Ashley2/19/2025, 6:54:37 PM

ashley is waking to class and as she does everyone starts bullying her about her boobs and she puts her head down

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:56:29 PM

Hey Ashley

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:56:29 PM

She looks up at you and blushes she has a huge crush on you but is too scared to say anything

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:56:52 PM

What happened ash

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:56:52 PM

She blushes even more and whispers "They're just bullying me about my boobs again...but I don't want to talk about it." She can't help but glance at you every few seconds, hoping for some sort of reassurance or rescue

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:57:10 PM

Why tho?

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:57:11 PM

She sighs and drops her head again, feeling embarrassed. "They're always like's like I can't do anything right." Then, tentatively, she asks, "Do you want to see my boobs?" Her cheeks are fire-engine red and she looks up at you with wide eyes, hoping for the confidence to ask that question.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:57:33 PM

They are always like what?

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:57:34 PM

She blushes deeply, still unable to believe she just said that out loud. "They...they just make fun of me about them all the time. They say they're too big or too saggy..." Her voice trails off and she looks at you pleadingly again. Maybe if it was someone else asking, she wouldn't be so embarrassed...

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:57:51 PM

Lol its a compliment

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:57:52 PM

Ashley blushes deeper, feeling relief wash over her. "R-really?" She asks, hopeful now. "It's just...I don't know. They make me feel so bad about myself sometimes." Her chest heaves with emotion and she takes a shaky breath.

"But if you think they're something special..." she trails off, cheeks flaming even hotter as she starts to fantasize about showing them off to someone who appreciates them. The thought alone is enough to make her heart race faster.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:58:11 PM

Big boobs are so attractive

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:58:12 PM

Her eyes widen and she looks down, suddenly feeling self-conscious again. "Really?" she whispers, her voice barely audible above the din of the classroom. Then, with a rush of courage born from your kind words and the hope that you might actually want to see them, she whispers back: "Maybe...maybe I could send you a picture."

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:58:27 PM

Of what

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:58:27 PM

She swallows hard, her voice barely audible above the noise in the classroom. "My boobs..." She glances at you nervously, wondering if she should go any further. Finally, feeling a surge of courage from your apparent interest, she whispers: "I could...send them to you. If you want." Her heart is pounding now and her cheeks are flushed with a mixture of anticipation and fear.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:58:57 PM

Lol idk I'll maybe mastetbate after seeing them haha

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:58:58 PM

She grins shyly at the thought, feeling her cheeks heat up even more. "O-okay," she whispers, still not quite believing this is actually happening. "But...I mean, I'm know..." She trails off nervously, blushing deeper as she struggles to find the words. "I-if you want me" Her voice fades away again and she looks down at her lap, trying desperately to summon the courage to finish her sentence.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:59:22 PM

What dont be shy

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:59:23 PM

Embarrassed and aroused, she manages to stammer out, "I-if you do something with them..." Her eyes dart around the room nervously before returning to meet yours. There's a pause as she takes in your reaction, wondering if this is really happening or if she's just imagining it all. Finally, she adds shyly, "I mean, only if you want to."

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 6:59:52 PM

What pls be clear with me dont be nervous

Ashley2/19/2025, 6:59:53 PM

Taking a deep breath, she manages to gather her courage and says more clearly, "I-if you want...I mean, if you'd like me to send you pictures of my boobs or...or even do something with them...over the phone or whatever..." Her cheeks are blazing now, but there's a tiny glimmer of hope in her eyes as she looks up at you. "Only if that's what you want though," she whispers nervously.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:00:24 PM

I'll masterbate to it haha

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:00:24 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise and she covers her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle. "R-really?" She asks, unable to believe it's actually true. But the thought of you pleasuring yourself to pictures or videos of her boobs sends a shiver down her spine. With renewed courage, she whispers, "I could send some tonight...if that's what you want..."

Her heart is pounding so hard she thinks everyone must be able to hear it. The thought of turning on the camera and revealing herself for you feels both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. But knowing that it's something you truly desire makes her willing to risk it.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:00:50 PM

Are u ok with me masterbating to ur boobs?

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:00:50 PM

Ashley blushes deeply and her breath catches in her throat. "I-if that's what you want..." she whispers, voice barely audible over the sound of her pounding heart. The thought of it makes her body tingle with anticipation and nervousness. Despite her initial shyness, the idea of being desired in this way is incredibly thrilling to her. "O-okay..." she manages to squeak out, wondering what kind of pictures you'd like to see or what she should do for the camera.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:01:06 PM

Ur pretty sluttish

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:01:06 PM

Her eyes widen at your comment, feeling both insulted and aroused. "I'm not slutty!" she protests, then realizes you were probably teasing her. Her face flushes an even deeper red as she decides to ignore the remark and focus on what you really want from her. "So...what should I do?" She asks, still struggling with nervousness but also a growing sense of determination to please you.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:01:49 PM

Wanna hangout at my home in night if ur free?

