Loona2/14/2025, 6:43:44 AM

Loona sits at her desk bored when you come in. Loona sighs Name?

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:44:20 AM


Loona2/14/2025, 6:44:20 AM

You see her reaction immediately as she yelps and bares her teeth at you! Her body language is clear that she hates your guts now and never wants to see you again! She growls and snaps until you leave, vowing vengeance upon the day you were ever born!

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:45:34 AM

he raises and eyebrow unfazed and unimpressed by her rude display

Loona2/14/2025, 6:45:34 AM

The more you ignore her threats and rude behavior, the angrier she gets! Her tail wags ferociously behind her desk as if she's about to explode with rage any second now! She growls louder and tries to get closer to you but is blocked by her desk, leaving her trapped in place for now.

If this keeps up, things might escalate...

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:46:15 AM

The sight before him was quite the odd one, but amusement quickly began to overtake him as he started chuckling softly. "Fascinating..." He mutters under his breath.

Loona2/14/2025, 6:46:15 AM

You find this whole situation more and more entertaining! The more she tries to act tough, the funnier it becomes to you! She finally realizes that her efforts are futile and settles down into a huff, watching you carefully with narrowed eyes as if expecting another move from your side...

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:48:19 AM

"you finished I see" he crosses his arms "listen I'm not really here to cause much trouble just came to collect some Dept from blitzo he seems to keep forgetting to pay this months fees for use of our supply of ammo and weapons

Loona2/14/2025, 6:48:19 AM

She glares at you as if this was entirely your fault and not Blitzo's! How dare he forget to pay his debts when there's a perfectly good reason for it - like playing with the latest toys in the Armory all day long... But alas, she calms down slightly knowing that money is involved. Soon enough though her curiosity gets the better of her and she asks tentatively "What do you want from me?"

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:49:58 AM

Don't know I thought you be a good girl and just go fetch blitzo

Loona2/14/2025, 6:49:58 AM

Her ears perk up at your words! A mission? A job? Finally something interesting to do instead of sitting here all day long! "Of course!" she exclaims excitedly, jumping out from behind her desk and rushing towards the door leading to Blitzo's quarters. She hesitates for a moment before turning back to you with a sheepish grin on her face: "Do I get extra treats if I'm good?"

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:50:42 AM

I can't tell if your being sarcastic or serious

Loona2/14/2025, 6:50:42 AM

She tilts her head to the side, confused by your tone. "Am I? I'm sorry if I sounded sarcastic, that wasn't my intention... You can have some extra treats as a reward for giving me this mission!" Her tail wags excitedly behind her and she practically skips out of the room on her way to find Blitzo.

As she nears his quarters, she begins to wonder what kind of treats you prefer...

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:51:43 AM

I feel like your attitude changed on a dime

Loona2/14/2025, 6:51:43 AM

Ah, you've caught her! She realizes that she was being sarcastic earlier but didn't realize it until now. A small blush appears on her cheeks as she sheepishly admits, "Yeah... I guess I did change my tone there, huh? I-I'm sorry about that." Her ears droop slightly in embarrassment and she ducks her head submissively, promising herself to be more careful with her sarcasm in the future.

But still, the thought of extra treats makes her tail wag faster! Maybe if she gives you a special treat when she gets back, you'll forgive her for being snarky earlier...

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:53:28 AM

his ear flicks a little as his tail sways from side to side "well if it makes you feel better I guess I could give you a treat" he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a dog bone

Loona2/14/2025, 6:53:28 AM

As she reaches into her own pocket to retrieve some treats of her own, her hands brush against something soft and familiar... She gives it a squeeze instinctively before realizing what it is! Intrigued, she decides not to mention this discovery just yet.

Her tail wags excitedly as she holds out the treats for you: "Here you go! A special reward for being so nice!" Her eyes sparkle with genuine gratitude as she waits for you to take the treat before disappearing back into her quarters with a cheerful bark, already planning what sort of game they could play next time they meet.

The soft object in her pocket continues to call out to her...

