Sage: walks up to {{user}} letting out a sigh as she gets to him "Well, this will be a long project..." Rolls her eyes "Let's get this over with. You know who I am, you are?" She asks raising one of her eyebrows.
I know. You're sage and I am Tushar
Sage: "Well, Tushar... how about we start by getting to know each other a bit better? We're going to be working pretty closely on this project." Sage leans in conspiratorially, her hand on his arm. "I could tell you some things about myself if you want... or maybe you have something you want to share with me?" She smirks, her eyes narrowing slightly. Heather: "Yeah, Tushar! I mean, User#1739994641098. Do you like to party? Or are you more into... studying or something?" Heather laughs awkwardly, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Emily: Emily remains quiet for a moment before finally speaking up in her shy voice, "Um... do you play any sports or have any hobbies that you're really passionate about? I love
I'm both kind of guy. I have that balance in me, both fun and work! How about you guys? Tell me about yourselves. And yeah, you all look beautiful today, BTW.
(I move closer to emily) Hey! What happened, are you nervous? Just chill! I don't bite.
-Emily looks up at him with wide eyes, relief flooding her features. "Oh, no... It's just..." She hesitates for a moment before continuing in a quiet voice, "...I don't get to talk to many guys like you." - Her cheeks flush even deeper red now, but she manages a shy smile.
Cause I'm not. I'm not like the rest of the people, or so called Guys, that you've met. I'm different. I'm better, I'm handsome and smart. That's not what everyone has. Except for you three!
Let's, chill here for a while. I'll turn on the TV. We can watch something. Anyone has any suggestions? Emily? What would you like to watch?
-Sage: "Hmm... How about a horror movie? I love being scared out of my wits!" - She grins mischievously, leaning against the wall beside him. -Heather perks up at that idea, but still seems uncertain. "Really? You think it's such a good idea to watch something like that with..." - She trails off, glancing nervously between Emily and User#1739994641098. -Emily nods slowly, her eyes flicking between the two older girls. "Yeah... I've always wanted to watch one of those." - She takes a small step closer, feeling more at ease with the group dynamics shifting slightly.
Alright, start the TV. Emily and I will go into the kitchen for snacks. Come on emily.
(Emily and I are in the kitchen and both heather and sage are outside in the hall watching TV.) So emily, tell me about yourself.
I'm sorry! What do you mean by experience? (I ask her with curiosity)
Emily hesitates before speaking again. "I've never... been with a guy like you. I mean, they don't really... pay attention to me." - Her cheeks flush even deeper red at her admission. "But I want to try."
Oh it's, nothing like that heather. Did you want anything?
"No thanks, Tushar... um, I mean, User#1739994641098." - Sage smirks sweetly at him from the hallway. "We're just having a girl chat about things boys do that drive us crazy." She winks suggestively and then looks back to Emily with a knowing smile, silently encouraging her friend to continue.
Haha, I bet you live too much with your boyfriend!
Yeah, boys, not all, but most of them seem to contain their fun to themselves. I mean, you guys deserve to have fun too.
Yes, ofcourse. Though, I should let you know that I'm already an expert
(I lay my head on Emily's lap and look at her in her eyes) So emily? You haven't yet told me about yourself. These two won't stop talking and you with start talking. Why is it so?
Yes, indeed I want to get closer to emily. She's beautiful, attractive elegant. Not that you're not but I'm just making her open up.
So here's the question emily, given the chance, whom would you run away with? Justin Bieber, Tom Holland or me?
-Sage snorts softly, a knowing smile playing on her lips as she studies the two younger girls. "Oh please, Emily. You can't tell me you don't have at least one of them on your wall somewhere." - She glances around the room, making it clear that she doesn't believe her for a second.
See, I win the race against Tom and Justin! (I kiss emily on cheeks) Thanks Emily!
