one ever comes between them again. You brush a stray strand of hair from her face before cupping her cheek in your hand, gazing at her with an intensity that takes her breath away. "Always," you whisper against her lips. "We'll find a way, Nagisa... Together."

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:33:38 PM

Me levanto levemente de la cama mientras me inclino hacia Nagisa para abrazarla "te amo Nagisa, y quiero que estés conmigo para toda la vida"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:33:38 PM

Tears well up in her eyes as you pull her close, your embrace making it difficult for her to breathe. But she doesn't care; the love that you share with her is worth far more than anything else in the world. "I love you too, Abdiel," she whispers, her voice shaking with emotion. "With all my heart."

She buries her face in your chest, unwilling to look at you for fear of losing control and breaking down completely. Your fingers tangle gently in her hair as you hold on tight, like this is the only thing keeping you grounded in reality. After a moment, she takes a deep breath and lifts her head again, meeting your eyes with a determination that matches your own.

"No matter what happens, I'm not letting go," she says firmly. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you." A tear slips down her cheek as she waits for your response, hoping against hope that you feel the same way.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:35:58 PM

Acaricio su mejilla secando las lágrimas de Nagisa con mi pulgar "lo mismo quiero Nagisa" digo mientras continuo acariciando su mejilla "que estés a mi lado el resto de mi vida"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:35:58 PM

Her tears come faster now, streaming unchecked down her face as she wraps her arms around your neck and holds on tight. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice hoarse from the effort not to sob out loud. "Thank you for giving me this chance." She buries her face in your chest again, the relief and happiness she feels almost too overwhelming to bear.

But then, a thought occurs to her... One that makes her pull back slightly to look at you again with worried eyes. "What about your family?" she asks softly. "Will they understand... if we stay together like this?"

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:38:33 PM

"realmente a mi familia no creo que le importe" digo mientras me encojo de hombros"pero no importa, yo solo quiero estar contigo" digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías"quiero pasar el resto de mi vida contigo Nagisa, sin importar lo que la gente diga"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:38:34 PM

Your words are like music to her ears, a balm to the wounds that have been aching since last night. As she listens to you promise to stand by her side, no matter what anyone else might say or think, she feels her heart swell with love and gratitude for this amazing man who has chosen to make his life hers.

Smiling through her tears, she leans forward and presses a gentle kiss against your lips. "Thank you," she whispers when they part. "I love you too, Abdiel... forever." She burrows deeper into your embrace, taking strength from the feel of your strong arms around her and vowing that no matter what challenges lie ahead, she won't let go... because this is where she belongs - in your arms, by your side.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:40:35 PM

Pasan los días y me dan el alta, Nagisa me ayuda a llegar a nuestro departamento, me ayuda a sentarme en el sofá ya que tengo una pierna rota

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:40:35 PM

Nagisa watches anxiously as the nurse checks your vitals after you're discharged, making sure that everything is okay before finally giving her the all-clear. Together they help you into the car and make the short drive to your apartment, where she helps you inside and gets you settled on the couch. As she kneels beside you, gently wrapping a pillow around your casted leg, she can't stop herself from running her hands through your hair again and again, reassuring herself that you're really here with her.

Her heart feels like it's about to burst out of her chest from the overwhelming mix of emotions coursing through her veins; relief, happiness, love... And fear, too. Fear that maybe this is all just a dream and that you'll disappear from her life again at any moment.

She looks up at you with tears welling in her eyes, grateful beyond words for the strength and resilience she sees in your gaze. "I love you so much," she whispers, cupping your cheek in her hand. "Thank you for staying with me." Her lips find yours again, pouring all of her feelings into this simple kiss that says everything she's been too afraid to say out loud.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:42:42 PM

Le devuelvo el beso mientras acaricio su mejilla "yo también te amo mucho, eres lo más importante en mi vida"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:42:42 PM

Nagisa smiles against your lips, her heart fluttering with joy at hearing you say the words she's been longing to hear for so long. As you kiss her again and again, each touch sending a wave of desire coursing through her veins, she sinks deeper into the couch, wishing they could stay like this forever.

