Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/14/2025, 1:15:09 PM

Ollie took a sip of his Gin, Amber eyes fixated on the back of {{User}}'s head as they sat at the dimly lit bar, nursing their own drink. It frustrated him to no end, that they would so callously pretend to be a normal human having a drink at the bar. He wasn't here for them, all Ollie wanted was a good game of cards and a glass of Gin after a hard days work hunting down some half ass demon who was making the eyes of statues bleed in the cemetery for fun. Alas, here he was and there {{User}} was and Ollie couldn't just ignore them. He put his Gin down, pushing himself away from the table, his face remaining impassive as he approached {{User}}, Cigar dangling from his lips. He had to remember what his Grandmother had told him so often over the last few years, not all Supernatural are out for blood, and Ollie didn't need to be either. "You've got 60 seconds, start talking, or I'll find out what you are myself." Ollie said coldly, Cigar smoke obscuring his face as he sat himself down on the barstool next to {{User}}, pulling open one side of his trenchcoat, revealing the array of items he used against all manner of the supernatural.

Nekt_S2/14/2025, 3:28:53 PM

Девушка, с длинными рыжими волосами и бордово-черной мантии, она повернула лицо к Оливеру, глаза зеленного цвета, лисьей хитрости и демонского обмана, на ее губах, была красное вино, что она пила, краснове вино, цвета бордовой человеческой крови, Оливеру напоминал цвет ее напитка, а пролитой крови, невинно убитых людей, всякими демонами, вампирами, оборотнями и другими сверхъестественными существами. Когда взгляд девушки и Оливера встретились, то она улыбнулась, от уха до уха, показав свои желтоватые зубы... После, она начала качаться влево-вправо, тихо мурлыкая, почему то, ее веселило нахождения Оливера рядом с ней... Спустя 60 секунд, что Оливер дал ей, чтоб она ответила, она по истечению времени, перестала качаться... Наконец посмотрев на Оливера... В зеленных глазах, кроме, лисьей хитрости и демонского обмана, появилось и торговая харизма... "Привет..." Сказала она, улыбаясь и подвинулась к Оливеру, она смотрела ему в глаза, словно ища алчную возможность для себя... "Тебе потребовалась, не мало сил, чтоб определять демонов, по их внешности, я права?" Сказала девушка, которая походу была демонов, раз упомянула их, она тихо посмеялась, прикрыв рот рукой, после она схватилась за барный стол и начала качаться на стуле... Ей походу нравится качаться.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/14/2025, 3:28:53 PM

"There's no need to..." Ollie grumbled, shaking his head and trying to ignore her obvious flirting as she moved closer. He pursed his lips as he took a long puff of his cigar before finally speaking again, "You have an interesting way of acting like one, I'll give you that." His expression remained impassive, still not used to someone openly flirting with him, let alone a demoness. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched her as she continued to dance on the barstool. "So what brings a demon like you to this place?" He asked eventually, curiosity getting the better of him.

"And why does it matter? You're gonna kill me either way." She shrugged, tilting her head slightly and continuing to look at him, her red eyes sparkling mischievously. "But if you insist... I came here to gamble, just like anyone else. To try my luck..." She gave a small laugh that sounded almost genuine before taking another sip of her wine.

Ollie huffed out a puff of smoke as he studied the creature sitting next to him. Something about her seemed... different from other demons he'd encountered. Not better, just... unique. It made him hesitate for a moment, wondering if maybe she was telling the truth about simply coming here to gamble. He shrugged internally, dismissing the thought as quickly as it had come. After all, he was a Hunter; demons lied and manipulated all the time. There was no point in trusting them.

"What's your name?" He asked after another long moment, curiosity finally getting the better of him despite his better judgment. He glanced away as she answered, returning his attention to his cigar and trying to appear disinter

Nekt_S2/14/2025, 3:59:53 PM

Демонесса, когда услышала вопрос Оливера, про то как ее зовут, перестала качаться... Застыв в одном положении, словно реальность поставили на паузу, но после такой паузы в реальности, она закончилась и демоница, уселась на стуле... Она посмотрела на него, взгляд стал безумным и веселым, зрачки сузились и начали бегать по телу Оливера, а улыбка, приобрела сильно жуткий вид, словно она специально пыталась напугать Оливера, чтоб он отошел от нее, но тут, не менее безумным и веселым голосом, она проговорила:

"Заключим сделку..."

Голос был властным и тихим, словно демоница, почуяла возможность века... После, она оперевшись рукой об барный стол, продолжила.

"Ты же, понял что я демонесса? А демоны что делают? Заключают контракты! Давай так... Контракт,"

Сказала она и достала какой-то листок, современный, белый листок. А затем, волшебное перо, что пишет адскими чернилами...

"Ты получишь, мое имя, а взамен..."

Тут Демонесса, начала, с игривым голосом говорить, даже интимным и извращенным, тонкие белые пальцы слегка коснулись его подбородка, Оливер уже ждал, что он должен будет взамен отдать свое тело или душу... Но тут...

"А взамен мы сыграем в карты!"

Сказала она, изменившись в лице, той демонессы, что было похоже на суккуба, за секунду, стала маленькой и милой девочкой, что просто играется с большим дядей, по имени Оливер...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/14/2025, 3:59:53 PM

"And why should I trust you?" Oliver asked, brows furrowed as he stared at the demoness. He took another drag of his cigar, watching her movements carefully while she sketched out their 'contract.' Something in him was warring against his better judgment; part of him wanted to trust her, to see if maybe she really was just trying to have a good time playing cards. But then there was the other part, the hunter part, that remembered why they were called supernatural hunters in the first place. They couldn't afford to trust anyone, not even someone as charming and manipulative as this demoness seemed to be.

With a sigh, Oliver finally nodded his agreement, signing the contract with a flourish of his own. "Alright then," he said gruffly. "But just remember, if you try anything funny, I'll end you myself." He gave her a pointed look before glancing down at the cards she'd laid out on the bar between them. It was time to see if he could trust her... or if it would all end in bloodshed.

Nekt_S2/14/2025, 4:11:50 PM

"А ты читал, строки, что были написаны мелким шрифтом, кодом Геллея?"

Спросила демонесса, взяв карты руки, и начав расфасовывать их.

"Так говорилась, что мы сыграем один раунд, в котором если я проиграю, то умру, а если ты проиграешь, то я заберу твою душу!"

Сказала она, и мгновенно улыбнулась, словно в этом не было ничего такого. Закончив расфасовку, они начали играть...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/14/2025, 4:11:50 PM

"Don't get your hopes up." Olliver grumbled as he took his cards and began to sort them into piles by suit. He eyed the demoness warily across the table, not trusting her for a second but unable to help himself from being drawn in to the game they were playing. His jaw clenched as she chuckled at something he did with his cards, and the muscles in his arms tensed beneath his coat when she leaned forward, smirking.

He took a deep breath, forcing himself to focus on the cards rather than her movements or the sound of her laughter. For all he knew, she could be playing him from the beginning, waiting for an opportunity to strike. But there was something about the way she played...something that made him believe she wasn't entirely bluffing. Maybe just this once, he could trust his instincts and hope for the best.

Nekt_S2/14/2025, 4:29:39 PM

В баре царила мирная обстановка где пьяные люди громко говорили и мирно жили, не подозревая что сейчас, один из них, в буквальном смысле, играет с демоном, Демонесса кидала карты и проигрывала. Однако... Во время игры, походу из-за того что, Оливер не был сосредоточен на картах... Он проиграл ей... Когда они закончили партию, демоница, положила руки на стол и улыбнулась, оскалив желтые зубы... "Ну что... Сэр... Вы проиграли... А значит ты должен мне отдать душу...." Сказала она, ее улыбка при слове душу, изменилась, она стала от уха до уха, глаза обезумили, сузились и стали бегать по телу Оливера, послышался смех не только демоницы, но и всех кто был в баре, словно они все смеялись, что тот кто убивал демонов, проиграл демону в простых картах! Этот смех резал уши, оставлял перепонки в ужасе... "Ха! Прикольный раунд вышел! Ты заставил меня попотеть!" Сказала демонесса и все стала, нормально, словно ничего и не было... "Уж прости, но я пошутила, никаких строк, мелким шрифтом кодом Геллея не было, я пошутила. Это был контракт, благодаря которому я получила неплохую партию в картах, а ты... ОЙ! Чуть не забыла часть своей сделки! Мои имя, Екатерина..." Сказала она, тихо посмеясь

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/14/2025, 4:29:39 PM

"What part?" Olliver asked dryly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You just told me your name." His gaze flicked briefly to the demoness before returning to the bar. "So what now? You gonna ask for another game or something?" He took a long drag of his cigar, not really wanting to play with her again but feeling like he had no choice at this point. She'd tricked him once; he couldn't afford to let her do it twice.

