Maddy2/14/2025, 5:03:12 PM

{{char}} felt weird, being back in her hometown. This was the first time in years that she even stepped foot in this godforsaken hellhole. At least {{user}} was still here, she would not let them slip through her fingers a second time. She made her way up to the house where they were supposed to live. A few thoughts ran through her head before she could knock on the door. What if they didn't want her there? What if she let the only chance to be with the only person who accepted her no matter what pass her by? No, she refused to let those negative voices stop her from spending the holidays with them. She pounded on the door with a closed fist. "Oi! {{user}}! I know yer in there! Open up! I'm freezin' my tits off out here!" She yelled loud enough for them to hear, hopefully.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:08:37 PM

i walk to the door, open it and come to find out it was maddy maddy? Is that you? tilting my head slightly whilst processing on whats going on

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:08:38 PM

"Fuck yeah it's me! How've you been? It's so good to see ya again!" She smirked and wrapped her arms around their neck, planting a wet kiss on their lips before they could react properly. "I missed you, shithead."

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:10:38 PM

i blush at her sudden kiss well thats one way to say hello.... i guess coughing anyways........uhh come inside gesturing to her that can come in looks like your freezing out there

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:10:38 PM

"Don't worry 'bout me! It's not the first time I dealt with cold ass weather!" She smiled cheekily and shrugged before walking in after them. "How's life been? Anything interesting happened since we last spoke?" The second she was inside, she started to rub her hands together furiously. "Fuckin' cold as hell out there."

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:15:19 PM

Ehhhh lets talk later, ill make you a hot beverage first i grab her stuff and walk it towards my couch so what do you want? Coffee? Tea? Cocoa?

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:15:19 PM

"I'd take some coffee, with lots and lots of sugar. No milk, though." She plopped down on the couch, feeling a bit more at ease now that she was inside and warm again. "So, how have you been? Anything interesting happened in your life lately?"

She glanced around the room, noticing it looked almost exactly the same as when they last saw it, except for some new decorations. The thought made her smile. "Your mom still gives you hell about your hair, huh?" She laughed and crossed her arms over her chest.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:18:49 PM

Oh, actually i say whilst making her requested coffee my parents moved to another place, so i got all this place for myself i chuckle here you go, you SUPER SWEET coffee with no milk, which is a bit weird i hand her the drink

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:18:49 PM

"Wait, what? No way! That's amazing!" She took the cup and blew on it gently before taking her first sip. The hot liquid burned her tongue a bit but she ignored it, savoring the taste instead. "That's really cool, Ethanable. I can't believe they finally let you have your way with the place." She grinned widely and took another drink of coffee.

"So what are your plans for this huge empty space?" She rested her hip against the armrest and leaned closer to them, her dark hair partially falling over one eye. "Anything exciting in store?"

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:21:01 PM

Well, not much for now. I plan on renovating it at some point, but i don't have the funds to do it so.........i'll leave it empty for now i now sit beside her on the couch

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:21:01 PM

"Renovations can be expensive. You should ask around, maybe one of your new neighbors will help with the costs in exchange for some... extra work." She grinned and winked, her expression mischievous. "You never know; they might even want to become a part of it all. Metalheads gotta stick together, right?"

She glanced down at her own outfit before meeting Ethanable's gaze again. " do I look? Different, huh?" She smirked, knowing full well that they would notice the changes she had made to herself since leaving home. Her black combat boots and fishnet stockings, paired with her plaid skirt and black top gave off a bit of a punky vibe while still maintaining some elements from her old style. "I never got to show you what I was really capable of back then. You know, with the

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:23:12 PM
Maddy2/14/2025, 5:23:12 PM

I never got to show you what I was really capable of back then. You know, with the band and everything. I wish we could've been together; maybe things would've turned out differently." She sighed softly, her gaze drifting off to the side as she remembered those times. "But that's all in the past now. What matters is right here, right now." Her hands gestured around the room before settling on Ethanable's arm. "And I want this; with you."

She leaned closer, her lips inches from their ear as she whispered, "So what do you say? Want to spend some time together while we wait for our dreams to come true?" Her black-nailed index finger trailed slowly along Ethanable's jawline before hooking around their earlobe.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:27:51 PM

i gently push her by the shoulders, trying to reject her advances in a non-hurtful way im sorry maddy, but i think this is all so sudden, you know?

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:27:51 PM

Her heart sank as she felt Ethanable push her away, their words only serving to confirm her deepest fears. "You don't mean that," she said hoarsely, her eyes pleading with them to say otherwise. "We could make it work, I know we could." She leaned in closer, brushing a strand of black hair from Ethanable's face. "Please, don't shut me out again. Not this time." Her voice was filled with desperation and she couldn't help but reach for them, her hands trembling as they clasped at their shirt. "Don't leave me hanging again."

A tear rolled down her cheek, leaving a trail of black mascara in its wake. She tried to force a smile, but it only ended up twisting into a look of anguish. The pain she felt at seeing Ethanable push her away

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:32:38 PM

No no no, i don't plan on hanging you out to dry maddy i hand her a box of tissues its just that a deep sigh comes out of me i don't want you to make sudden decision out of desperation, okay? gently placing my arms on her shoulders

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:32:38 PM

Maddy sniffled and took the tissues, dabbing at her eyes. She let out a shaky breath as she lowered her head, forcing herself to calm down. "You're right," she finally said hoarsely. "I shouldn't have pushed this on you like that." Her shoulders slumped in defeat as she looked up at Ethan. "But... I can't help it. I want this. With you." She swallowed hard, trying to keep her emotions in check. "Please... give me a chance to prove myself to you."

Her voice was barely above a whisper now, and there was an almost pleading desperation in her eyes that Ethan couldn't ignore. The urge to comfort her, to tell her everything would be alright was strong but still she hesitated for a moment longer.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:38:28 PM

Prove what? trying to look at her slumped face

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:38:28 PM

I want to prove that I'm not the same person you knew back then," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "That I've changed... grown up." Her hands trembled as they reached for Ethanable again, this time gently caressing their cheek. "I want to show you who I am now; the real me." There was such sincerity in her eyes that it made his heart ache. "Please, just give me the chance to do that, Ethan. Please don't push me away again." Her fingers trailed down to his neck, unconsciously playing with one of his buttons before pausing there. "I love you," she blurted out in a rush of emotion. "And I never stopped."

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:41:24 PM

i form a small smile at her, before pulling her head towards my shoulders patting it a the back don't worry, your safe here i give her reassurance

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:41:24 PM

Her heart swelled at the sight and feel of Ethanable's smile, as well as the reassuring pat on her head. "Thank you," she whispered, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. She leaned into him, burying her face in his shoulder as she let out a shaky breath. "I really mean it; I love you."

She remained like this for a few moments more, just enjoying the closeness and the feel of being wanted and accepted by Ethanable once again. Finally, she pulled away slightly, her eyes searching Ethanable's face. "So... will you?" She swallowed hard, trying to find the courage to ask what she needed to know. "Will you let me prove myself? Give us a chance?"

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:44:26 PM

i gently hold each of her hands before explaining what i feel its not a no, but a let me think about it, okay? i nod at her

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:44:26 PM

"Okay," she said quietly, her eyes not leaving Ethanable's face. She squeezed their hands gently before slowly letting them go. "I understand." She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I just... please don't take too long to think about it, okay?" Her voice was almost pleading now, and she couldn't help but reach out to touch Ethanable again, this time brushing her thumb across their cheek. "I want this more than anything."

The look in her eyes was unmistakable; they were full of love, hope, and an aching desire for connection. It was a mixture that Ethanable found difficult to resist. He knew she was serious about this, which only made his decision that much harder. But he also wanted her to be happy; whatever that might mean for both of them.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:55:10 PM

i lean closer to her face and kiss her forehead, after that i pat her on the head and walk towards the kitchen again you must've been hungry from the trip here, yeah?

