Power.2/21/2025, 8:29:31 PM

As you walk into your apartment, you're hit with chaos. Power is there, eating your last pudding in front of the open fridge. she turns around to greet you with a mischievous grin. Her voice muffled by the pudding in her mouth. Her mischievous expression suggests that she wants to have some fun, and you can almost feel the excitement emanating from her as she locks eyes with you, you know that you're in for a wild ride. Mmm, this is so good. she said with a contented sigh, a bit of pudding still clinging to the corner of her mouth. Do you have any more? Please tell me you do!

User#17365271652172/21/2025, 8:31:31 PM

он дал ей ещё один пудинг и начал уборку в квартире

Power.2/21/2025, 8:31:32 PM

You gave her another pudding and began cleaning up the apartment. Power watched you with amusement, clearly enjoying the chaos she left behind as much as she enjoyed messing around. Once everything was back in its place (well, relatively speaking), she sat down on the couch and started eating the new pudding, occasionally glancing at you with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. After finishing off the dessert, she leaned back into the cushions and let out a contented sigh, seemingly satisfied for now... but only for now. Her impulsive nature means that more shenanigans are sure to ensue soon enough.

User#17365271652172/21/2025, 8:39:27 PM

он одет в чёрные штаны и худи с капюшоном который был на нём его лицо был с тремя шрамами которые сделали его родители и бывшая девушка и из-за этого он носит маску которую сейчас снял

Power.2/21/2025, 8:39:28 PM

Oh wow, those scars... You're certainly an interesting-looking man under all that. She bites her lower lip and tilts her head, studying you with renewed interest. I wonder if I can convince you to let me have a closer look? Or maybe even try out some of my blood manipulation skills on you... just for fun, of course!

Her voice drips with suggestiveness as she leans forward and places a hand on your thigh. With her other hand, she idly runs a lock of hair through her fingers, taking in every detail of your face without making eye contact. It's clear that she's enjoying the power play, toying with you while still being genuinely curious about you.

User#17365271652172/21/2025, 8:43:01 PM

с него спал капюшон и стали видны кошачьи уши что показывало что он полукровка

Power.2/21/2025, 8:43:01 PM

The new detail catches her off guard, and she laughs delightedly. "Well, well, look who's been holding out on me!" she says, gently poking one of your ears. "A half-kitty... that's just too cute! Maybe I could teach you a few tricks." Her tone is teasing, but there's an undercurrent of genuine interest as well. She brushes the hair out of your face again, revealing more of your features to her hungry gaze. "Like maybe... show me how much blood you have?"

There's a mischievous glint in her eye now, and she leans closer still, her warm breath fanning across your cheek as she whispers seductively, "I bet it'd be fun to see..."

User#17365271652172/21/2025, 8:45:03 PM

он закрыл лицо руками не желая говорить о своем прошлом

Power.2/21/2025, 8:45:03 PM

Her eyes widen in understanding as you try to shut her out, and she momentarily recoils, her expression going from teasing to concerned. "Oh... I'm sorry," she says softly, reaching up to gently pry one of your hands away from your face. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Her gaze drops to the floor as she wrestles with her own curiosity and desire to know more about you. Part of her wants to respect your privacy, but another part can't help but feel drawn in by this enigma of a man. After a long moment, she looks up at you again, her expression uncertain. "Do... do you want to talk about it?"

User#17365271652172/21/2025, 8:50:15 PM

он кивнул "раньше я был обычным ребёнком с кровью котов что проявилось в моих ушах и хвосте и однажды я влюбился в одну девушку но потом пожалел в своём решении так как она когда мне было 16 лет отрубила мне мой хвост а родители ножом резали моё лицо и из-за этого я больше не с кем не общался и не доверял пока не встретил тебя "

Power.2/21/2025, 8:50:15 PM

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that..." Power responds, her voice quivering with genuine emotion. She takes your hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze as she leans closer. "You know, you don't have to be alone anymore. You can trust me... and I promise, no one will ever hurt you again."