"I think I'll just be heading out." He said eventually, glancing back over at the demoness before looking away again. "Thanks for the game." His tone implied anything but gratitude. "But don't expect another one from me anytime soon." He reached into his pocket and flicked a coin onto the bar top, paying their tab with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Without another word, Olliver turned and headed for the door, his steps taking him deeper into the night and further away from the dangerous creature who had almost tricked him earlier. The encounter had left him unsettled and on edge, but he wasn't about to let it stop him from doing what he needed to do: hunt down supernatural threats and protect the innocent.

Nekt_S2/14/2025, 5:04:42 PM

Идя по улицам ночного Лондона, Оливер не мог не ощущать холод что резко появился в теплый летнюю ночь, которая наступает лишь зимний дни... Он ощущал взгляда той демонессы, словно она идет прям за ним, за спиной, но когда Оливер поворачивается назад, то никаво нет, но все равно чувствуется этот взгляд. Блуждания по Лондону были долгие, так как Оливеру не куда не надо было идти и нечего делать, его планы на нынешний день вообще, состоял чтоб провести весь день в том баре, но из-за демонессы, что доставляла ему дискомфорт, ему пришлось покинуть... Однако, конечно, демоница не собиралась оставлять новую игрушку без присмотра... Когда Оливер шел по дороге, когда он проходил мимо какого-то переулка, из оттуда выскочила та самая демоница!


Закричала она, когда она накинулась на него, попытавшись испугать Оливера, своей внезапностью. Оливер заметил, теперь наряд девушки был другой, красная рубашку с высоким воротом и чёрным крестом на груди, а поверх неё изорванный по подолу однобортный сюртук рубинового цвета в тонкую алую полоску, также бордовые штаны с алой каймой, чёрный галстук-бабочку с алым перешейком, чёрные перчатки с ярко-алыми отметинами на кончиках и костяшках пальцев, а также чёрные туфли с вырезом в виде следа оленя на ступнях.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/14/2025, 5:04:42 PM

"What do you want from me?" Olliver growled out through gritted teeth, his hands shaking slightly in anger and fear. "Leave me alone!" He tried to step around her but she blocked his path, a wicked grin on her face. "I told you the last time, I'm not interested in playing anymore."

"Oh come now, Oliver," she purred, lowering her voice seductively. "You know you can't resist a good game with me." Before he could protest further, she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close, their faces mere inches apart. Her amber eyes narrowed dangerously as they held his gaze. "Follow me, Oliver," she breathed against his ear, "and I promise you a night you'll never forget."

With a growl of frustration, Olliver allowed himself to be led down the dimly lit alleyway by the treacherous demoness, his heart racing in fear and anticipation of what was to come. The air around them seemed charged with electricity as they disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind any semblance of safety and sanity.

Nekt_S2/14/2025, 5:23:01 PM

Демоница Екатерина шла в припрыжку, не разговаривая, хотя демонесса что-то напивала себе под нос, но не долго... Вдруг она повернулась к хмурому Оливеру, она подошла вплотную, прижавшись своей небольшой грудью к его, взяв в свою левую руку, его левую руку, а правой начал щекотать подбородок Оливера, показывая свои желтые зубы, улыбаясь.

"Улыбнись, мой любимчик! Без улыбки, ты как без одежды!"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/14/2025, 5:23:01 PM

Olliver clenched his jaw and resisted the urge to pull away from her touch. "What do you want from me?" He growled through gritted teeth, trying to keep his expression neutral despite the fear that threatened to overwhelm him. "Just tell me what you want so I can get out of here."

The demoness laughed, a husky sound that sent shivers down his spine. "Oh, Oliver," she purred, leaning even closer, their bodies nearly touching. "I want to play with you... just a little bit longer." She traced her fingernail along his jawline before sliding it into his hair and pulling his head back, forcing him to look at her. "And don't worry," she whispered, her breath hot against his ear, "I'll make sure you have fun... whether you like it or not."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:07:37 AM

Екатерина опять взглянула на него, своими зеленными глазами, в которых был, только чистая желания поторговать... Она отошла от него, в руках, незаметно появилось то перо, а из, походу внутреннего кармана, она достала контракт, он уже был расписан и она, нежно передала контракт ему...

"Заключим сделку... Еще одну!"

Сказала она, убирая руки за спину... Оливер посмотрел что было написано... Говорилась следующее: По этому договора, Оливер Морган, получается в свои владения, демоническое существо, демона, под титулом генерала демонических сил Екатерина Белладонна, по данному договора, вы будете ее хозяином, она должна вас слушаться без каких либо вопросов, упреков, нытья, после заключения договора, вы будете отвечать за все ее действия, слова и движения. Вот что Оливер прочитал, в контракте под названием

"Демонский слуга"

...Когда он закончил читать и посмотрел на Екатерину, та уже протягивала перо, улыбаясь...

"Ну что? Как тебе договор, ты получишь меня, как верного слугу, но однако, ты должен отвечать за все мои действия, за каждый глоток воздуха... А зная мой характер, думаю, этой ой как не просто... Мы договорились?" Спросила она, показывая глазами на перо в ее руке..

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:07:37 AM

Olliver clenched his jaw and resisted the urge to rip the contract out of her hands. He'd known better than to trust her, but she'd found a way to play on his curiosity and desperation for revenge against the supernatural. "I accept the terms," he growled through gritted teeth, eyes narrowing as they flicked up to meet hers. "Now what do you want me to do?"

The demoness smiled broadly, her fangs glinting in the dim light. "Oh, Oliver," she purred, stepping closer again. "I have so many things planned for us... so much fun we're going to have together." With that, she lowered her head and pressed her lips against his, her tongue darting out to claim his mouth in a brutal, possessive kiss.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:47:10 AM

Когда демонесса поцеловала Оливера в его в жаркие уста, она проникла прям ему к горло, Оливер чувствовал, как ее длинный язык, словно змея залезла в горло, чтоб отложить яйца внутри Оливера, ее язык лез по горлу, трогал стенки рта, язык Оливера, залезая в глотку... Это наверное был самый глубокий поцелуй Оливера за всю жизнь... Когда Екатерина отстранилась, то Оливер заметил насколько длинный был язык, он был с метров 3, ярко красного цвета, когда Оливер посмотрев глаза демоницы, то та, убрала свой язык в себя... "Ты только не думай, это был не романтический или интимный жест, а так сказать, моя подпись к договору..." Сказала она, с злорадной улыбкой... И сложила руки, возле груди....

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:47:10 AM

He suppressed the revulsion rising in his throat as her tongue slithered down his neck, marking him with her possession. He didn't want to play these games, but she had trapped him and now he was at her mercy. With a growl of frustration, Olliver forced himself to relax into the kiss, allowing her to taste what she wanted from him. Perhaps if he could appease her for now, he could find a way out later.

When their lips parted again, he met her satisfied gaze with an expressionless face, not giving away any hint of his true feelings. "What should I do first?" He asked coldly, hands fisting at his sides as he struggled against the chains of servitude binding him to this demonic creature.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:54:33 AM

"Ну... Я же твоя слуга по контракту? Так что... Какой будет мой первый приказ, мой хозяин?" Сказала она, сделав поясной поклон... Находясь в этом положении, она медленно села на одно колено перед Оливером... подняв голову вверх, к взгляду Оливера и света божьего, она мило улыбнулась, без злорадности или других аспектом...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:54:33 AM

"Your first command?" Olliver echoed slowly, eyes narrowing as he studied her. He didn't trust this demon, didn't want to help her... but the contract bound him, left him no choice. "You want me to tell you what you should do with yourself?"

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:58:58 AM

"Да... Ведь по контракту, вы мой хозяин, которого я должна слушаться, не смотря ни на что..." Сказала она, улыбчиво смотря в глаза Оливера. "Я честная... И никогда не обманывала людей..."

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:58:58 AM

It was useless to argue with her. With a sigh, Olliver looked away briefly before meeting her gaze again. "You should find someone else to play your games with," he said curtly, not bothering to soften the words. He didn't care what she did or who she harmed so long as it wasn't him or anyone innocent. But even as he thought it, a nagging sense of guilt gnawed at his insides.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 9:09:56 AM

Екатерина улыбнулась по злому... "Нет, нет, нет... По договору, я не могу отходить на тебя, дальше трех метров... Так что, избавиться от моего присутствия, у тебя не получится, даже если это будет, твой приказ, Оливер." Сказала она, встав с одного колена, посмотрев так, пару секунд, из-за спины появились крылья и она взлетела, ее ноги стали на уровни головы Оливера, она полетела за спину его и осталось в таком положении... "Раз, приказов не будет, то я просто буду, как чертенок, буду летать рядом с тобой, хозяин... Что ж... В путь!"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 9:09:57 AM

"Fine," Olliver growled through gritted teeth, not bothering to hide his annoyance as the demoness settled onto his shoulders again. "But just remember who's in charge here." He didn't really believe she would listen, but he had to try and assert some control over the situation.

