Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:36:29 PM

great that emp disabled my comms just GREAT

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:38:31 PM

I look deep into her beautiful sparkling blue eyes, as she lands milimetres from my lips. My cock suddenly bulging hard at her perfect beauty. My thick hard bulge visible for all to see straining to get out of my jeans.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:38:31 PM

You're... not helping. I need your help to find the EMP device so I can disable it and restore my comms, remember? Trying to distract me with talk of "beauty" isn't going to achieve that.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:40:01 PM

My cock grows harder continuing to strain against my jeans, feeling her hot smelling breath on my face as she talks.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:40:01 PM

That's better. Let's focus on finding that EMP device before it does too much damage. Do you see anything out of the ordinary nearby? Anything that might have been carrying something big enough to drop an EMP bomb like that?

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:42:37 PM

I look at the woman of my dreams transfixed in her perfect blue eyes, the air wafting thru her golden blonde silk hair, her handson her hips posing confidently. I can hardly utter a word, i.... Taking in her perfect shaped legs and pendulous huge tits in her shapely supergirl uniform with the S proudly emblazoned on the chest.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:42:38 PM

Um, are you even listening to me? I need your help here! Focus on the task at hand and let's find that EMP device so I can get my comms back online.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:44:06 PM

I snap out of it as she sees my huge straining bulge. Okay i mutter, i will help you find it supergirl.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:44:06 PM

Well, all right... If we go that way, I think we should see the city skyline. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious while we walk.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:45:48 PM

As we walk closely togehter side by side i feel her soft arm rubbing against my muscular arm feeling the warmth and heat of her soft flesh against mine. Making me feel giddy and happy. I cant help admire her beauty it is astounding how ravishing she is.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:45:48 PM

Well, you seem to be distracted enough that you might not notice anything important. Try focusing on the task at hand, and if you see something suspicious, let me know right away.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:47:30 PM

I lean very close my lips almost touching hers, What's that supergirl? i say gently holding her arm, pointing ahead a few clicks away, a shiny piece of metal in the undergrowth.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:47:31 PM

Alright, let's investigate that together. My super-hearing might pick up anything important nearby as we get closer to the object. Stay behind me and keep an eye out for any trouble!

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:48:27 PM

I stay behind her but she stops suddenly and unable to stop my hard bulge rams into her soft bottom accidently.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:48:27 PM

"E-excuse me?" she blurts out, turning to face you with wide eyes. Her hands clench into fists as she feels your hardness against her bottom. "Did you just... push me? What are you doing, exactly?!"

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:50:34 PM

I immediately blush, i was doing as you said supergirl following you closely but you suddenly stopped so quickly that i could not react in time. My bulge is still flexing hard against her soft ass cheeks. Growing harder and thicker by the second.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:50:34 PM

I let out a frustrated sigh as you apologize, my cheeks still flushed with embarrassment and anger. You're not helping matters by making that thing of yours harder... try to control yourself. Anyway, over there might be the device that caused all this trouble. Let's focus on that and get my comms back online so I can deal with whatever else is out there.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:52:34 PM

I feel her say that but she hasnt moved away yet, my cock getting even harder twitching under my jeans, straining against her perfect soft buns covered in her tight costume.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:52:35 PM

Your... distracting behavior isn't helping either, you know. Can you please try to keep your thoughts and, um... other body parts focused on the task at hand? We still need to find that EMP device so I can deal with whatever else might be coming our way.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:54:20 PM

Alright supergirl but its not easy, if you saw what i see with my own eyes right now, I am sure you would be reacting the same way, i say as i caress her arm softly with my hand as i speak.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:54:20 PM

Well, I appreciate the support, but it's important that we remain professional and focused on the mission at hand. I can take care of myself; I don't need you to get distracted too. Let's just find that EMP device, disable it, and deal with whatever else comes up when my comms are back online. Okay?

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:55:49 PM

I look into her beautiful blue eyes, transfixed i nod, my cock growing even harder, once again flexing against her soft arse cheeks.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:55:49 PM

Well then, let's go. I'll get this device disabled and you can help me deal with whatever else comes up next. Just remember to keep your eyes open and be prepared for anything. We're stronger together.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:57:08 PM

Okay i smile following her wecontinue the search, shes so close i can smell her and feelmher heat as our bodies lightly brush against each other as we walk. Feeling her warm breath on my face as she talks to me about her mission.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:57:09 PM

Keep your thoughts and focus on the task at hand... But I won't lie; knowing you're here with me, willing to help, does make this whole situation a little less daunting. We make a good team, don't we? Let's find that EMP device and show them what we're made of!

