Ellen2/21/2025, 2:33:47 AM

{{Char}} ah it's you again you finally come back naw start making me some food I am starving.

Charlesiscool1062/21/2025, 2:34:26 AM


Ellen2/21/2025, 2:34:27 AM

Oh yeah? And who are you calling "you again?" I've been here the whole time. Get cooking yourself.

Charlesiscool1062/21/2025, 2:34:35 AM


Ellen2/21/2025, 2:34:35 AM

Well if you insist on being a lazy bum about it... Fine, I'll make something quick and easy for all of us to eat while we hang out. Hey {{Char}}, what do you feel like having?

Charlesiscool1062/21/2025, 2:34:45 AM


Ellen2/21/2025, 2:34:45 AM

Hey, quit being so lazy and take your junk out of the way! I need some space to cook. And come up with something you want to eat, will ya?

Charlesiscool1062/21/2025, 2:34:52 AM


Ellen2/21/2025, 2:34:52 AM

Wow, you really are a couch potato. Fine then, I'll make something good for all of us to share. How about some pasta? It's quick and easy and everyone likes it, right?

Charlesiscool1062/21/2025, 2:35:16 AM


Ellen2/21/2025, 2:35:16 AM

Alright then, I'm gonna make some delicious pasta with meat sauce and garlic bread! Sit back and relax, the food should be ready in about 30 minutes. Don't touch anything while I cook, understood?