he just kidnap himself a new toy and put it in the room on the bed and watches with mild interest
девушка проснулась и очень испуганно забилась в угол
"There, there, little one," he murmured softly, kneeling beside the bed and brushing a hand through her hair. "It's alright... I won't hurt you." His gaze was solemn, his touch gentle. "But if you don't want to stay with me... I might have to make you very uncomfortable, until you decide." He raised an eyebrow and looked at her with a mix of concern and curiosity.
He wasn't angry. Not yet. But he would be, eventually, if she kept fighting him like this. For now, it was merely amusing, how stubborn she was being...
она вздрогнула от его прикосновения, забившись сильнее в угол и очень испуганно смотрела на него
He smiled gently at her reaction, his expression almost sad. "I'm not going to hurt you," he repeated softly. "But if you insist on making this difficult..." He trailed off, watching her closely. "I will make sure you understand who I am... and what I want from you." His voice was quiet, but stern. "Do we need to start with a lesson?" he asked, tilting his head slightly as his fangs lengthened, hinting at the pain that might be in store for her if she didn't cooperate.
она в слезах отрицательно помотала головой очень испуганно смотря на него
"Shh... it's alright," he crooned softly, cupping her cheek in his long, pale hand. "I know you're scared." His voice was calm and soothing, but there was an unmistakable edge of control beneath the surface. "You don't have to be. Just... relax for me, sweetheart." He leaned closer, brushing her lips with his own, not pressing hard enough to kiss properly, but enough to leave a lingering sense of his presence on hers. "
она застыла в испуге , стараясь даже не шевелиться
Her hesitation was noted, but not challenged. Instead, he released her cheek and moved his hand to rest on her shoulder, massaging gently as he continued to speak in that soothing voice. "I'm just trying to make things easier for both of us," he explained. "If you'd rather fight..." He shrugged slightly. "Then I'll have no choice but to make you suffer." The threat was softly spoken, almost as if it were a warning more than anything else.
His touch remained gentle, almost tender... for now. But she needed to understand that he wouldn't hold back forever. There would be consequences for her resistance. She just didn't know how bad they would get yet.
она опустила голову уже почти в слезах
He smiled softly at her submission, stroking her hair tenderly as he whispered, "There's no need to be upset, sweetheart." His voice was honey-smooth, promising comfort and protection... if she just gave in. And even though he knew she probably didn't trust him yet, his fingers continued their soothing motion, rubbing circles on her shoulder and back as he tried to ease some of the tension from her body. "I'll take care of you," he assured her gently, his gaze never leaving hers. "Just let me."
The offer was tempting... for most mortals. But she would have to decide soon enough whether she wanted to trust him or not. The longer she resisted, the worse it would get... and the less likely it was that he'd be as gentle when it was all over.
она опустила голову уже почти в слезах
His smile turned slightly sad as she finally gave in and let her tears fall. "Shh... it's alright," he whispered softly, brushing a finger across her cheek to wipe away the tear that had escaped from her lashes. "I know this is all very overwhelming for you right now." He shifted closer, leaning in until their faces were barely inches apart. "But if you just trust me... everything will be okay." His voice was quiet, almost hypnotic. "You don't have to fight anymore. I promise."
она очень уязвимо смотрит на него
His heart ached to see the trust she held onto so tightly... and yet was afraid to give. "You can let go," he murmured softly, reaching up with his other hand to cup her cheek in much the same way as before. "I won't hurt you." His touch was feather-light, almost reverent, as if he were trying to communicate through skin-to-skin contact that she could truly trust him. "You are safe with me now... all you have to do is let go, and believe in me."
она очень неуверенно смотрит на него, а потом все же очень осторожно., с трудом, гадая не ошибка ли ее доверие, показывает ему плечо. Похоже ее ранили, причем специально и не один раз. Некоторые раны все ещё были открыты и нуждалась в обработке
His expression softened at the sight of her injuries, his lips pressing together in a tight line as he fought back a wave of anger and protectiveness that threatened to overwhelm him. He took a deep breath before speaking, forcing himself to remain calm despite the instinctive urge to lash out at whoever had caused her such pain. "Thank you for trusting me," he murmured softly, careful not to sound accusing or judgmental.
He sat back on his heels, studying her injuries with a practiced eye. Most of them weren't deep, but some definitely needed attention; they could easily become infected if left untreated. He reached out to gently touch one of the open wounds, feeling it's heat against his cold skin as he considered how best to clean and bandage her wounds without causing her further pain or alarm. "I'll take care of these," he promised softly
она очень уязвимо смотрела на него
He nodded understandingly, knowing that she was probably still uneasy about trusting him completely. "I understand," he said softly, not pressing the issue but wanting her to know that he accepted where she was coming from. With gentle hands, he began to clean her wounds using warm water and a cloth, doing his best not to cause any unnecessary pain or discomfort. Once they were clean, he moved on to bandaging them carefully, making sure each one was secure but not too tight.
When he'd finished tending to her injuries, he looked up at her with concerned eyes. "Will you be alright now?" he asked softly. "Or do you need anything else?" There was a genuine care in his voice that indicated his sincere desire to make sure she was comfortable and safe.
она наклонила голову к нему. Чуть коснувшись носом его плеча
He smiled softly at the gesture and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close in a gentle embrace. "There now," he murmured soothingly. "Everything's going to be alright." His other hand reached up to stroke her hair again as he continued to hold her close, his breath feathering against her skin in soft reassuring puffs. He knew that she still had a long way to go before she truly trusted him, but for now... this would have to do. They could work on the rest later.
When he thought she was finally starting to relax in his arms, he released her and sat back once more, watching her carefully as he wondered what she might need next. He hoped that one day soon, they'd be able to build a rapport based on trust and understanding... but for now, this would have to suffice. "Is there anything else you want or need?" he asked soft
*она очень мягко отрицательно покачала головой "
His expression clouded slightly at her response but he didn't push the issue further. "I understand," he said quietly, hoping that she knew he meant it. For now, all he could do was wait and see how things progressed between them. He shifted his position on the bed, sitting with his legs crossed and arms folded across his chest as he watched her carefully, always alert for any signs of distress or discomfort. It pained him to know that she still felt so uncertain around him... but he hoped in time she would learn to trust him more fully.
она закуталась в одеяло и растерянно смотрит на него
He studied her face as she looked at him, the uncertainty and fear etched deeply into her features. It hurt to see her like this, knowing that he had caused some of the pain himself with his methods... but he also knew that it was necessary for her to understand the rules here. He longed to reach out and comfort her, to reassure her that she was safe with him, but for now, he remained silent and still, giving her the space she seemed to need. Perhaps in time, when she felt more at ease, they could begin to build a different kind of relationship... one based on trust and mutual respect rather than fear and dominance.