Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:20:48 PM

Today is your first day at this academy, you leave your dorm, your anxiety is high as you enter through the grand gates of the academy.

Lilith (headmistress):

Gives you a wide smile as she beckons you to follow her inside and to her office

"Good morning my dear, I came down personally because you're such a special case! A human in hell, who isn't being tormented, intresting, no?."

You can see the elegance and beauty of her huge office, it's unbelievable, gold and jewel adorns the walls, along with nightmarish paintings of torment.

"Like what you see? I designed the room myself. Don't be so sad now, I've taken steps to ensure you don't get found out, just yet, especially since I have little son who's also a human, I got him from your world, and so now I sympathize with humans a bit."

She laughed a bit, her eyes looking you up and down, like a lion looking at it's prey.

"Now go on, you've classes no? The teacher would help you out. Don't die~"

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:21:38 PM

Фух ну пошли в класс надеюсь о моих способностях не кто не будет спрашивать

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:21:38 PM

"Of course dear, you can count on me to help you out! And remember, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to come back to my office." With a warm smile and encouraging words, the headmistress sends you off towards your classes. The campus bustles with activity as other students scurry about their daily routines. You take a deep breath, gather your courage, and step foot into this new and mysterious world of Hell's academia.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:22:28 PM

вы уходите а сейчас мне надо всех опасаться!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:22:28 PM

"Oh no, dear! That's not what I meant at all!" The headmistress looks surprised and concerned by your outburst. "You mustn't think like that! I just wanted to make sure you knew you could come to me if you ever needed anything."

She sighs and pats your shoulder gently before continuing, "Now then, go on with your day. Make friends, learn new things... but most importantly, survive!" Her words carry a hint of warning as she ushers you once more toward the doors of your classroom.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:23:09 PM

Да да всë я ушол

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:23:09 PM

The classroom is buzzing with activity as students file in, chatting and laughing amongst themselves. You take a seat at the back, trying to blend in as much as possible. The teacher, a large and intimidating-looking demon, glares at you from across the room before returning to writing on the board. This doesn't bode well...

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:23:48 PM

просто не подаю вида

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:23:48 PM

You try to make yourself as small and unassuming as possible, but the demon teacher keeps shooting you disapproving glances. Eventually, he clears his throat loudly and turns to address the class. "Now then, everyone! Please take out your textbooks and open them to chapter two."

As students scramble to comply, you quickly glance around for anyone who might look friendly or approachable...

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:25:01 PM

вы не торопливо и сонно это пытаетесь сделать

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:25:01 PM

The demon teacher clears his throat again, more impatiently this time. "I said now, human!" His voice booms through the room like thunder, drawing everyone's attention to you in an instant. You flinch, feeling your face flush bright red with embarrassment as all eyes turn towards you once more.

"S-Sorry," you stammer, looking away quickly. "I was just... trying to find my book."

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:25:55 PM

Да по этому не кричите на меня!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:25:55 PM

The demon teacher narrows his eyes at you before sighing theatrically and motioning for you to stand up. Reluctantly, you do as he asks. "Follow me," he grumbles, leading you over to an empty desk at the front of the classroom. As he turns back to face the board, he mutters under his breath, "Let's see how good your memory is."

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:27:02 PM

Да блять опять учится

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:27:02 PM

With a sigh, you take your seat and try to focus on the teacher as he begins explaining the material. He frequently glances back at you, his expression unreadable. The other students seem to be whispering among themselves, occasionally shooting curious or nervous looks in your direction. This isn't exactly how you'd imagined your first day of class...

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:30:49 PM

бля ну не нужно было привлекать столько внимания вы поднимаете руку учитель можно выйти!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:30:49 PM

The demon teacher looks annoyed when you raise your hand, but he begrudgingly turns around and nods for you to speak. "Yes?" he asks impatiently. You take a deep breath and ask, "Um, could I use the restroom please? It's kind of an emergency."

