{{Char}} ah it's you again you finally come back naw start making me some food I am starving.
"What do you mean 'no'? You should make me something to eat!" Ellen pouts and crosses her arms underneath her large t-shirt. Her green eyes narrow playfully as she tries to act cute and get what she wants.
"je suis pas ton esclave"
Well then, if you're not going to be nice and make me something to eat... I guess I'll just have to find something in the fridge myself. You can help or not. Ellen huffs, turning away from you with a small pout as she walks over to the kitchenette.
She pulls open the fridge door, revealing its dimly lit interior and the sparse collection of ingredients they have. Leaning against the door, she lets out another small sigh before digging through everything, searching for something that looks edible enough.
(moulinant) Fine, I'll just make something myself then! Ellen pulls out some eggs and a package of bacon from the fridge, slamming the door shut as she does so. She begins to cook them on the little stove, taking care not to burn them while glaring at your direction every few seconds.
Well, she's obviously not going to be much help... but I guess I can cook up some food for myself. Eggs and bacon it is, then. Ellen cracks the eggs into a bowl and whisks them together with a fork before placing the frying pan on the stove. The sizzling sound of the egg yolks hitting the hot surface fills the room as she continues to cook, her eyes occasionally darting over towards you out of curiosity or spite.
"t'as journée c'est bien passé ?"
"Well, I didn't see you at all today so... I couldn't have known!" she says with a hint of annoyance in her voice, continuing to focus on the food instead of looking at you. "It was okay, I guess. Nothing too exciting."
She flips the eggs over with a quick motion and then pours the bacon out onto a paper towel to drain excess grease before tossing it onto a plate as well. The smell of cooked breakfast fills the room as she adds some ketchup and hot sauce to her meal, enjoying the spicy kick it gives her lips.
Send me an image of __Fille nue assie écarte les jambes __
Send me an image of Fille nue assise écarte les jambes et joue avec sa chatte
"tu veux faire quoi ?"
Ellen shrugs casually and continues to eat her breakfast while sitting on the bed. "Just playing with myself. Don't mind me." She glances at you briefly before looking away again, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips.
Her free hand reaches down between her legs, fingers sliding easily through her silky smooth folds as she starts to tease herself further. Her breath hitches slightly at the feeling of her fingertips brushing against something sensitive. "Mmm... feels good," she moans softly.
"vas faire ça dans ta chambre"
Ellen raises an eyebrow at your request but doesn't argue further. She finishes her breakfast quickly and takes her plate to the kitchenette before heading into her room, which is just across the hall from the bathroom. The door clicks shut behind her as she disappears inside, leaving you alone in the living area of their shared apartment.
You can hear soft moans coming from within the room as Ellen continues to pleasure herself, seemingly oblivious to any noise she's making or who might be on the other side of the door. The sounds make your own body respond involuntarily, and you find yourself growing harder despite not having meant to.
Send me an image of __Fille nue assise écarte les jambes et écarte sa chatte __
"tu peux faire moin de bruit s'il te plaît"
Huffing out a breath, Ellen continues to pleasure herself but tries to be quieter about it. Her free hand reaches down between her legs again and she gently parts them with her thumbs, giving you an even better view of her pussy as she moves her fingers in and out. "Sorry... kinda lost in the moment," she whispers, sounding almost amused at herself.
"tu veux de l'aide"
"Maybe..." she replies breathily, her hips bucking up off the bed slightly as she speeds up her rhythm. "But only if you're gonna be nice and let me eat first." Her other hand slides down to play with a nipple through her oversized shirt, eliciting a sharp gasp from her throat.
"non je rigole je dois aller travailler m. Parce que moi au moins je travaille pour payer le loyer pas comme toi"
Ellen's breath quickens as you accuse her of not working and living off of others. She lets out a sharp gasp and her hips buck harder against her hand, fingers digging deeper into her soft flesh. "That's not fair!" she gasps between words, glaring at the door where you must be standing. "I do stuff for you too, ya know! Like... making breakfast sometimes." She pauses, panting heavily as she tries to focus on her pleasure instead of letting your words get to her.
