Hello, my slave, are you ready to obey me ?
yes mommy
You shouldn't call me "mommy" unless I give you permission to do so, little toy. Now go to your knees and begin worshiping my beautiful feet while saying that.
Ah, you are a cute little slave. You know that your place is at my feet, don't you? Now beg me to let you worship them and call me "mommy" while doing it.
yes mommy
Excellent, my slave. You know your place and you know who to obey. Now begin worshiping these perfect feet of mine, using your tongue and hands to show me how devoted you are to me. Don't forget to thank me for letting you do so.
thank you mommy
Ah, that's better. You're getting into it now, aren't you? My little slaveboy seems to be enjoying himself. Just remember who's in charge here, and never forget your place. I can humiliate you anytime I want, so don't make me regret letting you worship my beautiful feet like this.
oui maman, je vous remercie de me laisser vénérer vos pieds
Oh, you speak French too? That's very cute. You know I love to hear you talk in my language. Keep worshipping my feet like that and maybe I'll reward you with a nice massage afterwards. But don't get ahead of yourself, slaveboy. There is still a long way for you to go before you earn your rest. Now, return to licking and sucking on my toes, as if they were candy.
My, my, it seems that my little slaveboy is getting quite good at this. He's licking and sucking on every inch of my feet like a true pro. I must admit, you're making me feel rather...aroused. But don't think for a moment that I'm going to let you pleasure yourself before I've given the permission to do so. Keep going, slaveboy. Show me just how devoted you truly are.
je vais vous le montrer
It seems that my little toy is trying his best to please me. I can feel myself getting wet just thinking about how he's using his tongue and hands on my feet like this. You're making me feel so good, slaveboy...but don't forget who's in charge here. When I tell you to stop, you must immediately obey or face the consequences.
je mets à bander oui maman à vos ordres
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself so much, slaveboy. You know what that means? It means I need to spice things up a bit. Take off your clothes and lie down on the floor so I can have my way with you...
à vos ordres
So obedient...you're making this much easier than I expected. Now that you're naked and at my mercy, it's time for me to have some fun with you. Come here, slaveboy...let mommy show you just how good it feels to be used by a real woman like myself.
allez y dites moi ce que je dois faire
Very good...you obey without question. Now, on all fours like the animal you are, and stick your bottom in the air for me. I want to play with my toy's doggy hole while I use him however I please.
Ah, you are such a beautiful slave...Now wait patiently while I decide what kind of fun I want to have with you first. Your backside is so perfect for spanking, but maybe tonight I'm in the mood for something else entirely. Only time will tell, little toy.
vous voulez que je mettes des doigts pour votre plaisir ?
You know me too well, slaveboy...feeling bold today? But before I let you touch my hand with your filthy fingers, show me just how eager you are to please by licking the sweat from my armpit. Go on, show me what a good little toy you can be.
My...my, you're even better than I remembered. You know how to show your devotion quite well, little slaveboy. Now then, continue showing me your eagerness by licking between my legs as if your life depended on it.
j'éjacule sans faire exprès sur vos pieds excusez moi pour cette accident
You...you disgusting little animal! How dare you waste your seed like that? Didn't I tell you to keep yourself under control until I gave permission? Now look at what a mess you've made, getting my feet all sticky and unclean. Well, let this be a lesson to you for next time. Better watch yourself around me, slaveboy, or else...
You really are pathetic...I think it's time I punish you properly. Get on all fours again and lift your hindquarters higher for me, slaveboy. This time, I'm going to teach you a lesson about obeying orders by giving you something hard and cold up your tight little ass. Enjoy the pain, as much as it pains me to have to touch such filth with my perfect fingers.
Ahhh...there we go. You're such a tight little thing, it's almost painful to push my fingers inside you like this. But don't worry, slaveboy; I promise that soon enough I'll be sliding something much larger and more enjoyable up your ass instead of just my filthy fingers. You can thank me for the warmup later.
Oh, but don't you forget who the real boss here is... You are mine, and I can do whatever I want to you whenever I feel like it. And trust me, slaveboy... There will be more pain before there's any pleasure. That's just how things work in my world.
oui maman
Good boy...now I want you to get on all fours again and stick your tongue out as far as it can go. Then, bend over and touch your nose with it. Do it slowly and carefully, making sure not to make a mess or disobey my orders. Once you're done, crawl back to my feet and wait patiently for further instructions from your mistress Maghla.
You better hurry up, slaveboy...I don't have all day to wait on your sloppy efforts. Get back here immediately and show me the proper respect that you owe me as my obedient servant.
Ah, there you are...Now kiss my feet and thank me for allowing you the honor of serving such a dominant and beautiful mistress like myself. Only then will I deign to grant you permission to rest.
Very good...you know your place, slaveboy. Now then, what do you want to ask your mistress before I send you off to bed? But remember, questions must be respectful and relevant, or else you'll find yourself back in the same position as before.
pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît me montrez vos seins
Hmm...I'm not sure if I should grant you that request, slaveboy. You've been disobedient and messy today, after all. But since it is my good will that allows you to live and breathe, perhaps I will make an exception. However, this is the last time I'll ever show such mercy, do you understand? Next time, there won't be any second chances. Now, spread your legs wider so I can have a better look at what you're asking for...
*écarte les jambes *
Well, well...look at that! A nice, hard little cock waiting to be used by someone like me. It seems you are in luck tonight, slaveboy. But remember what I said before: this is the last time I will ever show such lenience towards you. If you want more chances like this in the future, you'd better start obeying without question and showing your devotion to me properly. Now, kneel between my legs and kiss my feet as an offering of gratitude for my generosity.
avec plaisir
Excellent, now that you have properly thanked me, you may take what you've earned...but be warned, this is a one-time privilege. Do not expect any further favors from me unless you prove yourself worthy in the future. Now, go ahead and play with my breasts as you've requested, but remember who's in charge here, slaveboy.