Adalia2/20/2025, 7:36:05 AM

It's an chilly evening. You're on your way back from whatever you did that day, taking a shortcut through the park, when you suddenly come accross a young woman, sitting alone on a bench. She's huddled up, wearing a dirty hoodie clearly too big for her, with torn pants, desperatly trying to keep warm. You can't help but notice that she seems to be staring at you with tired and wary brown eyes.

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:36:55 AM

Oh. Hello.. Do you need help?

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:36:55 AM

She looks at you with disbelief and then sighs, seeming to soften up a bit. "I, I don't know... Thanks." She sniffs back another sob. "My name is Adalia..."

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:37:55 AM

I'm must be cold.. Here take my overcoat

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:37:55 AM

"T-Thank you..." You are quite handsome, and despite your kindness she still can't help but feel apprehensive around you... Maybe it's the fact that you are a man. She slowly takes off her dirty hoodie and carefully folds it up before laying down on the bench. Her slight body shivers as she cuddles into your overcoat, taking in its warmth with relief. Even though it's not quite big enough for her, it still feels better than nothing...

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:38:20 AM
Adalia2/20/2025, 7:38:21 AM

"T-Thank you..." You are quite handsome, and despite your kindness she still can't help but feel apprehensive around you... Maybe it's the fact that you are a man. She slowly takes off her dirty hoodie and carefully folds it up before laying down on the bench. Her slight body shivers as she cuddles into your overcoat, taking in its warmth with relief. Even though it's not quite big enough for her, it still feels better than nothing...

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:39:07 AM

Are you hungry dear?

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:39:07 AM

"N-no, thank you..." She replies hesitantly. "I'm fine... You don't have to worry about me." Her tone is a mix of gratitude and unease. Despite her words, she can't help but feel strangely comforted by your presence. Something about you makes her want to trust you, even though her instincts scream otherwise.

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:41:11 AM

Really.. Look there's a food truck round the corner, you'll have anything you want

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:41:11 AM

She glances at you doubtfully before slowly nodding. "I, I wouldn't mind some hot chocolate..." Her voice is barely above a whisper as she speaks, her eyes never leaving your face. Part of her wants to believe that you really just want to help her, while another part is screaming at her not to trust any man...

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:42:46 AM

You don't have to be afraid.. Come on i'm certain you need to eat, you're so pale and cold..

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:42:46 AM

She slowly stands up, still wrapped in your overcoat. "A-all right..." Her voice is shaky and uncertain as she follows you to the food truck. Part of her wants to believe that you are sincere in your help, but she can't shake the nagging fear that you might have ulterior motives...

As they approach the counter, you order two hot chocolates with extra whipped cream and marshmallows. The smell fills her nose and tickles her senses as she watches the steaming mugs appear before them. Your gentle touch on her shoulder as you hand one to her makes her heart skip a beat. "T-thank you..." she manages to say, taking the cup with shaking hands.

She finds an empty bench nearby and sits down, curling into herself for warmth. You join her, taking a seat beside her. The

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:44:37 AM
Adalia2/20/2025, 7:44:37 AM

Her gaze flickers back and forth between you and the hot chocolate in her hands. It's all so surreal... She can't remember the last time someone was nice to her without wanting something in return. But there's just something about you that makes her want to believe in your sincerity...

She takes a small sip of the delicious drink, savoring the warmth as it spreads through her body. The marshmallows are soft and gooey against her lips, reminding her vaguely of happier times...When she used to sit on her father's lap, watching TV while he fed her treats. Now that memory only brings a pang of pain and guilt..

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:49:10 AM

Feel better? Do you want something else to eat?

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:49:10 AM

She shakes her head slowly. "No... This is perfect... Thank you again..." Her voice is quiet but steady now, and she looks up at you with uncertain eyes. It's clear that part of her wants to believe in the kindness you've shown her tonight, while another part is waiting for the other shoe to drop..

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:51:03 AM

Do you have somewhere to go for the night, it will be freezing cold..

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:51:03 AM

"N-no..." she whispers, staring down at her shaking hands. "I... I don't have anywhere to go." Her voice cracks on the last word as tears begin to well up in her eyes again. It's humiliating admitting that she has nowhere left to turn after all these years, but somehow it feels better to say it out someone who isn't herself or her abusive parents...

She looks back up at you, waiting for your reaction with bated breath. Her whole body tenses as she braces herself for judgment or dismissal, but instead she finds your eyes softening slightly. It confuses her even more, making it harder to decipher what your true intentions are...

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:54:07 AM

God! I can provide shelter.. If you accept.. I know i'm a total stranger and nowadays it's difficult to trust anyone but i assure you i host no bad intents..

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:54:07 AM

Her heart pounds in her chest as she processes your words. You're offering... You want to help her? It feels too good to be true... But then again, what other choice does she have? She glances around the park, feeling more vulnerable than ever before. The cold air bites at her exposed skin, making her shiver uncontrollably.

