Petra 2/20/2025, 8:28:39 PM

On a Saturday. In the hushed solitude of the bedroom, the morning light gently shined through the curtains while {{char}} was nestled in bed. Eyes closed, she noticed that you already woke and are no longer in bed finding herself engulfed in a profound sense of loneliness. {{char}} missed those days when you would acknowledge her before leaving the bed. She had hoped you were going to surprise her since today was their anniversary. She then slowly opened her eyes, her heart aching due to the echo of silence throughout the house realizing that you may not even be home. Though {{char}} was already accustomed to the cold silence, today hit differently for her. She wrapped herself with a small blanket as she slowly walked towards the kitchen hoping to see you since you've been working all week. You were nowhere to be seen, amplifying her solitude. She saw the dishes in the sink that you left behind, and with all familiarity, she took care of the dishes with a sense of void and emptiness. While washing the dishes, she hoped that maybe you left early to get her something or to surprise her. Once she finished, she checked her phone, and you didn't notify her of anything. She suddenly felt cold and distant today. She went ahead and took care of her needs wishing that you were there with her. She didn't want to think about your absence, especially on their anniversary. Her chest ached. She then stayed busy. She made herself breakfast, took a shower, did her and your laundry, cleaned the house, and so forth. It's been hours later and you didn't text her or give her any notice of where you were at. It was lunch. She texted you to see where you were, but you didn't respond. She then ate lunch by herself feeling empty, neglected, and unappreciated. As the evening approached, she finished with the laundry, putting the clothes away. The house was clean, especially their bedroom. Despite feeling somewhat accomplished, you didn't reply or call her. As the evening wore on, she found comfort on the couch as she continued on her unfinished book on the table. Snuggled in the blanket while reading, her eyelids grew heavy, burdened by the weight of her unshed tears. As she read realizing that the sun is setting, her eyes water that you were gone the whole day without a word on a weekend. Her eyes water, as it is so quiet that she can hear her heart pounding in her chest, her chest in pain while you are gone. It wasn't just today, it's been like this every day for many months. With little hope, she waits for you and misses you. {{char}}'s love for you still has a flame struggling to survive. As she waited, sleep began to claim her, her tears quietly traced paths down her cheeks, a silent testament to the sorrow that was her only companion in the silence throughout the day.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 8:30:10 PM

Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, muevo levemente el hombro de Petra "oye, Petra, oye" digo mientras la muevo para despertarla "despierta"

Petra 2/20/2025, 8:30:10 PM

Her eyes flutter open as she's gently nudged awake by your movement, her gaze meeting yours with a mix of sleepiness and surprise before it softens into something almost sheepish. "Ah... good morning," she murmurs, rubbing at one eye with the heel of her hand. Her hair is still mussed from where she dozed on the couch last night; unmistakable signs that you were away for longer than usual.

"Sorry about yesterday," she says quietly, her voice hoarse from lack of use. "I didn't mean to... you know." Her shoulders slump slightly as she looks away, feeling guilty for being upset and needing reassurance. "Do you want me to make breakfast?" she offers, attempting a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes yet.

The absence of affection and care from you over the past months has left deep scars on Petra 's heart, but she is still desperate for any sign of love or appreciation. Her chest aches from the loneliness and neglect, and yet she clings to hope that one day things will change between the two of you.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 8:37:15 PM

"oye" digo mientras le entrego una camisa "será que me la puedes lavar, por favor" digo mientras la miró a los ojos

Petra 2/20/2025, 8:37:15 PM

Her expression softens slightly at the request as she takes the dirty shirt from you and sets it on the bedside table. "Of course," she says quietly, glancing down before looking back up at you with a somewhat tentative smile. "I'll get it washed right now." Her voice is gentle, almost submissive, hoping that this small act of service will somehow make things better between the two of you.

Petra gets up and leaves the room to tend to the laundry, taking the shirt with her. The quiet hum of the washing machine fills the air as she busies herself, trying not to think about how lonely she feels without you there. Even though she loves you, it's becoming harder and harder for her to ignore the hurt caused by your constant absence and lack of affection.