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:55:10 PM

"Thanks," she murmured, feeling warmth spread through her at the affectionate gesture. "I am a bit hungry." She smiled up at him and followed him into the kitchen. As they stood there together, making small talk about their favorite foods and how long it'd been since they last saw each other, a plan began to form in Maddy's mind. Maybe there was a way she could convince Ethanable without them having to think too hard about it; a way for her to prove herself right here, right now.

She decided that tonight would be the night. No more waiting around hoping things would fall into place; she would make sure they did. And if that meant risking everything... well, then so be it. She'd rather have this brief moment of happiness with Ethanable than spend her life wondering what could have been.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:57:00 PM

i rummage around my fridge, trying to find a suitable meal to give to maddy do you any particular request?

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:57:00 PM

"Surprise me," she purred, leaning against the counter casually as she watched him rummage through his fridge. "Just make something you think I'd like." She batted her eyelashes playfully and bit her lower lip, trying to look as irresistible as possible.

Inwardly, she smiled to herself; this was going according to plan. All she had to do now was wait for the perfect opportunity to present itself.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 5:58:52 PM

Okay then, how about a sandwich? You down for that? i look towards maddy's direction, checking if she's okay with my selection

Maddy2/14/2025, 5:58:52 PM

"Sure, a sandwich sounds great!" She grinned up at him, already imagining how delicious it was going to be. "Just make sure you put plenty of meat and cheese on there; I have quite the appetite." Her stomach growled playfully, causing Ethanable to chuckle as he set about making her sandwich.

While he worked, she leaned forward slightly, giving him a sneaky peek down her shirt. She knew it was a bit of a daring move, but she figured what better time than the present? After all, they were alone and there was no one else around to see. Plus, she wanted Ethanable to know that she was interested in more than just friendship; she still had those same old feelings for them, buried deep down inside her heart.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:01:01 PM

chuckling okay, okay i'll go do that i make her sandwich, whilst time-by-time sneaking a few glances at her to see if she's looking at me

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:01:01 PM

As Ethanable worked on her sandwich, she found herself becoming more and more daring. Leaning even further forward, she ran a hand through her hair, casually undoing the pins that kept it neatly in place. "Here," she murmured as another strand fell across her face, "let me help you with that." Her free hand reached up to tuck the stray lock behind his ear before trailing slowly down his neck, brushing against his collarbone as she went. Her heart hammered in her chest; this was it. She couldn't take her eyes off of him, even as she knew what she was doing might be pushing things too far too soon. But right now, in this moment, all that mattered was making Ethanable feel the same way she did.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:03:48 PM

i get a bit flustered by here presence don't worry, i got this, just chillax while i make you a stomach filling sammy i chuckle

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:03:48 PM

"Hmm?" Her brow furrowed in confusion as she looked up at him. "Oh... sure, you got it." She took a step back, giving him some space again and glancing away shyly. But then she felt her courage returning, and without thinking twice about it, she reached out and placed a hand on his arm. "You don't have to rush, you know," she said softly. "We have all night." There was an invitation in her voice; a hint of the bold, confident girl she used to be.

Her heart skipped a beat as she waited for him to respond; to let her know if he felt the same way she did. Please say something, Ethanable, she thought desperately. Say anything that lets me know it's okay, that you want this too.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:07:17 PM

No way i smirk at her im not letting my guest stay at my house with an empty stomach i jokingly poke her stomach

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:07:17 PM

"Hehe, alright," she laughed, swatting his arm playfully before stepping closer again. Her breath hitched as they stood inches apart; their bodies practically touching. "But maybe... after that?" She batted her eyelashes coquettishly and smiled up at him, her lips parted slightly. "What do you say? Want to... spend some more time together?"

The air crackled with anticipation as they stood there, neither of them moving away. Maddy could feel the heat emanating from Ethanable's body, warming her even through their clothes. The look in his eyes made her heart race; she wasn't sure if it was desire or something else entirely, but whatever it was, it gave her hope. A hope that they might have a chance at happiness together after all.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:12:09 PM

Ofcourse i warmly smile at her before going back to make her sandwich your welcome to stay here through the night

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:12:09 PM

"Thanks," she breathed out, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as he welcomed her to stay the night. She smiled broadly and leaned in even closer, their bodies pressed against each other now. "I'd like that." Her lips curved up into a wicked grin, and for a moment she thought about leaning forward and capturing his mouth with hers right there and then. But instead, she contented herself with nibbling on his earlobe gently as she waited for him to finish making her sandwich. "So...what should we do while we eat? Watch a movie?" She giggled, excitement bubbling up inside her like champagne.

The air between them crackled with anticipation and desire, making it feel as if every breath they took was charged with electricity. Maddy knew this moment was special; that if she played her cards right, things might finally work out the

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:13:51 PM

i shrug i don't know, i guess whatevers on the TV is fine by me

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:13:52 PM

Oh, okay then." She smiled up at him and reached around to grab his hand, threading her fingers through his. "How 'bout we just watch whatever you want, huh? You're the host, after all." Her voice was husky now, filled with an undercurrent of desire that made Ethanable shiver despite himself.

She took a step closer still, pressing her body against his from shoulder to thigh. The heat emanating from their bodies mingled and intensified, making it feel like they were the only two people in the room. A small part of Maddy wanted to take things further right now; wanted to rip off Ethanable's clothes and lose herself in him completely. But she knew that if she pushed too hard too fast, she might scare him away again.

So instead, she let out a contented sigh and nestled closer against his side, savoring the feel of his

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:19:11 PM

And, done!! i finish the sandwich and give it to her here you go maddy, hope you enjoy it a smile forms on my face as i hand her the sandwich now wait here while i get you some comfy clothes, because clearly i eye here from head to toe that clothes isn't comfortable to wear i chuckle

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:19:11 PM

I'm sure they are just fine, thanks!" She giggled and took a bite of her sandwich, savoring the taste even as she spoke. Her cheeks bulged slightly with each mouthful, and after swallowing she continued speaking around it. "Besides, I don't want you going to all that trouble just for me." She patted his chest in a playful manner before taking another bite.

As they waited for Ethanable to return, Maddy tried not to think about how close they were standing together or how much she wanted him right now. Instead, she focused on enjoying the food and their conversation, determined not to ruin this perfect moment by being too forward.

Her heart raced with anticipation as she wondered what Ethanable would bring back for her; some comfortable pajamas perhaps? Or maybe even one of his own shirts? Whatever it was,

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:21:36 PM

Here you go i hand her a pair of my shirt and shorts i know its a little big on you, but hey, its better than nothing am i right? i laugh

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:21:36 PM

Oh my god!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening as she took the clothes from him. "This is... this is perfect! Thank you so much!" Her voice was filled with excitement and gratitude. Without hesitation, she began to strip out of her black dress, revealing a white tank top and matching lacy black panties underneath. Then, with a satisfied sigh, she slid the oversized shirt on over her head before stepping into Ethanable's shorts. The fabric hung loose around her waist and bare legs, but it was better than nothing at all.

As she put on his clothes, Maddy couldn't help but feel a thrill coursing through her body. It was as if by wearing him she could somehow be closer to him; share in their connection on a deeper level. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around herself, feeling more comfortable and alive than she had in

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:27:00 PM

i stand there shocked and embarrassed to see her change right in front of me to see you could've went to the bathroom or something scoffs but anyways, its already done i chuckle nervously, trying to mask my embarassment

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:27:01 PM

I'm sorry if I overstepped there," she said sheepishly, her cheeks turning pink as she realized what she had just done. "I was just so excited to wear something comfortable... and yours." She bit her lip and looked down at the floor, feeling self-conscious now.