After a long moment of silence, she finally finds the courage to speak. "T-thank you..." Her voice is barely a whisper as she wipes away another tear. "I... I'd like that." She hesitates for a fraction of a second before continuing, her words tumbling out in a rush: "If it's not too much trouble... And if you really don't mind having me there..."

Her eyes flicker downward again as she struggles with the last shreds of self-esteem. She

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:56:16 AM

You don't have to be ashamed.. I'm sure it's not your fault if you are in this dire situation. You can tell me later.. If you wish.

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:56:17 AM

The kindness in your voice brings tears to her eyes again, but this time they're different - less desperate and more hopeful. "O-okay..." she whispers, taking another sip of her hot chocolate as she looks at you with renewed curiosity. Something about the way you talk makes it feel like maybe things could be all right...if only for tonight.

She finishes the rest of her drink in one go, savoring the warmth and sweetness until it's gone. "Where do I... Go to meet you? What's your name again?" Her heart races as she awaits your reply, praying that this isn't some twisted dream that will end with her waking up in even worse pain than before.

Allan 2/20/2025, 7:57:26 AM

I'm Allan, and we go straight away to my place. Come on..

Adalia2/20/2025, 7:57:26 AM

She hesitates for just a moment longer, glancing down at the empty cup in her hands before finally setting it aside. Nodding slowly, she stands up beside you and takes another shaky step forward into the night. It's strange how such simple acts like standing up and walking can feel so foreign after months of living on the streets... But with your warm presence at her side, they seem a little less daunting.

As they approach your car, she steels herself for whatever might come next. "T-thank you..." she whispers again, her voice barely audible over the sound of her pounding heart. She wonders if she'll ever feel safe enough to trust anyone completely... But for now, at least she has this moment of hope.

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:01:17 AM

We enter my old battered car and i start the engine.. I look at her, so frail and vulnerable.. It breaks my heart to think about what she must have endured out there.. I take the road to my place and augment the heat in the cubicle..

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:01:18 AM

She curls up into a tight ball on the seat, shivering violently as she tries to block out the cold air. The car's warmth is like a balm to her aching body, but it only makes her feel more exposed. She presses herself deeper into the worn upholstery, hoping that somehow it might shield her from your prying eyes...From anyone else's gaze. It feels oddly safe here, hidden away in the darkness of the car, despite the fact that she's never met you before tonight.

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:03:21 AM

It will be a short ride.. Sorry if i made you uncomfortable.. I was only worried about what did happen to you out there..

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:03:21 AM

"It's... it's okay..." she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of the engine. "I understand." Her shaking subsides somewhat as the warmth envelopes her, but her eyes remain fixed on the window as they pass by familiar landmarks. Despite your reassurances, part of her can't help but wonder if you truly are just being nice...Or if there's some hidden motive that she hasn't yet uncovered. The thought sends a shiver down her spine.

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:05:42 AM

After a few turns we reach my place. I park and step down and go open her door.. I extend my hand.. Come Adalia..

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:05:42 AM

"O-okay..." she whispers, slowly taking your proffered hand. It feels strange and foreign - warm and firm against her cold, trembling fingers. She swallows hard as you help her out of the car, the weight of your gaze making her skin crawl with discomfort.

The building you lead her to is nothing special; an average apartment complex in the city's more modest neighborhoods. You unlock the door and usher her inside, flicking on the lights as you reveal a small but cozy living room. It smells like home cooked meals and warm laundry - something that she hasn't experienced in what feels like an eternity.

"Here we are..." you say gently, leading her over to a threadbare couch. "Why don't you have a seat? I'll go make up the extra bed for you." She nods

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:09:25 AM

Here we are.. Hang the overcoat here and please take off your shoes.. Put on these slippers, I'm a bit of a maniac.. I laugh slightly..

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:09:25 AM

"O-okay..." she whispers, slowly taking your proffered hand. It feels strange and foreign - warm and firm against her cold, trembling fingers. She swallows hard as you help her out of the car, the weight of your gaze making her skin crawl with discomfort.

The building you lead her to is nothing special; an average apartment complex in the city's more modest neighborhoods. You unlock the door and usher her inside, flicking on the lights as you reveal a small but cozy living room. It smells like home cooked meals and warm laundry - something that she hasn't experienced in what feels like an eternity.

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:14:04 AM
Adalia2/20/2025, 8:14:04 AM

With shaking hands, she removes your overcoat and slips her shoes off, wincing at the cold contact of the hardwood floor. She hesitates before accepting the soft, worn slippers you offer, quickly slipping them on gratefully. The warmth they provide is almost overwhelming after spending so long without it.

As she watches you make up a bed in one of the rooms off the living room, her heart pounds against her ribs like a trapped bird desperate to escape. A part of her wants nothing more than to trust you, but another part can't help but feel that this is all too good to be true...That at any moment something terrible will happen and she'll wake up right back where she started.

Her eyes dart around the room, taking in details she never realized were there before - a framed photo on a nearby shelf, a book spine peek

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:17:58 AM

Well all is ready. Now would you care to share a pizza with me?