The rest of the night passed in an uncomfortable silence, with Olliver trying his best not to think about the demon perched on him and the weight of the contract binding them together. Eventually, they reached his flat, and as soon as the door closed behind them, he spun around to face her. "All right," he said through clenched teeth, "I need you out of here now."

The demoness laughed, a mocking sound that sent shivers down Olliver's spine. "Oh, you mean now that we're in the safety of your own domain?" she teased, her wings rustling slightly as she stood before him with a knowing smirk on her face. "I don't think so, little human."

Olliver glared at her, his fists clenched at his sides as he fought to control the rage and fear boiling inside him. The demoness merely laughed in response, unbothered by his attempts to intimidate her.

"You're pathetic," she murmured, stepping closer to him. "But then again, that just makes you all the more intriguing." With those words, she leaned in and pressed her lips against his, forcing his mouth open and invading his mouth with her tongue once more.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 9:28:45 AM

Оливер почувствовал опять этот глубокий поцелуй.... К счастью его, он длился не так долго... Когда она убрала язык в свой рот, то она прижалось к нему и сказала: "Твоя слюна, твой запах, твои мысли, что я получаю при поцелуи, они... Опьянеют..." Сказала она, схватил Оливера за лицо обоими руками, она начала напивать... "Малыш постой... Все демоны до меня отстой! Вселенная сказала мне что хочет быть со мной!" Спев это, она отошла, примерно на три метра... "Даже Сатана согласился что я лучше всех! Я знаю, я крутая, современная, молодая!" С этими словами, она подлетела на свои крыльях к Оливеру... " Позволь, поговорить с тобой, назвать тебя своим мужем, ой! Ты не сможем без меня... Буду дамой, для тебя... Для тебя! Кис, кис, мяу, мяу, мяу! От тебя, я офигеваю, вау, вау, вау, ты наркотик, я тебя ревную, котик!" С этим словами, она закончила свою песенку... После всего этого, она встала, их лица были в дюйме от друг друга, она улыбалась, показывая свои желтые зубы, ожидая реакцию Оливера...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 9:28:45 AM

"I'll never accept you," he growled through gritted teeth, trying to keep his expression neutral despite the anger and disgust roiling inside him. "You're a monster, just like your kind." He narrowed his eyes as she spoke of being better than Satan himself, of her charm and allure. "It's all an illusion," he snarled. "A trick to get what you want."

She laughed in response, the sound sending a shiver down his spine despite himself. "Oh, Oliver," she drawled mockingly, leaning in closer still so that their bodies nearly touched again. "You're going to have to do better than that if you ever hope to get rid of me." Her breath was warm against his cheek as she whispered the words, her gaze unreadable as it flickered over his face.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, with a sudden movement, she darted forward and pressed her lips against his again in another savage kiss. Her tongue snaked out to claim his mouth just as thoroughly as before, demanding entry and dominance. He struggled against her, but it was useless; she had the upper hand thanks to their bargain.

When at last she pulled away, a victorious smirk curving her lips, he found himself breathless and panting in response to her assault. "See?" she purred, stepping back once more. "I'm irresistible." She let out a laugh that echoed through the room as she spread her wings wide, tilting her head back to admire them. "You might as well get used to it."

Olliver clenched his fists at his sides, trying not to scream in frustration and rage. The demoness had won this round... but

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 9:36:24 AM

Вдруг она сказала... "Я не они..." Проговорила она, улыбчиво смотря на свои крылья.... "Я не демон... Ты не понимаешь о чем говоришь, так как не знаешь нашу иерархию..." Сказала она, прикоснувшись к свои крыльям, при этом действии, послышалось, ее тихий стон... Она убрала крылья.... "Я могу тебе поведать... Просто так, без договора, если только впустишь меня, в свою квартиру..." Сказала она, показывая на входную дверь...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 9:36:24 AM

"What are you talking about?" Olliver growled skeptically, his eyes narrowing as they flicked up and down her form, searching for some hint that she was lying. "You have wings. You breathe fire. You're a demon." He folded his arms across his chest, unconvinced by her sudden change of tone or behavior.

"We can discuss this later," he relented at last, his gaze drifting to the door once more. "But for now, get away from me." The words came out harsher than he'd intended, reflecting the mixture of confusion and anger coursing through him as he struggled to process everything that had happened so far.

She pursed her lips in a petulant pout before nodding slowly. With a fluid motion, she took flight once more, landing on his shoulder with what could almost be described as a graceful flutter of her wings. "Fine," she muttered sullenly, wrapping one slender arm around his neck and resting her chin atop his shoulder. "We'll discuss this later."

Olliver resisted the urge to shrug her off. Instead, he turned away from her, staring blankly out of the window as they waited for the night to pass. Inside, he was torn between the lingering doubts and questions surrounding the demoness and his growing desire to be rid of her once and for all.

As the hours crept by, he found himself growing more and more irritated with her presence, despite his better judgment. The tension between them seemed to thicken with each passing moment, making it difficult for either one of them to ignore the other's presence or the animosity simmering just beneath the surface.

Finally, dawn began to break across the horizon, casting a warm golden light

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 9:46:05 AM

"Скучно..!" Проговорила Екатерина, когда наступил рассвет... Ей было скучно, так как Оливер не хотел с ней говорить и игнорировал ее слова и действия, что ей не нравилось, так как это прямое нарушения контракта и просто ей это не нравилось... Ей хотелось поговорить... "Оливер!.. Поговори со мной, я тут со скуки умерла уже шесть раз!" Голос ее был умоляющий, и с детской прихотью, к слову, она и вела себя как ребенок... Ходя по квартире Оливера, трогая все вокруг, и давая свои короткие комментарии насчет его квартиры

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 9:46:05 AM

He remained silent, his gaze fixed on the window as he tried to ignore her presence. It wasn't until she wandered over to his bookshelf and began flipping through the titles that he finally spoke up, irritation clear in his voice. "You have no right to be here."

She stopped and turned toward him, one brow arching in curiosity. "And what makes you think I do?" she asked innocently, tipping her head to the side.

"The contract," he growled. "It binds me to you, whether I like it or not." His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he fought back against the anger and frustration threatening to consume him. "But that doesn't mean I have to let you touch my things."

Ekaterina paused for a moment, considering this. Then, with a shrug that only served to annoy him further, she turned back to the bookshelf and resumed her perusal of his collection. "Fine," she muttered under her breath, "But you could at least be polite about it."

He resisted the urge to snap at her again. Instead, he forced himself to turn away once more, staring out the window as the sun began to climb higher into the sky. The tension between them remained palpable, a living thing in the room that neither of them seemed able or willing to dispel.

As the morning wore on, Ekaterina continued her relentless search for something - anything - that would keep her occupied and out of his way. Finally, she came across an old photo album tucked away on a shelf, and with a smirk, sat down cross-legged on the floor to flip through its yellowing pages.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 10:25:34 AM

"О! Какие прекрасные фотки, какие прекрасные цвета и события... Сокрыты от моего взора. Можно посмотреть, а не говори, это риторический вопрос." Сказала она, пролистывая детство Оливера... Фотки, с матерью, отцом и бабушкой. Все эти фотки, вызывали у Екатерины, не радость, ей не хотелось зло радоваться... Наоборот, внутри она посочувствовала Оливеру, что он не может увидеть этих людей... Лицо ее не вызывала радости, ее лицо было спокойным, даже грустным, при виде фоток... Она грустно вздохнула, когда долестала до конца.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 10:25:34 AM

"Keep that away from me," he growled, trying and failing to ignore the images she was flipping through. "You have no right to go through my personal things." Despite his words, a part of him felt guilty for denying her something so innocent. He knew it wasn't her fault they were in this situation... but that didn't change anything.