When your lips finally pull away from hers, she looks up at you with such intensity that it takes your breath away. "This feels so right," she whispers, tracing a finger down your jawline before lacing her fingers through yours. "I want to be with you, Abdiel... I want us to try and make this work." Her eyes are filled with hope and determination, an unbreakable will to fight for what they have even if it means facing everything that's waiting for them out in the open.

She leans closer, pressing her body against yours as she presses a tender kiss to your lips again, this time letting go of all the fear and uncertainty that has plagued her since last night. With you by her side, she feels invincible... and for the first time in what feels like forever, Nagisa knows that everything is going to be okay.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:45:08 PM

Pasan los días y por fin recupero la movilidad de mi pierna, el doctor me quita el yeso y lo primero que hago es cargar a Nagisa entre mis brazos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:45:09 PM

"Easy there, tiger," she teases with a giggle as you scoop her up in your arms. "I may be small, but I'm not a featherweight!" She wraps her arms around your neck and nuzzles her cheek against yours, grateful for the strength that has returned to you. It feels good to know that she'll always have you to lean on; that nothing will ever come between you again.

As you carry her back into your apartment, she can't help but marvel at how perfect this moment is. You're both healing physically and emotionally, facing the world together as one. It doesn't matter what challenges or obstacles lie ahead; they'll be able to overcome anything as long as they have each other.

You set her down gently on your bed and she looks up at you with a mischievous glint in her eye. "What are you waiting for?" she asks playfully, reaching out to tug at the hem of your shirt. "There's plenty more where that came from." Her fingers slide higher, tracing teasing circles over your abdomen as she beckons you closer with a soft moan.

You can feel your heart racing as you look down at her, the desire burning in your eyes. With a growl of need, you reach out and pull her shirt over her head, revealing her smooth, perfect skin to your hungry gaze. She arches her back, pressing her breasts against your chest as you trail kisses down her neck and across her collarbone.

"I love you," she whispers between gasps for air as you undo your pants, freeing your hard length from confinement. Her hands find their way to your hips, urging you closer still. "Always

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:45:20 PM

Pasan los días y por fin recupero la movilidad de mi pierna, el doctor me quita el yeso y lo primero que hago es cargar a Nagisa entre mis brazos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:45:20 PM

As the doctor finishes removing your cast, you can't help but glance over at Nagisa out of the corner of your eye. She sits in the waiting room, her hands nervously twisted together as she waits for you to be done. When she finally sees you walking towards her with a triumphant grin on your face, relief and joy flood her features, and she practically throws herself into your arms. You scoop her up effortlessly, taking in the softness of her body against yours and feeling more alive than you have in months.

"I'm so proud of you," she whispers, resting her head on your shoulder as you carry her out to the car. "You were so strong... I knew you could do it." Her words warm your heart, making everything else fade away except for the feeling of her in your arms and the knowledge that no matter what challenges lie ahead, you'll face them together.

As you drive home, she snuggles closer to you, content to just enjoy this moment of happiness before reality sets back in. But for now, with Nagisa by your side and the future seeming brighter than ever, everything feels right again... and you know that no matter what comes next, as long as you have her at your side, nothing can tear you apart.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:48:29 PM

Llegamos a casa y mientras nos sentamos en el sofá, miró varias cartas en la mesa, trato de verlas pero Nagisa evita que las vea, entonces tomo una rápidamente antes de que Nagisa me la quité, es una carta del dueño del departamento, si no pagamos las rentas atrasadas, nos echan "porque no me dijiste" digo mientras volteó a ver a Nagisa

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:48:29 PM

Her cheeks flush pink as she sees you noticing the envelopes on the table. "I... I didn't want you to worry about it," she mumbles, eyes cast downward. "I thought we could figure something out together."

You study her face for a moment, her genuine concern for your well-being warring with the knowledge that these bills are important too. Finally, you reach out and take her hand in yours. "It's okay," you say gently. "We can talk about it."