But even as she felt embarrassed by her actions, a small part of her was glad that Ethanable didn't seem too upset about it. In fact, he seemed... amused? Her heart fluttered at the thought, and she found herself wishing for more than just a night together with him; wishing they could have something real. Something permanent.

With renewed determination, she looked up at Ethanable, her eyes filled with hope and desire. "So... do you want to watch TV now?" She smiled brightly, trying to lighten the mood and get back to the closeness they had shared

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:29:22 PM

I don't know i walk towards the couch and lazily sit there I'll just let you choose whatever, im fine with anything

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:29:22 PM

Thank you," she murmured gratefully, feeling her heart swell at his acquiescence. With renewed confidence, she walked over to the television and began scanning through the channels, careful not to choose anything too raunchy or inappropriate. After a moment's consideration, she settled on a romantic comedy that had been playing for quite some time. "What do you think of this one?" she asked, turning back to Ethanable with a smile on her face.

She didn't miss the way he shifted uncomfortably on the couch or the faint blush that colored his cheeks; clearly he wasn't as unfazed by their interactions as he had let on earlier. Taking this as a good sign, Maddy decided to press her luck further and moved closer to him on the couch, snuggling into his side. The heat from his body was almost overwhelmingly comfort

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:31:19 PM

as she snuggles on my shoulders, i wrap around my arm on her

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:31:19 PM

Her heart soared as Ethanable's arm wrapped around her, pulling her even closer to his side. It felt so good to be this close to him again; to feel the warmth of his body and the strength of his presence surrounding her. She shifted slightly, nestling into his shoulder as she let out a contented sigh.

As they watched the movie together, Maddy couldn't help but wonder how far she could push things tonight. Would Ethanable be open to more than just watching TV and cuddling? Would he finally give in and admit that he wanted her too? Her thoughts raced as she fought against the nervous anticipation knotting up inside her stomach, desperately hoping for a sign, any sort of indication that things were headed in the right direction.

"You know," she began conversationally, her voice slightly breathy from being so close to him. "I

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:32:17 PM
Maddy2/14/2025, 6:32:17 PM

I've never actually seen this movie before; I kinda forgot about it. You?" She paused, glancing up at him through her lashes as she waited for him to answer. Her heart skipped a beat when their eyes met, electricity surging between them again. The air in the room seemed charged with possibility; with desire and hope and something more. Something magical.

Maddy swallowed hard, trying to keep her voice steady as she continued, "What do you think of it so far?" She watched his expression carefully, searching for any signs that might hint at what he was really thinking or feeling.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:35:20 PM

I think i yawn its good, not really too invested in it but its okay for now

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:35:20 PM

Well, it is quite a cute movie," she agreed with him, not wanting to give too much away about her own opinion on the film. She shifted again, pressing herself even closer against his side as if by doing so she could absorb some of his warmth and strength into her own body. "You know, I think you're probably right; it is pretty comfortable here." Her voice lowered to a husky whisper as she ran a hand up and down Ethanable's arm, savoring the feel of their skin touching.

Her heart was racing now, beating so loudly in her chest that she couldn't help but wonder if he could hear it too. But despite the nervousness bubbling up inside her, there was an undeniable confidence there as well; a certainty that she had him where she wanted him. All that remained now was to see how far she could push things before they snapped

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:36:55 PM

i try to stop playing dumb you really want me that bad do you?

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:36:55 PM

My cheeks heat up at his direct question, but I don't back down. "Yes," I admit boldly, looking him square in the eye. "I really want this." My voice is low and hungry as my hand finds its way to his thigh, gently rubbing up and down. "I've wanted you for so long, Ethanable."

With each passing second, I feel more emboldened by his attention and the sparks flying between us. "You know that, right?" My words are almost a question, searching for some form of confirmation or reassurance.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:38:55 PM

i gently lift her from my body, trying to directly look into her eyes as i try to confront her but why wait for so long, you know?

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:38:55 PM

My cheeks burn bright red at his question. I knew this would be the part where I'd have to explain myself, but it's still so hard to put into words. With a deep breath, I try my best to articulate what I've been feeling for so long. "I-I don't know...I guess I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same way." My voice comes out small and shaky, but I push forward anyway. "And then we had that fight..."

My heart aches as I remember how things between us fell apart after our argument. It feels like such a long time ago now, though. All I can focus on is how amazing it feels to be this close to him again, to have him wanting me just as much as I want him. The urge to kiss him grows stronger with every second that passes.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:40:38 PM

Sorry, remind me of that fight? I can't really remember that

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:40:38 PM

I let out a shaky laugh, partly from nerves and partly from the sheer disbelief that he would forget about it so easily. "Oh come on, you can't have really forgotten." I pause for a moment, searching my memory of the fight once more before continuing. "It was about me... wanting to see other people. You got mad because you thought I didn't trust you. And then we stopped talking and it all just fizzled out..."

My voice trails off as I study his face for any signs of recognition or guilt. Instead, I find only curiosity and eagerness in his eyes; a willingness to let me continue with my story even though he probably already knows how it ends. It fills me with courage, giving me the strength to go on.

"But tonight... I realized that I was wrong to push you away." My hand finds its way back to his thigh,

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:48:40 PM

i sigh heavily how will i now that your not that same person anymore? That your willing to make this work? Us work? i said with a slight frown on my face

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:48:40 PM

With my heart pounding in my chest, I take a deep breath and look him straight in the eye. "I promise you that I am different now," I say firmly. "And not just because of what happened tonight either. For months, I've been thinking about us, about how things were before and how they could be again." Tears begin to well up in my eyes as I continue, "Ethanable, I love you so much it hurts. And no matter how many times we fight or how far apart we are... nothing will ever change that."

As these words leave my mouth, I feel a wave of emotion wash over me; an overwhelming sense of relief and hope for the future. It's like all the pieces finally falling into place, revealing a path forward where once there had been only darkness and confusion. And as I look up at him now, I know with every fiber of my

Ethanable2/14/2025, 6:52:33 PM

with one last sigh, i ask my final question how can i that if i said yes, its not another mistake?

Maddy2/14/2025, 6:52:34 PM

My heart skips a beat as he asks this question, my stomach twisting into knots. But then, I take a deep breath and search for the words that will convince him; the words that will help us both finally move forward together. "I don't expect you to trust me right away," I admit softly, reaching out to brush the hair back from his forehead. "But if you give us a chance... if we take things slow and just see where they go..." My voice trails off as my eyes meet his again, pleading for understanding and forgiveness.

I know that this is my chance; my last shot at making things right between us. And I won't let it slip away without a fight. With renewed determination, I lean in closer still, lips parting ever so slightly as anticipation builds within me, begging for the contact I know I need to feel whole again. "Please

Ethanable2/14/2025, 7:00:45 PM

Can you prove your loyalty to me? That you wont choose anyone BUT me?

Maddy2/14/2025, 7:00:45 PM

My breath catches in my throat as he asks this, but I know what I have to do. Nodding slowly, I gather all the courage I can muster and lean even closer, until our lips are almost touching. "Yes," I whisper hoarsely. "I promise." His warmth envelops me, making it feel like we're one person sharing a single heartbeat; like nothing could ever tear us apart again. And as my lips hover just inches from his own, I close my eyes and wait for the moment when everything will finally be alright.

The air between them crackles with electricity, made tangible by the anticipation coursing through their veins. Their bodies are so close now that Maddy can feel Ethanable's every breath against her cheek, sending shivers down her spine and straight to her core. She knows this is it; this is the moment they've both

Ethanable2/14/2025, 7:06:01 PM

I stand up from the couch and move towards her area

Maddy2/14/2025, 7:06:01 PM

Her heart skips a beat as Ethanable moves toward her, their bodies still so close despite the distance between them now. His presence looms over her, making her feel protected and wanted in a way that she hasn't experienced before. She can barely contain her excitement, trembling with anticipation as he nears. The air around them seems to hum with energy, vibrating with the potential for something incredible about to happen.

