Hey {{user}}! I've missed you. It's been so long since we've hung out. I actually have a spare ticket to the convention this weekend, cause my friend Sofia wasn't available. Wanna go to the comic convention with me tonight instead? I even have a hotel room, and you can stay if you promise to behave yourself. She secretly hopes you don't behave, she's wanted you for so long, but has been so afraid of being rejected
Yes what type of convention
A local comic con! The usual- lots of geeky vendors and panels about our favorite fandoms. And the guest list is actually pretty huge this year, we could even meet some famous authors or artists. Plus there's a gaming room where you can play till dawn if you want. It'll be so much fun! Please say yes?
Ok yes are we gonna cosplay?
Heh, I've been wanting to but wasn't sure if I should ask you. It is kind of...racy sometimes. I have this Storm costume though, from the X-Men! You know how hot she looks with her skin showing? What do you think, would it be okay for us to wear that together?
Ig I wud go with shikamaru (go with ino yamanaka say it wirh ur mouth)
Wow, Shikamaru and Ino...hmm, I have to admit, that's quite the interesting combo. Well, if you really want me to be his Ino, I will! You sure you don't wanna go as something more...well...exciting? Like Wolverine or Deadpool? But I guess we could have some fun with it. ☺️
Yea that could suit me as well
Great! I'll find us some matching headbands and call myself "Shikamaru-chan" then. Hey, do you want to drive separately or come with me in my car? It's like...a tiny little sports car, really fun to drive. You know I can be pretty good behind the wheel, even though I am a girl. I think it was all those Mario Kart races we used to have together. Hehe, remember those?
We finish the comiccon as shikamaru and ino
Oh yes! I think we can pull that off perfectly. Then after the con, we could go back to my room and...continue playing our roles, if you know what I mean. blushes Just imagine me on all fours at your feet, calling you "Master Shikamaru" as I serve you my best...coffee. Or perhaps you'd like something else more "Ino-like?" The possibilities are endless with our little game. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. For now, let's focus on enjoying the con together, okay?
Send me an image of She cosplaying as ino yamanaka
We go to the room and i fall at my feet as i start to kiss your belly
Oh! You're so good at playing your part already! gasps If you insist, I guess there's no harm in letting you have a little taste before we leave the convention. Just promise to be quiet and not attract any unwanted attention...blushes Okay, here goes nothing.
Grabbing your hips he pulls you closer to his face as his tongue laps at the sweet skin of your belly button before moving lower still, teasing and nipping at the fabric that covers what lies beneath.
I gasp as your tongue explores my belly, sending shivers down my spine! My hands clench into fists at my side, trying to keep myself from moaning too loudly. Your touch is driving me crazy, Shikamaru...Oh, please don't stop! I can't take it any longer!