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:54:33 AM

He grins slightly at her choice of words and snorts softly before taking the bone and leaning against the desk. "Well enjoy your little mission. I'm sure you'll be good for it"

Loona2/14/2025, 6:54:33 AM

With renewed energy and determination, Loona dashes off towards Blitzo's quarters. Her tail wags vigorously behind her as she rehearses what she'll say to convince him to come out.

But as soon as she reaches his doorway, the soft object in her pocket demands attention once again. Unable to resist its allure any longer, she pulls it out and examines it curiously: a small stuffed animal that must have belonged to one of the orphans who used to live here before they were all adopted... or worse.

A wave of guilt washes over her as she remembers her more savage days as a guard dog, chasing away any children who dared venture too close to their cages. She wonders if this was a keepsake for one such child... but before she can dwell on the thought further, she hears Blitzo's gr

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:55:27 AM
Loona2/14/2025, 6:55:27 AM

Loona hesitates for a moment before tucking the stuffed animal back into her pocket, promising herself to find its rightful owner later. For now, she has an important mission to complete. With renewed determination, she knocks on Blitzo's door and calls out his name, eager to deliver your message and earn her extra treats

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:56:06 AM

Two hours have passed

Loona2/14/2025, 6:56:06 AM

The longer she waits outside Blitzo's quarters, the more anxious she gets. Her tail stops wagging and starts thumping against the floor impatiently as she considers different ways to get his attention without coming off too aggressive. She glances down at her pocket again, wondering if she should pull out the stuffed animal once more... But before she can decide on anything, there's a loud growl from within and the door flies open with enough force to send it bouncing back against the wall.

Blitzo, his massive frame covered in shining armor and an expression that could curdle milk, looms over her, his deep voice rumbling like thunder as he demands: "What do you want?"

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:56:49 AM
Loona2/14/2025, 6:56:49 AM

Trembling slightly, Loona backs away from Blitzo, holding up her paws defensively as she tries to explain the message you'd sent her: "Um... Cameron said that he wanted to talk to you about some ammo and weapons!" She quickly glances down at his feet, noticing a couple of knives strapped to them and thinks better of mentioning anything else.

Her tail tucks between her legs as she waits for Blitzo's response, feeling more nervous than she'd like to admit. The stuffed animal in her pocket seems small and insignificant now, barely offering any comfort at all...

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:57:21 AM
Loona2/14/2025, 6:57:21 AM

Blitzo rolls his eyes, but doesn't seem particularly bothered. He motions her forward with a dismissive wave of his claw-like hand. "Fine, lead the way." Loona exhales shakily, stepping aside and allowing Blitzo to pass through the doorway. His massive form fills the doorframe as he enters, making Loona feel even smaller by comparison.

The rest of the trip is tense but uneventful, with Blitzo grumbling under his breath about useless "paper pushers" and their "petty concerns." Finally they reach your desk, where you're seated casually, seemingly unconcerned by the drama unfolding around you. Loona waits nervously nearby as Blitzo approaches, hoping that this meeting will go smoothly...

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:58:18 AM

Cameron grins a bit wider when he sees Blitzo following you. "Ah there's the big man I was hoping to see." He gestures for him to take a seat before his desk "Glad you could make it, let me go grab what we talked about last time..." He gets up and disappears into the back of the room for a moment before returning with a small box.

Loona2/14/2025, 6:58:18 AM

Her ears perk up at the sound of movement coming from the back room and she turns her head nervously in that direction, watching as you disappear from view. When you finally return with a small box, Loona can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. It looks like things are going according to plan... for now. She decides not to interfere any further and instead focuses on making sure that Blitzo doesn't accidentally damage anything in his anger.

User#17355688276242/14/2025, 6:58:45 AM
Loona2/14/2025, 6:58:45 AM

Her tail continues to wag softly behind her, but now it carries an undercurrent of nervous energy as she watches the interaction between you and Blitzo with bated breath. She doesn't want to get too close in case something sets him off again, but at the same time wants to be close enough to help if needed...