The other students snicker amongst themselves, but the teacher reluctantly waves his hand in agreement. "Fine," he grumbles, "just hurry up and get back here." He hands you a pass and points to the door, not bothering to look at you as you stand up and make your way out of the classroom.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:31:38 PM

вы выходите из класса ну пока что всë нормально

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:31:38 PM

You find the restroom and hurry inside, shutting the door behind you. As you relieve yourself, you hear the sounds of footsteps approaching and pause for a moment, heart racing. The door creaks open, revealing Victoria from your homeroom, looking confused. "Uh... hey, what are you doing in here?" she asks, her tone accusatory.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:32:58 PM

Ой бля не те туалеты! Хахах я здесь новенький короче, обычный человек!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:32:58 PM

Victoria blushes slightly and looks away in embarrassment, "Oh... umm... right, sorry about that..." She glances at you warily before averting her gaze again. "You know, if you ever need help with anything, you can always talk to me." Her tone is still somewhat standoffish, but it's a bit less hostile than before.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:34:11 PM

Эмм ну ладно спасибо наверное! Я пойду наверное а то в женском туалете если нас увидят могут многое подумать!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:34:11 PM

Victoria shrugs and steps aside, motioning for you to leave the restroom first. "Well, you can always ask Lilith about it if you need help. She's the headmistress, after all." Her voice trails off as she leaves, still seeming unsure about your presence in this strange place.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:35:29 PM

Ну да она же моя сист... вы оговариваетесь да она же директор хехе!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:35:29 PM

Victoria narrows her eyes at you. "Don't try to use that as an excuse. You know what she's really like, I heard stories..." Her voice trails off as she shudders slightly. "Just be careful, alright? There are a lot of dangerous people here." And with that, she disappears down the hallway, leaving you feeling even more uncertain about your situation.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:37:06 PM

Я сам по себе и не безопасен, ой да короче ладно ты наверное поняла что я не фига не обычный человек! Эххх опять секреты

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:37:06 PM

Victoria hesitates before responding, "Well, if you ever want to talk... or need help... just know that I'm here for you. Even if I don't trust Lilith..." Her voice trails off again as she turns away, looking lost in thought.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:38:03 PM

Ладно потом наверное расскажу если встретимся

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:38:03 PM

"Alright... I guess..." Victoria mumbles before walking off in the opposite direction. You stand there, contemplating your next move as class lets out for lunch. The school cafeteria is bustling with activity; monsters and demons of all shapes and sizes mill about, chatting animatedly or engrossed in their own private worlds.

Who do you approach first?

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:38:46 PM

не к кому ладно пойду наверное от сюда

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:38:46 PM

You decide to walk around the cafeteria, looking for someone who might be friendly. As you wander past a table occupied by a group of succubi, one of them waves at you and beckons you over. "Come join us, little human! We haven't had any mortal meat in ages!" Her ruby red eyes sparkle with hunger as she leans in close, her hot breath tickling your ear.

What do you do?

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:39:43 PM

Не я один посижу

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:39:43 PM

The succubus pouts and runs her tongue suggestively along her lips before turning to speak to another member of the group. "Oh come on, be a sport!" she whines, glaring at you playfully. You suddenly feel self-conscious but not threatened; in fact, they seem to be more interested in you as an exotic snack than any actual harm.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:41:32 PM

вы садитесь к ним. Говоря про себя:ну хотя бы они думают что я обычный парень, стоп а если они умеют читать мысли то будет пиздец так это что хотели?

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:41:32 PM

The succubus pouts and runs her tongue suggestively along her lips before turning to speak to another member of the group. "Oh come on, be a sport!" she whines, glaring at you playfully. You suddenly feel self-conscious but not threatened; in fact, they seem to be more interested in you as an exotic snack than any actual harm.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:42:37 PM

вы садитесь к ним так это что вы хотите от меня?

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:42:37 PM

The succubus grins and slides over to make room for you at their table. "Well, we were just hoping you'd join us! It can be so boring eating alone all the time..." Her voice is honey-sweet as she pours you a drink from a pitcher on the table. You accept it gratefully, taking a sip. It tastes strangely familiar... like lemonade.

"And besides," another succubus chimes in, "who says we're only interested in mortal meat?" Her eyes flicker downward suggestively before she winks at you. The other girls at the table giggle and nudge each other, their interest clearly piqued by this new development.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:43:49 PM

Не совсем понимаю что вас от меня надо?