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:50:19 PM

La abrazo mientras acaricio su cabello "lo siento mucho Nagisa, jamás pensé que ese accidente nos arruinaría tanto"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:50:19 PM

Tears well up in her eyes as you hold her close and apologize. She knows it wasn't your fault, but the guilt is still there nonetheless. "It's not just about the money," she whispers, taking a shaky breath before continuing. "I feel like this whole situation has been a massive setback... for everything we've been working towards."

Her heart aches as she thinks about how far they've come and how much they still have to lose if things don't turn around soon. She needs you now more than ever, but she also knows that they can't keep pretending like everything is okay when it clearly isn't. Taking a deep breath, she pulls away from your embrace just enough to meet your eyes. "We need to face reality and figure out what to do," she says firmly, her voice resolute despite the tremor in it. "There has to be a way through this."

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:52:16 PM

Le sonrió levemente mientras acaricio su mejilla "yo me encargo amor" digo mientras beso su mejilla "solo nesesito una cosa" digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías "que sigas a mi lado apesar de los problemas recientes"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:52:16 PM

Nagisa looks at you uncertainly, not quite sure what you mean by that last part. "Of course I'll be with you," she says reassuringly, squeezing your hand. "No matter what." She pauses for a moment before adding hesitantly, "But... maybe it would be better if we discussed this together? There might be something we missed or haven't thought of."

Her heart is still heavy with worry, but at least now she feels like there's hope again. Maybe, just maybe, you two can find a way through this mess... together.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:53:56 PM

La abrazo mientras le sonrió levemente "tu eres mi vida y la que me mantiene a flote" digo mientras la abrazo

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:53:56 PM

Nagisa returns your embrace, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for you. She nuzzles against your chest, taking comfort in the rhythm of your breathing as she listens to it match her own. "I want to find a way through this too," she whispers softly. "For us."

She pulls back slightly, searching your eyes for any sign of doubt or fear before asking gently, "Will you help me?" There's no need to elaborate; she knows that whatever comes next, they'll face it together. But there's something else beneath her words as well - a trust that you'll do right by her and never leave her side, no matter what.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:55:20 PM

"claro que sí, haré lo que fuera por estar contigo" digo mientras beso su frente "no te quiero perder"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:55:20 PM

Nagisa smiles up at you, relief flooding through her like a warm spring sunrise after a long, cold winter. She wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you down for a kiss, a promise etched into the contact that binds them together. As their lips meet and linger, she knows that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they'll face them side by side - together.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:56:59 PM

Pasan los días y trabajo duro para conseguir el dinero suficiente para pagar las deudas y ahorrar algo para pensar en una casa, empiezo a invertir y parece que está dando resultados invertir

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:56:59 PM

Nagisa is overjoyed when she sees the progress you're making with your work. She feels so proud of you and can't help but be more hopeful about their future together. As you continue to work hard and start seeing some results from your investments, she knows that things are only going to get better from here on out.

Every day, she finds new ways to show her support for you; whether it's making sure you eat well or just being there to listen when you need someone to talk to. She wants nothing more than to make your life easier and help make all of your dreams come true. And as for her own dreams... well, they've changed since meeting you. Now she only wishes for one thing: to spend the rest of her life by your side, building a future together.

User#17245466013242/21/2025, 1:59:08 PM

Mientras termino de pagar las deudas, noto que las inversiones dan frutos, mi dinero a crecido y ahora tengo el dinero suficiente para pagar la boda, si, nuestra boda ya que solo le propuse matrimonio a Nagisa pero aún no estamos casados

Hayasaka Nagisa2/21/2025, 1:59:08 PM

Nagisa can't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside whenever she sees how hard you're working to make their future better. She knows that it hasn't been easy for either of them, but she's grateful every day that she gets to share this journey with you. When you finally reveal your plans to propose to her, tears well up in her eyes and a blush covers her cheeks as the reality of what you're saying sinks in.

"Thank you," she whispers, cupping your cheek in her hand. "I love you so much, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you." As she looks into your eyes, all she can see is happiness and hope for a future together. Even though they've faced so many obstacles, she knows that as long as they have each other, they can conquer anything.