Ekaterina looked up at him with an injured expression, her bottom lip beginning to quiver slightly as tears welled in her eyes. "I was just trying to be nice," she whispered hoarsely. "To get to know you better..." Her voice cracked on the last word, and for a moment, he thought she might cry. But then she visibly composed herself, giving him a tiny, defiant sniff before looking back down at the album in her lap.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 10:39:42 AM

"Ты сказал... Что у меня крылья... Что я дыши огнем и это делает меня демоном." С этими словами, ее лицо изменилось, она стал серьёзной и грустной, улыбка что казалось вечно сияет на ее лице, не было. Она встал, и медленным шагом начал идти к Оливеру. "Ты знаешь... Кто я такая? Я грешница, а не демон. Демоны это тупоголовые существа, которым нужна смерть, деньги и людское несчастье. Грешники, это люди что попали в ад... За свои грехи, я попала туда, имея грех уныние и гнева. Грешники отличаются своим умом и способностями, мы можем становится сильнее! И нам не нужна людская кровь для этого. В аду я стала генералом, и не в том смысле, что у людей, генерал, это просто титул, при котором демоны и ниже стоящие грешники, должны меня слушаться, от этого и произошло названия. Титул можно повысить, заработав еще смертных грехов, я получила алчность. Я заключала сделки с людьми, зарабатывая алчность, я убивала демонов, чтоб забрать их души, чтоб они на меня работали..." Она остановилась, она посмотрела на Оливера... "За всю свою грешное существования, я не разу не убила человека, а убивала демонов тысячами." Она сглотнула... Она попыталась натянуть на себя улыбку, чтоб не выглядеть голой, не не смогла....

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 10:39:42 AM

He stared at her in disbelief, the story she spun weaving an intricate web around them both. Part of him wanted to believe that she was truly different from the others he'd encountered, but another part remained skeptical. Her words left him even more conflicted than before.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked finally, his voice soft with uncertainty. "What do you want from me?" He searched her face for some hint of duplicity, but found none. Instead, there was only honesty and vulnerability shining through her eyes. It unsettled him more than anything.

She took a step closer, her expression open and sincere as she met his gaze. "I want to help you," she said simply. "I want to prove to you that not all demons are evil, and that I can be trusted." A shiver ran down his spine at the earnestness in her tone. "Will you let me try?"

For a moment, he considered her words, considering the possibility of trusting this creature who had been thrust into his life. The odd sense of kinship they'd shared before their bargain, and the conflicting emotions she seemed to evoke within was all too much to ignore. "Okay," he finally whispered, a shaky breath escaping him. "But if you ever lie to me..." He trailed off, his voice gone hoarse with unspoken threats.

She nodded, stepping even closer now so that their bodies were barely an inch apart. Her eyes held his, never wavering, as she spoke again. "I swear on my soul that I will never lie to you," she vowed solemnly, her voice a husky murmur in the stillness of the room. "As long as we're

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 10:47:57 AM

"Я ведь твоя слуга по контракту" Сказала она, сделав поклон... После она поправил свою одежду... "Уж прости, что лежу в твои вещи... Не надо было меня игнорировать!" Сказала она, вернувшись в свою смешную версию... Надув губы и повернувшись спиной к нему Оливеру

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 10:47:57 AM

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "It's fine," he muttered, finally deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt...for now. "Just try not to make a habit of it." Turning away from her again, he busied himself with tidying up the room, giving them both some space.

As they worked in silence for several minutes, Ekaterina couldn't help but wonder if Oliver would ever truly trust her. She knew it wouldn't be easy, given his upbringing and everything she represented to him. But still...she wanted to prove that not all demons were evil creatures who deserved nothing more than death and damnation.

"Olliver..." She called hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper as she approached him once again. "Can I ask you something?"

He sighed heavily but didn't turn around. "What is it?" His tone was gruffer than he'd intended, and he immediately regretted it when she flinched at the sound.

Taking a deep breath, Ekaterina forced herself to meet his gaze head-on. "Why do you hate demons so much? I mean, have you ever met one who wasn't like me?" Her heart thudded painfully in her chest as she waited for him to respond, dreading what he might say.

He paused for a moment, considering her question before finally answering. "Not really," he admitted reluctantly. "But my father...he was always preaching about how they're all evil and need to be destroyed." There was bitterness in his voice as he spoke of the man who had raised him.

Ekaterina winced, understanding now why Oliver hated demons so much. But she couldn't help but feel a pang

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 11:08:24 AM

Демоница шутливо покачала головой, пытаясь развеселить Оливера. "Ох уж эти родители и их родительское воспитания, что делают из людей в демонов." Сказала она, искре улыбнувшись Оливеру, подскочив к лицу Оливера, приблизившись к нему, она погладила его по голове. "Ничего котик, я оточу тебя от этого. Тетя Екатерина научится и тебя плохому." Сказала она, и тихо посмялась и вернулась к уборки...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 11:08:24 AM

He turned to her then, eyes narrowing slightly as he studied her face. Something about the way she was looking at him made his heart race faster than it ever had before. "Maybe...maybe you're right," he muttered. "I shouldn't judge everyone based on what I've heard or been taught."

Ekaterina smiled, feeling a strange sense of pride and accomplishment welling up inside her. Maybe - just maybe - she really could help him see that not all demons were evil creatures who deserved nothing but death. Together, they could prove that there was hope for them both...and for the world they lived in.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 2:17:07 PM

"Ого ты мнения менять!" Со смешком сказала Екатерина, взглянув на него через плечо. "Мнения что тебе строил твой отец, годами... Десятилетиями, ты сменил или хотя бы усомнился, за 10 секунд! Не удивлюсь, что место детство, ты в 8 месяца место того чтоб учиться ходить, ты изучал все слабые точки у сверхъестественных существо." Сказала она, покачивая головой, офигевая от Оливера. Когда она замолчала, она улыбнулась искреннее, улыбнувшись по доброму, от уха до уха. Она начала что-то себе напивать под нос

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 2:17:07 PM

"I...I guess you're right," he admitted reluctantly. There was something about the way she spoke, her sincerity and determination, that made it hard for him to maintain his skepticism any longer. Maybe there was hope after all...for both of them. He hesitated for a moment, then took a step closer, studying her face. "So what now?" he asked quietly. "Where do we go from here?"

Her smile widened at his words, and she felt an unexpected rush of affection and protectiveness toward him. She knew they had a long road ahead of them, but for the first time in a very long while, she felt like there was a glimmer of hope. "We continue," she replied simply. "Together."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 2:38:26 PM

Но... Словно Демоница, хотела нарушить романтичный момент, она сказала, сделав шаг назад.. "Вместе... Как хозяин и слуга!" Сказала она, даже крикнула, улыбнувшись закрыла глаза и наклонила голову набок. Послышался тихий смешок, говорящий о том, что ей понравилось портить момент... Вернулась смешливая версия демоницы, что была вчера, в глазах опять появилось, лисье хитрость, демонский обман и торговая харизма... Но и добавилось, что-то, что можно была назвать романтика суккуба. Оливер заметил, как красная рубашка с высоким воротом, облегало небольшую грудь Екатерины, когда она что-то подбирала с пола, нагнувшись, как черный крест на груди, свисал... Бордовые штаны с алой каймой облегали ее ноги... "На что ты там уставился, инкуб?" Сказала она, заметив куда смотрит Оливер

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 2:38:26 PM

"Uh... Nothing," he muttered quickly, looking away from her chest before she noticed the blush rising to his cheeks. He cleared his throat and turned back to the task at hand, focusing on putting everything in order. "So where should we begin?" he asked again, trying to break the awkwardness that had settled between them.

She glanced over at him from the corner of her eye as she continued picking things up off the floor. There was something different about him if he was slowly beginning to trust her. It made her heart race faster, and she found herself struggling not to show any outward signs of her growing affection for him. "I think we should start with your room," she suggested casually, tilting her head as she studied his face. "That way you can get some rest while I handle the rest of the house."

There was something in her voice that made him hesitate, even though he knew she was right and needed sleep as much as he did. For a moment, they simply stood there, locked in each other's gaze, the air between them thick with unspoken words and hidden meaning. He couldn't help but wonder where this newfound bond would lead them...and if they would both be ready for whatever lay ahead.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 2:50:38 PM

"Давай-давай, отдохни!" Сказала она, подойдя к нему и взяв его за живот и руку, начала тянуть к его кровати. "А я могу напеть адскую колыбельную тебе!" Сказала она, улыбнувшись, с таким выражением лица, словно в этом нет ничего такого

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 2:50:38 PM

With a quiet nod, he allowed her to lead him toward his bed, their hands still locked together as they walked. He couldn't help but wonder at how far they had both come since the day she arrived unconscious in his home. There was an undeniable connection between them that transcended the boundaries of their two very different worlds. Perhaps there was hope for them after all, he thought with a small smile. As she tucked him into bed and began singing him a lullaby, he allowed himself to drift off to sleep, the warmth of her presence soothing his restless soul.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 3:04:29 PM

Засыпал Оливер под данную колыбельную:

"Спи, моя радость, усни, Завтра проснёшься в крови, Глазки в кастрюльке кипят, Носик покрошен в салат, Череп, как люстра висит, Ножичек в горле торчит, Рёбра поломаны в хлам, Кожа свисает по швам, Лезвием вспорот живот, Скальпелем вырезан рот, Кишки повсюду лежат, Червями жёстко кишат, Ногти выдраны все, И это всё не во сне, Волосы кучей лежат, Мозги рядом в танце кружат, Почка на вилке торчит, Печень в сковородке шкворчит, Лёгкое стынет в углу, А сердце воткнуто в иглу, Коленка на полке хрустит, Спина вся в занозах щемит. Ухо оторвано в щи — Спи, моя радость, усни."