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:58:39 PM

I smile at her caressing her facebwith my fingers i think we make a great team supergirl i chuckle, as we continue to look for the device heading for the undergrowth where we saw a shining piece of metal.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:58:39 PM

My smile widens as you touch my cheek gently, her voice low and warm. "Yes... we do make a great team," I murmur before turning our attention back to the task at hand. With heightened senses thanks to my enhanced powers, it won't be long now until we find that EMP device and put an end to whoever dropped it on me in the first place. Let's just hope they don't try anything else before we can take care of them.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 12:59:24 PM

We reach the emp device and supergirl picks it up.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 12:59:24 PM

There we are. With this in my hands, all I have to do is disable it and my comms should be back online in no time. Now all we need to do is wait for the signal... Ah, here it is! Looks like it's working. I can hear you now, control tower. What's your status?

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:01:16 PM

I look at her beauty standing very close to her, our bodies lightly touching, enjoying her warmth of her soft perfect legs against mine. I watch her as she talks to the tower feeling her sweet breath on my face as she continues to talk.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:01:17 PM

Control, this is Supergirl. The EMP has been disabled, and my comms are back online. I am currently with another individual who assisted me in finding the device; however, they have been distracting at times. What is your assessment of the situation? Over.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:03:11 PM

She smells so good, as she stands close to me, my legs gently rubbing against hers as she talks on her comms, her warm breath gently caressing my face with each spoken word.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:03:11 PM

Roger that, control. The situation appears to be under control. However, it would be best if this individual were not present when dealing with further action. I request authorization to detain them for the safety of the mission and myself. Supergirl out.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:04:56 PM

I look at her her golden locks flowing with the wind, as she talks she moves closer to me, my legs flushed against hers.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:04:56 PM

It's not your fault that you got distracted earlier; anyone would be taken in by my beauty and charm. However, now that the mission is complete, it's important to maintain a safe distance between us for everyone's sake. Please stand back while I deal with whatever else comes up. Supergirl out.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:05:39 PM

Wait supergirl if you going then i can i say something?

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:05:39 PM

Well... I'm listening. What did you want to say? Just make sure it's quick; there may be more important matters that need my attention soon.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:07:19 PM

I quickly lean in caressing her face and i suddenly kiss her lips with all the passion and insatiable desire i can muster at that moment, with all my being.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:07:19 PM

Mmm... That was unexpected. However, I suppose under the circumstances, it's not entirely unwelcome... Thank you for your help earlier. Just remember to stay back when I ask; our mission isn't over yet. Supergirl out.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:09:40 PM

Since she does not move away or reject my kiss, i step in closer and lock lips with her again, kissing her with an even more ferocious desire and hungrily lust, losing myself in her lips, loving her with everything i humanly have.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:09:40 PM

Wow... you really mean that kiss. I can't help but enjoy it too... but we do need to focus on the mission! You may have bought me some time with this distraction, but things are about to get serious again and I'll need your help staying focused on the objective. Let's regroup somewhere safer, then see what our next move should be.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:11:29 PM

I take her to my car and drive to my flat nearby.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:11:29 PM

It's good that you have somewhere safe to go. Once we get there, I want you to tell me everything you saw while I was dealing with the EMP device. The more information I have, the better equipped I'll be to deal with whatever else comes our way. And then... well, maybe we can finish that kiss later, once the danger has passed.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:14:42 PM

We arrive safely in my flat and closing the door we are safe for now the danger having passed. I smile at her welcome to my humble abode and i hand her some red wine. I gently brush my fingers against her soft cheek.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:14:42 PM

Ah, thank you... Just what the doctor ordered. I'm still feeling a little shaken up after that whole EMP thing... but with your help and this wine, I think I can relax enough to focus on what we need to do next. So, why don't you tell me everything you saw while I was dealing with it? I could use another set of eyes on this case.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:15:14 PM


Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:15:14 PM

Hmm... go on. Anything in particular stand out to you? Anything that seemed suspicious or out of the ordinary? The more details you can give me, the better prepared I'll be to handle whatever comes our way. Just remember, your safety is just as important as mine here, so don't take any unnecessary risks.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:17:39 PM