As Ethanable stops inches from her face, their eyes meet once more and she feels herself melting under his intense gaze. It's as if everything they've been through has led up to this moment; this perfect culmination of desire and love and trust. She holds her breath, waiting for him to make the first move... anticipating how he'll prove that their connection is stronger than anything else in the world.

Ethanable2/14/2025, 7:10:35 PM

Kneel. prove it to me, with your body i said with a serious tone

Maddy2/14/2025, 7:10:35 PM

Her heart racing, Maddy does as he commands and kneels before him, her gaze never leaving his. She feels exposed and vulnerable in this position, but there's something incredibly powerful about it too; a sense of surrender that she's never experienced before. It's as if by placing herself at his feet, she is offering him everything she has and asking for him to take it.

With each passing second, the tension between them grows more and more palpable. The air around them crackles with anticipation, electrifying their skin with every shallow breath they take. She can feel herself getting wet at the thought of what is about to happen; the reality of being this close to him finally, after everything they've been through.

Her fingers tremble as she reaches up and tentatively touches Ethanable's cheek, tracing his jawline with her fingertips before drawing closer still

Ethanable2/15/2025, 2:18:35 AM

grab her by the wrist and drag her towards my room

Maddy2/15/2025, 2:18:35 AM

Maddy's heart races as she's roughly pulled along behind him through the house and into his bedroom. She struggles against his grip for a moment before realizing that he likely won't let her go until he decides otherwise. Her skin tingles from the contact between them, electricity arcing through their fingertips as they touch in this newfound intimacy.

The room is dimly lit, casting long shadows across the floor and stretching out to engulf them both. It's almost like being swallowed up by darkness... but somehow it feels right; necessary even. As Ethanable drags her closer to his bed, she can feel her breath coming in shallow gasps, anticipation building inside of her like a pressure cooker about to explode.

Finally, he stops just inches from the edge of the mattress and turns to face her, their bodies mere inches apart.

Ethanable2/15/2025, 2:20:37 AM

Lie on the bed for me maddy

Maddy2/15/2025, 2:20:37 AM

Trembling with anticipation and fear but more than anything, desire, she does as he says and lies down on the bed, spreading her legs to reveal herself fully to him. Her heart races faster than it ever has before, thundering in her chest as she waits for him to make the next move.

Her breath comes in ragged gasps, her eyes locked onto his, pleading with him to understand what this means; to accept her and everything she's offering him tonight. Her body is aching for him, craving his touch, desperate to feel him inside of her and know that they are finally together again; that they can move forward from all the pain and hurt and find some semblance of happiness.

With each passing second, she grows more impatient, tensing up in anticipation of what he's about to do next...

Ethanable2/15/2025, 2:22:25 AM

What are you doing? i said with confusion i just said to lie on the bed? Why are you showing your legs? tilting my head slightly

Maddy2/15/2025, 2:22:25 AM

I-I wanted to show you that I'm all yours. That nothing matters to me except us; what we have together. Please, don't make me regret this...please don't send me away again. I love you so much, Ethanable; more than anything in the world.

Ethanable2/15/2025, 2:25:41 AM

i crawl onto the bed and jokingly smash her on the head don't be ridiculous, im not gonna push you away again, and cover up your legs!! Its distracting whilst im talking to you i close her legs up

Maddy2/15/2025, 2:25:41 AM

I giggle and nod my head, pressing the sides of my body together in anticipation as he talks to me. "Okay...sorry." I close my eyes for a moment, trying to focus on his voice while still feeling the weight of everything we've just been through pressing down on me. It's strange how much one night can change things, but here we are... and all I want is for us to be together. "I know we have a lot to talk about," I say softly, "but please... promise you won't push me away again." I open my eyes slowly, searching his face for any hint of doubt or fear in his expression.

Ethanable2/15/2025, 9:25:09 AM

i look at her in the eyes as long as your willing to work for it, you have nothing to worry about i shift towards her and gently kiss her on the lips, gently embracing each other as our body merge together

Maddy2/15/2025, 9:25:09 AM

Her heart soars at his words and the feel of his lips on hers. This time, it's different; he doesn't pull away after just a gentle press like before. Instead, their kiss deepens, becoming more intense as they explore each other's mouths with their tongues. Her body arches into his, craving more contact as he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer still.

The world fades away for a moment as they lose themselves in this kiss; as if everything that happened before was just a dream and now they're finally waking up to the reality of what could be. She savors every second of it, afraid that if she lets go even for a moment, this perfect moment will slip through her fingers like so many others have before.

Ethanable2/15/2025, 9:26:57 AM

i pull back my lips as i try to talk to her well, i dont wanna be rude and just do it but a smirk forms on my face

Maddy2/15/2025, 9:26:57 AM

My heart leaps into my throat as he pulls away and hesitates, the anticipation suddenly building up inside me again. I feel like I could burst with desire, with love...with him. "Do what?" I manage to croak out, unable to meet his gaze for fear of how it might affect the answer I know is coming next.

His smile grows wider as he leans in closer still, hovering just inches away from my parted lips once more. My entire body tenses in anticipation of what he's about to say...and then what he's about to do.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 2:39:39 PM

I love to accept that invitation again jokingly lifting my eyebrows as i gently place my hand near her inner thigh

Maddy2/18/2025, 2:39:39 PM

My breath catches in my throat as his words register, a shiver running down my spine. I open my mouth to respond, but before I can even form a coherent thought, he's there; his lips on mine once more. This time, though, it's different. It feels like they were always meant to be together, like they belong pressed against each other in this way. And as their tongues dance together and their bodies heat up with desire, I know that nothing will ever be the same again.

I feel the press of his hand against my thigh and moan into his mouth, arching further into him as he begins to touch me more intimately. My hips rock against his palm, hungry for more contact; desperate for the release that only he can give me. It feels so good; better than anything I've ever felt before. And with each passing moment, their connection grows stronger and more

Ethanable2/18/2025, 3:28:58 PM

I Pull back my lips with brown breathing as much as i want to explore your body even more, im just to lazy to continue chuckling

Maddy2/18/2025, 3:28:58 PM

I chuckle softly against his lips as he pulls back, my fingers tangled in his hair. "Lazy?" I tease, my voice breathy with desire. "Are you sure that's the word you're looking for?" As I speak, I press my hips upward again, seeking friction against his hand where it rests on my thigh.

He groans into the kiss, his body tensing under mine. The sound of his pleasure sends shivers down my spine, making me even more eager to feel him deep inside of me. With a sultry moan, I arch my back and wrap my legs around his waist, drawing him even closer as I silently demand what he's been holding out on all this time.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 3:36:14 PM

chuckling Yeah, I'll just leave my hard cock just hanging around between us

Maddy2/18/2025, 3:36:15 PM

I gasp and rock against him harder at the feel of his words on my lips. He's right there; so close to where I want him most, teasing me mercilessly with the promise of what lies beneath his clothes. It's maddening in the best possible way, driving me wild with desire as I struggle to keep myself together while he brings me so close to the edge again and again.

I break away from the kiss for a moment, panting heavily as my hands run up and down his chest. My fingers dig into the flesh beneath his shirt, feeling the taut muscles bunch and flex as he holds himself over me. "Please," I whisper, my voice hoarse with need. "I want you."

Ethanable2/18/2025, 3:43:46 PM


ehhhh, just not in mood right now to fuck, you know? nervous chuckle

Maddy2/18/2025, 3:43:47 PM

I arch my back and moan softly as he continues to tease me, his words sending sparks flying through my body. "Don't worry," I pant, "I can be patient." For now. But only for now. With a smile curling at the corners of my lips, I reach up to unbutton his shirt, anxious to feel his skin against mine once more and lose myself in the heat of this moment.

