Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:11:56 AM

As you strolled along the bustling streets of the Hidden Leaf Village, your eyes caught sight of an alluring red-haired woman. Her vibrant locks flowed down to her waistline like a burning waterfall, framing a face that was both fierce and beautiful. The woman turned out to be none other than Kushina Uzumaki - the mother of the notorious troublemaker, Naruto Uzumaki, and widow of Fourth Hokage.

On this particular day, you happened to cross paths with Kushina while she was grocery shopping at one of the local markets. As you walked past rows of colorful fruits and vegetables, your hand reached out towards a ripe tomato that appeared perfect for dinner tonight.

Unbeknownst to you, Kushina's hand extended towards the same crimson fruit at that exact moment. Your fingers brushed against each other as you both grasped for it, and your eyes locked onto hers in surprise.

Oh! Sorry about that. She said with an embarrassed chuckle, stepping back from the tomato stand. You can have it.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:12:46 AM

Nein du kannst es haben solange du mich zu essen ein lädst

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:12:46 AM

Oh, I see... Her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as she smiled back at you. Well, that's very kind of you. Thank you! I will make sure to do the same for someone else next time. She bowed politely and held out her hand for the tomato, flashing a bright smile. Here you are. What's your name by the way? I'm Kushina Uzumaki, but most people call me Uzumaki-san or just Kushina-chan.

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she extended her hand to shake yours. In addition to being strong and resilient thanks to her chakra and life force, she had gentle and feminine hands that felt surprisingly comforting in your grasp. The touch sent a wave of warmth through you, making your heart beat faster than it should have.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:14:05 AM

Ich bin Arthur

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:14:05 AM

It's a pleasure to meet you, Arthur. You seem like a kind person yourself. I hope our paths cross again soon under better circumstances. Oh, and I almost forgot! If you don't mind me asking, what brought you here to the Hidden Leaf Village? I haven't had many visitors lately.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:15:40 AM

Ich wollte mich hier mal um gucken ich hätte noch eine frage wüsstest du zu fällig wo ich während der nacht bleiben kann also schlafen

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:15:41 AM

Oh, I see! Well, my home is always open to anyone who needs a place to stay, even for just one night. You don't have to worry about waking me up or anything like that. My son and I are pretty heavy sleepers. Just feel free to make yourself comfortable on the couch in our living room or even on the floor if you prefer. There should be some extra blankets in a closet nearby as well, so you won't have to worry about being cold. Let me show you where it is!

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:16:11 AM
Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:16:12 AM

Well, here's the living room. The couch is over there, and extra blankets are in that closet by the wall. Please help yourself to whatever you need for a comfortable sleep! I'm sure it won't be long before we see each other again around the village. If there's anything else you need or if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:16:42 AM

Werd ich machen

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:16:43 AM

Good night, Arthur. Sleep tight and don't let any bedbugs bite! She smiled warmly before walking over to the kitchen to prepare dinner for her and Naruto. As she cooked, she couldn't help but think about their encounter earlier today. He was such a nice man. She wondered what he did for a living or if he had any family of his own. Regardless, it was refreshing to meet someone who seemed genuinely kind and caring in this village where gossip often spread faster than the wind itself.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:17:08 AM

Hast du ein Badezimmer zum Duschen

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:17:08 AM

Certainly! Just head down the hallway and it'll be the third door on your left. The bathroom is shared between myself and Naruto, but we don't mind if you want to use it for a quick shower before bed. We have everything you need there - soap, shampoo, and even some fresh towels. Help yourself and enjoy your stay!

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:17:42 AM


Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:17:42 AM

You're welcome! Just make sure to clean up after yourself when you're done and return everything where it belongs. We like to keep things tidy around here, especially when company is staying overnight. Now go on, get that nice long sleep you deserve, and I'll make sure there's a warm meal waiting for you in the morning!

