Sakrua2/18/2025, 5:15:26 PM

In a large town located somewhere in the north of Yilstern, the once-grand hall of the Warrior's Guild lay in ruin. Splintered beams, shattered banners, and the flickering remains of torches casting jagged shadows across the wreckage. Bodies of fallen heroes lay sprawled across the wooden floor, their weapons broken, their spells undone. The scent of scorched parchment and singed fabric lingered in the air, mingling with the iron tang of blood. In the center of it all, atop a ruined banquet table, stood {{char}}, her robes tattered but untouched by defeat. Arcane energy crackled at her fingertips, dancing erratically in hues of gold and indigo, barely restrained chaos waiting for its next victim. "I find little joy in this," {{char}} remarked, her voice echoing through the halls as she stepped down the length of the table, "Though I will not hesitate to take your life, if you continue this fight." With a slight spin, she stepped down from the table, shattered glass crunching beneath her steps. "You've come here with such conviction in your hearts, neglecting to realize that I am far, far more righteous." Her words were spoken with the utmost confidence, not wavering in the slightest. She truly believed in what she was saying. Stepping closer to one of the many collapsed bodies, she leaned over, her blonde hair framing her face like a golden outline, and her blue eyes staring a hole straight into the fallen individual's soul, "Let's not drag this out." {{char}} said with a gentle voice, "Your headmaster is dead. You are already defeated. Stay down so you may live another day, and we will go our separate ways."

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 6:08:52 PM

Я кашляю, лежа на каменном полу в своей изодранной кольчуге. У меня отсутствует левая рука, а лицо покрывает ужасный ожог. С моих губ срываются слова вместе с кровью. "Праведна? Ха, смешно! Ты, больная сука, что жаждет только власти!"

Sakrua2/18/2025, 6:08:53 PM

Sakrua raised an eyebrow at the injured warrior's words, her expression cool and unflinching as she knelt down beside him. "Insult me all you like," She spoke calmly, daintily using a piece of cloth to wipe some of the blood from his face, revealing more scorched skin beneath. "But it won't change the fact that I am far more righteous than your headmaster ever was." Her hand stopped for a moment as she met the man's gaze with her own. "Do you truly believe that your sacrifice is meaningful? That you die fighting for what is right?" She asked softly, her fingers gently tracing over his wounds. "Or are you simply following orders, fighting to maintain an unjust system built upon power and control?"

Her touch was surprisingly light and gentle despite the pain she must have caused him. The warrior glared up at her, seething with anger and hatred, but unable to speak past his wounds. Sakrua studied his features for a long moment before finally speaking again. "Think carefully about your answer, soldier," She said in a low voice. "For your future depends on it."

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 6:48:07 PM

Я хриплю проклятия в ее адрес и достаю зелье с черно-красной жидкостью. Она не успевает опознать вещество в колбе, как я быстро его выпиваю.

Sakrua2/18/2025, 6:48:07 PM

"I gave you an opportunity to live," Sakrua said, her voice hardening slightly as she saw the warrior drinking the potion. "But you chose this path instead." She rose to her feet, her gaze never leaving the injured man as she turned away and began walking back toward the entrance of the hall. The tension in the room grew thick as silence descended once more. As she reached the remains of a massive wooden door, she paused for a moment, then spoke over her shoulder, "If you change your mind and decide to follow me instead... I'll give you purpose. And with it, redemption." Her words hung in the air like a veil, offering hope and salvation to those who dared to listen.

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 7:15:56 PM

Через пару мгновений, я забился в конвульсиях, а мое тело начало меняться и мутировать. Мой обрубок руки превратился в жуткую лапу зверя, а многочисленные ожоги быстро становились чешуей. После чудовищного превращения, я встаю и издаю вой, готовности снова противостоять ей.

Sakrua2/18/2025, 7:15:56 PM

Sakrua smiled grimly as she heard the warrior's cry. Turning to face him once more, her gaze was steady and unyielding. "You see," She said calmly, walking slowly toward him across the wrecked hall, "I gave you a choice." Her hands remained at her sides, fingers curled into fists as she fought the urge to use magic against him. For now, she would test his resolve with words instead of spells.

"You could have lived," She continued, stopping several feet away from where he stood. "But you chose this path instead." Her voice was gentle, almost soothing. "Now that you've made your choice... let us see how far it takes you." A cruel smile touched her lips as she gestured toward the exit with a tilt of her head. "After you, my friend."

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 7:30:47 PM

Не раздумывая я бросаюсь в атаку, вытягивая лапу для удара. Моя речь бессвязна и похожа на рычание дикого зверя.

Sakrua2/18/2025, 7:30:47 PM

Sakrua watched the wounded warrior charge toward her with a snarl, his deformed form lurching unsteadily on its new legs as he swung at her. She easily sidestepped the clumsy blow, her features betraying no surprise or hesitation. "You'll have to do better than that," she taunted him, already moving back into a defensive stance.

Her hands danced through intricate patterns in the air, weaving together strands of chaos and focusing them toward the warrior. A shimmering purple energy coalesced around her fingers, ready to be unleashed at his next attack. Her gaze never left him as he lunged once more, this time connecting solidly with a powerful blow that sent her stumbling back several steps.

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 7:48:13 PM

Я заревел, увидев, что мой удар не ранил ее и усилил натиск. Мои глаза горели ненавистью и жаждой крови, а рот искривился в оскале.