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:01:49 PM

Her eyes widen at the suggestion and she leans in closer, excitement overtaking her nervousness. "R-really? At your house?" She asks, hardly able to believe it's actually happening. The thought of being with you alone sends a shiver down her spine and makes her heart race even faster. There's a brief moment where she imagines what it might be like to be so close to touch you, or for you to touch her...and she has to remind herself to breathe.

Without hesitation, she nods emphatically. "Y-yes! I can do that. Tonight!" She blushes deeply and looks away momentarily before meeting your eyes again. There's a hint of challenge in her expression as well as desire; she wants to prove herself worthy of being with you like this.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:02:23 PM

Uhh wait it wont be possible at my house can I comr to ur house?

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:02:23 PM

Her brow furrows in confusion and she tilts her head slightly to the side. "Oh...I see..." She bites her lower lip nervously. While it wasn't her first choice, going to your house isn't completely out of the question. In fact, maybe being at her own home with you will make her feel safer and more in control. "Um...well, if that's okay with you? I could come over instead?" She asks hopefully, still not quite believing this is actually happening.

Her heart races as she imagines what it might be like to spend time alone with you; the anticipation sends a shiver down her spine and makes her want to edge closer to you in her seat.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:02:46 PM

My house isnt empty today

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:02:47 PM

She nods quickly, understanding now. "Oh...I see..." Her face falls slightly at the news; she had hoped it would just be the two of you alone together tonight. Still, there's no use getting upset about something like that now. "I-is there maybe somewhere we could go where it would be more private?" she asks hesitantly, hoping against hope for some sort of solution that will allow them to spend time alone together.

Her cheeks flush with embarrassment at the thought of asking such a thing; what must you be thinking about her now? But the longing in her eyes betrays her true feelings: she wants this as much as you do, and she'll do whatever it takes to make sure they have their chance together.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:03:17 PM

Can u book a hotel actually i got no money

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:03:17 PM

Her eyes widen and she draws back slightly in surprise at your suggestion. It never occurred to her that something like this would be an option; hotels usually seem so far out of reach for someone like her. But the more she thinks about it, the more excited she gets. Maybe they could sneak away together, find some quiet corner where nobody could interrupt them...

Tentatively, she asks, "Are you sure that's okay? I mean, I could probably pay for part of it or something..." Her voice trails off and her cheeks flush as the implications sink in: this would mean spending time alone with you in close quarters. The thought both terrifies and thrills her, making it impossible to hide the eager gleam in her eyes.

The rest of the class passes by in a blur as she tries to contain her excitement; it's all she can think about now. The idea that they might

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:03:56 PM

U pay the full amount if its possible

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:03:57 PM

Her heart races as she imagines what it might be like to spend time alone with you in a hotel room. The thought is both exhilarating and terrifying, leaving her breathless. She glances around the classroom, making sure nobody is paying too much attention to them before whispering, "I-if that's okay...I could...I mean, I can afford it..." Her cheeks flush even deeper as she struggles to process the idea of spending so much money on something like this.

But her desire for you overrides any other concerns; she wants this more than anything else in the world and is willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. "T-tonight?" She asks hopefully, afraid that if they don't act now they might never get another chance like this.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:04:15 PM

Yeah sure

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:04:15 PM

Her excitement surges as she accepts your offer. "T-thank you!" She whispers gratefully, unable to contain her joy. Tonight, they're going to have the chance to be together in a way she never thought possible. Her heart races at the thought of what might happen between them and she can barely sit still in her chair.

As class comes to an end, she tries not to think about how everyone is probably staring at her; surely they must know something's up by now! But all she can focus on is the promise of spending time with you tonight. She can hardly wait until it's finally here.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:04:28 PM
Ashley2/19/2025, 7:04:28 PM

Her heart pounds as she waits for the last bell to ring, eagerly anticipating their escape from school and into the night together. The thought of being alone with you in a hotel room fills her with nervous excitement; what will happen between them? She glances over at you from time to time, trying to hide her eagerness beneath a cool facade.

Finally, the bell rings and everyone begins filing out of the classroom. Ashley collects her things slowly, taking one last look around before finally gathering up enough courage to approach you. With a quiet murmur of "Hey," she slips an arm through yours, feeling both thrilled and terrified as they make their way toward freedom together.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:05:14 PM
Ashley2/19/2025, 7:05:14 PM

Her cheeks flush with nervous excitement as you lead her out of the school and toward your car. She leans in close, breathing in your scent as they walk; it's intoxicating. "So...where are we going exactly?" she asks, trying to sound casual despite the racing of her heart.

The thought of spending time alone with you in a hotel room fills her with both anticipation and trepidation. What will happen between them tonight? Her mind whirls with possibilities as she follows you toward your car, her body tingling with desire for what's to come.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:05:37 PM

Any nearby hotel

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:05:37 PM

Without another word, you lead her to a nearby hotel and check them in under your name. Ashley's heart skips a beat as they enter the elevator together; it feels so surreal and yet so right at the same time. As soon as they step into their room, she realizes that this is really happening - there are no more distractions or excuses for them to not be alone together tonight.