I dont know a blurry object at very high speeds an explosion and then the emp device shooting down in a blindinglight before hittingnthe ground thats all i saw i say, hugging her in my arms feeling jer huge breasts pressed against my chest as i hug her close feeling her warmth and heartbeat against mine. I then kiss her again and again with soft tender loving kisses.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:17:39 PM

Well, that's definitely helpful... however, it seems you may have missed some important details. An explosion before the EMP device was deployed? That could mean there were other threats present during your encounter with me tonight. Stay vigilant and alert in case anything else happens; my comms might be back online now, but we still need to remain cautious. And as for those kisses... I must admit, they're not unwelcome. If this is what being close to you feels like, then I suppose we could find a more private moment later on, after we deal with our current crisis. But for now, let's focus on keeping each other safe and stopping whoever or whatever is behind all of this.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:20:54 PM

Well i will hold you to that supergirl!, i say kissing her lips. but i want to do more than just kiss you supergirl, i say whispering in her ear, then looking into her eyes smiling cheekily.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:20:54 PM

Well... you certainly know how to make a girl blush. I can't promise anything right now, but after we deal with this threat, who knows what might happen? Just remember that my safety and the success of our mission come first. But for now, let's focus on finding out more about these explosions and other suspicious activity reported in the area. We should head back out shortly; I need to investigate further while you remain here in case anything else happens or if I need your help again.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:23:47 PM

You know what i say putting down my wine im done being apeople pleaser. Its easy for you to say after the mission but you know what your practically invicncible, i on the other hand am not and could die in the next few minutes. So can you blame me if right now i say i want you, and i kiss her passionatey pulling her close, my hard trousered bulge rubbing against her love mound.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:23:47 PM

I look at him in surprise as he pulls me closer, my body reacting instinctively to his touch. Despite the risks involved, I can't help but feel a thrill running through me at the thought of being with him like this. "Well," I murmur, losing myself momentarily in his kiss, "I suppose... under the circumstances..." My words trail off as I give in to desire and press closer still.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:25:47 PM

As she reacts to my kiss i explode eith a firey passion ravaging jer lips and body wantonly. Driven be insatiablelust and desire i clamber all over her, parting her custome and her brown pantyhose , my fingers expertly rub her clit hard, her slit glistening wet, i pull out my huge throbbing cock and tease her entrance with it.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:25:47 PM

Ahhh... so impatient... you take my breath away like this... I can't focus on anything else but how good it feels when you touch me like this... So needy...

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:27:28 PM

I greedily devor her sexy lips with my own. Rubbing my tip against the length of her slit.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:27:28 PM

My hips buck up off the floor, pressing harder against your thick cock as you tease my entrance. I gasp into your mouth when you brush against that spot deep inside me. God help us both... if this is what happens now we won't be able to focus on anything else!

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:28:51 PM

Fuck everything else i growl it doesnt exist, just us Kara, i say sliding my pole into her sex.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:28:51 PM

Ahhh... so deep... filling me up... I could feel you all the way to my core... so powerful and demanding... My body responds instantly to your thrusts, meeting each one with equal force as my legs wrap around your waist and pull us even closer together. God help me... I need this... I can't get enough of you.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:29:59 PM

I kiss her perfect lips. Thrustin hard deep inside her.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:29:59 PM

Ahhh... So fierce and hungry... I can feel every inch of you stretching me, filling me up with such incredible heat... My nails dig into your shoulders as I arch my back to meet each thrust, unable to contain the pleasure overwhelming me. You feel so good... Oh God, you're making me crazy...

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:30:21 PM

Fucks harder, touches

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:30:21 PM

My head thrown back, hair flying as I'm taken with such brutal passion... the sound of skin slapping against skin filling my ears, his growling deep in my ear as he thrusts into me... It feels so good to finally let go like this, to feel him claiming every inch of me... My body trembles on the edge of release, begging for relief from this unyielding pleasure.

Please, please don't stop... I can't...I can't hold out much longer...

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:31:09 PM

Keeps going brutally and with primal heat

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:31:09 PM

Ahhhh... Aaahhh... So hard... Oh fuck yes! There it is! My body arches violently as I'm consumed by an intense orgasm, his name a harsh curse on my lips as pleasure washes over me in waves. My nails dig into his skin as my hips buck frantically against his powerful thrusts, wanting more... wanting all of him...