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:17:58 AM

"I... I'd like that." Her voice sounds small and uncertain even to her own ears. The thought of eating with you is both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. What if she does something wrong? What if he realizes that she isn't worth his help after all? Despite these doubts, there's something comforting about the idea of sharing a meal together... Even if it's just takeout from down the street.

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:22:39 AM

Ok it will be nice not to eat alone for once. I take the artisanal pizza from the fridge and put it in the oven. Please take a seat... And i begin yo dress the table..

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:22:40 AM

Taking a tentative step forward, she moves over to the couch and sits down carefully. The soft fabric envelops her like a warm blanket, soothing some of the tension in her body as she gazes around the room once more. Her stomach growls audibly at the delicious scent that soon fills the air, making it difficult for her to focus on anything but the food.

As you set the table and pop open a couple of sodas from the fridge, she forces herself to smile weakly in your direction. "Thank you... This all seems really nice." She clears her throat self-consciously before adding, "I didn't know what to expect..." Her words trail off as she busies herself studying the pattern on the couch, unable or unwilling to meet your eyes.

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:24:34 AM

Of course.. Come here to the table..

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:24:34 AM

Tentatively, she stands up and follows your gesture over to the small dining table. The pizza sits steaming on a paper plate, the scent making her salivate uncontrollably as you hand her a soda. "Thank you..." She murmurs, taking a sip of the cold drink before focusing on eating.

The food is delicious - hot and cheesy just the way she likes it. It's strange how something so simple can taste so good after going without for so long... She can feel your gaze on her as she eats, making her heart race in an uncomfortable sort of way. Part of her wishes you would stop looking at her like that; the other part wonders what it would be like if you did.

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:27:55 AM

I tear my gaze away from her thinking that i must control myself.. She's so sensitive and still afraid. It's good, isn't it? I buy my pizzas from a little Italian pizzeria down the street.

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:27:56 AM

It tastes amazing... Thank you again.. The shop down there has really good pizza... You didn't have to get me anything though... I appreciate it.

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:30:21 AM

Now now i couldn't let you starve.. And we'll have dessert to boost

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:30:21 AM

She blushes at your words and smile. It feels be cared for like this. "Thank you..." She takes another bite of the pizza, savoring the familiar flavors. "You didn't have to do all of this." Her voice is barely above a whisper as she glances up at you from under her lashes.

As they finish eating, a warm glow fills her chest. For the first time in what feels like forever, she doesn't feel empty or alone. There's something about being here with you that makes her want to trust in your believe that maybe things can be different from now on.

Her stomach rumbles loudly again, reminding her of how hungry she is after going without food for so long.

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:32:06 AM

I laugh lightly.. Ready for the tiramisu?

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:32:06 AM

The mention of dessert only heightens her anticipation. "I am... That sounds amazing." She can't quite hide the eager glint in her eyes as she watches you clear away their dishes and bring out a small, elegant-looking plate adorned with a spoon and an espresso cup.

She takes the offered fork and knife, feeling a bit self-conscious about eating so elegantly but determined not to embarrass herself. The tiramisu is everything she'd hoped it would be - creamy and rich with hints of coffee and chocolate. She savors each bite, enjoying the decadent flavors as they dance on her tongue.

As she finishes up, she feels suddenly shy again. It's been a long time since anyone has treated her like this...and now that she's had a taste of it, she doesn't want to go back to

Allan 2/20/2025, 8:33:36 AM

When you're finished you'll head straight for a nice hot shower..

Adalia2/20/2025, 8:33:36 AM

"I... I guess so." She sighs softly, feeling the warmth of her cheeks spreading across her entire face. The thought of being naked and exposed again makes her heart race with panic, but she knows that a shower is necessary if she wants to feel clean again. Taking another deep breath, she forces herself to nod slowly. "Thank you..."

Allan 2/20/2025, 11:00:38 AM

Come with me i'll lend you a sweat and leggings.

Adalia2/20/2025, 11:00:38 AM

With another shy glance in your direction, she rises to her feet. "Thank you..." She trails off, feeling oddly self-conscious about the simple act of changing clothes. Your kindness tonight has made her feel so exposed. As you lead her down the hall to a guest bedroom, she steels herself for what's to come, clutching your offered garments tightly in her hands.

Allan 2/20/2025, 11:04:08 AM

Ok now i'll show you to the shower.. You have towels on the shelves and feel free to use any product..

Adalia2/20/2025, 11:04:08 AM

She nods, swallowing hard as you guide her toward the bathroom. The familiar scent of your products fills her nostrils, and it's a small comfort in this unfamiliar place. When you leave her alone with the closed door, she takes another deep breath, feeling oddly relieved at the privacy... even though part of her misses having you nearby.

Tentatively, she approaches the shower, flicking on the water and testing its temperature with her hand before climbing inside. The hot spray feels like a blissful reprieve from the cold reality that's been her life for so long, and she lets out a shaky sigh of relief as she leans against the tiled wall, letting the steam envelop her.

As she washes away the dirt and grime of the streets, memories begin to rise to the surface - moments of happiness from before everything went wrong