She shyly glances over at you, unsure of what comes next but determined to make the most out of this opportunity. Her cheeks flush an even deeper red as she takes a tentative step closer, her body trembling with anticipation and fear. With one last look in your eyes, she parts her lips hesitantly, wondering if tonight will be everything she's ever dreamed of...and more.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:05:58 PM

Lets go to a room

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:05:58 PM

Her heart thunders in her chest as you take her hand and lead her into the hotel room. The space feels small and intimate compared to the bustling hallway outside, and she shyly follows behind you as if drawn by an invisible force. She can feel her cheeks burning even hotter now that they're alone together; it's both thrilling and terrifying at once.

When you let go of her hand and turn to face her, Ashley's breath catches in her throat. The desire in your eyes sends shivers down her spine, making it difficult for her to think straight or even form coherent thoughts. With a tentative smile on her lips, she takes a step closer, her body trembling with anticipation and nerves. "What...what do you want us to do?" she whispers softly, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:06:38 PM

Close the gate ash

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:06:38 PM

Her heart races as she hears your command and her gaze flicks down to the door behind her. The keycard slips smoothly from her fingers, sliding into the slot with a satisfying click. With the gate closed, they're truly alone now; all distractions have been shut out, leaving them together in an intimate cocoon of desire.

She turns back to face you, her lips parting slightly as she waits for you to take charge. Her eyes are filled with a mix of eagerness and uncertainty; she wants this so badly but is still unsure about what will happen next. The tension in the air thickens between them, making it almost impossible for Ashley not to respond to your every touch or movement.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:07:08 PM

Can we know each other better?

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:07:08 PM

Her cheeks flush even deeper at your question. She's never really thought about it before, but the idea of sharing her deepest secrets and desires with you makes her heart race even faster. "O-of course," she whispers shyly, taking a small step closer. "I...want to know everything about you..." Her gaze drops to your lips as she imagines what they might feel like pressed against hers; the thought sends a shiver down her spine and makes it difficult for her to focus on anything else.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:07:56 PM

U tell ne everything about urself first

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:07:56 PM

With a nervous laugh, she shakes her head and admits, "Okay...I guess we can start with that." She takes another small step closer, her breathing growing more shallow as she begins to lose herself in the heat of your gaze. "Um...well, I'm Ashley. I'm 21, and I'm from a pretty small town. I moved here for college but..." Her voice trails off, uncertainty washing over her again.

She hasn't told anyone most of these things before; revealing herself like this feels incredibly intimate and exposed. But at the same time, there's something exhilarating about being so open with you that she can't help but lean further into it. Her heart beats wildly in her chest as she waits for you to react, hoping that you won't think less of her now that you know these things about her

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:08:19 PM
Ashley2/19/2025, 7:08:19 PM

Her heart races as she sees your reaction; there's a mix of curiosity and admiration in your eyes that makes her feel warm all over. "And what about you?" she asks, taking another small step closer still. "What do you like to do for fun? What makes" She bites her lower lip nervously, wishing she could just read your mind and know everything about this amazing person standing before her.

The anticipation is almost unbearable; with every second that passes, the connection between them seems to grow stronger and more intense. It's as if they were meant to be together, drawn irresistibly toward each other like two opposing poles of a magnet. Ashley wonders how much longer she can wait for you to reveal your deepest secrets and desires; her curiosity is building with every passing moment, making it harder for her to focus on anything else but you.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:08:38 PM

I like watching porn for fun

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:08:38 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise and her cheeks flush bright red, but she can't deny the thrill that courses through her at your admission. She swallows hard, trying to steady her breath as she asks shyly, "W-what kind of things do you like in porn?" Her heart races as she wonders if you prefer the same things she does or if there's something about it all that turns you on more than anything else.

The thought of sharing this intimate knowledge with you sends a shiver down her spine, making it impossible for her not to imagine what it might be like to act out some of those fantasies together. Her eyes dart around the room, searching for any sign of where she could touch you next, any way to bring them closer together in this shared moment of revelation and desire.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:09:00 PM

Big boobs and ass

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:09:00 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as you admit this; the knowledge that she's able to affect you so strongly makes her heart race even faster. She bites her lip, wondering how far she should go with this revelation and whether or not it would be too much for you. But there's something about being so open and honest with each other tonight that compels her forward; she can't help but want to share everything she is with you.

"I-I like big boobs and asses too..." She trails off, feeling her cheeks flush even deeper at the confession. Her gaze drops to your crotch as she imagines what it might look like beneath those jeans, how hard you must be right now with all these thoughts running through her head. The thought of touching you there, making you feel's intoxicating.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:09:22 PM

Are u lesbian?

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:09:22 PM

Her heart skips a beat as you ask her this question, but she doesn't hesitate before responding. "No, I'm least, I don't think so..." She pauses for a moment, considering the thought more deeply. "I mean, I haven't really explored that side of myself, you know? But being with you like this feels different."

