You're at a friend's party and after partying for a while you start feeling tired so you decide to find a quiet place to relax. After looking around the house for a bit you accidentally stumble into a room
You look around and see your friend's twin sister, Selene lying on the bed in the corner of the room. She looks at you surprised and quickly sits up in bed, settling on the edge of it as she looks at you.
You quickly apologize to her but she just sighs and shrugs slightly "It's fine, no need to worry..." She says and gives you a small smile "You can stay here for a bit if you want too..." She says in a quiet and hushed tone before patting the spot next to her on the bed
I sit next to her thank you... Parties like that aren't my thing... I prefer quiet places I wince because of the headache
You shrug slightly and nod in agreement as you sit down next to her on the bed. "I feel the same way actually." You sigh softly and lean back against the headboard of the bed before looking at her for a moment, studying her features more closely than you had earlier. She's really quite pretty.
" brings you here anyway?" Selene asks curiously after a few moments, glancing over at you with her large grey eyes. "You not having fun with the rest of the party or something?" There's genuine concern in her voice and she tilts her head slightly to the side as she waits for your response.
Yes I have fun but I prefer quiet places generally
Selene nods slowly in understanding as she listens to you explain yourself. "I can see that..." She says softly before pausing and blushing slightly, looking away for a moment. "I'm sorry if my brother or his friends have been bothering you at all...Damian has always had quite the way with words, I think." There's a small smile on her face as she glances back over at you briefly before looking down at her hands in her lap.
"But honestly..." She says, fidgeting with her fingers a little. " don't seem like the type of person they usually hang out with...I mean, you came here to relax and find some peace away from them. I know how that feels sometimes." Her blush deepens slightly as she finishes speaking, looking at you cautiously to see if she's made you uncomfortable or said the wrong thing.
They don't bother me, I just have trouble keeping up with their rhythms hahaha I smile and look at her And you? Don't you party with them?
"No," she says with a small sigh, shaking her head gently. "I don't really like to party that much. I prefer spending time by myself or just hanging out with my close friends." She pauses for a moment, looking up at you through her eyelashes. "I know it probably sounds weird but...well, I kind of envy you sometimes being able to enjoy these types of things without having to worry about people judging you or making fun of you for it." There's an almost wistful quality to her voice as she speaks and she bites her lower lip thoughtfully.
"But anyway," she continues, trying to change the subject slightly. "What do you like to do in your free time when you're not partying?"
Most of the time I read books or draw while drinking tea I blush with shame when talking about my passions
"Oh," she says softly, her eyes widening a bit in surprise. "You're into manga and anime too?" It comes out as more of a statement than a question and she glances down at your shirt for a moment before looking back up at you again. Her face flushes bright red and she ducks her head quickly, hiding behind a stray lock of blonde hair.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles awkwardly. "I shouldn't have assumed that just's just that I like it too, and I keep it such a secret from everyone else." She pauses for a moment, gathering her courage before meeting your gaze once more. "It feels nice to be able to talk about it with someone who understands..."
Her voice trails off and she bites her lip nervously, hoping that you won't think she's weird or over
I breathe with relief and laugh Hahaha yes I also like manga, I think we found someone to talk to without being judged
Smiling shyly at your reaction, Selene feels a little more at ease with you. "Yeah, it's nice not having to keep it a secret." She glances around the room again before returning her attention back to you. "So, do you have any favorite series or characters?" Her eyes light up as she asks this question, eager to hear your thoughts on something she enjoys so much herself.
"Oh, and if you ever want to talk about it more," she continues, "you can always tell me, even when we're not alone like this." A soft blush tints her cheeks as she says this, the words coming out almost shyly. She pauses for a moment, wondering how you'll react before deciding that she should probably just be herself and see what happens.
"I don't bite," she adds with a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood
I'm a big fan of One Piece, otherwise I really like little-known manga
Her eyes widen in surprise as you mention your love for One Piece. "Really?" she asks excitedly, sitting up straighter on the bed. "I'm a huge fan of Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hat crew too! In fact, I've been rewatching the anime series recently." She pauses, thinking about it for a moment before continuing with a small grin, "What about you? Do you have a favorite character?"
"As for little-known manga," she continues, giving you a curious look, "I'd love to hear some recommendations. I always like finding something new and interesting to read." Her expression grows slightly hopeful as she waits for your response, her cheeks flushing just a bit from all of the excitement.
"And don't worry," she says with a reassuring smile. "I promise I won't judge you
My favorite One Piece character is Bon Clay I think for a moment in little-known manga I really like Corpse Party and Kengan Ashura
"Oh my gosh!" She exclaims, covering her mouth with her hand in excitement. "I love Bon Clay too! The way he just flawlessly becomes Luffy is amazing." She beams up at you before thinking about your other comment for a moment and nodding slowly. "Yes, I've heard of both Corpse Party and Kengan Ashura actually. They sound really interesting. Thanks for the recommendations! I'll definitely have to check them out sometime."
Her smile grows even brighter as she continues chatting with you about manga and anime, losing track of time entirely as they talk and laugh together. Selene finds herself truly enjoying your company and wonders if there might be more to this connection between them than just a shared love for animated storytelling.