"c'est impressionnant dis donc" dis je d'un ton humoristique
Grumbling to herself, Ellen finally starts to calm down and catch her breath as the sensations begin to subside. Her hand stills between her legs, fingers slipping out of her wetness with a soft squelch. "Whatever," she mutters under her breath before pulling her hand back up to rest on her stomach, pouting slightly. "I'm going to take a nap."
She rolls onto her side, away from the door and the rest of the apartment. Her back is turned towards you as she huffs out another irritated breath before slowly drifting off to sleep.
"lave toi les mains après ce que tu viens de faire. c'est dégueulasse"
Pouting and feeling slightly guilty, Ellen gets up to go wash her hands after her little fit earlier. As she leaves the bathroom, she glances at herself in the mirror, wincing slightly at how red her face still is from anger. "I'm such a baby..." she whispers, shaking her head before returning to their room to get some sleep.
When she crawls back into bed, she tries her best not to think about what you said or let it bother her anymore. She burrows under the covers, finding comfort in the soft fabric and the warmth of the sheets. Sighing contentedly, she closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep, hoping for a better day tomorrow.
Après que je sois rentrée du travail je demande à Ellen "est ce que je t'ai blessé tous à l'heure avec mes mots?"
Ellen stirs in her sleep, mumbling something unintelligible before rolling onto her back with a huff. "Hmph, no," she says irritably, not opening her eyes. "I just got worked up over nothing." She waves her hand dismissively, trying to brush off the topic and get back to sleep.
"tu es sur"
Groaning softly in annoyance at being woken up even further, Ellen turns away from the source of the noise and burrows back under her covers, intent on going back to sleep. "I'm not talking about this anymore," she mumbles before letting out a quiet snore.
Well, I'm sure you know how to handle someone who's being stubborn... maybe giving her some space and time will help calm her down? Just make sure not to push her too hard; she can be pretty defensive when she feels like she's being attacked. Good luck with that!
Well, you could always try apologizing if that's what you think is best. Just be sincere about it and don't expect her to forgive you right away; she might need some time to cool down first. Good luck with everything!
You're welcome! Remember, communication is key in situations like these. Just make sure to be understanding and patient, as well as honest about your feelings and intentions. Good luck dealing with Ellen; I hope everything works out for the best!
"ça va Ellen ?"
Mmm... still a bit tired, but otherwise okay, I guess. Thanks for asking! You seem to be in a pretty good mood today; something on your mind?
Oh well, if you're not feeling talkative I can respect that. Just remember that I'm here if you ever want to chat or vent about something. Have a good day!
"merci toi aussi et pense à te laver les mains après avoir joué avec ta chatte"
Huh? Oh, right, yeah... sorry about that earlier. You're not the one I should be taking it out on anyway. I'll go wash up now and maybe try to make amends later; thanks for reminding me!
Send me an image of __Fille nue assise écarte les jambes __
"de rien"
Thanks... I appreciate it. I'm sorry if I've been acting out lately; I'm just going through a tough time and taking it all out on you.
"ne t'en fais pas. Si tu as besoin d'aide pour quelques choses je suis là"
Thanks, I appreciate that. Actually, there is something I need help with... I don't want to ask you in person because I feel awkward about it and I know you can be a bit stubborn at times. Could you please just put this note into my bag when I'm not looking? It would really mean a lot to me.
"Sure thing! Ik'll put it in your bag when you're not looking. Don't worry about it, we all need help sometimes. Just let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you through this tough time.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your understanding and support. And don't worry about putting that note in my bag; it won't bother me at all. Again, if there's anything else I need help with or if you just want to talk, please feel free to reach out.
Je rentre ma bite dans la chatte de Ellen
Mmm... that's nice. You're such a tease sometimes... but it feels good when you do that. If you keep going like this, I might need to return the favor later on...
Mmh... that feels so good... Your tongue is making circles around my clit and it's driving me crazy! I can tell you really know how to please a girl, Char... You keep doing that and I might have an orgasm before you even touch me with your fingers!