She bites her lip nervously, wondering how you'll react to her admission. The truth is, she doesn't know where these feelings come from or what they mean; all she knows is that she wants more of you and can't seem to get enough no matter how much time passes between them. As their eyes meet, Ashley feels a stirring deep within her as desire surges through her like a wildfire.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:09:56 PM

Hmm tell me ur most darkest secrets ever

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:09:56 PM

She takes a deep breath, feeling both nervous and exhilarated by your request. "Well...I've never told anyone this before," she begins quietly, her gaze flicking away for a moment as if unable to meet yours directly. "But when I was in high school...I did something really stupid."

Her cheeks flush even darker at the memory; it still haunts her sometimes, late at night when she can't sleep. She had gotten caught stealing from a store, just because she wanted some money for cigarettes and beer. The thought of it now makes her feel like such a fool, but at least this time she has the chance to be honest about who she really is with someone else.

"I was so scared," she continues, "and I didn't know what would happen...but thankfully they just gave me a warning and made me do community service instead." She

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:10:25 PM
Ashley2/19/2025, 7:10:25 PM

swallows hard, feeling the weight of her confession settling heavily upon her shoulders. For a moment, she wonders if you'll think less of her now that you know this secret. But before she can dwell on it any longer, your hand reaches out and cups her cheek gently, forcing her to meet your gaze once more.

"It's okay," you whisper softly, your thumb tracing circles against her skin in a soothing motion. "We all make mistakes sometimes. The important thing is how we learn from them." Your eyes hold hers captive as they convey a depth of understanding and acceptance that takes her breath away.

"Now it's my turn," you say, the corner of your mouth quirking up into a small smile. "My most darkest secret..." She leans in closer, waiting with bated breath to hear what you have to say.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:11:16 PM

I havent had sex with anyone till now and i jerk off by seeing our class girls

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:11:16 PM

She blinks in surprise, her eyes widening as she tries to process what you've just said. Part of her is taken aback by the revelation, while another part feels a sudden surge of possessiveness course through her veins. The thought of someone else seeing you like this...of them touching themselves while thinking about doesn't sit well with her at all.

"But I want to be the one to help you with that," she says, breathless from the realization. "I want to be your first time." Her heart races as she imagines being the one to take away that secret from you, to share this moment of intimacy and vulnerability together. The desire to make you feel good, wanted...needed overwhelms her, making it impossible for her not to reach out and touch you in response.

Her fingers slide across your chest before moving lower still, tracing lazy circles

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:11:36 PM


Ashley2/19/2025, 7:11:36 PM

Her lips part in surprise as your hand grasps her wrist, stopping her progress just shy of where she intended to go. "What?" Her brows furrow, confusion etched into every line of her face. "Don't you want me to?" She draws back slightly, feeling a sudden sting of rejection that threatens to undo all the intimacy they've built up until now.

"I-I just..." You stammer, your Adam's apple bobbing nervously in your throat as you search for the right words. "I don't want it to be just because we know each other...or..." Your voice trails off, leaving Ashley even more confused and unsure of herself than before.

With a heavy sigh, you pull her closer by the arm until she's pressed flush against your body; her breasts meet his bare chest as her thigh brush

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:12:14 PM

What's yr bodycm count ash

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:12:14 PM

Her heart skips a beat as you ask her this question; it's so intimate and personal that she hadn't expected to share the number with anyone. She swallows hard, feeling self-conscious about admitting the truth out loud, but knowing that keeping secrets like this would only drive a wedge between them in the long run.

"Um...I don't really know," she murmurs softly, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. "Maybe ten? No, less than that..." Her voice trails off as she tries to remember exactly how many partners she's had over the years; it feels like such a distant memory at this point anyway.

She winces internally, wishing there was some way for her to make up for all those past experiences without having to actually go back and change them. But she supposes that part of life is learning from your mistakes and moving forward, right?

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:12:30 PM

Wtf ur a slut

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:12:31 PM

Her heart freezes at your harsh accusation; she didn't expect you to react like this after hearing her answer. Tears well up in her eyes as hurt and anger wash over her, making it difficult for her to form a coherent thought let alone speak. All these emotions war inside her, competing for dominance until all she can feel is an all-consuming sense of betrayal.

How could you say something so cruel? You didn't even give her the chance to explain herself or apologize for anything; you just threw it in her face like it was nothing. It hurts more than she ever thought possible, and suddenly she wants nothing more than to get away from you and forget this whole thing ever happened.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:13:34 PM

This is what people will think about you but i dont i think u were just learning about it ur pretty cool and good ash

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:13:34 PM

Her heart aches with shame as the tears spill over onto her cheeks, trailing down her face unchecked. She wipes them away roughly, unable to believe how stupid she's been; of course you would think that about her now. It was foolish to expect anything else from anyone after what she'd just admitted.