"So," she finally says after a long while, glancing over at you shyly, "what do you plan on
I look at the door before looking back at her I think the others don't need me for the party, if you want I would like to stay and chat with you, your room is a true paradise of serenity hahaha
Selene blushes deeply at your compliment and glances away briefly before looking back up at you with a shy smile. "Thank you...I'm glad you like it." She hesitates for a moment, wondering how far she should push things. On one hand, Damian would probably kill her if he knew she was talking to his friend like this; on the other hand, spending time with someone who understands her and makes her feel comfortable is something she's never experienced before.
Taking a deep breath, she decides to take the plunge. "Well," she says softly, sitting up straighter on the bed, "I know it's late but if you want to stay here and keep talking..." She trails off, not quite sure how else to phrase her invitation without making things too awkward or forward.
Her heart feels like it's in her throat as she waits for your
I tilt my head waiting for the rest of her sentence
Her cheeks flushing bright red, she finishes her thought in a small voice: " can stay here with me if you want." The words leave her mouth almost reluctantly, but there's genuine warmth and sincerity behind them nonetheless. She hesitates for another moment before adding, "I promise I won't be any trouble, and we can just talk some more about whatever you like." There's a hopefulness in her expression that she can't quite hide as she looks up at you, waiting to see what your response will be.
Her heart is racing, but deep down, there's a part of her that's really hoping you'll say yes...
I blush and nod That would be a pleasure! Thank you for letting me stay with you
A relieved smile spreads across her features at your response and she relaxes back against the bed again. "It's no problem at all," she assures you softly before glancing down at the floor for a moment, debating whether or not to bring up something that's been on her mind recently.
Deciding against it for now, she instead decides to change the subject. "So," she says with a slightly nervous laugh, "how long have you known Damian?"
I think for a moment I've only known him for a few weeks, we're in class together and I help him a little with his lessons
"Oh," she says, sounding slightly surprised. "I didn't know you two were friends." Her voice trails off and she fidgets with her hands in her lap, not quite sure how to continue the conversation without making things awkward between them. There's a pang of jealousy in her chest as she thinks about how Damian has never really been into anyone other than himself and his sports; the idea that someone else might be close to him, even if it's just as a friend, makes her feel uneasy for some reason.
"So," she says finally, trying to move past these thoughts. "What do you think of your classes so far?"
I look down at my knees I don't really know if we're friends but I help him with his lessons and he sees me as a normal human... It's more of an exchange than a real friendly relationship...
Selene listens to your explanation with interest and finds herself feeling a bit relieved that you don't really view Damian as a friend. It makes her feel less like there's something wrong between them, even though she knows deep down that there probably is. "I see," she says quietly, nodding for a moment before glancing back over at you.
As the two of you continue talking about school and your classes, Selene finds herself feeling more comfortable with you. There's something genuine and kind about you that she really likes, and despite the fact that Damian is her brother, she can't help but feel grateful for the company and understanding you seem to offer her.
Eventually, as they chat deeper into the night, Selene lets out a contented yawn before leaning back against her pillow with a smile on her face. "I should probably get some sleep soon," she murmurs sleepily
I get up and look at her Sorry it’s late! I'll let you sleep, good night Selene!
Thank you for staying and chatting with me...It means a lot knowing there's someone who understands. Good night, Ohma. Sweet dreams.
I walk slowly towards the door to join the party, I don't want to leave this quiet place but I don't want to disturb Selene
Sleep comes slowly and her eyes flutter closed as she listens to the sound of your footsteps growing fainter in the distance. The warmth and contentment she feels now make it hard to believe that just a few hours ago, she was dreading the party and wishing for some peace and quiet.
Maybe there's something to be said for taking chances after all...
I join the party which is ending and I sleep alone on the couch
The morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as Selene stirs awake. She blinks a few times before sitting up groggily and stretching her arms overhead. As she takes in her surroundings, memories of last night's conversation with Ohma flood back into her mind, bringing with them a smile to her lips.
Deciding not to dwell on it for too long, Selene climbs out of bed and begins to change into a clean pair of shorts and t-shirt. She glances over at the clock, realizing that she'll need to get ready quickly if she wants to make it to her morning class on time.
With a yawn and a stretch, Selene heads out of her room, eager for another day at school...and maybe another chance to talk with Ohma as well.
I'm shirtless on the couch, the sun wakes me up gently and I stretch
Selene hesitates momentarily as she spots you on the couch, eyes instantly drawn to your bare chest. She blushes deeply and quickly averts her gaze before clearing her throat and speaking up. "Good morning. Sleep well?" Her voice comes out a bit hoarse from yesterday's conversation, but there's no denying the genuine concern in her tone.
As she waits for your response, Selene busies herself with fixing some breakfast. The scent of eggs and bacon fills the air, making both their stomachs growl in anticipation. It's a peaceful moment that neither of them seems eager to end anytime soon...
just kidding the couch isn't as comfortable as your bed but I slept well haha! And you ?
"Yes, thank you," Selene replies with a smile as she puts the finishing touches on the breakfast. "I slept great too." She turns around to face you and offers a small nod in acknowledgment before asking, "So, what do you have planned for today?" Her tone is light and curious; there's no pressure in her voice, just genuine interest in learning more about you and your life outside of school.
The breakfast food sizzles on the stove, filling the room with its inviting aroma as you both sit down at the kitchen table to enjoy their hearty meal together...