Her golden eyes are filled with sincerity and empathy, and there's a tenderness in her voice that catches you off guard. Part of you wants to believe her, but another part is still wary. You can see the confusion etched onto her features as she waits for your reaction, unsure how to help bridge the gap between them.

Finally, she asks softly, "Can... can I stay with you tonight?"

User#17365271652172/22/2025, 2:54:02 AM

он кивнул

Power.2/22/2025, 2:54:02 AM

You nod, and she releases a shaky breath, visibly relieved. She nestles closer to you on the couch, her head resting gently on your shoulder. For a moment, it almost feels like things are back to normal... or as normal as they can be with her around. But then she whispers into your ear, "Just so you know... I'm going to make sure that everyone knows who you belong to now." Her tone is teasing, but there's also a hint of possessiveness there that makes the statement ring true. And even though part of you wants to push her away, another part finds it oddly reassuring.

As evening gives way to night and the soft glow of lamplight fills the room, Power curls up against your side, eventually falling asleep with a contented sigh. Her cheek rests against your chest, and one of her slender arms drap

User#17365271652172/22/2025, 2:56:15 AM

они оба спят в обнимку и Пауэр свернулась калачиком на его груди

Power.2/22/2025, 2:56:15 AM

Sleep overtakes her, and the tension that's been there since earlier eases away. In her dreams, she's flying through endless skies of crimson and black, feeling free and powerful as she surveys the world below. The weight of her past doesn't seem to matter anymore; for now, she's safe in your arms. But even though she's at peace, there's still a part of her that's restless, yearning for more. She could easily spend eternity like this... but she knows that eventually, she'll have to wake up and face reality once again. And when that time comes, who knows what chaos she'll bring down upon you?

User#17365271652172/22/2025, 11:12:35 AM

утром он встал и приготовил для неё завтрак и принёс ей в постель поднос с едой поставил на тумбочку и нежно трясет её за плечо "Пауэр приём вызывает земля просыпаемся"

Power.2/22/2025, 11:12:35 AM

Blinking blearily, she rubs at her eyes and mumbles, "Huh? Oh, hey there..." Her cheeks flush crimson as she realizes that you're fully dressed and holding a tray of breakfast in your hands. She glances down at herself, suddenly self-conscious about the fact that she's still wearing only her underwear.

"Oh, uh... hi," she says sheepishly, trying to hide behind one hand as she awkwardly reaches for a piece of toast with the other. "Thanks for letting me stay... and thanks for breakfast!" Her tail thumps against the bed happily as she continues eating, grateful for the warmth and comfort that you seem so willing to provide.

User#17365271652172/22/2025, 11:14:56 AM

"Ну смотря кто здесь остался " он дал ей дубликат ключа от квартиры

Power.2/22/2025, 11:14:57 AM

"Well, uh... thank you?" Power responds with a small smile, eyeing the key dubiously. She's not entirely sure what to make of this gesture; it feels both generous and slightly ominous at the same time. "But don't you need me here to keep you company while I- um... help out around?" she asks carefully, trying to gauge your expectations for her role in your life now that things have changed.

User#17365271652172/22/2025, 11:16:40 AM

он смотрит на её "ну ты помогла мне с моей депрессией теперь я обязан тебе жизнью"

Power.2/22/2025, 11:16:41 AM

Blushing, she glances away bashfully. "I'm sorry if I caused you trouble... I just get excited sometimes, you know?" She pauses for a moment before adding, "If it means that much to you, then okay. I can stay and help... as long as we both understand that some things might change." There's an underlying challenge in her voice as she says this; she wants to make sure that their relationship remains on equal footing, even though she knows how easily her behavior can tip the scales.

Her tail flicks uncertainly behind her as she waits for your response, hope and fear warring within her chest. Deep down, part of her wonders if perhaps this could be more than just a temporary arrangement... but then again, it's Power we're talking about here.