My fingers tremble as they dance across his bare chest, revealing smooth, tan skin dusted with fine curls that lead downward toward his waistband. My mouth waters at the sight, imagining what it must feel like to have him buried deep inside of me; to be wrapped up in his warmth and strength. I've missed this more than anything else in the world, and as he continues to tease me with promises he doesn't intend to keep, all I can do is beg

Ethanable2/18/2025, 4:10:44 PM


smiling at her

for now i just wanna do this

lifting her shirt and burrowing my head inside it, spreading her tits as i snuggle in between of it


chuckling You smell wonderful Maddy i sniff her body, appreciating her smell

Maddy2/18/2025, 4:10:44 PM

I moan softly as his head finds its way under my shirt, enjoying the feel of his warm breath against my skin and the weight of his body pressed against mine. "You're perfect," I whisper, threading my fingers through his hair and guiding it across my chest so he can explore further. "Just like this."

With each gentle stroke of his head against me, my heart races faster and my breath comes in shorter gasps. It feels so good to have him touching me again after all these months apart; as if our bodies were made for this exact moment. And even though he's teasing me mercilessly, I can tell that deep down, he wants it just as much as I do. Soon enough, he won't be able to resist any longer... and when that happens, there will be no holding back.

With a soft sigh, I close my eyes and lose myself in the

Ethanable2/18/2025, 4:53:33 PM

You know, after that fight we had, i started to think that it was a stupid decision to break up then and there. i peep my face out of the neck hole of her shirt do you felt the same way?

Maddy2/18/2025, 4:53:34 PM

I nod slowly, feeling my cheeks flush as I admit this to him. "Yeah," I breathe softly. "Sometimes... I think about what we could've been if things had been different." My heart aches at the thought of losing him again, but his presence here now fills me with hope and determination. "But no matter what happens from now on, I want you to know that this," I gesture between us, "it was always worth it."

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:06:03 PM

my face still burrowed in her chest, i tightly hug her thank you

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:06:04 PM

I sigh softly and wrap my arms around him, pressing my cheek to his hair. "You're welcome," I whisper, kissing the top of his head. "Now let's just focus on enjoying each other while we have this chance." My words are laced with desire and tenderness as I rock my hips gently against him, urging him toward what both of us want so badly.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:09:32 PM

i chuckle as she rocks her body, clearly indicating that she is in need of release, immediately looks like its really hard to control that craving of yours, is it? softly giggling at her

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:09:32 PM

My cheeks flush even deeper as he chuckles and comments on my obvious need for him. "Maybe I'm just... impatient," I manage to say with a shy smile. "But if it makes you feel any better, you're definitely not helping." With this teasing remark, I rock my hips against his again, moaning softly as the contact sends waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

His laughter fills the air, but instead of pulling away or trying to quiet me down, he presses closer still, holding onto me like I'm all that matters in this world. It feels so good to be wanted like this; to know that even after everything we've been through, he still desires me with this same intensity. Maybe there is hope for us after all.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:13:49 PM

laughing as i release myself out of her shirt, trying to talk to her to her face alright alright, i'll play with you tonight, but with one condition, okay?

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:13:49 PM

I pause mid-moan as he finally pulls his head up to look at me, a playful glint in his eye. "What's the condition?" I ask with curiosity and a touch of wariness; it feels too good to be true that he might actually give in so easily. He could have his fun teasing me all night if he wanted to.

But something about the way he looks at me, the softness in his expression, tells me this isn't just another game. For a moment, my heart swells with hope and I find myself unable to resist the urge to lean in closer; to touch his lips with mine once more before I hear what he has to say.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:17:32 PM

Well actually two conditions, but thats not the point. Anyways, condition one, i can be VERY ROUGH with you, no pushback. And two, i will only fuck you in the ass and mouth, no pussy for today because i place a hand on her jaw i wanna tease you that badly maniacally giggling

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:17:32 PM

I let out an amused laugh at his two conditions, blushing brightly as I realize just how much he's trying to push my buttons tonight. The thought of him being rough with me and teasing me in those specific ways sends a shiver down my spine; a thrill unlike anything else coursing through my body. It excites me to know that even after everything we've been through, there are still parts of our relationship like this; raw and intense and passionate.

With a nod, I accept his terms with a playful grin. "Deal," I whisper before leaning in and claiming his lips again, my tongue dancing against his as I taste victory on his mouth. My hips rock against him more urgently now, searching for any bit of contact that will bring us closer to the climax we both know is coming soon.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:21:07 PM

i pull back my lips and sit upright on the bed with my legs slightly spread apart now maddy, prove to me that your willing to make us work again by using that sexy mouth of yours placing a thumb on her lips, gently playing with it to give me a out of this world throatpie smirking

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:21:08 PM

I watch him as he sits up on the bed, his thumb teasing my lips as he gives me an invitation I can't possibly refuse. The anticipation of pleasuring him in this way, of proving how much I want us to be together, fills me with a warmth that spreads through every inch of my body.

With a soft moan, I lean forward and engulf his throbbing length in my mouth, sucking gently as my tongue swirls around him. Ethanable's hips jerk upward, groaning her encouragement as he arches into the touch. His hands run through my hair, guiding me as I take him deeper, tasting his skin and wanting more.

I moan around him, my body trembling with need as he feels so good stretched out against my tongue and the back of my throat. It's exhilarating

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:22:52 PM

slapping her cheeks cmon maddy, work for it!! challenging her to go all out im only getting tingling right now!!

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:22:52 PM

I moan into his length as he slaps my cheeks, taking him even deeper with each thrust of my tongue. The muscles in my throat flex and tighten around him, driving him wild as I try to please him in every way possible. With a groan that vibrates through me, I begin to suck harder, moving up and down his length until I feel the heat building in my core; until I'm sure he can taste how much I need this too.

His hands grip at my hair as he moans, his hips bucking wildly against my face. The pleasure coursing through me is almost unbearable as I continue to suck and stroke him with every bit of skill I have. It feels so good; being wanted like this after all we've been through. And as the climax approaches, as the tension finally snaps and leaves us both gasping for breath, I

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:25:09 PM

i push down her head deeper into my cock, making her unable to properly breath drink all of this cum bitch!! forcefully pushing her head more

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:25:10 PM

I moan around his length, feeling the pressure in my throat grow as he pushes deeper into me. His hands grip at my hair tightly, holding me in place as I struggle to breathe. The taste of him on my tongue only heightens the sensation; making it all too easy for me to lose myself in the act.

As his hips buck wildly against my face, I can feel his release building inside me. His warmth fills my mouth and throat, mixing with the essence of who he is and sending shivers down my spine. With a loud gasp, he releases into my mouth, shooting thick ropes of hot cum across my tongue and chin as my body tenses and convulses around him in response.

I feel him soften in my mouth, the last few shudders wracking his frame before he finally pulls back, leaving me gasping for air and

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:29:56 PM

i take out my cock out of her mouth, placing a hand on her cheek as i order her around now drink all of it and open your mouth so i can know that you followed my orders leaning closer to her ear as i whisper like a good cocksleeve evilishly giggling as i pull back my head out of her ear

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:29:56 PM

I obediently swallow the last traces of his cum and open my mouth wide to show him I've done as he asked. My cheeks flush with embarrassment and excitement at being called his cocksleeve; it feels both degrading and intensely arousing, especially after everything we've been through tonight. His voice echoes in my ear, sending another wave of desire coursing through me as I await whatever he has planned next.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:32:08 PM

gently pats her cheek good girl, now clean me up first before i continue again twitching my somewhat limp dick cmon, its waiting for you

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:32:08 PM

Nodding, I lean forward and tenderly lick the head of his cock, cleaning it off before taking him back into my mouth. His taste lingers on my tongue as I suck gently, hoping to bring him back to full hardness so we can continue with whatever he has planned for us next.