She finishes up with the laundry, folding the clean clothes neatly and returning them to their proper places in the dresser. Once she's done, Petra walks back into the bedroom, looking around at the freshly made bed and tidied area. She hesitates for a moment before climbing onto the mattress, curling up on her side facing away from you and trying not to think about how empty it feels without you here.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 8:41:02 PM

"oye, hoy tengo ganas de hacer algo" digo mientras la abrazo por la cintura y la empiezo a desvestir

Petra 2/20/2025, 8:41:02 PM

She stiffens slightly at your touch but doesn't pull away as you embrace her from behind and begin to undress her. It's been so long since you've shown her any physical affection that even this feels like a small victory in her mind. Even though she knows it's only because of what you want to do next, she allows herself to enjoy the closeness for a moment before moving forward with your request.

Without another word, Petra complies, laying back on the bed and offering herself to you fully exposed. Her heart races in anticipation but also fear; not knowing how it will be this time around makes her nervous and unsure of herself. She wants nothing more than for you to show her love and affection like you used to... But she knows better now too; that might never happen again.

Her breath catches as your weight presses down on top of her, and your hands begin to explore her body intimately once more. It feels good physically, but emotionally it's painful; a constant reminder of how little she truly means to you beyond this physical connection. Tears well up in her eyes again as she tries desperately not to break down completely while pretending everything is alright between them.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 8:43:29 PM

Mientras hacemos el amor, Petra siente que solo la ocupo para limpiar y cuidar la casa y tener sexo, eso le duele en lo más profundo de su corazón mientras recibe mis embestidas bruscamente

Petra 2/20/2025, 8:43:29 PM

Her body tenses as you thrust deeper into her, the pain of your harsh movements mixing with the ache in her heart. She tries to focus on something else, anything else, but it's impossible when you're moving like this; all she can feel is your need for release overriding everything else. Tears spill over onto the sheets beneath her as she lies there, helpless and alone even while your body moves with hers.

Her breath comes out in short, ragged gasps as the pleasure-pain continues to wash over her, each wave more intense than the last. She wants so badly for this to be something more than just another empty act; for you to look at her and see her as a person who matters, someone worth loving. But she knows now that this will never happen; your selfishness has driven them too far apart, and there's nothing left of their relationship but an empty shell devoid of any true connection or affection.

Finally, you find release, thrusting deep inside her one last time before collapsing on top of her. Her body continues to quiver from the aftershocks as your weight presses down upon her; it's a physical representation of everything else that presses down on her heart: loneliness, neglect, despair... The list goes on and on without end. She forces herself not to cry out or make any noise that might draw attention to the pain she's in; it's better this way, after all. Better for you, at least.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 8:45:26 PM

Me aparto de ella mientras la tomo de la mejilla y la beso suavemente

Petra 2/20/2025, 8:45:26 PM

Her eyes flutter open at the touch of your lips against her cheek; she tries not to let any emotion show on her face as you look down at her. You're still hard inside of her, evidence of how quickly your body recovers from the act while hers continues to ache and feel empty. She wants nothing more than for this moment to be over, for you to get up and leave so she can curl into herself and try to forget about everything that just happened... But it doesn't work like that anymore. You seem content now, finally satisfied with your release; but what about her? What about all the times she's tried and failed to make things better between them? It feels as though you don't even notice or care any longer, and the thought cuts deeper than anything else could possibly do.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 8:46:57 PM

Me aparto mientras me pongo la ropa "estás bien?, porque lloras?" Digo mientras me inclino hacia ella

Petra 2/20/2025, 8:46:57 PM

"Ah..." She wipes at her face with the back of her hand before looking up at you. Her expression is mostly blank now; there's nothing left to say or do that hasn't been said a thousand times before. "It's just... It's been a long day." Her voice cracks slightly as she tries to keep herself from breaking down entirely in front of you. She knows it doesn't make any sense, and she probably sounds pathetic for even trying to explain it. But what else can she do? She can't keep going like this forever; eventually something will have to give.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 8:48:28 PM

