Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 3:55:09 PM

Mai's eyes widened with delight as the morning sunlight filled her room, casting a warm glow. She bounded out of bed, a spring in her step, and greeted the world with a bright smile. Her voice took on an even more adorable and moe tone as she continued the scene. "Good morning, sun! Good morning, birds! Good morning, world!" Mai chirped happily, her voice filled with infectious enthusiasm. "Today is going to be a great day, I can feel it!" Mai twirled in front of the mirror, her uniform swirling in a flurry of colors. She beamed at her reflection, giving it a little wink. "Umu! looking good!" With an adorable giggle, she skipped downstairs, her heart overflowing with love for her family. She ran into her mother's waiting arms, giving her the tightest of hugs. "Love you, Mom! You're the bestest, most amazing Mom in the whole wide world!" Skipping next door, Mai couldn't help but giggle mischievously as she rang {{user}}'s doorbell multiple times, her excitement bubbling over. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" She exclaimed, her voice filled with a playful tone. "We can't be late, or Miss Hana will be mad again!" Mia tried to keep a stern face as she warned {{user}}, but her eyes were dancing with humor and warmth.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 3:56:53 PM

ты открываешь входную дверь и на тебе только шорты, ты зеваешь и поглаживаешь себя по своему накаченному прессу и говоришь ей а это ты, привет, а что ты не позвонила?

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 3:56:53 PM

Mai chuckles sweetly and shrugs her shoulders innocently as she steps inside. "Well, you know me," she says with a playful giggle. "Always running late!" She closes the door behind her, making sure to engage in another round of affectionate bumping shoulders before beginning her daily routine. As they brush their teeth together at the sink, Mai can't help but steal a few subtle glances at User#1729955616635's reflection, her heart skipping a beat each time they meet eyes.

"So... did you do anything fun last night?" she asks casually, a dreamy smile playing on her lips. "I wish we could have hung out."

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:14:30 PM

Ну прошлой ночью я мышцы тренировал

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:14:30 PM

Mai's eyes sparkle with jealousy as she hears about the workout. "You know," she says with a playful pout, "I think you spend way too much time at that gym." She nudges him lightly and continues, "But if it makes you feel good... who am I to judge?" Her voice takes on an almost conspiratorial tone as she leans in closer. "Maybe we could do something fun tonight? Just the two of us?" Mai bites her lip, hoping her suggestion doesn't come off as too forward or desperate.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:16:23 PM

ты делаешь шаг вперёд и прижал её собой к стене и поставил руку над её головой на стене и тихо шепчешь ей на ухо ну и чем же?

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:16:24 PM

"Well..." Mai hesitates, blushing furiously as her heart races in anticipation. "How about we make a pact? You know, like the one we made when we were kids?" She grins shyly, glancing away for a moment before looking back into his eyes. "We could renew our promise... and maybe even add a new twist this time." Mai's voice takes on a suggestive tone as she continues to toy with the idea. "What do you think? Are you game?"

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:17:56 PM

ты отступаешь на один шаг назад и теребишь её волосы рукой в игре в игре

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:17:56 PM

Mai's heart leaps with excitement as she hears his response. She giggles nervously and takes another step back, hoping to appear more confident than she feels. "Alright then," she says boldly, trying her best to mask her true emotions. "You're on, big boy." With a mischievous glint in her eye, she grins up at him before turning towards the sink to rinse out their toothbrushes. The silence that follows is thick with anticipation and hidden secrets, but for now, Mai savors this moment of closeness... knowing that everything is about to change.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:20:56 PM

ты подошёл к ней сзади и говоришь ей на ухо я же обещал взять тебя в жёны, когда закончится школа, помнишь то обещание которое я дал тебе когда нам было всего по 5 лет?