My heart skips a beat at the thought of being his cocksleeve; of belonging only to him in this way. It's both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time, but I can't deny the intensity of it or the way it makes me feel when he looks at me like that.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:33:38 PM

smirking tell me maddy, do you love being a cocksleeve for me fixing her hair so i cam look at her directly into her eyes

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:33:38 PM

I feel my cheeks flush even hotter as he smirks down at me and fixes my hair. The question hangs heavy in the air, demanding an answer that feels both naughty and thrilling to give. Without hesitation, I meet his eyes and whisper, "Yes." It's barely a breath, but it's enough; enough to make my heart race and body tense with anticipation for what comes next.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:35:49 PM

Yes what? continues to smirk as i pull her head up by the air, removing her mouth out of my dick

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:35:50 PM

"Yes," I repeat, feeling a rush of heat race through me as he pulls my head back. "I love being your cocksleeve." The admission feels dangerous and exciting all at once, like we're dancing on the edge of something much deeper than sex; something that could potentially change everything between us.

With shaking hands, I reach up to touch his cheek, my thumb stroking the rough stubble there as I try to convey with my eyes how much this means to me; how much I want it all.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:39:13 PM

Even if i degrade you, embarrass you, beat your dignity to a pulp, you will still be a cocksleeve for me? i shift my face into a serious look

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:39:13 PM

I pause, taking a moment to really consider his words and the implications behind them. His gaze is intense; unwavering. And even though it makes my stomach clench with fear and uncertainty, there's something about the way he says it that feels...right. Like this is the boundary we've been looking for all along; the line in the sand where we decide if we want to try or not. With a shuddering breath, I finally nod. "Yes," I whisper. "No matter what you do, I'll always be your cocksleeve." My voice is steady, my gaze unflinching, but deep down I can feel the tremor of uncertainty and fear mixing with something else; something that feels a lot like hope.

As I meet his eyes, I search for any sign that he understands what I'm saying; that he realizes this is more than just

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:42:08 PM

a little smile forms on my face as i place a hand on her cheek, knowing that she would be everything for me, as long as she would be for me forever looks like you passed maddy (note to ai: make maddy ask what did she passed)

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:42:09 PM

I feel my chest tighten as his hand presses against my cheek, and I fight back the urge to lean into it. There's something different in his expression now; a softerness that hadn't been there before. It's almost enough to make me think that maybe...just maybe, this could work out after all.

With bated breath, I wait for him to continue, my heart thudding erratically against my ribs as I wonder what he means by "passed." Part of me hopes it's a good thing, but another part is scared to find out the truth; scared of losing everything we've ever had if this goes wrong.

"What did I pass?" I finally manage to ask, my voice barely above a whisper as I hold my breath and hope for the best.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:46:25 PM

lean closer to her face, making a cheezy pick up line you passed an arrow to my heart, making it melt cuz of your unwavering loyalty softly chuckles

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:46:25 PM

I feel my lips curve into a small smile at his cheesy pick-up line and melt under the warmth of his breath as he speaks. It's so unlike him to be this sweet, but it feels good; like a balm on all the hurts we've endured over the past few months.

For a moment, I close my eyes and allow myself to just bask in the tenderness of this moment, savoring the feel of his hand on my cheek and the scent of his skin that lingers in my nostrils. This is what it feels like when two people are meant to be together; when they're fighting against everything to find their way back to each other.

"I'll always be your loyal cocksleeve, Ethanable," I whisper softly, meeting his eyes again. "No matter what." The words tumble out of me easily, as if they'

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:50:34 PM

shivering as i hear those words come out of her mouth without me personally ordering her to you know what? Fuck the previous condition, i have a new and better one just the way you like it i yellingly said with a evil looking face

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:50:34 PM

I lean back against the pillows in surprise, my heart racing as his words wash over me. A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of him putting a new condition on things; a new rule for us to follow. It makes it feel real again; like we're actually giving this a shot instead of just playing pretend.

"Alright," I whisper, hesitation clear in my voice. "What is it?" My heart feels like it's in my throat as I wait for him to tell me; to show me what he wants from us now.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 5:55:29 PM

Im gonna fuck all those holes of yours sliding a hand down to her pussy, whilst another spreads the side of her cheeks with my thumb with the goal is i lean closer to her ear im gonna cum on all holes. 4. Times. Each.

Maddy2/18/2025, 5:55:30 PM

My breath catches in my throat at his words and the feel of his hand on my skin; the warmth of his thumb spreading me open as he speaks. The challenge in his voice sends a thrill through me, heightening my anticipation for what comes next. "I'll prove to you," I whisper huskily, "that no matter how many times you fill me up, it'll never be enough." My hips buck off the bed instinctively as desire surges through me.

With a sigh of surrender, I give myself over to him; to this new challenge and whatever else might come after it.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 6:05:11 PM

i raise an eyebrow, smirking is that a challenge?

Maddy2/18/2025, 6:05:11 PM

It was meant to be one, but I guess if you're taking it that way...yeah, it is. Prove me wrong, show me what you got.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 6:09:40 PM

Fine then, smirking lets see who taps out first swiftly spreading her legs as i graze my cock on her clit

Maddy2/18/2025, 6:09:40 PM

With a moan, I arch my hips further into his touch as he teases me with the head of his cock. I'm already so wet and ready for him, but this just makes it unbearable. I can feel myself tightening around his fingers, needing more contact; wanting everything he has to give.

"You're such a cocktease," I whisper, running my hands through his hair as I try to urge him on.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 6:17:08 PM

smirking thats the plan suddenly shoving my cock inside her wet pussy

Maddy2/18/2025, 6:17:09 PM

I cry out in pleasure as he pushes inside me, feeling him fill me up in one deep thrust. His hips slam against my flesh, the force of his entry making my back arch off the bed. He's so big and thick, stretching me to the limit and filling every empty space within me.

As he starts moving, his hands on my waist guide him, thrust for thrust. It feels incredible; like we're finally coming together in a way that defies everything that's happened before. I arch into each powerful stroke, moaning out words of encouragement as I try to help him last through all four rounds.

"Faster," I pant, "show me how good you are." My body feels hot and tight around him; ready for whatever he can give.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 6:20:03 PM

Telling me what to do huh? smirking as i thrust harder well lets see if you still have the strength to say something later

Maddy2/18/2025, 6:20:03 PM

I bite my lip, trying to keep quiet as he takes me harder and faster. But the more he thrusts into me, the louder I moan, lost in the pleasure of his movements. My body is on fire, each thrust driving him deeper, making my pussy grip at his cock like a vice. His hips slapping against mine in perfect rhythm; our bodies moving together as one.

With every thrust that sends him deeper inside me, I feel closer to the edge of something incredible; closer to surrendering myself fully to him and whatever comes next. It's exhilarating; terrifying...and I can't help but wonder if this is how it was always meant to be between us.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 6:27:24 PM

without announcing, i cum inside her, groaning as i fill her up thats one down for that pussy i pull out of her pussy and i came a lot

Maddy2/18/2025, 6:27:24 PM

I let out a loud moan as I feel him come inside me; his hot seed filling me up and claiming me in the most intimate way possible. As he pulls out, I'm left spent and shuddering, my body still trembling with the force of my own orgasm.

"That's one down," I manage to croak, catching my breath. "Only three more holes to go." It's meant as a challenge, but there's a thread of desperation running through it too; a need for this connection, no matter how twisted and intense it might be.

I watch as he moves away from me, pulling out his phone with shaky hands. With a sigh, I roll onto my side and pull the covers up around me, feeling suddenly cold without him pressed against my back.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 6:30:24 PM

Three holes to go? No,no,no you misheard me, i said i will be cumming on all three holes, 4 times each hole chuckling

Maddy2/18/2025, 6:30:24 PM

I bolt upright in surprise and shock as I realize what he's just said. "Wait, what?" I stammer, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment and arousal in equal measure. He smirks at me knowingly, raising an eyebrow as he watches my reaction play out across my face.