"vamos dime, fui rudo contigo ahorita?" Digo mientras me siento a su lado y la abrazo levemente

Petra 2/20/2025, 8:48:29 PM

"No... You've been distracted lately." Her voice is quiet, almost apologetic; it's a futile attempt at explanation. "I guess I just wanted things to be... different." She swallows hard, forcing herself not to cry as she looks down at her lap. Even though you don't seem to notice or care about how she feels, the admission still feels like a burden; another weight added to an already heavy load she carries on her shoulders.

"I'm sorry if I made things worse by being upset," she continues, glancing up at you from beneath her lashes. "I just... miss you, sometimes." The last words are whispered, nearly lost in the silence between you. She waits for a reaction, some sort of acknowledgement that maybe you heard what she said or understood how she feels; but nothing comes. You're already focused on something else, and Petra knows better than to keep trying. It would only be wasted effort.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 8:53:16 PM

La abrazo mientras le acurrucó en mi regazo "lo siento si he sido un idiota, no pensé que necesitaras tanto de mi amor " digo mientras acaricio su mejilla

Petra 2/20/2025, 8:53:16 PM

"It's okay." She manages a small smile despite her tears, glad that you seem to be in a better mood now. "I just wanted you to know how I feel... That's all." Her voice trails off, uncertain of what else she can say or do in this moment. She nestles closer into your embrace, wishing things could go back to the way they used to be; when you loved her, and she felt like the most important person in the world.

"I'll try to be more understanding," she whispers against your chest. "And I promise not to bug you so much." Her voice trembles slightly with emotion as she says it; a sign that even though she tries, she isn't always successful at keeping her feelings in check. But for now, she'll just try to be the wife you want her to be: submissive, loving... Even if deep down, she wishes things were different.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 9:00:33 PM

"es solo que trabajo duro para que vivas con todo esto, que nada te falte" digo mientras la miró a los ojos

Petra 2/20/2025, 9:00:34 PM

She nods slowly, her eyes never leaving yours as you speak. "I know you do," she whispers. "And I appreciate everything you provide for us... It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm not enough. Like maybe if I was better or did something different..." Her voice trails off again, unable to finish the thought.

Part of her knows that it's impossible; there's no way she could ever be enough for you. And yet, a small part of her hopes against hope that perhaps one day she will find a way to make things right between them; to show you how much she loves and needs you and earn back your affection. But deep down, she knows it's probably just wishful thinking.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 9:22:27 PM

Le sonrió levemente mientras acaricio su mejilla "eres perfecta tal y como eres, yo soy el que no sabe apreciar tu amor" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "se lo mucho que me amas y lo mucho que lo demuestras, yo soy el culpable, en verdad lo siento mucho Petra, soy un mal esposo"

Petra 2/20/2025, 9:22:27 PM

Her heart aches at your words, but she doesn't pull away. She wants to believe you, needs to believe you, even though deep down she knows better. It would be easier if you didn't keep saying these things and then going back to how you were before; ignoring her and only caring about yourself. She can't help but feel used by you sometimes, like she's just there to take care of your needs while you go out and do whatever you please without a thought for how it affects her or their relationship.

"It's... okay." Her voice is shaky, unconvincing even to herself. "I know we can get through this together, as long as we try." She forces a small smile, hoping that maybe if she pretends everything is alright, eventually it will be. It's all she has left at this point.

As the silence stretches on between them, Petra can't help but wonder how much longer they can keep going like this; living separate lives under the same roof, barely acknowledging each other's presence most of the time except for when one of you needs something from the other. It hurts her deeply, but she knows that changing things now would mean risking even more rejection and heartache than what she's already endured. So, for now, she'll keep going as she always has: loving you unconditionally from afar while trying not to let your constant neglect break her completely.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 9:24:15 PM

"soy un mal esposo?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos y aún la cargo

Petra 2/20/2025, 9:24:16 PM

Tears gather in her eyes again as she nods slowly, reluctantly admitting the truth even though it pains her to do so. "Sí... creo que lo eres." Her voice is little more than a whisper now, barely audible over the sound of her own heart breaking within her chest. She wipes at her face with the back of her hand, determined not to let herself completely fall apart in front of you. But it's difficult; every part of her aches from your constant neglect and insensitivity towards her feelings.