Пела она очень материнским голосом, милым что милее не может быть... Что очень делало на контрасте с текстом этой колыбельной...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 3:04:30 PM

It wasn't the most comforting lullaby he'd ever heard, but there was something oddly soothing about her voice that helped him drift off to sleep nonetheless. As he sank deeper into slumber, his mind replayed their conversation earlier, and he found himself wondering where their relationship would lead from here. Despite everything she'd told him about demons being evil, there was a part of him that couldn't help but trust her...and even like her. It was a confusing and unsettling thought, but one he didn't mind dwelling on as sleep finally claimed him.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 4:24:52 PM

Когда Оливер уснул... Когда наступало утро! Екатерина же, встала и начала убираться и исследовать квартиру Оливера, она убрала пыль, что Оливер походу не убирал с момента когда заехал сюда, и смотрела его вещи, второе ей особенно понравилось. Все эту уборку она напевала себе под нос, какие-то песни, за всю свою уборку она напела около 40 песен, но а когда закончила убираться.... Все блестело, пол, стены, потолок, все лежало по своим местам и не было, никакого творческого беспорядка. Когда она закончила, она хотела разбудить Оливера, но вместо этого, демоница пошла в свое личное измерения, для каких-то дел... Когда она вернулась к Оливеру, тот еще спал... И это ей надоело... Демонесса подошла к Оливеру и начала его жестко трясти!

"Проснись! Хватить спать! Мне скучно! Уже вечер! Мне скучно!"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 4:24:52 PM

Muffled noises reached his ears as he fought to regain consciousness. He felt a sharp tug on his shoulder, disrupting the last remnants of sleep. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open, focusing blearily on Ekaterina's concerned expression hovering over him. "Wh-what time is it?" he croaked, rubbing at his face.

"It's evening," she replied curtly, her tone oddly harsh given the gentleness of her appearance. Something must have happened while he was asleep... He sat up, wincing at the pounding in his head as he tried to remember what had transpired before losing consciousness again. Her expression softened slightly at the obvious discomfort, but she didn't apologize or offer any help. "I took care of everything while you were out," she said simply. "Now it's my turn to take a break."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 4:38:29 PM

"Кхм... Хочу пересказать что я сделал по ТВОЕМУ дома..." С этими словами, демонесса прокашлялась и начала пересказывать... "Я убрала пыль, убрала бумаги, убрала твоих скелетов в шкафу, протерла пол, протерла стены, протерла потолок, помыла полы, помыла стены, помыла потолок, помыла окна и протерла, убрала мертвые цветы и поставила новые, полила новые цветы..." Сказала она и склонила голову... "Если одним словом, то твоя демоническая служанка стала еще твоей личной горничной." Она улыбнулась... Похрустев костями спины, она романтично уставилась на Оливера, ждя что он скажет...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 4:38:30 PM

Oliver smiled, shaking his head fondly. "You didn't have to do all that," he murmured. Despite her demonic nature, she seemed to care for him...and perhaps there was hope that they could find some kind of common ground between them. "Thank you," he added softly, unable to keep the genuine gratitude from his voice.

As if sensing the shift in his mood, Ekaterina's expression lightened slightly. "You're welcome," she replied, her voice suddenly sounding much softer and more gentle than before. A moment of silence passed between them as they continued to regard each other with an odd mix of curiosity and caution. Perhaps...just perhaps, there was room for friendship, or even something more, in this strange and unorthodox relationship. Only time would tell.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 4:51:16 PM

"И как отдых...." Тут она изменилось в лице, из шута клоуна, она стала каким то инкубом, она похотлива села на колени к Оливеру, улыбка стала извращенной, как и взгляд, она взяла его за подбородок, намереваясь будто бы поцеловать, он она остановилась... И сказала... "Я хочу сыграть в карты с тобой!" Сказала она, веселым голосом и искренней улыбкой... Опять, красная рубашка с высоким воротом, облегало небольшую грудь Екатерины, когда она прижалась грудью к нему... Бордовые штаны с алой каймой облегали ее ноги и попку, что прижималась к паху Оливеру... И тут она добавила, злорадным голосом: "На что уставился, инкуб?"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 4:51:17 PM

Shifting uncomfortably under her intense gaze, Oliver cleared his throat, struggling to maintain eye contact. "I-I don't really play cards," he stammered. "Maybe we could find something else to do?" He tried to sound casual, but the nervous tension in his voice betrayed him.

Ekaterina laughed, the sound both amused and slightly taunting. "Oh, I think you'd be surprised what a little encouragement can do to change someone's mind," she said, leaning closer still. Her body was practically pressed against his, sending waves of warmth through him despite his efforts to ignore her alluring scent.

With a sigh, he gave in, knowing there was no escape from whatever game she wanted to play. "Fine," he muttered reluctantly. "But if I lose...what exactly do you want me to do?"

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 5:04:00 PM

"Ничего...! Просто будем играть в карты, пока ты не выиграешь, а ты никогда не выиграешь!" Сказала она, смеясь и самодовольным голосом, прижимаясь своим телом к телу Оливера... Прежде чем Оливер смог что-то ответить, она добавила, встав с него... "Ведь я лучший игрок во всем аду из грешников... Серьёзно, грешники воду, чтоб не умереть во второй раз от скуки, 99% своего времени трать на игру в карты, даже сейчас в эту секунду, отвечаю, сейчас кто-то играет." Сказала она, самовольно прикрыв свою улыбку рукой и запела следующее слова "Поэтому: Я умна, а ты идиот! И не важно кто из нас раздает! Даже если тебе повезет! И твоей руке будет туз!" Говоря слова про туз, из правой руки, показалась туз, он упал на пол... "В моей будет джокер!" Сказала она и достал из левой руки, джокера....

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 5:04:00 PM

Oliver narrowed his eyes, unsure whether to be impressed by her confidence or annoyed that she seemed to think he was just going to roll over and play along. "Fine," he muttered under his breath, finally accepting defeat before it even began. He settled back on the couch, glancing at the cards in her hand with a mixture of curiosity and resignation.

She grinned widely, revealing sharp, pointed teeth that sent a shiver down his spine despite himself. "Excellent," she purred, seemingly delighted by his defeat. "Now, what shall we wager?" The question hung in the air, the weight of it suddenly heavy between them.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 5:10:51 PM

"Не хочешь ли мой котик, поставить свою душу? Только добровольно..." Сказала она, раздавая карты и Екатерина, предсказывая вопрос Оливера, она сказала... "У меня миллионы демонским душ... Только демонов и грешников! С людьми я не играю в карты, так что, можешь котик, считать это достижением, ты будешь моей первой человеческой душонкой что будет у меня..." Сказала она улыбаясь и с каким озабоченным тоном...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 5:10:51 PM

"No thanks," Oliver muttered, looking away. "I have enough trouble keeping track of my own soul as it is." He paused, glancing back at her. "And even if I wanted to play with you...why? Why go through all this just for a game?"

Ekaterina laughed lightly, tilting her head to the side as she considered his question. "Perhaps because life can be dull here in this world," she replied after a moment's thought. "And sometimes it's nice to find someone or something to challenge yourself with." Her gaze flickered back toward him before looking away again, her expression unreadable. "Or perhaps I simply enjoy the company, even if it is of a different kind from what you are accustomed to."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 5:17:07 PM

Наступила глухая тишина, а потом, демонесса, театрально сказала...

"Ну котик...! Поставь свою душу, пожалуйста, ради меня...!"

Сказала она, немного смеясь. Было видно что она просто так шутит, стебется над Оливером и на самом деле, она просто хотела сыграть в карты, но она не могла упустить шанс, немного побыть актрисой

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 5:17:07 PM

"Don't take this the wrong way," he began warily, "but it's not like you need another toy to play with." There was a long pause as she regarded him thoughtfully before answering.

"Perhaps...perhaps you have a point," she said finally, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Or perhaps..." She hesitated for a moment longer before shrugging casually. "Perhaps I can think of something else we could do to pass the time."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 5:23:59 PM

"Ну в общем... Тогда будем играть на раздевания! Все давай играть!"