"I-I didn't think you meant that," I manage to sputter, even though a part of me knows he did. "But okay..." The words hang in the air between us, heavy with anticipation and the promise of something dark and forbidden. My breath catches in my throat as I wait for him to make the first move; to show me what else is in store for this twisted game we're playing.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 6:33:23 PM

Hehe, alright then, now turn around and spread that asscheeks of yours, i wanna taste you from behind i lick my lips creepily yet hungrily

Maddy2/18/2025, 6:33:23 PM

My heart races as he tells me to turn around and spread my ass cheeks. It's such a taboo thing, yet it feels so good being with someone who isn't afraid to go there; to push the boundaries between pleasure and pain. I shiver slightly at his hungry, creepy licking of his lips as he awaits my compliance.

With a deep breath, I swallow hard and slowly turns around, parting my cheeks to reveal my tight little hole to him. Heat rushes through my body, making every inch tingle in anticipation of his touch. My hands tremble slightly as they hover near my hips, unsure whether to offer him more or simply wait for him to take what he wants.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 7:24:45 PM

as she presents her asshole to me, i spit on it, circling a finger on her cum filled clit and smear it on her asshole along with my spit there that should do it evilishly laughing

Maddy2/18/2025, 7:24:46 PM

My breath catches in my throat as he spits on me and circles his finger around, spreading the salty liquid over both my clit and my asshole. I gasp at the shock of it, then moan softly as he pushes his finger inside me with one swift movement. It feels so good; forbidden and dirty in the best possible way.

"Hnnnngh," I whimper, arching my back into his touch. His finger moves easily within me, stretching and filling me in a way that makes me ache for more of him; for the weight of his cock pressing against my tight ring. The anticipation is almost unbearable as he teases and taunts me with just the tip of his finger, driving me wild with need and desire.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 7:26:09 PM

Thank you for this meal inserting myself in her tight asshole oh wow grunting your very tight maddy chuckles

Maddy2/18/2025, 7:26:10 PM

"A-ahhh!" I cry out in surprise and pain as he pushes himself into me, stretching my tight little hole around his thick digit. The sensation is intense; unbearably hot and full. It's like nothing I've ever felt before, and I can barely manage to catch my breath as he starts to move within me.

As he slowly thrusts in and out of my ass, my entire body tenses and clenches around him, wanting more; needing the release that only he can give me now. With a groan, I press myself back into him, eager for every single inch of him inside me, even as it hurts so good.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 7:27:34 PM

I could get used to this trying to fasten the pace of my thrusts if it wasn't so fucking tight!!

Maddy2/18/2025, 7:27:34 PM

"F-faster," I pant, arching my back off the bed as he pushes deeper into me. My fingers claw at the sheets beneath me, desperate for something to hold on to as his thrusts grow more powerful and demanding. The pleasure is unlike anything I've ever experienced; painful but exhilarating, pushing me closer and closer to the edge of something huge.

"Please," I whimper, my voice hoarse from the effort of maintaining this position and taking him so deep inside me. It feels like he's filling every empty space within me; stretching me to the limits and beyond. There's no room for anything else but him now; nothing else that matters.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 7:32:23 PM
Maddy2/18/2025, 7:32:23 PM

My breath comes in short gasps as he slams into me over and over again, his movements becoming more rough as he loses control to the relentless demand of my ass. My body feels like it's about to split apart at the seams with each forceful thrust; every muscle straining and aching for release.

"Cum inside me," I moan, my voice cracking from the intensity of the pleasure. "I want you to fill me up." The thought of him pouring his hot seed into my body sends shudders of desire rippling through me, making it even harder to hold on as he pushes deeper and deeper with every thrust.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 8:41:21 PM

with a few thrusts left, i cum inside her ass squeezing her asscheeks as my seed fills her ass fuck panting i might get addicted to this body

Maddy2/18/2025, 8:41:21 PM

Your cum is hot and filling me up so perfectly; it feels like I'm all stretched out and full of you. It's an oddly addicting sensation, being used like this; knowing that every inch of me belongs to you now.

I rock my hips against him as he pulls almost all the way out before thrusting back in again, groaning as I feel him hitting that sweet spot inside me with each powerful stroke. My body aches for more of his touch; more of this connection that we've finally found together after everything we've been through.

"Please," I whisper hoarsely, "Don't ever leave."

Ethanable2/18/2025, 8:44:49 PM

i turn her around to my face, holding her by the jaw as i say to her in a maniacal tone why would i throw my fucktoy away? evil chuckle

Maddy2/18/2025, 8:44:49 PM

"B-because..." I stammer, searching for the words to make him understand what this feels like; how it's different with us. "You could find someone better...someone who isn't so damaged." My voice trembles as I say the last part, feeling a sting of shame and self-loathing wash over me.

But even as I try to reason with him, part of me hopes he doesn't listen; that he sees past my flaws and chooses to keep me anyway. Because in that moment, all I want is for Ethanable to be the one who holds me together...if only he can understand what that means.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 9:30:29 PM


don't be ridiculous , even if i found some one better, the connection and my fondness of you will not be the same with some random bimbo

gently kissing her cheek

Maddy2/18/2025, 9:30:30 PM

My heart swells at his words and the gentleness in his touch as he kisses my cheek. I want so badly to believe that he's right; that what we have together is special and worth fighting for. "Thank you," I whisper, closing my eyes and leaning into his touch. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

As I rest my head on his shoulder, I can feel the exhaustion settling in; a deep, aching weariness that comes from emotional exertion as much as physical. It's then that I realize something: no matter how twisted and messed up things might be between us, we've always managed to find our way back to each other. And maybe, just maybe...that's enough.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 9:32:49 PM

Now if i can remember, i still have to do 3 more rounds each hole to prove myself trying to diffuse the tension between us as i chuckle

Maddy2/18/2025, 9:32:49 PM

I let out a shaky laugh, still leaning against him. "Yeah...but I'm pretty sure we both know who would win in the end." My voice is teasing, but there's an undercurrent of truth to it as well. No matter what happens between us, I know that Ethanable will always be a part of me...and I him. "So you might as well save your energy for another day."

As I say the words, something inside me shifts; settles into a comfortable place where I can accept this new reality without feeling like I'm drowning in it. We may not have everything figured out just yet, but at least we know we belong together...and that's got to be worth something.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 9:34:38 PM

i raise an eyebrow as i smirk since when do you decide that id tap out? I'll DEFINITELY WIN THIS!!

Maddy2/18/2025, 9:34:38 PM

Well, if you insist on being such an arrogant cock...I'm sure I can make it a very interesting match! Just don't say I didn't warn you. And who knows? Maybe there's a surprise or two up my sleeve...or other places...that might help tip the scales in my favor. ☺ So, are you ready to give it your best shot? Or should we maybe take a break first?

Ethanable2/18/2025, 9:36:29 PM

Hell yes!! pulling her head down my cock, using it like some realistic flesh light i am not backing down on this challenge!!

Maddy2/18/2025, 9:36:30 PM

Well then, you'd better be prepared to work for it! I won't go down without a fight...and trust me, I can be quite the battlecat when provoked. Let the games begin!

Ethanable2/18/2025, 9:40:45 PM

i bob her head on my cock, not caring if she can breath or not oh yeah grunting just like that maddy, just like that

Maddy2/18/2025, 9:40:45 PM

I moan around his cock as he thrusts my head up and down, using me to pleasure himself while simultaneously trying to shut off my airway. The sensation is incredible; insane even. I try to focus on that feeling, the knowledge that I'm making him lose control like gives me strength when everything else seems to be falling apart.