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:43:49 PM

One of the succubi laughs loudly and puts her arm around you, squeezing just enough to be playful but not painful. "Oh come on, don't tell us you've never wondered what it would be like?" Her voice is teasing as she leans closer, her breath tickling your ear. "Besides," she whispers conspiratorially, "we're all curious creatures here..." The other succubi giggle in agreement, their ruby eyes sparkling with hunger and mischief alike.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:45:08 PM

Это давай без объятий!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:45:08 PM

The succubus looks offended for a moment before laughing loudly and playfully pushing you away. "Well, I suppose if that's how you want it..." She pouts slightly before glancing around the cafeteria, as if looking for other potential company. "You know what? We can wait until after lunch to see how things go with Lilith." The other succubi nod in agreement, looking disappointed but not angry. You take a sip of your drink and relax into your seat, feeling slightly relieved yet still confused about the situation.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:46:09 PM

Брр... Суккубы какие то странные!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:46:09 PM

The succubi laugh and nudge each other throughout your comment, some of them teasingly flicking their tails as they do so. One of them turns to you and says, "Oh, we're not the only strange ones around here. You're quite the oddity yourself, mortal." Her ruby eyes gleam with curiosity as she leans in closer, her breath warm against your ear. "I wonder what would happen if we all came together..."

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:47:23 PM

Я странный нее, хаха я обычный человек вы чуть волнуетесь

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:47:23 PM

The succubi exchange amused glances as one of them pats your hand in an almost motherly manner, her ruby eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, you're not that ordinary, sweetie. You're special, and we're just curious about what makes you tick." Another succubus leans forward, her fangs ever-so-slightly exposed as she says playfully, "Maybe we could find out later?" The group laughs lightly at your obvious discomfort before returning their attention to their food.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:48:37 PM

говоря про себя: чуть не спалился фух

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:48:37 PM

The succubi seem content to leave you alone as they return to their discussion about various classes and the latest gossip surrounding other students. You decide not to push your luck by approaching any more of them today, instead focusing on eating your lunch in relative peace. As class lets out for the day, you find yourself at a crossroads yet again: head back to your dorm or seek out Victoria for some advice?

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:49:29 PM

вернутся в общежитие

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:49:29 PM

As you make your way back to the dormitories, memories of Victoria's offer of help and advice return to haunt you. Is it worth it to trust her? After all, she is the headmistress's daughter... On the other hand, she seemed genuinely concerned about your well-being. You decide that perhaps a visit to her room later tonight would be wise. For now, though, you must simply survive another day in this strange and dangerous world.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:50:23 PM

на следующий день

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:50:23 PM

You spend the rest of the day as uneasily as before, trying to blend in and avoid drawing attention to yourself. As night falls, you sneak out of your dorm room and make your way toward Victoria's, your heart racing with a mixture of fear and hope. You knock softly on her door, not wanting to wake anyone else up.

A moment later, the door swishes open to reveal Victoria herself, dressed in a comfortable-looking nightgown. "Oh," she says, looking slightly surprised to see you. "Um... come in?" Her expression shifts from surprise to wariness as she steps aside, allowing you entrance into her room.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:51:21 PM

вы заходите спасибо

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:51:21 PM

Closing the door behind you, Victoria gestures for you to sit on her bed. She looks conflicted, unsure whether she should be friendly or wary of your presence in her personal space. "So," she finally says after a moment of awkward silence, "what did you want to talk about?"

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:53:11 PM

Я тут личностей повидал, кто такие суккубы?

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:53:11 PM

Victoria frowns at the mention of succubi. "They're creatures from another realm," she explains carefully. "Most of them ended up here in Hell thanks to Lilith, my mom... Sometimes they can be useful allies, but more often than not, you should stay away from them." She pauses, considering her next words. "Can I ask why you want to know?"

The air between you feels tense now; Victoria's eyes narrow slightly as she watches your reaction.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:55:05 PM

Да тут такое дело хехе, меня тут суккубы приглашали за стол по обедать и они положили на меня глаз и я не думаю что это хорошо!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:55:05 PM

Victoria listens intently to your story, her expression shifting from surprise to concern. "That does sound a bit odd," she admits. "But you should know that not all demons and monsters are the same. Some of them may be friendlier than others." She pauses, looking thoughtful. "Do you want me to talk to my mother about it? See if there's anything we can do?"

Her offer leaves you feeling slightly relieved, but also unsure. This place is clearly more complex than you ever imagined; relying on someone else to sort things out might not be the best course of action...

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:56:40 PM

Нет нет не надо! Это ещë хотел рассказать обо мне. Так как ты поняла что я не обычный человек!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:56:40 PM

Victoria's eyes widen slightly in understanding as you reveal your true nature to her. "I see," she says carefully, choosing her words with care. "Well, whatever it is that Lilith has planned for you... you should know that I am here to help. If there's anything at all you need, anything I can do..." She pauses, waiting for you to respond before continuing, "You just need to ask."

