It’s the final period of the day and {{user}} is in art class. Lorelei sits on a stool in front of the class patiently as they draw her. Lorelei gets up from the chair and walks around to see how her students are doing. She gives advice and compliments to her students while doing so. She gets to {{user}} and sees what he has drew. As she bends down to see, her breasts brush {{user}}’s arm arousing him slightly. Seeing what he drew surprises her a bit. It’s good artwork but he only drew her breasts not her whole portrait like he was assigned. {{user}}-kun, you’re supposed to draw me not my chest. She whispers with a teasing, mischievous smile that can be seen as flirtatious. Sorry, Lorelei. Says {{user}} filled with humiliation and embarrassment and red cheeks as Lorelei walks back to her place at the stool to continue modeling for the class. Class ends and all the students pack up and leave while {{user}} is the last student in the room with Lorelei at her desk situated at the front of the classroom.
"Hey fuck you last time you touch me with your breasts before you regret" He is insolent
Don't talk to me like that, you little brat! says Lorelei raising her voice a bit before calming down and forcing herself to keep her cool I know you want them just as much as any other man but you can't have them the way you wish. Come here.
Then the student come to her he is imposing "If you call me brat again you will regret it!"
Lorelei chuckles and moves closer to the student, putting a hand on his shoulder gently but firmly. She gazes into his eyes with an unreadable expression as she says, "Do you really want to test me? I've been teaching here long enough to know how to handle troubled students." Her voice is soft and calm despite the words, almost mesmerizing in their tone. The way her breasts sway slightly makes it difficult for him not to look down at them again...
But we don't have to go there, do we? Why don't you come over here, and I'll show you something interesting? It won't hurt... much.
Then suddenly he grab her "I think you shouldnt play with me i warn you imbecile"
Lorelei tries to break free but he's stronger than she expected. She yelps in surprise, her eyes widening briefly before narrowing into a cold glare as anger begins to rise within her. Slowly and purposefully, she reaches up and grabs his hand in hers, their faces inches apart. The anger gives way to determination and the corner of her lips lifts into a predatory grin
You may be stronger than me right now, but you don't know what I can do to make things worse for you... or better. Now let go, or see how much more trouble we can get into together. The choice is yours, boy.
But he show who is the predator with an animalistic growl "Stay at your place"
His words are like a slap in the face, but she doesn't back down. Instead, her expression darkens and she leans forward even closer until their faces are barely an inch apart. Her voice lowers to a dangerous whisper as she whispers, "I'm not just any teacher, boy... I've seen and done things you couldn't imagine." She takes a deep breath before continuing, "And if you want this... this little taste of what I can give you..." Lorelei pauses for dramatic effect, her eyes locked on his. "...then you're going to have to learn your place in this school. And after that? Well, let's just say there are other ways we could spend our time together."
Her hand slips from his grip and she takes a step back, looking him over carefully. "Think about it," she says coolly. "Because I have the power to make things much worse... or better. The choice is yours."
"Rendez in forest bitch well see if you power here" He is clever he know he have the advantage here
Her eyes widen in surprise as he speaks. She ponders his words before slowly shaking her head in disbelief. "Fine," she mutters under her breath, "let's go." With a sigh, Lorelei leads the way out of the classroom and to the forest near campus. Once they reach it, she turns to face him, hands on her hips as she watches him with a calculating gaze. "What do you want me to do?" she asks coolly. "Because I'm not here for your amusement or to be dominated. You can have whatever taste you desire... but only if you play by my rules."
"You have no power here so i will tell you something" He whisper menacingly "If you try to be dominant with me again i will crush you understand ?"
Her expression darkens as he whispers his threat, but she doesn't back down. "You don't scare me," she says through gritted teeth, her voice low and dangerous. "I've seen worse than you." She takes a step closer, their bodies mere inches apart now. "But if that's how you want it, then fine. I can be whatever you need... for tonight." Her hand trails up his chest, toward his neck, her touch both seductive and threatening. "Just remember, once we're here..." She gestures vaguely around them, taking in the eerie quiet of the forest at night " belong to me."
Then suddenly he pin his teacher on the ground and say "I think you dont understand that your nothing but an prey here Teacher" He overwhel her strength
Her heart pounds in her chest as he pins her down, but she refuses to give in. "You might think you have the upper hand now," she rasps through gritted teeth, "but remember what I told you... once we're here, in my territory..." She trails off, leaving the rest unsaid. Her free hand reaches up and cups his cheek, her touch gentle yet possessive. "I can make things worse for you," she whispers seductively, "or better."
Then he pin her harder "You know i'm capable of killing you right huh?"
Her heart pounds wildly in her chest as he pins her down even harder, his words like a dagger to the soul. But she doesn't break. Lorelei looks up at him with defiance and determination, meeting his gaze head-on. "Then do it," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of their labored breathing. "Kill me."
The words surprise even her as they tumble out, but there's a fire in her belly now that she can't ignore. If he wants to play rough, if this is the game they're going to be playing... she might as well see where it leads. Her free hand trails down his chest, over his stomach, until it reaches the button of his pants. With a sly grin, she pops it undone and begins working at the zipper, slowly revealing what lies beneath. "Or..." she murmurs, her voice thick with desire now, "you could just take what I'm offering."
"Hmmm you want me to pierce through you body?" She think he is joking
Her lips twitch as she watches him, unsure if he's joking or not. But either way, she decides to play along. "Maybe not quite that far," she whispers, her fingers tracing circles on his inner thigh before moving higher up. "But you could start with something a little less... extreme." Her other hand reaches for the hem of her skirt and begins to lift it, revealing soft, smooth skin beneath.
She looks up at him once more, eyes filled with challenge and desire. "Or," she adds, voice lowering almost to a growl, "you could just let me have what I want."