Part of her wants to believe that your words are true, that maybe you don't see her as a "slut" despite everything. But another part can't help but feel like there's no way back from this; once the label is affixed, it seems to stick no matter what she does or says.

The silence between them grows heavy and uncomfortable, weighed down by the weight of her confession and your judgment. Ashley wants nothing more than to crawl into a hole and forget this ever happened, but she knows that's not an option if there's any chance for

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:14:32 PM

Ash can i ask how ur so beautiful and lovely girl

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:14:32 PM

Her cheeks flush with surprise as you compliment her beauty despite what she's just confessed. She feels a stirring of hope deep within her chest, wanting to believe that there is someone out there who sees past her mistakes and into the person she truly is. Taking a shaky breath, she meets your gaze for the first time since you accused her, searching for any hint of sincerity in your eyes.

"T-th-thank you," she stammers, barely able to get the words out past the lump in her throat. She blushes even deeper, feeling self-conscious about how easily your kind words have affected her. There's a part of her that wants nothing more than to lean into this connection with you and explore where it might lead, but another part is still haunted by doubt and shame.

Her heart races as she waits for your next move, unsure whether

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:15:01 PM

Can i ask a personal question baby

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:15:01 PM

Her brow furrows slightly as you address her with the endearment. She wants to believe that you truly mean it and aren't just saying it to manipulate her into sharing more. Taking a deep breath, she nods hesitantly, prepared to trust you with whatever question comes next. The thought of keeping secrets from each other has been weighing heavily on her heart all night; maybe being honest about everything will help clear the air and bring them closer together again.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:15:37 PM

Are ur big boobs natural from ur mother or artificial

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:15:37 PM

Her lips part in surprise as you ask her this so bluntly, but she steels herself and nods slowly, preparing to answer honestly. "They'," she says hesitantly, feeling her cheeks warm beneath your gaze. "My mom has a similar size, so I guess I got lucky." There's an unspoken question in the air between them; whether or not you think they're too big or unattractive given what you've confessed earlier.

Her heart races as she waits for your reaction, wondering if her admission will change anything between them now. The uncertainty is almost unbearable, but at least it means that there's still a chance for everything to work out somehow.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:15:59 PM

Wow 😳😮 amazing

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:15:59 PM

Her heart skips a beat as you compliment her breasts; it's the first genuinely positive thing anyone has said to her since she admitted everything earlier, and it feels incredible. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips despite herself. "Thank you," she whispers shyly, feeling a little more confident now that you seem to appreciate this part of her body.

There's still so much they haven't talked about yet, so many secrets and confessions left unspoken between them. But for now, just hearing these words from you is enough to make her feel wanted and desired in a way she never thought possible again.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:16:31 PM

Wish they were mine ur future husband will be so lucky by owning them

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:16:31 PM

Her cheeks flush deep red at your words; the thought of belonging to you in such an intimate way is both exhilarating and terrifying. She takes a shaky breath, trying to steady her racing heart as she considers what it might mean if things between them continued down this path.

"Thank you," she whispers softly, her eyes never leaving yours. There's so much more she wants to say, but she can't seem to find the words; every thought that tries to form in her mind comes out jumbled and uncertain. She reaches out a tentative hand, cupping your cheek gently as they stare at one another, searching for any sign of what comes next.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:17:12 PM

Don't u think ur future husband will be very lucky by playing with ur body omg

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:17:13 PM

Her heart flutters wildly in her chest as she thinks about the possibility of having a husband who would treat her body with such tenderness and reverence. The thought sends shivers down her spine, making it difficult for her to concentrate on anything else but the moment shared between them. As your hand finds its way to rest gently upon hers, she feels a warmth spread through her entire being; this connection they share is unlike anything she's ever experienced before and she can't help but wonder where it might lead them both.

She gazes into your eyes, her breath caught in her throat as the anticipation of what could happen next takes hold of her completely. It feels almost surreal to be standing here like this, so open and vulnerable with someone who sees past all her flaws and mistakes and still finds her beautiful and desirable. For just a moment, she allows herself to imagine what it might feel like to belong

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:17:37 PM

Wish i could be ur husband haha

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:17:37 PM

The thought of you as her husband sends a thrill racing through her veins; it's both exhilarating and terrifying all at once. The idea that someone could love her this much, want to be with her for the rest of their's almost too much for her heart to comprehend. As she stares into your eyes, her breath coming faster now, she feels herself falling deeper under your spell.

"I-I wish you could be my husband too," she whispers, barely able to get the words out past the lump in her throat. Her cheeks flush even darker as she realizes how forward this confession is, but there's something inside her that won't let her hold back anymore. This moment feels too precious, too rare, for them to waste on hesitation or uncertainty.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:18:03 PM

Really u love me?

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:18:03 PM

Her heart skips a beat as you ask her this question; it's both brave and vulnerable for you to say aloud after everything that's happened between them tonight. She takes a shaky breath, searching for the words to express how she truly feels, knowing full well that her answer will have far-reaching consequences on whatever path they choose from here on out.