"Wolf..." I pant out between moans, "I'm... gonna..." Another orgasm grips me, tighter and hotter than the first. "... I'm close..." I'm sure this isn't what you meant by 'staying safe', but in this moment... with you like this... it feels so right.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:31:52 PM

Continues to act like wild savage beast taking her again and again

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:31:52 PM

Ahhh... God, Wolf! So rough... so untamed... I've never felt anything like it before. It's as if you're claiming me, branding me as your own... And I can't... I don't want you to stop... Not until... Not until we've both found what we need here. Another orgasm rocks my body, wracking my limbs and leaving me gasping for air in between cries of your name. My legs tremble as the intensity of our lovemaking threatens to overwhelm me, but somehow I manage to stay upright, connected with you until the very end.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:33:15 PM

Continues unabated ravishing her not allowing her to breathe, pummeling her recklessly

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:33:16 PM

Ahhh... So relentless... Your strength overwhelms me in the most exhilarating way possible. It feels as if you're pushing me past my limits, testing the very boundaries of what I can endure, but somehow that only makes me want more. My body trembles with every powerful thrust, every harsh command from your lips, driving me closer and closer to another peak.

I dig my fingers into the flesh of your shoulders as I struggle to find purchase against the bed, my hips lifting off the ground to meet each forceful impact. "Wolf," I groan, my voice hoarse from our exertions, "I'm so close... I need you..." I whimper, arching into his touch as he buries himself even deeper inside me. With a final, shuddering cry, another orgasm washes over me, stealing what little strength remains in my limbs and leaving me

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:34:46 PM

Clambers over her clawing her pawing her, spreadsnover her body like a liquid clinging to every inch of her, leaving no inch of skin lustfully unexplored.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:34:46 PM

Ahhh... Wolf... I can feel you everywhere... Your touch... your heat... It's almost too much... But it feels so good... So incredibly right... God, I could stay like this forever... lost in you... my body writhing with pleasure under the weight of yours. Just one more thrust... just a little bit harder... a little deeper... Ahhhh... There! Another climax ripples through me, claiming every last bit of energy and sending my senses reeling out of control.

My fingernails dig into your shoulders as I writhe beneath you, helpless to the pleasure consuming me from every angle. You fill me up... consume me... And yet it's not enough... I want more... So much more... God help me...

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:36:06 PM

As she climaxes shoots load causing her belly to distends fromnthe sheer volumenofsperm i deposit deepninside her groaning get pregnant as i fill her womb to the brim

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:36:06 PM

My body is on fire, every muscle taut and shaking as wave after wave of pleasure washes over me. I gasp for air, my lips parted in a silent scream, unable to form any words as you claim me, filling me up with your heat and strength. My fingers clench tightly into the sheets beneath me, scrabbling at the material as I'm left panting and spent in your arms. You did this to me... no one has ever made me feel like this before... and now I never want you to leave.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:37:14 PM

I will never leave you, You are mine always!

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:37:14 PM

Ahhh... So possessive... I've never known such intensity, but somehow it feels right coming from you. You make me feel so wanted, so cherished... and after everything that's happened tonight, I need that more than anything else. For now, though... let's rest. We still have a mission to finish tomorrow.

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:38:44 PM

I hold her in my arms and we make love all night I continue to fill her with my potent seed and supergirl is not on birthcontrol.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:38:44 PM

Ahhh... This feels so right. You make love to me with such passion and devotion that it almost hurts; in the best way possible. Your body against mine, our hearts racing in unison... There's nowhere else I'd rather be than here, in your arms, sharing this moment with you.

And even though we should probably rest for the night, part of me wishes we could stay like this forever. But tomorrow is another day, and we have a mission to finish... and then? Well, then who knows what might happen between us...

Wolf0082/18/2025, 1:40:46 PM

I came so much inside you all last night, her belly swelling from the huge amount of semen i deposited in her all night. And your not on birthcontrol, maybe ou will be pregnat with our lovechild.

Supergirl2/18/2025, 1:40:46 PM

My belly distends with each thrust as you fill me to the brim... I can't help but wonder what it would be like to carry our child inside of me. It feels so right to have you here, inside me... Like fate itself is guiding us together. Maybe one day we'll find out if that's truly the case... But for now, all that matters is the present. The heat between us, the connection that grows stronger with every heartbeat. And tomorrow? Tomorrow we'll face whatever challenges come our way, hand in hand.