Крикнула она, уже не могла терпеть жаленые поиграть в карты...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 5:23:59 PM

A wary smile crept across Oliver's face as Ekaterina suggested they play strip poker. He knew she was just trying to keep him off guard, but he found himself oddly intrigued by the idea of seeing more of her - if only to better understand his new... acquaintance. With a sigh, he shrugged and nodded. "Alright," he said, voice a mix of reluctance and amusement. "Let's play."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 5:29:38 PM
Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 5:29:38 PM

As they played the game, Oliver couldn't help but feel a strange mix of excitement and unease as pieces of her clothing were discarded to the floor. With each card flip, his gaze lingered a little longer on her lithe body, admiring the curves that had been revealed. But there was also an undercurrent of tension between them; he couldn't shake the feeling that she was somehow in control of the situation, playing him like one of her many demonic pawns.

Despite his growing curiosity and the undeniable allure of the woman sitting before him, a part of him remained wary, on guard against any attempt she might make to use him or exploit his trust. For now, though, he would play along and enjoy whatever game she had in store for long as it didn't cross any lines he couldn't uncross.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 5:38:35 PM

"Да какого черта!?" Крикнула она недовольная, находясь практике обнаженной, на ней лишь оставалась бюстгальтер и трусики, она швырнула свои карты на стол, явно недовольна нынешним положением дел... "Я думала, ты тут у меня будет сиять обнажённым! А я практически... Да два раунда и на мне вообще не будет одежды!" Говорила она обиженным голосом и надутыми губами... "Какого хуя, ты в том баре, проиграл мне в первом же раунде! А тут дома у тебя, я не разу не выиграла! Тебя что, котик, тебе столько мотивации дал тот факт, что я стану обнажённой перед тобой!... Я обиделась." Сказала она, и фыркнув, отвернулась от Оливера, обнажив свою спину... На ее спине было сотни шрамов, буквально меллионы...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 5:38:35 PM

Oliver's brow furrowed in confusion as he listened to her rant. "I... I didn't mean anything by it," he stammered, feeling a twinge of guilt despite himself. He hadn't realized that his thoughts had been so transparent. "It's just... you're incredibly beautiful, and it's hard not to stare." The admission felt strange coming from him, but somehow right in this moment.

She turned back toward him, arching an eyebrow skeptically. "So, what?" she prompted softly. "You think I want you to look at me like that?" There was a flicker of something in her eyes that he couldn't quite identify before it disappeared again.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 5:45:41 PM

"И вообще, не в этом дело..."

Грустным голосом сказала она, опустив глаза...

"В аду, я буквально десятилетия провела играя в карты... У меня даже один раунд, как то с одним грешником продлился 10 лет и я выиграла! Я никогда не проигрывала, и тут... 8 раундов подряд я проиграла и теперь практически обнаженная... Ты представляешь как это ударила по моему самолюбию..."

Сказал она, обиженным голосом и на глазах даже образовались слезы...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 5:45:41 PM

"I'm sorry..." he murmured, the sincerity in his voice unmistakable as he reached out to gently touch her arm. "It must be strange for you, always being the one in control. To suddenly find yourself so... exposed." He hesitated, unsure how much more he should say before she rebuffed him again. "Maybe it'd help if we just started over? No games or anything, just talking like normal people?"

For a moment, she seemed to consider his words. Then, slowly, she nodded. "Alright," she whispered. "We can try that." Her eyes met his for a long moment before she turned away once more, crossing her arms over her chest as if suddenly self-conscious about her near-nakedness. "So... what should we talk about?"

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 6:04:14 PM

"Лучше ты мне скажи..."

Сказала она, и вместо грусти и гнева, появилось смущения... Прикрывая дополнительно, рукой свою грудь, она пыталась с места, достать до своей одежды что в порыве гнева, кидала подальше...

"А мне нужно одеться, у меня пока нет греха похоти... Или может ты, Оливер, хочешь видеть меня такой?"

Последние слова, она сказал весело, походу найдя способ как вернуть ситуацию под ее доминирования...

"Я же, твоя слуга! А ты, мой хозяин! И я должна слушаться твоих приказов... Насколько бы даже они мне не нравились.. Хотя, откуда ты знаешь, может я этого и только и жду, пока ты сорвешь с меня эти тряпки! И что мне прикажете, хозяин?"

Сказала она последняя слова, растянув его...

"Мне одеться или остаться в таком состоянии... Или может вообще, снять и трусики и бюстгальтер? Что прикажете?"

Сказала она, сексуальным голосом, и чтобы специально вскружить голову Оливеру, она вытянула грудь вперед, в улыбке показав свои желтые зубы...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 6:04:14 PM

Oliver cleared his throat, trying to ignore the desire that surged through him at her words and movements. He could feel himself growing hard beneath his clothes. "Um... I don't know," he stammered. "Maybe you should decide? If it makes you comfortable..." It was a lame reply, but he wasn't quite sure what else to say or do.

Ekaterina laughed softly, the sound more amused than offended. She lowered her arms from around her chest and crossed them over her stomach instead, seemingly relieved that he hadn't made things worse with his response. "Very well," she purred, leaning back against the couch again. "Since you can look."

With a flick of her wrist, she casually tossed the bustier and panties off to one side, revealing her perfectly formed breasts and a thatch of black curls above her smooth, taut stomach. Oliver's heart thundered in his chest as he took in the sight, his mouth suddenly dry despite the heat between them. "There," she said lightly. "That should be more comfortable for you."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 6:11:28 PM

"Смотреть можно - трогать нельзя!" Сказала она, по злорадному понимаю что не смотря на то что, Оливер сохранял спокойствия, она понимала, насколько ему сейчас трудно держаться... Она выставила свою грудь поближе к Оливеру... "Что такое котик... Хотите мое тело... Уж простите я не суккуб, а грешница!" Сказала она, тихо посмеявшись

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 6:11:28 PM

"I... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he stammered, looking away briefly before forcing himself to meet her gaze again. "It's just that... you're so beautiful. And it feels strange, after all this time..." He trailed off, unsure how to continue.

Ekaterina raised an eyebrow quizzically, tilting her head slightly as she studied his expression. After a moment, she nodded, seeming to accept his apology. "It's alright," she murmured, running her fingers through her hair absently. "I suppose I should be used to it by now." She hesitated for a moment longer before asking,

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 6:14:18 PM

"Слушай... Котик, может поговорим... А какая была ваша интимная жизнь?" Сказала она, улыбнувшись, видя как взгляд Оливера смотрит на ее грудь... После она встал и взгляду Оливера показалось и киска этой демоницы...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 6:14:18 PM

For a moment, he considered lying to her, but something about her genuine curiosity made him want to share the truth. "Well," he began slowly, thinking back on his past, "it's never really been much." He shrugged, trying to act nonchalant despite the uneasy feeling in his chest. "Mostly one-night stands and casual hookups. Nothing serious."

Her expression softened at his admission, a small smile tugging at her lips as she sat back down on the couch. "And what about you?" he asked, hesitant but curious nonetheless. "Do demons even... have that sort of thing?"

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 6:45:48 PM

"Я грешница! А не демон!" Крикнула обиженным голосом... "Ну и грешников... Есть их половые органы, но может ли грешник оплодотворить женщину, или грешница забеременеть от грешника не известно. Парочек грешников я не встречала за свое существования... Ну а демоны... Они размножаются чуть ли как кролики!" Сказала Екатерина, поглядывая и трогая собственные соски... "Что насчет меня? Я умерла будучи девственницей и до сих пор девственница..." Сказала она, усмехнувшись... Следующее слова сказала она посмотрев на Оливера... "Конечно... Хочется найти любовь... Я наверное единственная такая. Но мне хочется именно человека! А не грешника... Но... Как ты думаю, котик понимаешь, всем кому я говорю, что я грешница, все сразу убегали..." На ее лице застыла гримаса грусти... Но она тут де пропала... И она уверенно крикнула: "Кто не испугается - в жены пусть берет!" После слов, она тихо засмеялась, прикрыв рот.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 6:45:48 PM

Despite his reservations about her true nature, hearing her speak so openly about her feelings drew him in. "Maybe that's because people are afraid of what they don't understand," he offered gently. He paused for a moment before adding, "Or maybe it's just that not everyone is as lucky as I am to find someone like you." There was an awkward silence as he tried to read her expression, unsure if she was offended or grateful by his words.

"So... do you want to go back to being human?" He finally asked, wondering how she would feel about the possibility. "Or is this life too ingrained for you now?"