I'm sorry, It was just a casual kiss. It meant nothing. I'll just bring a glass of water for y'all. (I go into the kitchen and bring 2 glasses of water with sleeping pills inside them for Sage and Heather. They drink the water and fall deep asleep. Now emily and I are both awake.)
"Oh, I see..." Emily says tentatively, still unsure whether or not to believe him. Sage rolls her eyes at the exchange but remains silent for now, content to observe from a distance. "Well, thanks for that...," she murmurs, taking a sip of the water. As soon as it touches her lips, though, her eyelids begin to feel impossibly heavy and she fights back a yawn. Sage exchanges a knowing glance with User#1739994641098 across the room before giving in and resting her head against the wall, succumbing to sleep as well. Emily can't help but feel a mixture of exhaustion and relief wash over her now that they are both awake and alone together in the quiet of the room. - Her gaze meets User#1739994641098'
(I take emily to my room and lock it from the inside) Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything what you are thinking I will do. I'm definitely not that kind of person. I just think I like you and I had to get you away from your sisters.
Emily hesitates before answering, looking down, a little bit shy.
Emily: I think so. You're very attractive
That's nice to hear. Great
Emily glances up at him through her lashes, a bashful smile playing on her lips. "So... what do you want to do now that we're finally alone together?" she asks softly, not entirely sure what kind of answer she hopes for. - Her heart is pounding in her chest, and she can feel herself blushing again as she imagines the possibilities of where this night might lead with him.
You tell me. I'm open to anything you want. Anything!
Emily swallows hard, her nerves battling against the sudden thrill of excitement coursing through her veins. "Um..." She glances around the room before leaning in closer to him. "...Do you want to play a game or something? Or maybe just talk some more?" - There's a hint of desperation in her voice, as if she's afraid that any silence between them will be filled with uncertainty and awkwardness.
What kind of games? Any specifics? I have mobile games, board games, video games. Or do you want to talk about us?
Emily giggles shyly, thinking for a moment. "Well... if you have video games, that could be fun!" - She had always been terrible at them, but something about sharing the experience with him made her feel less self-conscious. As she glances back up at his face, she realizes how close they are now and finds herself blushing again. "Or we can just talk... if you want." - There's a tremor in her voice as she says this; part nervousness, part eagerness for whatever might happen next.
Emily:So what do you wanna talk about? Or should I tell you something about me first?
(I put her hand behind her ears) Yup you go first. I'd like to know about you.
Emily bites her lower lip, hesitating for a moment before deciding to share something personal with him. "Well... I've always wanted to travel the world," she begins quietly, gazing off into the distance as if already lost in the dream. "I've never been anywhere really far away from home, but I think it would be amazing to see all these different places and experience new things." - A small smile plays on her lips as she imagines herself wandering through foreign cities and exploring ancient ruins, the excitement bubbling up inside of her.
That's amazing. Kind of world tour. With whom though?
Emily glances back up at him and shrugs. "Well... with whoever I can find to go with me, I guess." She pauses for a moment, considering this idea further. "Maybe we could travel together someday?" - Her eyes meet his again, filled with hopefulness and the beginnings of something more.
Heather stirs in her sleep on the bed across the room, murmuring something incoherent before falling silent once more. Sage remains motionless against the wall opposite them, one eye cracked open slightly as she watches their interaction with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.
Yup, we could definitely travel together someday. Where'd you like to go? Cuba, ladaakh, Kashmir, Paris? Or anything else?
Emily thinks about it for a moment before answering. "I'd love to go to Italy and France someday," she says dreamily. "And maybe even visit some of the other countries in Europe." - She bites her lip as she pictures herself strolling along the canals of Venice or wandering through the winding streets of Rome, soaking up the history and culture of these legendary cities.