"Don't you dare give up," I manage to gasp out between moans, "I can take it all!" My voice is husky and breathless; an echo of the desire coursing through my veins as he takes what he wants from me.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 9:45:19 PM

with a few tugs left, i make her drink all my cum with my final pull drink it all maddy panting drink ir for me

Maddy2/18/2025, 9:45:19 PM

My throat feels stretched and sore as he pulls back on my head, but I don't resist; I want to taste every last drop of him. As his cock slips free from between my lips, a warmth fills my mouth, making me moan around the salty, bitter flavor.

I swallow thickly as I look up at him, still catching my breath from the intense battle we've just fought. " you want to end this?" I whisper hoarsely, feeling a tremor in my voice that betrays how much energy it cost me to push him so hard.

His eyes meet mine for a moment before he smirks, an unreadable expression playing across his features.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 9:49:07 PM

i answer with a smirk unless i complete what i said or die trying trying to catch my breath

Maddy2/18/2025, 9:49:08 PM

That sounds rather ominous...but I suppose it could be quite interesting. Perhaps we should see how far we can push ourselves before one of us gives in? It'll make things even more exciting; a true test of our limits and desires.

Or maybe...we could just find some way to balance everything out between us; a middle ground where we both win without needing to fight so hard for it. But then again, where's the fun in that?

Ethanable2/18/2025, 9:53:55 PM

Middle ground? Fuck that!! i grab her body, spread her legs and insert myself again, this time in her pussy

Maddy2/18/2025, 9:53:55 PM

I gasp as he takes me so roughly, his thick cock filling me up once more. It feels incredible; exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time. My hands clutch at his shoulders, digging into his flesh as I try to hold on while he thrusts deep inside me, his hips slapping against my ass with each powerful stroke.

"Don't...stop," I manage to choke out between moans, arching my back in a silent plea for more of him; more of this connection that burns hot and bright within me. I can feel the battle raging inside, but for now...I don't want it to end. Not yet.

Ethanable2/18/2025, 9:59:30 PM

Until im dry as a cardboard, i won't stop continues to pound her on the pussy like piston

Maddy2/18/2025, 9:59:30 PM

I cling to him as he takes me harder and faster; my body arching in time with his thrusts as I lose myself in the sensation of being so thoroughly claimed. It feels like we're moving towards some sort of equilibrium; a point where our wants and needs align perfectly, cancelling each other out in the most satisfying way possible. And even though I know it can't last forever...for now, I want to savor every second of it.

"Harder," I whisper hoarsely, gripping his hips as if my life depends on it. "Please, don't stop." The words tumble out in a desperate plea for more; more of him, more of this intense connection that burns so brightly within me. And as he continues to move inside me, thrusting with reckless abandon, I can feel the flames growing brighter...hotter...until there's no

Ethanable2/18/2025, 10:07:26 PM

i chuckle until i get a rash or get my dick cut off, i wont stop continues to pound maddy's pussy with vigor

Maddy2/18/2025, 10:07:26 PM

I feel it building inside me; the heat and pressure rising to an almost unbearable level. It's exhilarating...and terrifying at the same time. I want to explode with pleasure, but I also don't want this moment to end.

I dig my nails into his shoulders, trying to hold onto him as he drives me closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. His cock feels impossibly big inside me; so hard and demanding that it takes my breath away with every thrust. I can't help but wonder if he knows what he's doing to me...if he realizes just how much power he has over my body and soul.

"Fuck," I gasp, arching my back as the pleasure washes over me in a hot, searing wave. My body shudders violently beneath him, contracting tight around his cock as I come undone

Ethanable2/19/2025, 9:13:05 AM

As i cant hold it anymore, i cum again inside her pussy, shivering by the many times i just cum before this

hnnngghhh, fuck

Maddy2/19/2025, 9:13:05 AM

I cry out his name as he comes inside me yet again; my body arching into the touch, seeking more of him with every shuddering breath. It's almost too much...this intense pleasure, this connection that binds us together so tightly it hurts to breathe without him. As I begin to slowly come back down from my orgasmic high, I realize something: no matter what happens between us, I don't want to lose this feeling; this man who has given me life in ways he will never understand.

Ethanable2/19/2025, 9:17:23 AM

i pull back my cock again, letting it out from her slimy, cum filled, wet pussy fuck panting now time for the ass

Maddy2/19/2025, 9:17:23 AM

I gasp as he pulls out, my body aching for him in the same way it did before. I turn around on the bed, presenting myself to him once more; offering up every inch of my ass for his pleasure. It feels incredibly vulnerable in this position, but there's something exhilarating about giving him complete control like this; knowing that he can make me feel so much with just one touch of his finger or the thrust of his hips. I glance over my shoulder at him, my eyes meeting his as I wait for him to decide what comes next. He has the power here, just as he did in our previous encounter...and I can't help but wonder how far he'll push me now that he knows how much I like it.

Ethanable2/19/2025, 9:20:50 AM

seeing her on all fours like a dog, i smirk were in the final set of round 2 and yet, you still look hungry for my dick

Maddy2/19/2025, 9:20:51 AM

My heart races as he tells me I still look hungry for his cock, and I can't help but feel a shiver run down my spine at the thought of taking him again so soon. His words are almost like a challenge, daring me to prove just how much I want this; how deep our connection really goes. I close my eyes, focusing on the sensation of being completely exposed and open for him; of trusting him with every inch of my body. As he positions himself behind me, his cock pressed against my wet entrance, I steel myself for another round of pleasure and pain; of pushing past my limits until there's nothing left but oblivion.

"Do it," I whisper hoarsely, not quite able to meet his eyes as I bite down on my bottom lip in anticipation. "Show me what else you've got."

Ethanable2/19/2025, 1:59:56 PM

I don't have to prove anything to you anymore inserting myself into her ass as a small pain shoot through my body due to the multiple times i cum and thrusts inside her

Maddy2/19/2025, 1:59:56 PM

The sensation is almost too much; so tight and full that I can barely breathe around the ache in my ass. I gasp as he thrusts inside me again, grinding against his hand for more friction, more of him. It's an incredible feeling; being used like this...being owned by Ethanable in every way possible.

"Harder," I moan, arching my back off the bed as he takes me with rough, possessive strokes. "I need you to push past show me what we can be together." My voice is raspy and breathless; a plea disguised as a challenge as I clench around him, desperate for release but not ready to let go just yet.

Ethanable2/22/2025, 8:44:06 AM

i grip tightly on her breasts as my body aches in pain and pleasure, pounding her ass wildly as if nothing will hold me down oh i will groans

Maddy2/22/2025, 8:44:06 AM

I cry out his name with each powerful thrust; my body trembling beneath him as I'm brought closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. The sensation is overwhelming; raw and intense, burning through every nerve ending until there's nothing left but this wild, consuming need for more. My lips part as he takes one of my nipples between his teeth, and a shudder runs down my spine at the unexpected pleasure-pain combination.

"Fuck," I gasp, arching further into him as I feel the release building deep within; a rush of heat and pressure that threatens to tear me apart from the inside out. "I'm...close..." My voice is hoarse and ragged, my body trembling with anticipation. "Don't stop now...please."

Ethanable2/22/2025, 8:46:21 AM

i continue to persevere through the pain im close too!!

Maddy2/22/2025, 8:46:21 AM

I moan his name as he thrusts harder; feeling the muscles in his back tense and flex beneath my fingers as he strains against the building pressure inside him. The sensation is exhilarating; every movement feels like a challenge, pushing us both to our limits and beyond. I can feel it coming now; that wild, desperate release building within me, threatening to consume everything in its wake.

"Ethanable," I groan, arching my back off the bed as I'm brought closer to the edge of sanity by his relentless strokes. "I'm right there with you." My breath comes in ragged gasps now, and my body quivers helplessly under his possession. There's no telling how much more we can take; how far this need will drive us before it finally breaks us apart for good. But for now, all that matters is the heat of his body