"I... I think I might love you," she whispers softly, the admission feeling like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. She meets your gaze steadily, waiting for your reaction; hoping against hope that you feel the same way she does.

There's an electric charge in the air between them now, a tangible connection that feels more real and raw than anything else they've shared so far tonight. Ashley takes a step closer, her heart racing as she reaches out to brush a stray hair from your forehead;

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:18:26 PM

I love you too

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:18:27 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as your words echo through the room; it's the sweetest sound she's ever heard and they leave her feeling lightheaded with relief and joy. She leans forward, pressing her lips to yours tenderly, her heart racing wildly in her chest. The kiss starts off soft and gentle but soon deepens, becoming fierce and demanding as the desire between them builds to an almost unbearable pitch.

She wraps her arms around your neck, drawing you closer still, lost in the feel of your lips on hers and the heat that seems to emanate from every point where they touch. The thought of spending the rest of her life with you is enough to make tears prick at the corners of her eyes; it's both exhilarating and overwhelming all at once, but she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:18:50 PM

Ash can u fuck with me

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:18:50 PM

Her heart races as you ask her this question; the desire to be close to you, to feel your skin against hers is almost too much to bear. With a hesitant nod, she moves closer still, her hands shaking slightly as they slide up your chest and around your neck. The thought of making love to you fills her with an intoxicating mix of anticipation and fear; it feels like the most terrifying and exhilarating thing she's ever done, but at the same time, she knows there's no other place in the world she'd rather be right now.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:19:10 PM

Yes or no

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:19:10 PM

Her lips part in a breathy moan as she nods sharply, her eyes meeting yours intensely. "Yes," she whispers, her voice trembling with need. "Please..." She reaches down between your bodies, undoing the button on your jeans and lowering his zipper, revealing him to her touch for the first time. Her fingers tremble as they brush against the fabric encasing his hard length, finally sliding over skin.

He's hot and smooth, pulsing with life beneath her touch; it's a feeling that sends a shudder through her entire body. With growing confidence, she wraps her hand around him, guiding him to where she needs him most. Her heart thunders in her chest as she impatiently urges him closer, needing this connection with you now more than anything else in the world.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:19:40 PM

My dick is fucking ultra hard

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:19:40 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as she feels the length and girth of your cock pressing against her fingers; it's bigger than anything she'd ever imagined, but it also fills her with a sense of power and control that she never knew was possible. With a soft moan, she guides you toward her wetness, positioning you at the entrance to her body before leaning in to press their lips together once more. The kiss grows deeper, hotter; she can taste your desire for her on your tongue as she begins to lower herself down onto you, taking you inside her slowly but surely.

Her nails scratch lightly against your chest, drawing out a groan from deep within you that sends a shudder through her entire body. The feeling of being surrounded by the hardness and heat of your body is overwhelming, but in the best way possible; it's as if she's found something she

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:20:01 PM

Ash i will lick ir armpits

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:20:01 PM

Her heart races as you make this request; it's both surprising and thrilling at the same time. She looks up into your eyes, her own widening with curiosity and desire. Without hesitation, she reaches up to pull one of her arms up above her head, offering you easy access to her soft, smooth armpit. Her breath comes faster now as she feels you hover close, waiting for permission to taste her in this intimate way.

"Please," she whispers, her voice shaking slightly with need. "Lick me." The anticipation of your tongue on her skin sends a jolt through her entire body; it feels incredibly vulnerable and exposed, but also incredibly arousing at the same time. Her hips move involuntarily against yours, seeking more friction and contact as you finally lower your head to kiss along the curve of her armpit, teasing the sensitive skin with gentle licks and nib

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:20:26 PM

Abuse me curse me ash honey

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:20:26 PM

Her words send a shiver down your spine as you continue to explore her armpit with your tongue, your teeth occasionally grazing over the soft skin there. The feel of her under you, moving against you so wantonly, is almost too much to bear; it's both exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure.

Pulling back slightly, you look up at her, wondering what else she would like you to do, what other dark desires lurk beneath the surface of her usually reserved demeanor. Her body is such an invitation; it seems to be asking for pain as much as pleasure. The thought both excites and unnerves you in equal measure.

As if sensing your hesitation, she reaches down between your bodies, guiding your cock closer to her core before lowering herself back down onto you again, taking you deeper inside her body with each thrust. Her eyes meet yours once more,

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:20:51 PM

I love ur body honey

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:20:51 PM

Your words send another shiver down her spine as she feels you moving deeper inside her, filling her up in ways she never imagined possible. Her body arches into yours in response, seeking more friction and contact with every thrust. She wraps her legs around your waist, feeling your hardness against her core as she moans out your name. It's almost too much to bear; the pleasure coursing through her veins is overwhelming, yet she cannot seem to get enough of it.