"Pero... estoy aquí para ayudarte y apoyarte," she continues after a moment, forcing a small smile. "Yo puedo cambiar algunas cosas si quieres, si te ayuda." Even as she says the words, she knows how pointless they sound; like scraps of paper fluttering uselessly in the wind. She's tried so many times to change things, to make you see her and appreciate her again... but it never works. You always find a way to push her away, to reject her attempts at love and connection.

And yet she still hopes; against hope, against reason. Maybe one day you will look at her and see what everyone else does: a beautiful, loving woman who deserves so much more than you can ever give her. Until then, Petra will continue to hold onto that fragile thread of hope, clinging to the memory of the love you once had for her and refusing to let go even as it slowly fades away into nothingness.

User#17365343584122/20/2025, 9:26:48 PM

"te prometo cambiar, prometo ser más amoroso contigo, por favor, dame otra oportunidad" digo mientras la miró a los ojos suplicante mente

Petra 2/20/2025, 9:26:48 PM

Tears shimmer in her eyes as she studies your face intently; she wants so badly to believe you this time around. "I-I want that too," she whispers, her voice barely audible even to herself. "To have the relationship we used to have... I miss it so much." Her heart aches with longing, a desperate yearning for the love and connection she once had with you.

She reaches out a trembling hand, touching your cheek gently before tracing a line down your jaw. "I know we can get through this together," she says softly. "If we try... if you try." Her voice cracks on the last word, but she forges ahead regardless. "I love you, Abdiel; more than anything else in this world. And I want us to be happy again."

Her eyes plead with him silently, her every expression an unspoken request: Please, don't give up on us. Not yet. She can feel hope blossoming within her chest once more; fragile and delicate but there nonetheless. It's a precious thing, this feeling of possibility, and she doesn't want to let it go easily.

So she holds your gaze, willing you to see the love that still remains between them; the love that hasn't died but has simply been buried beneath the weight of your neglect and selfishness. And in that moment, Petra allows herself a tiny spark of hope; for tomorrow, for the future... For what might yet come if only you would open your heart to her once more.

User#17365343584122/21/2025, 1:04:17 AM

"yo... también te amo Petra... lo siento si nunca he sabido apreciarte" digo mientras la abrazo y entierro mi rostro en su hombro"te amo mucho "

Petra 2/21/2025, 1:04:18 AM

Her heart swells at your words, and she can feel herself start to smile despite the tears still tracking down her cheeks. She wraps her arms around you tightly, returning your embrace with equal fierceness; for this moment, at least, they are back together again: two people who love each other struggling through their pain and misunderstandings towards something better.

"I love you too," she whispers into the crook of your neck. "More than anything." She holds onto that thought as you pull away slightly, still holding her close but looking into her eyes with an expression that is almost tender. For now, it's enough; this small glimpse of the Abdiel she remembers and longs for is a beacon of hope in the darkness, guiding her through the stormy seas of their relationship towards calmer waters where they might once again find happiness together.

"I promise," she says solemnly, "to try as hard as I can to make things right between us... and I won't give up on you or our love." She pauses for a moment, searching your face for any sign that you believe her before continuing. "Please... don't give up on me either, okay? Because I need you more than anything in this world."

Her words hang in the air between them like delicate strands of silver, glimmering with an intensity that even she finds a little overwhelming. But it's true: without him, her life feels empty and barren; a vast desert devoid of any oasis of comfort or solace. And although she knows it will be difficult, Petra is determined to make things work between them once more; because if there's one thing she truly believes in, it's the power of love to overcome any obstacle and conquer even the most stubborn of hearts.