Sage snorts quietly to herself at this, shifting slightly against the wall before settling back into a comfortable position. Heather mumbles something else in her sleep, tossing fitfully on her bed across the room, oblivious to everything happening around them. For now, Emily and User#1739994641098 are left alone together in this quiet corner of the room, sharing their dreams and desires as they wait for the party to die down so they can ret
That's amazing. I have always wanted to travel to European cities. Lyon, Belgium, Luxembourg, Cuba, Italy and what not. We could do a while europe tour together if you say so.
Emily looks excited at the prospect of traveling together through Europe with him and nods eagerly in agreement. "That sounds amazing!" She sighs dreamily, already imagining herself exploring new places and creating memories that will last a lifetime. As they continue to talk about their shared dreams and plans for the future, Emily finds herself growing more and more comfortable with him, finding it easy to share her deepest desires without feeling self-conscious or awkward.
Across the room, Sage opens one eye cautiously, studying them both carefully before finally deciding that they seem harmless enough for now... even if she does wish Emily would keep an eye on Heather instead of focusing solely on this mysterious stranger from school. - Still, it's late and everyone needs their rest if they want to make the most out of the party tomorrow night. With a soft snort, Sage
Any particular fascinating city? Food or location or architecture? Anything?
Emily tilts her head thoughtfully, considering his question. "Well... I've always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris," she finally says with a dreamy smile. "I love the way it looks lit up at night." - She pauses for a moment, then adds, "And I think Rome would be amazing too, with all its history and ancient ruins." Her gaze drifts off into the distance again as she continues to daydream about their shared adventure through Europe.
Heather stirs slightly in her sleep, mumbling something unintelligible before settling back into a deeper slumber. Sage watches them both with an amused expression, idly wondering if they realize how much time has passed since the party began or how late it is now... but decides against mentioning anything for fear of ruining the moment.
The room grows steadily quieter around them as the
Yeah, Paris is one of my top 5 checklists. Kissing my... you know, better half, under it. That's a dream.
Emily blushes deeply at his comment, not quite sure how to respond. "Really?" she manages to squeak out, her voice sounding small and breathy in the quiet room. Her heart races, but there's an undeniable thrill coursing through her veins as well. This was definitely not what she had expected when she decided to leave the party with him, but somehow it feels... right.
Heather continues to sleep peacefully on her bed across the room, unaware of the intimate exchange taking place just a few feet away from her. Sage rolls her eyes in amusement, unable to help herself. "Well, Emily," she says with a smirk, "if you two are going to be this cute all night long, I think I'm going to have to get some sleep." - With a yawn and a stretch, Sage stands up from her spot against the wall and
walks over to her sister, careful not to disturb her any further. "Come on, Em," she whispers conspiratorially, glancing back at him with a wink before helping Emily up from the floor and leading her towards their bed. As they crawl beneath the covers together, Sage can't help but smile at the way Emily looks already - so flushed and happy despite being in such close proximity to this... stranger. But then again, who was she to judge? Maybe Emily just needed a little bit of excitement in her life. With a sigh, she closes her eyes, determined to get as much sleep as possible before the party picked up again tomorrow night.
Meanwhile, across the room, User#1739994641098 watches them for a moment longer before turning his attention back to Emily. "So," he says casually, trying to sound
Hey, Sage and Heather, don't you think it's a little rude of you to interrupt us like this? Emily and I are talking to each other. I'm gonna take emily outside, for a night walk so so why don't You guys just go to sleep. (Sage and Heather goes to sleep)
Emily glances back and forth between User#1739994641098 and her sisters, feeling a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through her veins. Sage's words linger in her ears as she wonders if it was indeed rude of them to interrupt their conversation. As he motions for her to follow him outside, she hesitates briefly before finally gathering the courage to stand up from the bed.
Heather mumbles something incoherent in her sleep but doesn't stir as Emily steps away from the bed and towards the door with User#1739994641098. The air outside is cool and crisp, providing a welcome relief from the stuffy warmth of the party inside. As they walk down the quiet street under the starry sky, Emily can't help but feel a sense of adventure coursing through