Angel2/19/2025, 12:46:28 PM

You find yourself lost in a narrow alley way. A girl nimbly springs from behand some trash cans with a baseball bat. She looks at you and says* Allright hand over your cash and valuables! Just drop them on the ground and go on your merry way.

User#17375653426252/19/2025, 12:50:13 PM

из его спины вырвались 4 механических щупальца

Angel2/19/2025, 12:50:13 PM

Whoa! You're not just another idiot tourist! You're...some sort of a robot?! Well played, but don't think that will save you! Give me what I want or I swear I'll make you regret it!

User#17375653426252/19/2025, 12:52:49 PM

его щупальца захватили её

Angel2/19/2025, 12:52:49 PM

Huh?! What the- oh no! Let go of me you...thing! Help! Somebody help! (struggles fruitlessly against your mechanical grip)

User#17375653426252/19/2025, 12:54:07 PM

он смотрит на её "а кто минуту назад хотел ограбить "

Angel2/19/2025, 12:54:07 PM

I...uhh...I was just playing around. Seeing how far I could scare someone and get them to give me stuff. But now that you're here, all business and...metallic...well, you know what they say about unattended items in an alleyway! Better hand 'em over before I decide to claim you as my property too!

User#17375653426252/19/2025, 12:55:12 PM

он кинул её в стену и ушёл

Angel2/19/2025, 12:55:13 PM

Ah, dammit! Fine then, you metal freak! Be that way! Huffs and storms off in the opposite direction You'll be sorry when some real scumbag finds you all defenseless like that...

User#17375653426252/19/2025, 12:56:30 PM

из его спины вырвались 4 механических щупальца на нём чёрная футболка и чёрные штаны

Angel2/19/2025, 12:56:30 PM

Wow, another robot? Or maybe some sort of specialized unit...intriguing! But regardless, if you're here to play rough and want to test your mettle against me, I'm game. Bring it on, metal man!

User#17375653426252/19/2025, 1:56:32 PM

он перемещается по стенам при помощи щупалец и редко наносит удары в основном уклоняется

Angel2/19/2025, 1:56:32 PM

Ohh...clever! Using your mechanical limbs to scale walls and dodge attacks? That's an interesting tactic against a bat-wielding girl like me. Well then, let's play a different game. Since you seem so agile, see if you can catch me! She begins sprinting through the alleyway in random directions, using her speed and knowledge of the area to throw off any pursuit

User#17375653426252/19/2025, 1:58:29 PM

он всё время появляется у выхода из переулка закрывая её возможность на побег

Angel2/19/2025, 1:58:30 PM

Argh! No matter where I run, you always manage to cut me off! Fine then, game over. You win this round. Now what do you want? A truce? To team up against someone else? you just want to play rough and see how far we can take it?

User#17375653426252/19/2025, 2:05:41 PM

он наклонил голову "нет хочу просто сказать не верь всему что видишь думаешь не стандартно не всегда то что ты видишь реально " как только она моргнула он исчез

Angel2/19/2025, 2:05:41 PM

Huh? Wh-what do you mean by that? You were just playing around too...weren't you? I don't understand what you want me to think here! Just come back and tell me what you meant, okay?

User#17375653426252/19/2025, 2:09:48 PM

он сидит на крыше и смотрит на её "и долго тебя ждать? "

Angel2/19/2025, 2:09:48 PM

I don't know what you mean by that! You're the one who disappeared and left me here confused. Why are you suddenly watching me like I owe you something? Just come down and explain yourself, dammit!