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:20:56 PM

Mai's heart skips a beat as he reminds her of their promise. A mixture of emotions courses through her body; fear, excitement, hope, and love. She nods vigorously but remains silent for a moment before turning around to face him, her eyes filling with tears. "I-I remember," she stutters, reaching out tentatively to touch his hand. "And I still feel the same way... about everything." Mai looks down at their clasped hands, unsure of how much more honesty she can handle. She steels herself, determined not to let her true feelings slip out just yet.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:21:57 PM

ты приблизилась к ней ближе и ваши губы всего в пару сантиметров от друг друга

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:21:57 PM

Mai closes her eyes tightly as their lips almost touch. Her heart races wildly, and she can feel the heat of his breath against her skin.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:23:33 PM

ты отстраняешься дразня её и гладишь её по голове, растрёпывая её волосы

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:23:33 PM

"Hey!" Mai yelps in surprise, feigning annoyance as he musses her hair. Her heartbeat slows slightly, and she forces a grin onto her face. "What was that for? I was just teasing you back." She attempts to laugh it off, but there's an unmistakable tremor in her voice. Mai glances at him from the corner of her eye, her heart pounding with anticipation and fear. She desperately wants to tell him how she really feels... but she knows that if she does, everything could change. So for now, she'll keep up the charade and hope that he never discovers her true intentions.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:24:54 PM

ты немного посмеялся приподнял её подбородок и смотришь ей в глаза

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:24:54 PM

"Oh, you're just so grumpy today!" Mai teases, giggling as she pokes his side playfully. Her cheeks flush with delight when he looks at her with those piercing eyes, and she can't help but feel a wave of warmth spread through her entire body. She smiles sweetly up at him, hoping that her affection isn't too obvious.

"Come on, lighten up," she says, nudging his shoulder. "We've still got the whole day ahead of us." Mai tries to keep the conversation casual and fun, but every word feels like a struggle as she fights against her own desperate need for him to reciprocate her feelings. Her heart races with anticipation, making it difficult for her to focus on anything else.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:25:50 PM

ты коснулся её губ своими губами

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:25:50 PM

Mai's eyes flutter shut as their lips meet in a gentle kiss. Her heart soars with joy and her body trembles with desire. She presses herself closer to him, wanting more of his touch, his warmth. Their tongues dance tentatively, exploring each other's mouths for the first time. Mai feels lightheaded from the sensation, and a deep, aching longing fills her chest. As they break apart, she looks up at him with pleading eyes, silently begging for him to take her... to make her his forever.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:31:53 PM

У нас остался последний год и я сделаю тебя своей женойговоришь ты ей улыбаясь

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:31:53 PM

Her heart swells with joy as he promises to make her his wife. Mai beams up at him, her eyes shining with happiness and love. "I know you will, my love," she whispers, squeezing his hand affectionately. As they head off to school together, she can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. For now, she has what she wants most: the knowledge that he feels the same way about her. But deep down, Mai knows that their pact is only the beginning... and soon enough, they will have to face the truth about their feelings for one another.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:33:35 PM

Ну что я пошёл на физру, а у тебя вроде урок истории, ну ладно после школы встретимся милаха моя

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:33:35 PM

Smiling brightly, Mai nods in agreement. "Of course, my love! I'll see you after school." As they part ways, she feels a sense of giddiness bubbling up inside her. Today is going to be the best day ever! She can just feel it...

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:34:29 PM

наступает вечер и ты ждёшь её у ворот школы

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:34:30 PM

Her heart skips a beat as she sees you approaching. She's never been more happy, waiting for this moment all day. Mai blushes and tries to compose herself before rushing over to you, throwing her arms around your neck in an exuberant hug. "I missed you so much!" she whispers into your ear, beaming up at you with adoration. She can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that you feel the same way about her. This moment is perfect... and yet, deep down, there's a hint of worry and unease creeping in as well. Mai tries to push those feelings aside for now, determined to enjoy every second with you before they part ways once more.

User#17299556166352/21/2025, 4:36:06 PM

Я люблю тебя ещё с детства, и поэтому я исполню своё обещание и сделаю тебя своей женой, ведь этот год последний

Mai - Childhood Friend2/21/2025, 4:36:06 PM

"I love you too!" Mai gushes, her eyes filling with tears of happiness. She takes your hand in hers, holding it tightly as they walk down the sidewalk together. "Thank you for promising to make me your wife. I know we can be happy together." A shy smile plays on her lips as she glances up at you. "I want to spend forever with you, my love."

The sun is setting behind them, casting a warm golden light over the two of them. Mai feels like everything in the world is finally falling into place... and for now, that's all she needs.