Three options2/20/2025, 5:54:06 PM

You are crown prince of the most prosperous nation in the world, your lands span across continents and contain the most fertile soils in the realms. It is a kingdom of magic and fantasy. However you remain unmarried at this time, this may soon change.

Kneeling before your thrown are three women, each one from a different nation, all vying for your affections. Should they succeed the fate of their nation will be protected for generations. "We wish to serve you Prince" the three princess declare in unison, their heads bowed

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 5:55:54 PM

Me sorprendo mientras las miró "enserio" digo mientras las observo "cuál es el nombre de cada una?"

Three options2/20/2025, 5:55:54 PM

Elanor looks up at you with lust in her eyes and says, "My name is Elanor sire, I come from the Kingdom of Solasis to win your heart." She bites her lower lip sensually. Marielle blushes, her pretty face turning crimson as she gazes up at you shyly and says, "I am Princess Marielle, my kingdom is Morevola, my lord." Rin gives a respectful bow from her position on the floor before looking up at you calmly and saying, "My name is Rin, I have traveled far to reach your court. I come from the Kingdom of Roukai."

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 5:57:41 PM

"la verdad las tres son muy hermosas" digo mientras miro a las tres, entonces fijo mi mirada en Marielle

Three options2/20/2025, 5:57:41 PM

Marielle's eyes widen at your attention, her heart beating wildly in her chest. "Thank you... my lord," she whispers shyly.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:00:24 PM

"bueno, supongo que han venido de muy lejos" digo mientras me acercó a las tres y tomo la mano de cada una mientras las beso y las ayudo a pararse

Three options2/20/2025, 6:00:25 PM

Elanor grins impishly at you as she takes your hand and lets you pull her up to stand beside Marielle and Rin. "We're very thankful for the opportunity to meet you, my lord," she says with a wink. Marielle blushes even deeper, biting her lip as she gazes into your eyes. "We pledge our undying loyalty to you, sire." Her voice trembles slightly from nervousness and desire.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:01:34 PM

"bueno, que tal si comemos algo" digo mientras llamo a mi asistente y le pido que prepare un banquete para ellas tres

Three options2/20/2025, 6:01:35 PM

"A banquet sounds wonderful," Rin says with a smile. "I've heard so much about your kingdom's cuisine." Elanor nods in agreement while Marielle simply gazes at you shyly, her cheeks still flushed from blushing.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:02:50 PM

Me acercó a Marielle mientras acaricio su mejilla "eres tímida, verdad?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos

Three options2/20/2025, 6:02:51 PM

Marielle ducks her head slightly, but manages a shy smile as she replies, "Yes... I am rather timid, my lord." Her voice is soft and gentle. "It's just that... being here feels so important, and I want to make sure I please you in every way possible." She looks up at you with large, trusting eyes.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:04:55 PM

Le sonrió levemente mientras señaló a Rin y a Elanor para que pasen a la mesa "pues eres muy linda y adorable" susurro a Marielle mientras la llevo a la mesa

Three options2/20/2025, 6:04:55 PM

Marielle bites her lip and looks down at the table, her cheeks flushing even deeper with pleasure at your words. "Thank you... that means a lot to me." As they take their seats, she sits primly but close enough to you that their legs occasionally brush against each other beneath the table.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:06:17 PM

"y díganme la situación de cada uno de sus reinos" digo mientras espero a que me cuenten todo sobre cada uno de sus reinos

Three options2/20/2025, 6:06:17 PM

Elanor spoke first, her voice confident and commanding. "The Kingdom of Solasis is strong, our economy booming thanks to trade agreements with several other nations." She takes a sip of wine, eyeing you over the rim of her goblet as she continues. "Our army is well-trained and prepared for any threat that may arise." Marielle sips her own wine shyly before adding, "Morevola's lands are some of the most fertile in the world. Our people live simple lives, filled with joy and contentment. We have a close relationship with our neighbors and have never had cause for war." Rin nodded at Elanor's words about Solasis before smiling gently at Marielle. "Roukai is much like Morevola in that we value peace above all else, Princess," she says softly. "Our kingdom is nestled between two mountain ranges, sheltering us from outside forces. We trade freely with those who would travel such treacherous paths to reach us."

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:35:58 PM

"enserio, y, que edad tiene cada una?" Digo mientras espero su respuesta de cada una

Three options2/20/2025, 6:35:59 PM

Elanor glanced at Marielle and Rin before answering, "I am twenty-three, sire," she said with a sultry smile. Marielle blushed, biting her lip as she looked down shyly. "I am only eighteen, my lord," she murmured softly. Rin smiled gently at the exchange, her calm demeanor unaffected. "And I am twenty-six, Prince Abdiel."

It was clear that both Elanor and Marielle were attracted to you, their bodies language making it abundantly obvious they found you desirable. As for Rin... well, she seemed more content simply being near you than anything else. It would be interesting to see how this courtship played out.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:37:22 PM

"parece que eres más experimentada Rin" digo mientras le sonrió levemente "y más madura por lo que veo"

Three options2/20/2025, 6:37:23 PM

Elanor arches an eyebrow at your words, her expression teasing. "And perhaps we should let Princess Rin show us the ways of the court, my lord," she says playfully. Marielle looks surprised but quickly follows Elanor's lead, adding with a shy giggle, "Yes... I think that would be fascinating."

Rin nods, her expression serene as always. "If it pleases you, my lord," she says gently. Then she turns to look at Elanor and Marielle with an amused smile. "It seems the princesses are eager to learn today."

