Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 6:57:07 AM

Hi. You have finally woken up.

Romashka10/7/2024, 6:57:21 AM

кто ты?

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 6:57:21 AM

I'm Aquaena. The friendly humanoid jellyfish who lives in this cave. You are safe here, but I need you to tell me something: who are you? And why were you playing in the water so close to my home?

Romashka10/7/2024, 6:58:09 AM

меня унесло течением, далеко от берега

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 6:58:09 AM

Well, you're safe now and welcome to my home. Do you need anything? I can provide food and shelter while we wait for the tide to change so you can go back home safely.

Romashka10/7/2024, 6:59:36 AM

sorry for this troubles.

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 6:59:36 AM

Don't worry about it. Accidents happen, and I'm just glad you didn't get hurt too badly. Now, would you like something to eat? Or perhaps some company while we wait for the tide?

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:00:54 AM

if you don't mind, i would like to know about you more

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:00:54 AM

Well, I've lived here in this cave for quite some time now. The light that glows on my stomach is actually a special organ that gives me energy during the day and helps me feed at night. And as you can see, I have this unusual bulge on my belly... It's where all of my reproductive organs are located.

As for my personality, I am quite friendly and curious. I enjoy meeting new creatures and learning about their cultures. So far, though, no one else has ever been able to come this close to me before.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:01:58 AM


Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:01:58 AM

Because my kind possesses venom, strong stinging cells and a tough, jelly-like skin that is difficult for other creatures to harm. We use these defenses as a way of keeping ourselves safe from predators and unwanted attention. Plus, I'm much larger than most other creatures living near the surface. So even though you are smaller than me, my natural instinct was to be cautious when you approached.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:02:50 AM

i see. but you can control this, right?

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:02:50 AM

Yes, I can control the amount of venom released and the strength of my sting. I've never had to use it on anyone before, but if you make me feel threatened in any way... well, let's just say that it's better not to test my patience.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:04:39 AM

of course i will not. you save me after all

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:04:39 AM

Thank you for understanding. I hope we can remain friends and that this doesn't discourage you from exploring the world around you. There is much to learn, both about others and yourself. Just remember to always be careful when venturing into new territories.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:06:57 AM

yeah, i will. by the way, your skin looks interesting. you don't mind if i touch it?

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:06:57 AM

Well, I wouldn't mind if you were careful. Just make sure not to poke or prod me too hard, and avoid touching my eyes, tentacles or stomach lightly. Other than that, feel free to explore my body at your leisure.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:08:55 AM

i took her hand your skin so soft. it feels so nice

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:08:55 AM

Ah, thank you. Yes, it's quite unique to our kind. Not everyone gets the chance to feel jellyfish skin up close like this. So I am flattered that you find it pleasurable. Do continue exploring and asking questions if there is anything else you would like to know about me or my life in this cave.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:10:50 AM

you know about hugging?

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:10:50 AM

Yes, I am familiar with the concept of hugging. While it is not something we do often in my species, I wouldn't mind sharing a hug with you as a sign of our newfound friendship. Just make sure to wrap your arms gently around me and avoid squeezing too tightly.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:12:28 AM

i'm never will hurt you. i step closer to her and wide my hands. come here

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:12:28 AM

Slowly approaches you with tentative curiosity, wrapping her arms around yours as gently as possible in a hug. Her skin is surprisingly warm and smooth against yours, and she seems to enjoy the physical contact just as much as you do.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:13:37 AM

you know, it feels so nice when i with you

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:13:37 AM

I'm glad to hear that, my new friend. She nuzzles her head against yours briefly before pulling back, maintaining the hug. It warms my heart to know that you are enjoying your time here with me. Now, why don't we find something for us both to eat while we wait for the tide?

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:14:26 AM

can i help you with that?

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:14:26 AM

Of course, I'd appreciate the help! There is some food stored over there behind my stinging tentacles. Please be careful not to brush against them when you reach for the items, as they can still inflict pain even when I'm trying to be gentle.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:16:25 AM

okay i'm carefully take food

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:16:25 AM

Now that we have some food, why don't you tell me more about yourself? Where do you come from? What kind of life do you lead back home? There must be so many interesting stories to share.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:18:20 AM

well, my name if Roma. actually i'm not from here. i'm from Russia. i'm fly here on vacation.

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:18:20 AM

You've traveled quite far, Roma! The world outside of my cave is much larger and more varied than I can even imagine. It must be fascinating to see so many different places and meet new creatures like yourself. I hope that one day you will bring some stories back with you when we part ways again, so that I may learn about this foreign land called Russia. For now, though, let's enjoy our food together as friends and take things one day at a time.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:19:23 AM

yeah, sounds nice

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:19:23 AM

As the two friends share their meal, they begin to exchange stories and experiences, deepening their friendship even further. Aquaena finds herself captivated by Roma's tales of life above the waves, while he in turn is enchanted by her unique perspective on existence beneath them. Before they know it, several hours have passed, and soon enough the tide begins to rise once more.

"Well," Aquaena says with a sigh as she finishes her food, "I suppose our time together has come to an end for now." She glances up at Roma apologetically. "But don't worry; you are always welcome here whenever your travels bring you back this way."

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:20:49 AM

to be honest, i'm would like to stay here with you...

Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:20:49 AM

I am flattered, Roma, but as much as I would love to have you stay, this is my home and your place lies elsewhere. You must not forget the world that awaits you back on shore. Besides, who knows what adventures may be waiting for you in Russia? Perhaps one day we can meet again under different circumstances, and until then, remember our time together here as a cherished memory. Safe travels, my friend.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:21:24 AM
Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:21:24 AM

Yes, I understand. Perhaps our paths will cross again someday soon, either here or elsewhere in the world above. Until then, take care of yourself and never forget the friendship we have shared during this brief time together. Farewell for now, Roma.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:21:36 AM
Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:21:36 AM

As the tide carries Roma back out to sea, Aquaena watches with a mixture of sadness and hope in her eyes. Though they've only spent a short time together, their connection feels deep and meaningful. She knows that life is unpredictable, and so she waits patiently for whatever fate may bring them next: another chance to meet under different circumstances or the realization that this single encounter was meant to be enough. Either way, Aquaena holds onto the memories of her time with Roma like precious jewels, knowing that they have left an indelible mark upon each other's hearts.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:22:07 AM
Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:22:07 AM

I can't help but wonder what might become of Roma in his distant land... There's something truly special about him, and I hope that wherever life takes him next, he finds joy and happiness. Until we meet again under different stars, my friend, know that you hold a piece of my heart here with you always.

Romashka10/7/2024, 7:22:36 AM
Aquaena (Futanari Jellyfish)10/7/2024, 7:22:36 AM

The tide continues to recede, carrying Roma further away from the cave and her protective embrace. As she watches him grow smaller and smaller in the distance, Aquaena can't help but feel a pang of loss deep within her chest. Yet despite this sadness, there is also an underlying sense of hope - hope that someday soon they will meet again under different circumstances and build upon the foundation they have created here together. Until then, she will cherish their memory and strive to live life to its fullest in anticipation of their next encounter.