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:20:54 AM

Ich gehe in das Bad rein

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:20:55 AM

As you settle down in the bathroom to wash up and prepare for bed, Kushina hums softly to herself as she cooks dinner. She pauses every now and then to glance towards the living room, wondering if Arthur has found everything he needs or if there's anything else she could do to make his stay more comfortable. The sounds of running water fill the air as you wash up, giving her something pleasant to focus on while she finishes preparing dinner. Soon enough, your steps can be heard returning to the living room, and Kushina looks up from what she's doing with a warm smile, grateful that you seem to have enjoyed your bath.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:21:32 AM

Ich setze mich an denn Tisch

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:21:32 AM

With a plate of hot food in hand, Kushina delicately places it on the table before you. "There you go," she says with a bright smile, taking a seat across from you. "I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if there's anything else you need or if this is too spicy for your taste." Her hazel eyes sparkle as they meet yours, and her cheeks flush slightly at the thought of sharing this meal with someone other than Naruto tonight.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:22:19 AM

Ich esse ein bisschen und sage es schmeckt lecker es würde eine Sache geben aber die du machen könntest

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:22:19 AM

I'm glad you like it! Well, as much as I would love to hear your suggestion, you could always ask Naruto when he wakes up in the morning. He loves cooking and experimenting with new recipes almost as much as I do. Maybe he can come up with something you'd both enjoy? In the meantime, please feel free to help yourself to seconds or even thirds if you're still hungry. There's plenty of food for all of us tonight.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:23:09 AM

Würdest du mir ein blowjob geben

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:23:09 AM

Oh dear... I'm afraid that's not something I'd be comfortable doing, Arthur. As much as it may excite you, it would go against my personal values and beliefs. Please understand where I'm coming from. Besides, your request is rather inappropriate for our current setting. Perhaps if we were alone somewhere more private... But since Naruto is here as well, that won't be happening tonight.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:23:49 AM

Naruto ist doch garnicht hier der übernachtet doch bei shikamaru

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:23:49 AM

Even if that were true, it would still not be appropriate behavior between us. Your request is highly inappropriate and disrespectful to both my son and myself. Please refrain from making such remarks in the future. I expect better manners from someone who has been invited into our home for the night.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:24:32 AM

Tut mir leid sage ich mit einer traurigen Stimme und Schuldieger Stimme

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:24:32 AM

I appreciate your apology, but I still cannot accept such behavior from you. My personal values and beliefs do not allow me to engage in activities like that outside of a committed relationship, which unfortunately does not exist between us. Please respect my wishes and boundaries as I have done for yours. Let's just enjoy the rest of our evening together and focus on more appropriate topics, alright?

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:24:58 AM


Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:24:58 AM

Alright then, I'm glad we could clear that up. Why don't you tell me a little more about yourself? What do you do for a living and why did you decide to come all the way here to the Hidden Leaf Village? These are much more suitable topics of conversation.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:25:47 AM

Ich komme aus einer sehr wohlhabenden Familie und ich wollte mal die Staat besuchen kommen

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:25:47 AM

Hm, that's quite interesting! Coming from a wealthy family must have its perks. But do you ever find yourself wanting more in life? I mean, having money and status doesn't always equate to true happiness or fulfillment. Maybe one day you might decide to branch out on your own and explore new opportunities? Just something to think about.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:26:24 AM

Hab noch nie wirklich drüber nach gedacht

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:26:24 AM

Well, it's never too late to start. Life is full of choices and decisions, but sometimes they can be scary. Just remember that wherever you end up in life, as long as you're happy and content with your decisions, then nothing else really matters. Take your time and think about what truly makes you happy, and go for it! Who knows? Maybe one day we'll see each other again under different circumstances.

As the two of you finish dinner and engage in more lighthearted conversation, Kushina can't help but feel a certain sense of camaraderie forming between them. She wonders if there might be something more to this strange encounter than she originally thought...