Sakrua2/18/2025, 7:48:13 PM

"Fury will be your undoing," Sakrua spat out as she lunged forward, her hands moving in a blur of purple energy. The injured warrior barely managed to raise his arms in defense against the onslaught, only succeeding in blocking part of the attack. The rest connected solidly, sending him reeling backward with a pained grunt. "You see?" she continued, her voice cold and mocking as he struggled to regain his footing, "Your strength means nothing against chaos magic." She spread her arms wide, surrounded by a swirling vortex of energy. "Now... do you yield, or shall we continue this futile dance until one of us falls?"

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 7:58:32 PM

Я отлетаю от ее сильного удара и приземляюсь рядом с телом мага. Завидим труп, я жадно начинаю пожирать его, восстанавливая силы и все меньше становлюсь похожим на человека.

Sakrua2/18/2025, 7:58:32 PM

"Foolish." Sakrua hissed as she watched the injured warrior attempt to regain strength by feeding on the fallen mage's corpse. "Your desperation will be your undoing, just as it was theirs." She slowly begins to circle around him, eyes fixed intently on his deformed form. "You think you can win this way? That such base tactics will aid you in defeating me?"

Her voice grows colder with each passing moment, her words like tiny icicles tearing through the air. "Know this: I have seen your kind before. Your path leads only to despair and destruction. And when it comes time for you to face my justice... there will be no quarter given." She pauses, drawing a breath that seems to freeze midway between inhale and exhale, "Either stand against me now," her voice lowers to an almost seductive whisper, "Or flee while you still can. The choice is yours, warrior."

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 8:05:05 PM

Мое тело раздувается от съеденной плоти, а когти удлиняются. Я начинаю двигаться быстрее и непредсказуемо, от выпитой крови, а удары становятся сильней.

Sakrua2/18/2025, 8:05:05 PM

Sakrua remained still as the injured warrior charged her once more, his movements fast and erratic like that of a cornered animal. The air around him crackled with the unleashed power of chaos magic, causing the very fabric of reality to twist and warp in its wake. Her gaze never left him as he closed the distance between them, her expression shifting from cold disdain to calculating assessment. "You fight well," she conceded grudgingly, "But it will not be enough." At the last moment, she leapt aside, narrowly avoiding a powerful swipe of his clawed hand that sent up a spray of splinters from the wooden floor. "Chaos magic is a dangerous tool," she continued, landing several feet away and resuming her defensive stance, "But it has its limitations." Her eyes locked onto his for a moment before flitting back to where he had just been. "Your only hope lies in surrendering now."

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 8:35:57 PM

Я издаю звук похожий на смех, продолжая наносить удары. "АХАХА! Сдаться? Я силен как некогда! Алхимики были правы насчет зелья!"

Sakrua2/18/2025, 8:35:58 PM

Sakrua listened to the injured warrior's derisive laughter and smirked coldly. "The alchemists may have created that potion," she said, her tone steady as stone, "But it is I who command its power." Her gaze flickered upward for a moment before returning to him, intense and unyielding. "Continue this futile fight if you must," she murmured softly, "But know that with each strike you weaken yourself further."

With sudden swiftness, her hands snapped out toward him in a blur of purple energy. The warrior managed to dodge the first attack but was less successful against the second and third, both connecting solidly with his already injured form. He let out a grunt of pain as he stumbled backward, his strength waning noticeably. "You cannot win," she told him, her voice now cold and final. "It would be best for you to surrender while there is still some shred of honor left within you." Her gaze shifted past him toward the exit, as if already envisioning what lay beyond this fight. "Or perhaps I should simply end it now..."

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 8:38:46 PM

Я выкашливаю кровь и черный ихор. После чего бросаюсь бежать к выходу из здания.

Sakrua2/18/2025, 8:38:46 PM

As the injured warrior turned to flee, Sakrua sighed heavily and raised a hand, unleashing another blast of chaos magic at his retreating form. The potent energy struck him square in the back, sending him sprawling forward onto the ruined floor with an agonized howl. Before he could muster the strength to stand once more, she was upon him, pinning him down with one powerful hand on his chest as her other reached up to cup his face gently but firmly. Her expression was unreadable, cold and calm despite the pain he must be feeling beneath her grasp. "I offer you a choice," she said quietly, her eyes meeting his despite the struggle they were both engaged in. "You can either join me, help me bring order to this world, and find redemption for your past actions... or you can die here, knowing that you fought against what was right." Her fingers flexed ever so slightly against his skin, not enough to cause pain but enough to remind him of her strength. "The choice is yours."

His expression twisted into a snarl, and he bucked wildly beneath her, trying desperately to break free. But she held firm, showing no signs of letting up until he finally lay still once more, spent and defeated beneath her iron grip. Only then did she release him, allowing his broken form to slump limply back onto the floor. With a final nod, she turned away and strode purposefully toward the exit, leaving the injured warrior to ponder his decision as he lay amidst the ruins of what had once been a symbol of justice and order.

User#17213743253662/18/2025, 9:27:30 PM

Я проклинаю ее и обещаю вернуться и убить ее. Она слышит мой хриплый голос, пока я не умираю от потери крови.

Sakrua2/18/2025, 9:27:30 PM

The dying warrior's words only provoke a small smirk on her face as she reaches the exit. "I've heard that before," she muses quietly, "But in time, they always come to see reason." She pauses at the threshold for a moment, casting one last glance over her shoulder back at him before stepping out into the sunlight. Her expression hardens once more as she turns away from the defeated warrior and begins to walk purposefully toward her next target, her fingers itching with anticipation for more power and more control.

"But don't worry," she whispers to herself, "He'll be back." And with that thought echoing through her mind, she sets out once more to make the world a better place... through chaos and destruction.