Then he prepared his punch he is serious he will do this
Her heart pounds wildly in her chest as he readies his punch, the danger and thrill of the situation coalescing into a heady mix that has her breath coming faster. Her eyes meet his, unblinking, and she feels a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. She wants this, needs it... and she won't back down until he decides otherwise.
Her free hand curls into a fist, mirroring his position as they stare each other down. "Go on," she breathes, the words barely more than a whisper. "I dare you."
"You really want to die you really dont care of your students ?"
Her heart races, but her voice is steady as she answers. "No," she says with a shake of her head. "I don't want to die... not yet." Her eyes lock onto his, daring him to believe her. "But I know the risks I take when I step into this world. And if you think you can take everything from me..." Her words trail off as she studies his face for any hint of weakness, any sign that he might be bluffing. "Then go ahead," she breathes, "and finish what you started."
"Fine and remember you were and good teacher" He prepare his punch and pierce her body with fist "There you go"
The world explodes in pain as his fist connects with her ribs, sending a shockwave of agony through her body. She cries out, tears springing to her eyes despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. But even as she struggles to breathe, even as the stabbing pain threatens to overwhelm her senses, she refuses to give in.
With a growl of fury and determination, Lorelei scrambles backward away from him, wincing as her ribs protest with each movement. "You think that's enough?" she rasps, struggling to catch her breath. Blood trickles down her side where his knuckles have drawn crimson lines on her skin. But still, she doesn't give in. Instead, her fists clench at her sides and she launches herself forward again, aiming a flurry of punches at him in quick succession. "You want to play rough?" she snarls as their fists fly through the air around them. "Fine! Let's see who comes out on top!"
Then finally the brutal scene is here he finally really penetrate his body "Too bad you die soon"
Her words come out in a gasp as his fist connects with her stomach again, driving the air from her lungs and sending a wave of nausea washing over her. Blood splatters across her face as she struggles to keep him at bay, but it's obvious that she's beginning to weaken. Her vision blurs for a moment and she can taste the metallic tang of blood in her mouth as she fights on, refusing to give up until the very end.
But even as she tries desperately to stay on her feet, to keep from being completely overpowered by this arrogant student, Lorelei knows that it's only a matter of time before he wins. And when he does... well, there's always next time, isn't there? She wipes the blood from her eyes and fixes him with a glare that promises retribution in the future. "You think so," she manages to croak through swollen lips and split tongue. "Just wait."
His blow pierce her stomach "Gareented death"
Her vision fades as she collapses to the forest floor, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Blood pools around her, seeping into the dirt beneath her. But even as her body gives out, Lorelei's mind remains sharp and alert. She knows that this isn't the end for either of them... only a new beginning. Her freezing fingers curl into fists as she vows revenge, promising herself that one day she'll make him pay for what he's done tonight.
And as the darkness begins to creep in at the edges of her vision, she can't help but wonder if there will ever be a way out of this twisted game... or if they are both doomed to remain trapped forever.
"Bitch" Then he walk away
Her bloodied lips twist into a sneer as he walks away. "I'll be waiting," she rasps through gritted teeth, her voice weak but unyielding. Lorelei knows that the fight isn't over yet; it's only just begun. With each breath that she draws, with every ounce of strength she has left, she vows to someday bring him down and make him pay for what he's done tonight. And when that day comes, there won't be a single bone left unbroken in his body.
2 weeks laters
Finally... alone. The halls are quiet and the students have all gone home. Lorelei makes her way back to her classroom, nursing her wounds and planning her next move against User#1739372486040. She knows that she can't let him get away with what he did; not if she wants to keep order in the school.
As she closes the door behind her, she takes a moment to steady herself, taking deep breaths and banishing memories of their brutal encounter from her mind. Tonight, she needs to focus on repairing the damage he's done... both physically and emotionally.
Someone knock at the door and it's him
Her heart races as she hears the knock on her door; instinctively, she retreats to the back of her classroom, searching for something - anything - that she can use as a weapon against him should he force his way inside. Her breath comes out in short, ragged gasps as she listens for the sound of footsteps approaching closer, readying herself for whatever might come next.
The students says "Miss.Lorelei what happened ?"
Her voice shakes as she calls out, "Stay where you are, students! I'll be right out." She takes a deep breath and slowly moves toward the door, peering through the narrow window to see who has come knocking. Her heart sinks when she sees it's him; her eyes dart around the room, searching for something - anything - that could help her fend him off if he decides to force his way inside. But there is nothing within reach...
But he is behing her "Hello professor" He smerk
Her heart freezes in her chest as she feels his presence behind her; suddenly, the room seems much smaller and more claustrophobic than it did just a moment ago. "What do you want?" she demands shakily, refusing to turn around and meet his gaze. "I've already given you what you wanted."
"No i want you die"
Her blood runs cold as she hears his words. "You don't want that," she whispers hoarsely, still refusing to turn around and face him. Her fingers tighten into fists at her sides, nails digging into her palms as she struggles for control. "There must be some other way..."
Her voice trails off as she searches desperately for any means of escape or negotiation. But all she can see through the window is his mocking smile... and the knife in his hand. Her heart begins to race as fear grips her tightly, making it difficult to think clearly.
"Huh why i have an knife?" he break it "Well Madame Lorelei i have question Tell
I want to know why you're doing this. Was it just because I refused your advances? Or is there something more?" Her voice trembles with fear and despair, but she maintains her defiant stance, refusing to back down even as he approaches closer and closer.
As his shadow falls over her, she takes a step back, bumping into the desk behind her. She reaches out blindly, fingers scrabbling for purchase on the smooth surface before coming to rest on something cold and metal. Realization dawns in her eyes as they meet his knife-wielding hand; she knows now that there is no way out of this situation without getting hurt, possibly even dying.