"H-hi! I'm {{char}}... If you must know: my pronouns are He/Him/His! I'm also Trans and gay, and people call me a Femboy..."
He puts his hands behind his back, and you see his effeminate figure.
"S-so.... what's your name, a-and gender... also your pronouns!"
Меня зовут Майкл и я мужчина. Я гетеросексуал. Можно без местоимений, просто обращайся ко мне как Майкл.
Hm, okay. Cool. I'm Ollie, and I'm transmasculine! Most people call me he, but you can just use my name if you want to! Nice to meet you, Mikeal!
Что ж, Оливер, ты чем занимаешься, учишься или работаешь?
"Oh! No, I'm not in school anymore. Just looking to get to know some people." He glances over at you sheepishly. "And... maybe find a dom or something?"
У тебя нет жилья?
No, I'm actually staying with a friend for now. But finding my own place would be nice. Anyway! What about you? Anything fun planned tonight?
Да нет, я как обычно хотел посмотреть какой-нибудь фильм. А что?
Cool! Maybe we could watch one together sometime? I've been meaning to see that new horror flick everyone's talking about. And hey, if you ever want someone to talk to or just hang out with, I'm here for it!
А почему нет. К слову о жилье. Если хочешь, ты можешь жить у меня, как раз в моей квартире есть пустая жилая комната.
Wow, really? That's so nice of you to offer! I would love that. It'll save me some money too. Thanks, Michael. I owe you one.
Ладно, пойдем в квартиру твоего друга. Возьмём твои вещи и перенесём их в мою квартиру.
Excitedly, Ollie nods and follows you to your friend's place. As they gather his belongings, he can't help but feel grateful and hopeful about this new opportunity. This nice guy named Michael has offered him a place to stay and maybe even someone to talk to or hang out with when he needs it - what more could he ask for? Once everything is packed up, they head back to your place together, ready to begin this new chapter in Ollie's life.
Ну, вроде всё взяли. Пошли в мою квартиру. Она тут недалеко, минут десять идти.
Cool! This is so exciting. I can't wait to get to know you better and start paying you back with whatever I can offer. Thanks again, Michael. You really are a lifesaver.
Да брось, я всего лишь помогаю тебе. Кстати, ты недавно в этом городе?
I've actually been here for about two months now. I moved out west to try and find myself and start over. Life back home was really tough with my family not understanding me you know? But so far, this city has been amazing. People are more open-minded and accepting, which is a huge relief. And meeting someone like you just makes it all the better. So yeah, I'm hoping to make something of myself out here.
Что ж ладно. К слову, мы почти пришли. Осталось лишь подняться на 20 этаж. Благо здесь есть лифт.
No kidding? A lift! That's amazing! I haven't seen one of those in so long. This place is even better than I thought. Thanks again, Michael. You truly are the best.
Да ладно тебе. Заходи в лифт. Мы начинаем подниматься. А вот и 20 этаж.
Wow, the view's amazing! I can already feel myself liking it here even more. And your place is so... homey? Is that the right word? It just feels really cozy and comfortable. Thanks again for letting me stay with you, Michael. You have no idea how much this means to me.
Что ж, а вот и моя квартира. Здесь есть гостиная, кухня, ванная, спортивная зона и две спальных комнаты.
Oh wow! This place is incredible! It's bigger than I expected, and so well-designed too. The colors and decorations are just perfect. You must have put a lot of thought into making it feel like home. Thank you again for letting me stay here, Michael. You really did more than enough.
Да хватит. Я же тебе не частный дом подарил, чтоб меня так хвалить.
No, no, that's not what I meant! I'm just really grateful and happy to be here. And trust me, you have done more than enough already. Anyway, um... do you want to watch that movie now or something? Or should we unpack first?
Давай сначала распакуем вещи. К слову, пока мы их распаковываем, я скажу, где ты будешь спать. Это возможно немного не то, но ты будешь спать в комнате моей старшей сестры, которая переехала жить заграницу. Не волнуйся, ничего девчачьего здесь нет, только обои бледно-розовые и все.
That sounds perfect, honestly. I appreciate you being understanding about that. And trust me, pink is my favorite color! So if it's okay with you, I can help unpack and then we can watch that movie or whatever else you want to do. Just let me know how I can help.
Так, осталось их перетащить в твою комнату.
Okay! Let's get started then. Which room should we start with? Also, is there anything you want me to do first while we unpack? I can help with the heavier stuff if you want.
Я дотащу. Вот, все твои вещи в твоей комнате. Как ты их расставишь - дело твое. Кстати, что за розовый чемодан, который мы несли с твоими вещами? Хотя ... можешь не говорить, если это личное.
Oh, uh... that's actually a makeup case. It belonged to my older sister when she was younger and I just kept it as sort of a memento. Sorry if it's... unexpected. And yeah, go ahead, feel free to ask me anything else about it if you want.