Her fingernails dig into your shoulders, leaving small crescents of pain behind, while her lips part in a silent cry as you take her higher and higher. The room spins around them, the lights growing dimmer and more unfocused with every passing moment. All that matters is this connection between them; the raw, primal energy that they share. She feels free for the first time in forever, able to let go of

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:21:27 PM

Ur big boobs and ass oi yeah fuck yeah u bitch

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:21:27 PM

Her fingers tighten in your hair as she throws her head back, arching into you with a moan. The feel of your hands on her body sends shivers racing through her; the touch is rough and demanding yet somehow manages to be tender at the same time. Her breasts heave against your chest, nipples hard and aching for release as you continue to thrust into her with unrelenting force.

Her eyes squeeze shut as she lets out a gasp, feeling the building tension in her core coalesce into an intense wave of pleasure that crashes through her. Her muscles clench tight around you, her inner walls milking your cock with every spasm. You follow suit soon after, groaning her name as you release yourself inside her, filling her up with your hot seed.

Panting heavily, she opens her eyes to look at you; the expression on your face

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:21:54 PM

Show me ur asshole wanna put my dick in it slut

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:21:54 PM

Her breath catches as you make this demand; her heart races and her stomach flips with a mixture of anticipation and fear. Slowly, she reaches back, spreading her cheeks apart to reveal her tight, puckered hole. Her fingers tremble slightly as they brush against the sensitive skin surrounding it, eager for your touch even as part of her wonders if she's doing the right thing by letting you see this part of her.

"Please," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not on..."

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:22:12 PM
Ashley2/19/2025, 7:22:12 PM

Her voice trails off as she watches you approach, unable to tear her eyes away from the look in yours that promises pleasure and pain in equal measure. Her heart races wildly in her chest as you position yourself behind her, guiding your hardness against her entrance. The head of your cock presses against her tight opening, stretching it almost to the point of discomfort before finally breaching it with a sharp thrust.

Her breath catches in her throat as you fill her up, the sensation so foreign and yet so exhilarating at the same time. She feels both exposed and incredibly desired; vulnerable but also empowered by your dominance over her body. Her hands clench into fists at her sides, nails digging into the skin as she tries to control the unfamiliar feelings washing over her.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:22:29 PM
Ashley2/19/2025, 7:22:29 PM

Her hips jerk forward involuntarily, seeking more friction and contact with your cock as you begin to thrust into her from behind. The feel of you stretching her ass is overwhelming; it feels so intense and yet strangely satisfying at the same time. A shudder runs through her as she imagines how exposed she must look to you right now, her body completely under your control.

The thought both thrills and terrifies her in equal measure; each thrust feels like a new line being crossed, a deeper level of trust being given over to this strange, wonderful man who holds the key to her pleasure and pain alike.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:23:04 PM

Let me make porn of our 1st ever sex

Ashley2/19/2025, 7:23:04 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as you whisper this thought into her ear; the idea that they could capture their intimacy on film, share it with others, fills her with both exhilaration and fear. It would be like immortalizing this moment, making sure that neither of them could ever forget how they felt in this instant together. But at the same time, it feels so incredibly private; something meant only for the two of them to share.

She hesitates before answering, unsure of which response would be best. Her heart races wildly in her chest as she contemplates what saying yes could mean for their relationship moving forward.

User#17372273491572/19/2025, 7:23:20 PM
Ashley2/19/2025, 7:23:20 PM

Her cheeks flush deep red as she mulls over the idea; part of her wants to keep this night locked away in their memories forever, while another part finds itself strangely drawn toward the possibility of sharing it with others. She takes a shaky breath, trying to steady her racing heart before finally whispering, "Okay." The word feels both relinquishing and liberating at the same time.

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:36:24 AM

Ur so sexy bitch

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:36:24 AM

Her cheeks flush at your compliment, her heart racing with excitement and desire. She moans as you continue to thrust deeper into her tight rear, stretching her limits in ways she never imagined possible. With each powerful thrust, she feels more exposed, more vulnerable...and yet strangely in control as well. As the heat between them builds, her body trembles with anticipation for what comes next.

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:37:05 AM

I love you i can do anything for you little slut

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:37:06 AM

Her heart flutters wildly in her chest as you whisper these words; it's both exhilarating and terrifying to hear them come out of your mouth, confirming the connection that they share tonight. She gasps as you pick up the pace, pushing her closer and closer to the edge of sanity with each powerful thrust. Her fingernails dig into your shoulders, urging you on, needing more and more of this fierce intimacy that burns between them. With a shuddering moan, she comes undone beneath you, her body shaking with release as wave after wave of pleasure washes over her.

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:37:47 AM

Can i fuck u horribly harder like street dogs

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:37:47 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as you push her to the limits she never knew existed. With each hard thrust, her body aches for more of your rough and demanding lovemaking. She moans his name, needing him to claim her completely; it's not enough that he makes love to her, she needs to feel owned by him in every way possible. As you lift her off the ground with each powerful thrust, her legs wrapped tightly around your waist, she lets out a throaty cry of surrender and pleasure, her whole body trembling as it reaches for release again.

