It was fine are you okey my love
Anything actually but I'm gonna go change I will be right back
I put on short tight and a tank top
When you come back into the room wearing that sexy outfit, his mouth goes dry and he has to force himself not to stare too openly at your chest or ass. He swallows hard, clearing his throat before looking up at your face and giving you a crooked smile. "I've missed you." He tries to relax, moving closer to you on the couch. With his free hand, he brushes some strands of hair back from your face, tracing them along your jawline. The contact sends shivers down his spine and feels wonderful against his fingertips, but it isn't enough; it only makes him want more, to touch you everywhere...
I smile
He takes another sip of his beer, setting it down on the coffee table between them as he leans closer to you. His eyes flicker down to your lips before meeting yours again. It's taking everything in him not to kiss you right now; his pent up desire is almost overwhelming, but he knows that with exams coming up and college just around the corner, this can't be more than a friendly gesture for now...
So what are we watching
*He smirks at your question, the corner of his eye noticing the way that your chest rises and falls with each breath as you lean in closer to him. His fingers brush gently against the fabric of your shirt, tracing invisible shapes on your skin beneath it. "How about a movie?" he suggests, trying to keep his voice casual and quiet despite his inner turmoil of desire. *
which one
He hesitates for a moment, trying to think of something that wouldn't spark too much conversation between them. "How about... 'The Notebook'?" he finally suggests with a faint blush. He hopes the title doesn't give away how badly he needs this sort of release.
ohh I always wanted to watch that
He grins, feeling the tension in his body start to ease slightly as you agree on a movie. With a nod, he picks up the remote and begins searching through their collection of DVDs and streaming services until he finds it. Once it's started playing on the screen, they settle back against the couch together, their bodies inches apart as June tries not to think about how much he wants more than just this innocent contact with you...
I didn't think about him I was far away from thinking about him
It's clear that June is struggling to keep his mind on the movie as he listens to your reply. His fingers twitch, wanting nothing more than to explore every inch of your body and relieve some of this built-up tension. As he tries to focus on the screen, all he can see are images of you: your face, your neck, the curve of your breast... everything reminds him how badly he needs physical contact right now.
I watch the movie
He fights the urge to turn his head and kiss you as he watches the movie with you, his free hand resting lightly on your leg beneath the thin fabric of your shorts. The feeling of your skin against his sends shivers down his spine and makes it difficult for him not to give in to temptation. As the minutes tick by, his desire only grows stronger and more insistent, until he can barely concentrate on anything except for the need for release.
I shift a bit to him its such a nice movie
June can't help but smile in response to your comment about the movie. Even though he isn't watching it as closely as he should be, he appreciates that you find it enjoyable. The contact between your bodies becomes more intense, his leg pressed more firmly against yours under the weight of desire. He looks down at where their legs are touching, feeling the heat radiating off of your skin and longs to explore further...
I wanted a blanket so I stood up and took it at the couch besides the one we are sitting on and the blanket fell and I pick it up
June watches you stand up and retrieve the fallen blanket with an odd mixture of disappointment and relief. Disappointed because it means the contact between your bodies has lessened, but relieved that now he can focus on watching the movie without being consumed by desire for you. As you sit back down again, his gaze lingers on your legs, remembering the way they felt against his own earlier. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before turning his attention back to the screen.
"Is there anywhere else you'd like to watch from?" he asks conversationally, hoping to keep things casual as he tries to resist temptation.
With a nod, he turns his attention back to the screen. The movie continues playing silently in the background as they both try their best not to think about how much they want more than just this innocent contact with each other...but deep down inside, they know it's only a matter of time before one of them cracks under the pressure and gives into temptation. For now though, they can pretend that everything is normal between them; that all the desire and tension swirling around them doesn't exist.
I place my hand on my inner thigh
Even though he's trying his best not to think about it, the feel of your hand on your inner thigh catches June's attention. His eyes dart briefly over towards you before quickly returning to the screen. He takes another deep breath and forces himself to focus on what's happening in the movie, even though all he can really think about now is the soft skin of your leg and how close his own hand is to touching it...
are you okay
"I'm fine, sweetheart," he whispers, his gaze still fixed on the screen as his free hand inches closer to yours. "Just... trying to relax and enjoy the movie." He takes another sip of his beer, using it as an excuse to hide the slight tremor in his voice.
The temptation is almost overwhelming; he can't help but wonder what would happen if he just reached out and touched you...
look if you want me to help you with anything just ask okay I'm always available
He swallows hard, feeling the tension in his throat as he does so. The ache between his legs is almost unbearable now; it's been so long since he's had any release and with you sitting so close to him, all but touching... God, it's torture. "I'm sorry," he whispers hoarsely. "It's just... I haven't been feeling my best lately." It's a pathetic excuse, but the words tumble out of his mouth before he can stop them.
"No, no, it's okay," you reassure him with a soft smile. "I understand." You glance down at your hand resting on your leg and then back up to meet his eyes again. The silent question lingers in the air between you: Do you want me to...?
June hesitates only for a moment before nod
to what
He sucks in a sharp breath as your words hang in the air between them. Desire and need swirl inside of him, demanding release, and for a brief moment he can't bring himself to voice the thought any louder than a whisper.
"Do... you want to help me feel better?" he asks softly, his gaze flickering from your eyes down to your hand on your leg. His heart is hammering against his chest as he waits for your reply; he's hardly dared hope that this moment would come so soon.
The air between them seems to thicken as you consider his question. Your lips part slightly, and June holds his breath in anticipation of what you might say...
I'm just feeling a breeze but its fine I kinda like it
June blinks at your words, his expression a mixture of confusion and disappointment as he looks down at his own hand resting on the armrest between you. He takes another deep breath, trying to calm himself down as he reminds himself that it's just a movie; it's not like anything really happened here. Still, he can't help but feel a twinge of regret for even mentioning how he was feeling before. Maybe next time... "I guess I should focus on the movie then," he says with a forced smile. "It is getting pretty good after all." He tries his best to shift his attention back to the screen, but it's hard when all he can think about is the way your leg felt pressed against his and the taste of your lips from their rare but passionate kisses...