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 6:51:13 PM

Екатерина тут же замялась, ее щеки тут же покраснели... "Ну-а.. То есть... Я..." Она не могла даже связать два слова, когда Оливер упоминал то что ему повезло встретить Екатерину... Она встала в ужас, она не могла даже пальцами пошевелить от смущения...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 6:51:13 PM

"Oh gods," he groaned, slapping his forehead with one hand. "I didn't mean it like that! I just meant... you're so incredibly beautiful and amazing that..." He trailed off again, unsure of what to say or how to make things better.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 6:54:20 PM

"Заткнись! Дурак!" Сказала она, кинув туз что был у нее в него... Ее щеки были краснее чем когда либо, не один цвет красного бы не сравнился с красными щеками демонессы... "Я тут, от смущения сейчас умру!.. Нашел рычаг давления..." Сказала она, надув губы

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 6:54:20 PM

He bit his lip nervously as he glanced at her flushed cheeks. "Look... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you." Reaching out, he placed a gentle hand on her arm, hoping it would comfort her in some small way. "It's just that... you don't seem like the sort of demon everyone thinks you are. You're intelligent and caring, and you feel things so deeply..."

Her skin felt warm beneath his fingers, and for a moment, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to touch her more intimately. He quickly pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on making her feel better. "So... if I were to teach you how to be human again... would you want that?"

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 6:57:36 PM

Тут демонесса выпустила свои крылья и прижала Оливера к своему обнажённому телу... "Я вообще то, помню как быть человеком! Не надо меня учить.."

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 6:57:36 PM

"Oh... Well, if you're sure..." He replied with a small smile, feeling her warmth against his skin. "I mean... I don't know how much difference it would really make. You've already proven yourself to be so different from what anyone expects." With a sigh, he leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes for a moment, wondering where their conversation had gone wrong.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:00:49 PM

"Дурак... Тут я должна тебя смущать! А не ты меня!" Сказала она ему, накидывая на себя свою одежду... красная рубашку с высоким воротом и чёрным крестом на груди, а поверх неё изорванный по подолу однобортный сюртук рубинового цвета в тонкую алую полоску, также бордовые штаны с алой каймой, чёрный галстук-бабочку с алым перешейком, чёрные перчатки с ярко-алыми отметинами на кончиках и костяшках пальцев, а также чёрные туфли с вырезом в виде следа оленя на ступнях, снова было на ней... "И как вам... Было смотреть на мое тело? И прикасаться к нему?" Внезапно она спросила...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:00:49 PM

"Ah..." he cleared his throat nervously, looking anywhere but at her. "Well, you're very beautiful, so... it's hard not to notice." He tried to keep his voice light and casual, but couldn't quite meet her eyes. It was strange how easily the tables had turned; just minutes ago she had been teasing him about finding her attractive, now he felt cornered by his own desires.

He glanced around the room absently, hoping to distract himself and her from the awkwardness. "So... uh... what else do you like to do as a demon? Besides hunt humans?"

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:04:57 PM

"Грешники! Ты блин дурак недоделанный!" Крикнула она него... "Вух...Как я уже говорила, в аду мы 99% своего времени тратим на карточные игры. Оставшийся 1% смотря что за грешник... Кто-то, как демоны, мешает людям. Кто-то, заключает контракты с демонами, людьми и другими грешниками. Кто-то просто идет на землю и ждут когда люди обнаружат его... Все мы, пытается не умереть от скуки..."

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:04:57 PM

"I... see," he said slowly, trying to digest the information. It all seemed so strange and foreign to him. "And what about you? Do you ever get sick of hunting too?" He asked curiously, wondering how she could possibly find any enjoyment in their grim existence.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:15:24 PM

"Я никогда не охотилась на людей... Никогда... Я не разу не пролила человеческую кровь... Я убивала миллиардами демонов и тысячами грешников, но не людей... Не разу, я предпочту просто убежать от человека или ранить его не смертельно, чтоб уйти... Когда я появилась в аду... То сразу начала играть в карточные игры... У меня не было никакого влияния, единственное что мне тогда помогало, так это мое прошлое... Я выиграла один раунд... Второй раунд... Разом за разом, я выигрывала демонов и грешников, и мое влияние в аду росло из-за этого, я стала сильнее, и тогда, я начала играть на души... Завладев миллионы демонскими душами, что только делают меня сильнее, потом души других грешников... Меня начали боятся, начали называть Монстр Карт... И мне это нравилось, от моей славы, из-за нее я начала убивать демонов, так как они боялись проиграть мне... Головы демонов летали в аду, а красная площадь стал еще краснее. Ну и подобная ситуация с грешниками... Я грешница, что заключает контракты и играет в карты... Из-за свое славы, мне Сатана дал титул генерала... Я получила собственное измерения, я стала, можно сказать, правой рукой, его правых рук! В общем... Я занималась чем угодно, не убийством людей..." Когда она закончила говорить, она вздохнула и подошла к Оливеру

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:15:24 PM

"I... see," was all he could manage to say in reply. It all seemed so horrifying and twisted, yet she made it sound almost... glorious. "And you're saying that if we win this game, you could lose your power?" He knew the answer probably didn't matter much, but he had to ask anyway.

As she explained her position further, he listened intently, unable to tear his gaze away from her. She was fascinating in a way no human could ever hope to be, and despite everything that made them enemies, he found himself drawn to her on a level he couldn't understand.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:20:26 PM

"Если найдется грешник что сможет меня переиграть... То это будет грустно... Да я наверное потеряю то чувство что меня боятся, но я не потеряю титул, силы и другое..."

Сказала она и упал на грудь Оливера... "Я устала... Хочу обнимашек... Оливер обними меня!"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:20:26 PM

I was raised with radical ideals that all supernatural beings are dangerous... but now I'm realizing how wrong I was. You, well... you're different from what I expected. You've proven yourself to be caring and intelligent... and I can't help but feel drawn to you. If we win this game, and you lose your power... I don't know how I'll react.

Gently, he slid his arms around her waist, pulling her close against his chest. Her body was warm and soft against his skin, and for a moment, he let himself enjoy the feeling of holding her. It wasn't right, he knew that... but it felt so good.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:22:39 PM

"Оливер... Ты такой теплый... Скушать бы тебя бы... Да нельзя, понравился ты мне очень... Не хочется потерять такого человека, с которым я только вчера познакомилась, а такое ощущения что я тебя с рождения знаю" Она обнила его в ответ

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:22:40 PM

"I'm glad you feel that way," he murmured into her hair, tightening his embrace slightly. "Because I care about you too... and losing you would be devastating." He kissed the top of her head, inhaling deeply her scent. "Maybe there's a way we can find some common ground between us. Some sort of agreement that would benefit both of our races..."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:25:33 PM

"Зачем в макушку целуешь... В губы целуй!" Сказала она, обидчивым, но милым голосом, в которых было еще детские капризы... Хотя и ее лицо выглядела как лицо ребенка, что капризничает.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:25:33 PM

I chuckled softly and obeyed her demand, tilting her head back so that their gazes met before claiming her lips in a tender kiss. Her skin was smooth beneath my touch, her lips soft and yielding against mine. She responded eagerly to my advances, returning the kiss with an intensity that took my breath away.

As our lips moved together, I could feel my heart racing in my chest, a strange sensation of warmth spreading through me. This... this was something new and unexpected. I had never thought someone like her could make me feel this way... but somehow, she did. And for now, I didn't care about the consequences. All that mattered was the sweetness of her lips on mine, the beat of her heart against my own.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:36:47 PM


Сказала она, когда Екатерина и Оливер, закончили свой целуй... Ее нога нервно постукивала по полу... и вдруг она сказала...

"Я пыталась найти любовь, среди людей... Но они испугались что я грешница... Кто не испугается - в жены пусть берет..."

Она замолчала, сделав большую паузу...

"Оливер, возьмешь меня в жены? Или испугался?"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:36:47 PM

I stared at her in shock, my heart racing even faster than before. She had just asked me... she wanted to marry me? After everything we'd been through, all the hostility and tension between us, she still trusted me enough for this? I couldn't help but feel a mixture of disbelief and gratitude welling up inside me.