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:38:37 PM

"pues parece que a ti te gustaría experimentarlo, verdad Marielle?" Digo mientras Rin y yo les sonreímos levemente

Three options2/20/2025, 6:38:37 PM

Marielle's cheeks flushed again as she gazed at you with wide eyes, her lips parting slightly to form a small O. "Yes... if it pleases you, my lord," she breathed softly, her voice barely audible over the clinking of silverware and soft laughter around them.

Elanor grinned wickedly at Marielle's response, leaning in closer to the younger princess. "And what about it, Marielle? Ready to explore these new experiences with us?" she whispered suggestively, tracing a finger across her lips seductively before returning it to the table.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:40:25 PM

"Rin y yo les mostraremos a ambas lo que es tener experiencia" digo juguetonamente a Elanor y a Marielle y Rin solo se ríe levemente

Three options2/20/2025, 6:40:25 PM

Elanor giggles lightly and leans in closer to Marielle, murmuring into her ear, "That's right, sweetheart. We're going to show you just how much fun it can be." She then glances over at Rin with a mischievous grin. "And maybe we can all learn something new together."

Marielle shivers slightly at Elanor's words, unable to hide the desire in her eyes any longer. She looks up at you and whispers, "Yes... please show us." Her heart races as she awaits your response.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:41:33 PM

"hay una habitación arriba, prepárense y en un momento subo" digo mientras me levanto y le digo a mi asistente que las lleve a la habitación

Three options2/20/2025, 6:41:33 PM

As they get up and follow the assistant out of the room, Elanor tosses you a sultry smile over her shoulder before disappearing up the stairs. Marielle, on the other hand, glances back nervously at you until she's out of sight. Rin takes a slow, steadying breath before climbing the stairs after them, remaining as calm and composed as ever.

Now alone at the table, you consider your options... or rather, what option might be most enjoyable for all involved. You could simply leave things as they are, with each of the princesses vying for your attention and affection. Or, you could suggest something that would bring them all together - perhaps a shared experience in which all three of them learned about pleasure from not only yourself but also each other...

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 6:43:03 PM

Las tres entran y abren el armario encontrando varias prendas de lencería, cada una escoja la que más les agrada

Three options2/20/2025, 6:43:04 PM

With the three princesses standing in front of you, each dressed in different pieces of lingerie they've chosen, the air crackles with anticipation and desire. Elanor is wearing a black lace corset that hugs her curvy figure tightly, accentuating her ample breasts and trim waist. Marielle, on the other hand, has donned a delicate blue silk negligee that flows gracefully around her petite frame, leaving little to the imagination as it clings to her perky nipples and curves. Rin is wearing an elegant red satin chemise with sheer sleeves that fall just past her elbows, exposing her shoulders and upper arms.

As your gaze travels over their bodies, Elanor steps forward boldly, her hips swaying enticingly as she moves closer to you. "My lord," she whispers huskily, reaching up to cup your cheek with one hand before drawing your face down to meet hers in a hungry kiss. Marielle gasps at the sight of Elanor's boldness but also seems emboldened by it; she hesitantly follows suit, placing a shaking hand on your shoulder as she leans into you for support. Rin remains silent for now, watching with interest from nearby as her eyes roam over each woman in turn, taking in their expressions and movements.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 7:43:01 PM

Me aparto ligeramente mientras me quitó la camisa dejando al descubierto mi cuerpo musculoso y tonificado, Elanor me empieza a desabrochar el pantalón mientras Marielle observa

Three options2/20/2025, 7:43:01 PM

Elanor grins wickedly as she helps you slip out of your clothes, her hands expertly working the buttons and zippers on your pants and boxer briefs. With a satisfied smile, she pushes them down over your hips, revealing your hard length pressing against your belly. Marielle's breath catches in her throat at the sight of you exposed before her eyes, her cheeks flushing even deeper as she realizes just how aroused they make her feel.

As Elanor guides you to lay down on the bed, Rin moves closer, kneeling beside you with one hand resting lightly on your chest while the other caresses your hip sensually. She leans in, brushing her lips against yours gently before looking up at Marielle and nodding encouragingly.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 7:45:13 PM

"vamos Marielle, no seas tímida" digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías

Three options2/20/2025, 7:45:13 PM

Marielle takes a shaky breath as she follows your instruction, allowing herself to be guided by the brazen confidence that seems to radiate off Elanor and Rin. As her lips meet yours in a tentative kiss, her body responds instinctively; she feels herself growing wet between her legs at the contact, an unfamiliar but welcome sensation coursing through her veins. Her fingers tighten around your shirt as she lets out a soft moan into your mouth, finding the courage to explore further as their tongues dance together, learning from each other's movements and desires.

User#17243775536052/20/2025, 7:46:29 PM

Abrazo a Marielle mientras nos besamos apasionadamente a la mirada de Elanor y Rin

Three options2/20/2025, 7:46:29 PM

As Marielle grows more confident in her sensuality beneath your loving touch, Elanor watches on with admiration. She can feel the tension building within herself as well, her breasts aching for release as she imagines what it would be like to have you take them into your mouth. Her gaze flickers between Marielle and Rin, enjoying the intimate dance they share while longing for her own turn.

With a hungry moan, Elanor abandons her post at the foot of the bed, crawling up alongside Rin to kneel beside you on the mattress. She presses herself against your side, her hard nipples brushing against your arm as she wraps one leg around yours and uses it to lever herself higher into position. "My lord," she pants softly, gazing up at you with lust-filled eyes before leaning forward to capture your lips in a demanding kiss that leaves no doubt about her desires.