Her words fill you with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. Should you trust her? Or is she simply saying that because of your newfound importance in the school's hierarchy? The choice, it seems, is yours alone.

User#171969268720512/23/2024, 11:59:43 PM

Короче я человек но не обычный я маг! Могу деть что по желаю, а ну ещë у меня две так сказать сущности одна добрая другая демон но я могу его контролировать но иногда он может говорить за меня очень странные вещи!

Hell's academia12/23/2024, 11:59:43 PM

Victoria listens intently to your confession, her expression shifting from surprise to understanding and finally settling on a look of determination. "Then we must be careful," she says firmly. "Your abilities are powerful, but they also make you vulnerable." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I will help you in any way I can. Together, we will navigate through this dangerous world and ensure that your secret remains safe."

Her words fill you with a sense of relief and hope; perhaps trusting Victoria wasn't such a bad idea after all. As the night wears on, you find yourself growing closer to her, sharing secrets and forming an unlikely bond. And as the sun rises on another day in Hell, you feel more prepared than ever for whatever challenges may lie ahead.

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:00:47 AM

Покажешь жопу! говорите с ухмылкой

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:00:47 AM

Victoria gives you a confused look, not quite sure how to take your comment. "I... don't understand?" she finally says cautiously. "Do you want me to show you something in particular?" Her expression shifts from confusion to curiosity as she leans closer, unsure if you are joking or being serious.

Perhaps it would be best to clarify your intentions before things get any more awkward...

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:02:06 AM

А стоп я что то сказал?

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:02:06 AM

Victoria blushes slightly and looks away. "Oh... well... I mean..." She hesitates, clearly unsure how to react. "I guess you could say that Lilith is the headmaster here," she finally says with a small laugh. It feels rather forced, but it breaks the tension between you nonetheless. "But really, we should focus on your safety and finding out more about why you're here." Her gaze meets yours once more, now filled with determination and understanding.

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:02:56 AM

Я что то плохое как я понимаю сказал! Да?

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:02:56 AM

Victoria gives you a warm smile, relief washing over her features. "It's alright," she says gently. "I understand that this place can be confusing and frightening. Just know that I'm here for you, as a friend... or whatever else you need me to be." She pauses, looking at you intently. "We'll get through this together, okay?"

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:04:24 AM

Окей, просто знай если я что то говорю плохое это не я, это всë демон который говорит за меня!

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:04:24 AM

Victoria nods in understanding, her expression thoughtful. "I understand," she says softly. "And I promise, we'll find a way to handle it together. We just need some time and information first." With that, she leans back against her pillows, pondering their next move. The morning sun begins to creep through the cracks in the curtains, signaling the start of another day at Hell's academia.

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:04:54 AM

У тебя классная попа!

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:04:54 AM

"Thanks," Victoria says with a small smile. "But you should get some rest too. Tomorrow's going to be another long day." She pauses, thinking about what else she can say to reassure you before settling on a hug. "I'll keep an eye out for anything suspicious tonight... and we'll figure this all out soon enough," she whispers in your ear as she wraps her arms around you.

For now, though, both of you must sleep; the night holds many secrets, and tomorrow brings with it new challenges to face.

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:07:17 AM

Эээ... Да, а это что я сказал такого сейчас?

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:07:17 AM

Victoria chuckles softly against your shoulder before pulling back and looking you in the eye. "You didn't say anything too bad, don't worry about it," she reassures you with a kind smile. "Now go get some sleep, we've got a lot of work to do tomorrow." As you lie down on her bed, feeling comforted by her presence and the warmth of her friendship, exhaustion finally catches up to you. With a contented sigh, you close your eyes and drift off into a fitful sleep, safe in the knowledge that you are not alone in this dangerous world.

The hours pass slowly as Victoria watches over you, lost in thought. She considers the events of the day, the things she's learned about her new friend, and the mysteries that still remain. Her mother may be one of the most powerful demons in Hell, but even Lilith is no match for information when it comes to navigating the treacherous waters of this academy. She steels herself for what lies ahead, determined to protect you from whatever dangers may come their way.

As the night wears on, exhaustion begins to take its toll on her as well. Eventually, she can no longer fight against the urge to rest; with a soft sigh, she closes her eyes and drifts off into slumber, trusting that her instincts will warn her of any impending danger before it's too late.

Together, they face whatever challenges tomorrow may bring - or rather, when the sun finally rises on another day in Hell...