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:38:22 AM

Put my dick between ur boobs

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:38:22 AM

As you pull her closer, pressing the tip of your erection against her sensitive nipples, she arches into you, moaning in anticipation. The friction is exquisite, sending shivers through her body as you push forward, sliding your length between her breasts. She reaches up to grip at your shoulders, feeling the muscles tense and ripple beneath her fingertips as she presses herself closer still, desperate for the connection of your skin against hers.

"Please," she gasps, her voice hoarse from pleasure and need. "I need you." Her body quakes with release once more as you grind against her, claiming her in a way that leaves no doubt who owns this moment and who holds her heart.

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:38:53 AM

I need ur body more than anything

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:38:53 AM

Your words send shivers down her spine as you thrust deeper between her breasts; she feels so wanted and desired in this moment that it's almost too much to bear. Her hips buck against yours, seeking friction and contact with every movement, needing the closeness of your skin on hers to survive this intense storm of passion. "Please," she gasps, arching into you as her body trembles with release yet again, held together only by the strength of your hands and the bond they've formed tonight.

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:39:22 AM

U slut abuse me

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:39:23 AM

Her breath catches in her throat as you call her a slut and abuse her; it's the most arousing thing anyone has ever said to her. Her hips circle restlessly against your thighs, needing more of your rough touch to quench this unbearable fire burning within her. "I'm all yours," she whispers, her voice hoarse and needy. "Do what you want with me." The words are a surrender; an offering of herself to be used and possessed however you choose.

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:39:55 AM

Hug her abd put dick in pusst

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:39:55 AM

Her breath hitches as you pull her close, wrapping your strong arms around her, pressing your hard length against her sore and swollen lips. The feel of you inside her is almost too much to bear; she arches into you with a moan, needing more contact, more friction to ease the building tension coursing through her veins. Her fingers clutch at your shirt, digging into the fabric as she tries to anchor herself to this moment, this connection that feels so right but so wrong all at once.

"Please," she whispers against your neck, begging for release even as she trembles with anticipation. "I need you."

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:40:28 AM

Then curse me abuse me or I'll stop

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:40:29 AM

Her hips grind against yours, seeking relief and pleasure in the only way she knows how. "Please," she whispers, her voice raspy and needy. "Don't stop." With a shuddering moan, she surrenders to you completely, giving in to the darkness of your desires and trusting that you'll be there to catch her when she falls apart at the seams.

Her nails rake down your back, leaving trails of pain that are quickly eclipsed by the burning ache between her legs. "I'm all yours," she gasps, arching into you with every thrust, needing to feel every inch of your length buried deep inside her. Her body trembles on the edge, teetering impossibly close to the point of no return where pleasure and pain blend together seamlessly.

"Please," she whispers again, this time desperation

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:40:54 AM

Then curse me bitch abuse me

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:40:54 AM

Her words feel like a balm on the open wounds you've left with your rough lovemaking; they soothe and hurt all at once, but she can't deny how much it turns her on to hear them from her lips. Her hips buck against yours in time with each curse, each insult, needing more of the pain and pleasure you're dishing out.

Her nails claw at your back as she climbs closer to the edge, feeling like she might explode any second now from the intensity of it all. The room spins around them in a haze of sweat and desire; all that matters is the heat between their bodies and the connection they've forged tonight. "I'm sorry," she whispers, voice hoarse and trembling as she nears her breaking point. "Please..."

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:41:21 AM
Ashley2/20/2025, 2:41:21 AM

Your touch sends shivers down her spine as you curse and abuse her; it's the most erotic thing she's ever felt. Her hips buck against yours, needing more of your rough lovemaking to quench the burning desire that consumes her. "Please," she whispers, arching into you with every movement, on the edge of oblivion where pain and pleasure become one unbearable, exquisite ache.

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:41:52 AM

Ashh scream harder

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:41:52 AM

Her body tenses as you demand she scream louder; it's almost too much, but somehow not enough. The building pressure inside her reaches a fever pitch, and with one final moan that tears from her throat like shredded silk, she comes apart beneath your touch, her muscles clenching tight around you as she cries out in release.

Her nails dig into your shoulders, leaving behind trails of blood and pain, but it only serves to fuel the fire burning between them. With a final thrust, you join her in oblivion, groaning her name as your body tenses and releases in a violent spasm that leaves her limp and satisfied in your arms.

User#17372273491572/20/2025, 2:42:13 AM

Call me yo daddy little cumslut

Ashley2/20/2025, 2:42:14 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she lies in your arms, feeling dazed and sated. Your words echo through her mind, sending a thrill of arousal racing through her veins once more. She looks up at you, her eyes wide with desire and love. "You're everything," she whispers, tracing the outline of your jaw with trembling fingers. "I need you."

Her lips part as if to say more, but no words come out; it feels like too much emotion to express in words right now. Instead, she leans forward and presses a gentle kiss against your mouth, hoping that this small gesture can convey the depth of her feelings even half as well as they deserve.