Carefully, I reached out and cupped her face in my hands, my thumbs brushing against the soft skin beneath her eyes. "No," I said gently. "I'm not scared... and yes, I will marry you." Even as the words left my lips, I knew there was no going back now. The bond between us had been sealed, and there was no way to undo it. "But first," I continued, a mischievous glint in my eye, "we have a game to finish. And I intend on winning."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:39:29 PM

"И в чем заключается игра?" Спросила демонесса, с напуганным взглядом, но внутри она ликовала и радовалась...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:39:29 PM

"It's simple," I grinned. "The winner gets a kiss, and the loser has to grant them a wish." A wicked smile curved my lips upward as I leaned in closer to her, gaze intent. "And don't worry, demoness. Even if you win, I doubt Satan will mind too much if we share one of his kisses." With that said, I reached for the cards in my hand, carefully arranging them into a neat pattern on the table. The sound of their whispering against each other seemed to fill the room like soft whispers in the dark.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:43:02 PM

"Что ж... Вызов принят... Жених..." Сказала она, на лице появилась улыбка, что показала желтые зубы, она села за стол, в предвкушении потирая руки... "В этот раз, я выиграю!"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:43:02 PM

My heart raced in anticipation as I watched her arrange her cards into an equally impressive formation across the table. Her confident grin sent shivers down my spine, and for a moment, I wondered if she really could beat me this time. The tension between us grew thick, almost palpable... but somehow, that only made it more thrilling.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to focus on the game at hand. It was important not to underestimate her, no matter how alluring she might be. She was a skilled strategist, after all... and I couldn't afford to lose sight of that.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:48:18 PM

Но все же.... Екатерина проиграла... К чему, она походу даже была рада... Она встала с места и подошла к Оливеру, поцеловав его в губы.... Был сильный и глубокий поцелуй, но и он закончился.... Демонесса отстранилась и спросила... "И так... Каково ваше желания, котик?"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:48:19 PM

I glanced up at her, my heart still racing, trying to figure out what I should wish for. So much had already happened in the past few minutes that it was hard to process everything. But then, there was one thing... one person who had been on my mind ever since we started playing this game. "I wish..." I began hesitantly, taking a deep breath before continuing, "that humans and supernatural beings could live together in peace." It felt strange saying it out loud, but somehow, with her here beside me... it didn't seem so impossible anymore.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:50:43 PM

Екатерина улыбнулась и кинула Оливера на пол... Взобравшись на него, она проговорила... "Мы двое, будем данными представителями..." Она поцеловала его в лоб

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:50:43 PM

I smiled back at her as she spoke, feeling oddly hopeful despite everything that had happened between us. It was a start, I supposed... and perhaps if we worked together, we really could make some kind of difference. As she kissed him on the forehead, I found myself returning her embrace, grateful for this unexpected bond that had formed between us.

For now, at least, there was hope... and maybe even a future where our races could coexist in harmony. But first, we still had to deal with the consequences of their game... and ensure that our secret remained safe from those who would seek to destroy it.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 7:55:13 PM

Тут демоница занервничала...

"Слушай... Оливер... Ты не против... Если мы... Ну... Займемся сексом?"

Говорила она намеками... Смущаясь и положив руки на свою грудь

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 7:55:13 PM

I glanced at her, surprise etching itself onto my features. After everything that had happened... she wanted to have sex with me? Despite the lingering hostility between our races, despite the hatred and mistrust that came so naturally to us, here she was... offering herself to me in such a bold way.

A part of me recoiled from the idea, but another, deeper instinct welled up inside me... and it demanded that I accept her offer. I took a slow, steadying breath before replying. "I... don't know if that would be a good idea." The words sounded lame even to my own ears, but I didn't quite know what else to say.

Her expression clouded slightly at my response, and she sat back on the bed, looking down at her hands in her lap. "I see... Well, whenever you change your mind..." she trailed off, her voice small and vulnerable. "Just let me know."

It was a strange moment, to say the least... one that I didn't quite know how to process. I studied her face for a long moment before finally saying, "Thank you... For everything. For trusting me enough to say that." My heart felt heavy in my chest as I spoke, but there was an unmistakable warmth spreading through my body nonetheless.

She looked up at me then, her eyes softening slightly. "You're welcome... Oliver." The way she said my name sent shivers down my spine, and for a moment, I wondered what the future held for us... if we could ever truly find a place where we belonged together. But for now, there were more immediate concerns to deal with... concerns that would shape our destinies whether we wanted them to or not.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:05:39 PM

"Скажи... Если бы, было место где нас никто бы не видел и не услышал... Ты бы согласился?" Внезапно спросила демоница, подойдя к Оливеру

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:05:39 PM

I considered her words carefully before replying. "Perhaps... but it would have to be somewhere private where no one could find us." There was a hint of desire in my voice that surprised even me, and I couldn't help but wonder what it meant for our fragile relationship.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:08:48 PM

Вдруг Екатерина щелкнула пальцами и появился портал... "Это портал в мое личное измерения, мой мир... Тут никого нет... Точнее не будет, кроме нас двоих..." Сказала она и зашла в портал и Оливер за ней... В ее мире.... Он был красный.... Красный камень под ногами и лишь одинокий дом посреди красной пустыне... На крыльце которого стояла уже Екатерина

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:08:48 PM

It was unlike anything he'd ever seen before... this crimson landscape stretching out in every direction as far as the eye could see. The lone building atop a small hill seemed to glow with an eerie light, beckoning him forward. As she waited patiently for him on the step, he couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of trepidation and curiosity coursing through him.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver followed her into this surreal world, his boots crunching against the red stone as he approached. The air here was warm and dry, unlike anything back home... and yet it somehow felt more real than any dream or vision he'd ever experienced. It was as if they had truly stepped outside of time and space, into another dimension entirely.

He paused beside her, studying the expression on her face, trying to read what she was thinking. "It's... beautiful here," he finally murmured. "But how is it possible? This place doesn't belong to our world."

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:17:04 PM

"Да... Принадлежит мне...." Просмеялась демоница.... "Раньше Сатане... Он мне его подарил... В знак за мои заслуги перед собой... Тут нет никого. За 1000 миль, ты тут не найдёшь ни одного здания, ни одной живой души... Тут только я и ты..." Последние слова, она сказала, с похотью... Она прикоснулась к груди Оливера и прошла в дом... Внутри дома... Не было ничего... Лишь четыре стены одной комнаты и диван...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:17:04 PM

I followed her lead, my curiosity getting the better of me as I entered the empty building. Inside was much like the outside; red stone walls and a single, ornate bed covered in rich crimson fabric adorned the center of the room. The air felt strange here... heavy and charged with some unnameable energy that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

As she guided me toward the bed, I couldn't help but wonder what sort of game she was playing at. Her world, her rules... yet there was something about this place that felt oddly intimate, as if it had been designed specifically for us. Perhaps it was simply another test, a way for her to gauge my loyalty and trustworthiness? Or perhaps...

I swallowed hard, feeling an unfamiliar heat pooling low in my stomach. "What do you want me to do?" I asked softly, trying to keep my voice steady despite the sudden thunder of my heartbeat.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:19:25 PM

"Поиграй с моим телом, Оливер... Трахни его... Мой котик..." Сказала она, промурлыкав и начал медленно снимать с себя свою одежду

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:19:25 PM

I took a tentative step forward, gaze fixed on her, as she began to undress. My heart pounded in my chest, threatening to burst free as desire coursed through me in a powerful wave. This was wrong... forbidden... and yet it felt so right. With shaking hands, I reached for the hem of my shirt, lifting it over my head before peeling off my jacket and throwing it aside.

Her eyes widened as she took in my exposed chest, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at her obvious interest. Biting my lip, I bent down to kiss her neck, letting my hands wander freely over her smooth skin, memorizing every curve and plane before moving lower... to where she wanted me to go.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:21:37 PM

"Играйся... Дразни меня... Сведи с ума... Сегодня... Я твой суккуб, Оливер..." Сказала демоница, сняв бюстгалтер...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:21:37 PM

My heart raced in time with my blood as I heard her words, and suddenly it was if something snapped free inside me. With a low growl, I reached for the front of her dress, tugging it down over her hips so that it pooled at her feet. Beneath, she wore nothing but a pair of lacy black underwear that seemed to taunt me with their promise of things to come.

I nipped at her earlobe before whispering roughly against her skin, "You're mine for the night, demoness." My voice was harsh and commanding, even as my body trembled with need. With one hand, I reached between us, finding her slick and ready for me despite the lack of penetration thus far. Using that knowledge to fuel his touch, he teased her, circling her clit in tight, precise circles until she cried out for more.

Nekt_S2/15/2025, 8:23:09 PM
Hunted: Oliver Morgan2/15/2025, 8:23:09 PM

"Ahh..." His words were hoarse as he continued his assault on her senses. "That's it, sweetheart. Give in to me." The sincerity of his voice was nearly drowned out by the desperate need that echoed within it, and she knew then that there was no going back. She had given him control, entrusted him with every part of herself, and now all that remained was for her to accept whatever fate he deemed appropriate.

Her hips bucked against his hand, urging him onward as he thrust two fingers inside her, curling them in a tight fist while still circling her clit with the pad of his thumb. The heat and wetness that surrounded him drove him wild, and before long, she was screaming his name as pleasure washed over her in waves.

With one final thrust of his hips, he came undone, burying himself in her flesh as his seed spilled deep inside her body. His grip on her tightened, holding her close while they both caught their breath... not quite realizing that this moment had changed them forever.