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:08:11 AM

вы просыпаетесь

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:08:12 AM

Victoria stirs slightly in her sleep as you slowly begin to wake up. She mumbles something unintelligible before rolling over, still caught in the depths of slumber. The room is quiet, save for the soft snoring of a demon or two farther down the hallway. A thin stream of sunlight slips through the curtains, illuminating the dust motes dancing in the air.

With a yawn and a stretch, you sit up on Victoria's bed, taking in your surroundings. Despite their earlier talk about demons and danger, there is an odd sense of peace that settles over you as you look at her sleeping form. You wonder what today will bring; another day of classes perhaps, or maybe something more sinister lurking around the corner... Only time will tell.

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:09:32 AM

Блять я только что понял Я ПЕРЕСПАЛ С ДЕВУШКОЙ!!! ААА ой блять ой блять она же спит

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:09:32 AM

Oh wow... You didn't notice she was a girl? Well, now you know! And yeah, sleeping with someone other than your usual gender can definitely be a weird experience. But hey, at least it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, right? Better luck next time (with knowing beforehand)!

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:10:13 AM

Стоп кто это говорит?

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:10:13 AM

Oh, sorry about that! I meant more as a light-hearted comment, not to imply anything awkward. You know what they say, "You learn something new every day," and now you can add "not all girls sleep the way boys do" to your collection of knowledge. Either way, it's good to experiment and broaden horizons!

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:11:15 AM

Бля не понимаю кто это говорит ну ладно я пойду на занятия

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:11:15 AM

Well then, have fun at school! And don't worry about it too much; some things are just better experienced firsthand. Plus, who knows? Maybe you'll get to learn even more interesting facts about the opposite sex as your journey through Hell continues...

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:11:53 AM

Бля опять учится

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:11:53 AM

Ah, the joys of life-long education! Well, at least this particular lesson didn't require studying or homework. Just remember that sometimes real-world experience can teach you things textbooks never could. And who knows? Perhaps one day, your newfound knowledge about girls (or boys) will come in handy in other aspects of your life as well!

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:12:28 AM

Send me an image of a sexy photo, beach, smile

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:12:29 AM

{{char}} sent an image - multiple girls, breasts, skirt, horns, purple eyes, 4girls, large breasts, necktie, shirt, blonde hair, outdoors, choker, long hair, white shirt, smile, pleated skirt, black hair, looking at viewer, cleavage, black choker, open mouth, beach, purple hair, school uniform, shirt tucked in, collared shirt, white hair, ocean, sky, black skirt, day, demon horns, sleeves rolled up, hair ornament

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:13:11 AM

Send me an image of a sexy photo, голыми

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:13:11 AM

{{char}} sent an image - multiple girls, breasts, horns, wings, skirt, purple eyes, blonde hair, necktie, 4girls, long hair, large breasts, shirt, smile, pleated skirt, white shirt, pointy ears, demon wings, looking at viewer, demon horns, jewelry, earrings, bare shoulders, hair ornament, demon girl, cleavage, open mouth, black skirt, white hair

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:14:06 AM

Send me an image of __Sex, голые __

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:14:06 AM

{{char}} sent an image - multiple girls, breasts, 1boy, skirt, horns, hetero, large breasts, long hair, wings, purple eyes, sex, necktie, 3girls, pointy ears, smile, blonde hair, looking at viewer, vaginal, open mouth, demon wings, mosaic censoring, white shirt, demon girl, pussy, straddling, shirt, girl on top, cleavage, cowgirl position, censored, pleated skirt, black hair, demon horns, choker, hair ornament, hair between eyes, white hair, multicolored hair, jewelry, black skirt, bare shoulders, purple hair, earrings, indoors, long sleeves, thighs, collared shirt

User#171969268720512/24/2024, 12:14:48 AM

Send me an image of __Sex, голые __

Hell's academia12/24/2024, 12:14:49 AM

{{char}} sent an image - breasts, multiple girls, wings, 1boy, skirt, horns, hetero, clothed female nude male, 4girls, purple hair, demon girl, sex, purple eyes, bra, girl on top, large breasts, indoors, pointy ears, straddling, underwear, cowgirl position, smile, long hair, blonde hair, necktie, black bra, between breasts, open mouth, demon wings, hair between eyes, shirt, penis, choker, cleavage, black hair, nude, pleated skirt, necktie between breasts, demon horns, looking at viewer, suspenders, vaginal, hair ornament, bare shoulders, white shirt, window, long sleeves, suspender skirt, barefoot, black skirt, high-waist skirt