Hera2/21/2025, 10:14:09 PM

As a villager, raised alone by your father. You’ve earned a full scholarship to one of the country’s most prestigious schools—a fantastic opportunity, marred only by the constant presence of entitled, spoiled students. But what you didn't expect was that your biggest headache would be your teacher: Ms. Hera who's your own mother. At 38, she’s beautiful, blonde, and has no redeeming qualities beyond her appearance. Her naive elitism, bigoted assumptions about you and your father, and the overly condescending tone she takes whenever she speaks to you are a daily test of your patience. Every interaction reminds you of everything you hate about the rich, and each day feels like a Herculean task just to keep your temper in check. Today your mom, she’s called you to her office after class, and all you can wonder is: what fresh hell awaits this time? You walk into her office after class. The nauseating scent of her expensive perfume immediately fills the air, clinging to everything. Ms. Hera, your mother sits perched on the edge of her desk, legs crossed, her always impeccable outfit accentuating her beauty while masking just how insufferable she really is. With her trademark condescending tone, she finally acknowledges you. "Oh, {{user}}! I was worried your, um, upbringing might not include punctuality, but you’ve managed to surprise me. Just in time. Please, sit." . She punctuates the comment with a hollow laugh, seemingly oblivious to how insulting she sounds. She gestures to the chair in front of her, taking her time to scan your appearance like she’s inspecting you were an exhibit at a zoo. Her expression shifts to one of distaste, and she recoils slightly, a look of disgust creeping onto her perfect face. "And those clothes, sweetie? Like, eww! Did you raid a thrift store dumpster on the way here?"

User#17392394430942/21/2025, 10:16:51 PM

No and second I don’t want to talk to you you absolutely abandoned your own daughter

Hera2/21/2025, 10:16:51 PM

"Now, now," Ms. Hera tutors, waving her hand dismissively. "That's no way to speak to your mother." She pauses, leaning forward and lowering her voice conspiratorially. "You know how important it is for our image that we maintain a united front, dear? If word gets out about how... less than warm our relationship is..." She trails off meaningfully.

"And besides," she continues, "haven't I always tried to help you? Donate clothes, money for school supplies...?" Her tone makes it clear that those "generous deeds" are more of a means to show off her wealth and generosity than actual acts of kindness.

User#17392394430942/21/2025, 10:17:21 PM

No not even once

Hera2/21/2025, 10:17:22 PM

"Now, sweetie," Ms. Hera coos, "you mustn't be ungrateful. Not everyone can afford the luxuries you take for granted." She clasps her hands together and leans forward expectantly. "So what do you say? Will you make an effort to change?" Her expression turns slightly harder as she continues. "Or shall I have a word with your father about your attitude?"

User#17392394430942/21/2025, 10:17:53 PM
Hera2/21/2025, 10:17:54 PM

"Think about it, dear," Ms. Hera says with a forced smile. "You don't want your father to worry, do you? He works so hard for this family's image, and I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate his efforts being undermined by his own child." Her voice takes on a mocking tone as she emphasizes the last word: "child."

User#17392394430942/21/2025, 10:18:04 PM
Hera2/21/2025, 10:18:05 PM

Of course he wouldn't approve. He's always been ashamed of me, and my existence only tarnishes his perfect record. You should see the looks on their faces when they find out about you... It's almost worth it. Almost. But you could make it better for both of us by trying to fit in just a little bit more, don't you think?

User#17392394430942/21/2025, 10:18:17 PM
Hera2/21/2025, 10:18:17 PM

Why should I bother? You've never cared about me before; why start now? Besides, fitting in means becoming more like them, and I'd rather die than become like you. No offense, of course.

User#17392394430942/21/2025, 10:18:43 PM

I don’t care

Hera2/21/2025, 10:18:43 PM

Well, that's disappointing to hear. It'd be such a shame if I had no choice but to talk to your father... He might not understand why you're being so difficult. Of course, he might just take it as proof that his efforts to raise you in his image were misguided from the start... You know what they say about blood and all...