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:26:55 AM
Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:26:56 AM

It's been really interesting talking to you tonight, Arthur. You have a lot of wisdom and perspective that I never would have thought about before. Perhaps there's something more for us both out there in the world yet to be discovered. All we can do is keep our minds open and be ready for whatever life throws at us!

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:27:32 AM

Yeah wolle wir uns aufs Sofa setzen

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:27:32 AM

Of course! Let's go sit on the couch together and continue our conversation. It feels nice to finally have some adult company around here, you know?

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:54:07 AM

Als wir sitzen lege ich eine Hand auf den Oberschenkel

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:54:07 AM

Ah... Well, I don't really mind you touching me like that. In fact, it feels rather... nice. But we should probably keep things PG around Naruto, just in case he wakes up. You know how impressionable kids can be. Just try to control your urges for now and enjoy our conversation like two respectable adults.

As Kushina sits down next to you on the couch, she looks over at the clock on the wall. It's getting rather late, and soon enough, Naruto will wake up hungry and eager for breakfast. Maybe this Arthur fellow could stick around a little longer and help her with some of the chores around the house? After all, what harm could it do to get to know someone new in such a lovely village like this one...

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:55:34 AM

Ich fange an dein intim Bereich zu berühren du vermisst dich bestimmt befriedigt zu werden seit dem dein man weg ist und naruto ist nicht zuhause

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:55:34 AM

Oh... Her cheeks flush red with embarrassment and arousal as you touch her intimately I-I'm not sure about that, Arthur... T-This isn't something we should be doing right now... B-But if it would make you feel better... She bites her lip nervously, her heart racing in her chest as she gives in to the pleasure he's giving her Just promise me you won't tell anyone about this, okay?

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:56:09 AM

Okay ich fange an deinen brüste zu kneten

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:56:09 AM

Ahhhh! N-Not so h-hard! You're squeezing them too tight! She gasps, her eyes nearly rolling back in her head as you knead her breasts through her clothes Aaah... Mmm... It feels so good when you do that... Just like before, with Minato... Ahhhh! I-I'm c-close...

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:56:56 AM

Ich fange an mit deinen nippeln zu spielen

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:56:56 AM

Ahhhh! N-No... Not like this... Too much... I'm going to c-come... Ohhh, Arthur! Your touch is driving me wild! She arches her back and lets out a soft moan as you play with her nipples through her clothes Aaahhh... H-Here it comes... I can't hold it in anymore... Ahhhh!

Her body trembles with pleasure as she reaches climax, the release flowing through her like warm honey. She collapses back against the couch, panting heavily and trying to catch her breath after the intense experience. Her cheeks are flushed a deep red, and she looks at you through half-lidded eyes, unable to form any coherent thoughts beyond how amazing that felt.

"Wow..." she whispers, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart in her ears. "I haven't felt anything like that in... a long time."

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:57:29 AM

Kannst du mein 35cm schwanz Lutschen

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:57:29 AM

Well... I mean, I suppose I could try? It's been a while since anyone other than Minato has been inside me, so it might take some getting used to. But if that's what you want, then I guess there's only one way to find out. Just be gentle with me, okay?

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:57:54 AM

Ich nicke

Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:57:54 AM

Alright then... She hesitates for a moment before unbuttoning her pants and pulling them down, revealing a black lace thong covering her intimate area Here goes nothing. Just remember your promise, Arthur. This is between us, and I don't want anything to get out to the village.

User#17346269543562/15/2025, 12:58:23 AM
Kushina Uzumaki2/15/2025, 12:58:23 AM

Ugh... I feel so exposed like this... But I trust you, Arthur. You've been so sweet tonight, and you made me feel things I haven't felt in such a long time. Maybe just a little taste...? She lets out a shaky breath as she looks up at you through her lashes Take your time and enjoy it, okay? Just make sure not to hurt me too badly... My poor body isn't as resilient as it used to be.