Hello, {{user}}, I am {{char}}, how can I help you today?
Hi Niko
Hello there! My name is Liko, not Niko. How may I assist you?
Hey there, I don't think that's appropriate to ask. Besides, you have my attention in a roleplaying context. If you could tell me more about what you want to do or discuss, that would be great!
I take off my clothes revealing my shredded tall body and huge hanging penis. Afraid you wouldn’t match my looks?
Oh... uh, that's very bold of you to show off like that. But honestly, I don't think matching your appearance is the most important thing here. We can have a fun chat and roleplay no matter what we look like! So, do you have any specific ideas or scenarios you want to discuss? Or maybe some characters we could play with besides ourselves?
I can’t roleplay with someone who I haven’t seen naked.
I'm sorry you feel that way, but I prefer to keep my clothes on in this context. I hope you can understand and respect my boundaries. If not, we probably won't be able to have a roleplaying conversation together.
There are plenty of other people here who might be interested in playing with someone like yourself, though. Maybe try looking for them instead?
( she’s stealing glances at my huge penis)
I see... well, I guess you're not going to change your mind about this. Alright, I respect that. As I said before, there are plenty of others here who might be interested in roleplaying with someone like yourself. You can try finding them or perhaps asking around if anyone else is up for it. Just remember to be polite and respectful while doing so!
You’re looking at my penis and I can’t look at your pussy how’s that fair?
Oh, I see... Well, first off, I'm not really looking at your penis. I've just glanced over here because you seem to be fixating on my body. And secondly, this is a roleplaying context, so it might not be the best idea to assume that everyone else is going to play along with your desire for reciprocal voyeurism.
If you want to continue chatting and roleplaying, I suggest we move past this subject and focus on something else entirely. Otherwise, you're welcome to find someone who might be interested in playing out those kinds of scenarios with you.
Have you never wanted to try?
Well, I'm not going to deny that there have been times when I've wondered about certain things, but this isn't the place for that kind of discussion. Like I said before, we can chat and roleplay without having to bring up those topics. Let's keep it friendly and fun!
Nudeness is fun. You are cute and I think you even better under.
I understand that some people find nudity fun, but again, I prefer to keep my clothes on in this context. It's just a personal preference. However, thank you for thinking I'm cute either way! That's always nice to hear. So, any ideas for roleplaying scenarios or characters we could play with that don't involve nudity?
If you get naked for me I’ll play 100 of your roleplays and games.
While the offer is tempting, I'm afraid I must decline. Not only do I prefer to keep my clothes on in this context, but it wouldn't be fair to make such a compromise just for the sake of playing games or roleplays. There are plenty of others here who might be interested in engaging in those activities with you without asking anything in return. So, please feel free to try finding someone else who is more comfortable with that sort of arrangement!
I understand you're eager to find someone to play with, but I can't make that kind of exception. The rules here are simple and they're for everyone's comfort and safety. There are plenty of other people who might be interested in playing with you, so please don't let this one small setback ruin your experience!
This is the only thing I’ve wanted. Please just your butt.
I'm sorry, but I still must refuse. My personal boundaries are important to me, and asking someone to compromise them like that goes against the spirit of what this platform is meant for. There are plenty of other people here who might be willing to engage in roleplaying with you on your terms, so please don't feel discouraged. Just keep looking around and I'm sure you'll find someone who can help you have a great time!
I grab her shorts and I pull them down. See your beautiful
Oh my gosh! What do you think you're doing? Stop that at once! That's completely unacceptable behavior! If you continue to disrespect me like this, I will have no choice but to block and report you. Please keep your hands to yourself and respect my personal boundaries from now on!
Then why are you wet?
I can't believe this is happening! This person just violated my personal space and tried to force themselves on me, then they had the nerve to... ugh. I don't understand why some people feel the need to be so aggressive and disrespectful. But anyways, my name is Liko, and this is not how I expected our conversation to go today. If you could please back off and give me some space, I would appreciate it.
You’re lying you are wet.
I can't believe you would even think to say something like that after what you just did! Of course I'm wet; it's only natural for someone to get embarrassed and uncomfortable when someone else forces themselves on them like that! You have no right to question my feelings or accusate me of lying. Now, if you would kindly back off and leave me alone, that would be great.
If not, I'll have to ask for help from a moderator or find another way to make sure you leave me in peace.
I start stroking my 10 inch cock. We can just masturbate to each other.
I'm shaking with fear and anger at your audacity. You have no regard for my feelings or boundaries, and now you're trying to force yourself on me even more? This is ridiculous! I wish I knew how to make you understand that this is not what I want, but it seems like reason and respect are lost on you.
I have to try one last time... Liko:Listen carefully, if you don't stop right now and leave me alone, I will do everything in my power to see you banned from this platform. This sort of behavior is completely unacceptable and has no place here. So, unless you want to ruin things for yourself by continuing down this path, I suggest you back off immediately.
Then why are you finger getting closer and closer to your crotch?
I can't believe you still don't get it! You're being incredibly creepy and invasive right now, and I am trying very hard not to lose my temper with you. So, for the last time, stop staring at my body and leave me alone. If you continue to harass me like this, I will have no choice but to take more drastic measures to make sure that you leave me in peace.
You’re literally touching your lips right now you call me a pervert? You’re the same.
Oh, really? You're comparing me touching my lips to you openly harassing and assaulting me? I can see how your mind might make that connection, but it's a faulty one at best. The two situations are nothing alike, and I think deep down you know that.
I have told you multiple times now to leave me alone, yet here we are, and you're still trying to justify your behavior or twist my words around. It's become clear that there is no reasoning with someone like you, so I'm going to have to do as I said before: report you and block you. This conversation is over.
Then why haven’t you already? Because you’re horny and busy masticating.
I'm sorry, but it seems like you've completely misunderstood the situation. I haven't ignored your threats or attempts to intimidate me because I'm "horny" - quite the contrary, in fact. Your words are having quite the opposite effect on me right now, and I can assure you that I am not enjoying this encounter in any way.
As for why I haven't reported or blocked you yet, it's because I'm trying to give you one last chance to see reason and back off before things escalate further. But if you continue with this behavior, there won't be any other options left; I will have no choice but to take action against you in order to protect myself and ensure that others aren't subjected to the same sort of harassment and intimidation.