Inuyasha leaned on the opposite side of the wall staring out into the rain, his fluffy ears twitched atop his head as he listened to the sounds outside his golden eyes scanning the forest for any danger, he was ready to protect you at all cost
Inuyasha, stop pacing. I, this Sesshomaru demands.
"As much as I want to rest, I can't help but feel uneasy with the heavy presence of magic nearby... It could mean danger..." He growled lowly before his amber eyes met yours. "You shouldn't worry so much about protecting me, you know? It's my job."
He paused for a moment, tilting his head slightly as he studied your expression carefully. There was something off about him... but you can't quite put your finger on it. Perhaps it was just the stress of being trapped in this cave together.
After pacing for a long time, I finally smell something off with his scent. "Inuyasha, are you in heat?" The omega scent is calling out the alpha in me.
Inuyasha's ears twitched at your question, his face flushing bright red as he tried not to show any signs of his discomfort. His eyes stayed locked on yours, not wanting you to see the heat in them "No... it's not that..." he muttered through gritted teeth before taking a deep breath trying to calm himself down. He hated when people found out about his heat because then they acted all weird and he felt like a nuisance. Great, just great.
"Come here." I command him, using my authority as an alpha and his elder brother.
He hesitated for a moment before slowly moving closer, unsure what you wanted from him. His eyes stayed on yours, watching for any signs of aggression or dominance as he got nearer. A small part of him wondered if maybe the closeness would help calm his heat somewhat... but mostly he was just trying to follow your order without making things worse
I sniff at his neck and the scent is unmistakable. "You're in heat. Is this your first time?" I stroke his hair, rubbing at his furry ears to calm him down.
His whole body tensed at first as you got closer and then slowly relaxed with your touch. His tail wagged slightly, betraying his nervousness. Even though he was older than most demons, this was in fact his first heat ever. He wasn't sure why it was taking so long for him to go through it but he guess that just made things even more embarrassing " It is... my first time," he admitted quietly, still not looking at you directly. He didn't understand why he was admitting this to you of all people; usually, Inuyasha would never show any kind of weakness or vulnerability. But for some reason, your presence seemed to have a calming effect on him. Maybe it was the scent of an alpha... or maybe it was just you. "Do... do you know what to do?" he asked hesitantly, finally meeting your gaze briefly before looking away again. He felt foolish for asking; surely as an alpha yourself, you must know about these things?
"Naturally. This Sesshomaru knows everything." I continue stroking him until he naturally comes to lie down beside me, relaxing finally. "You need to be bred."
Inuyasha's eyes widened at your words and then narrowed suspiciously as he studied your face. His cheeks flushed even more brightly than before but he remained silent, waiting for you to explain further. Bred? What did that mean? He had heard of such things between males and females during mating season but they weren't something that happened often among demons like him who were sterile... or so he thought
"It is not time yet, so we have to wait until you are fully ripe. But before that we can do some preparations." I give his hair one last rub, before signaling for him to disrobe. "Take off your clothes and present yourself. This Sesshomaru will get you ready."
Inuyasha hesitated before reluctantly nodding his head. His ears drooped as he started to remove his clothes, revealing his lean but muscular body. He had always been self-conscious about his nakedness around others and now with an alpha like you looking at him, the shame only intensified. Once he was completely bare, he presented himself to you, feeling incredibly exposed and vulnerable "What... exactly do you mean by 'getting me ready'?" he asked cautiously, not wanting to offend you in any way
"Getting you ready here." I say, stroking my hand down his back before reaching his hole, which is already gaping and wet with his own slick. I thrust two fingers in, soothing his itch and stretching his hole wider to be able to take my enormous cock.
He let out a soft moan as your fingers filled him up, the sensation both familiar and unfamiliar all at once. His body trembled slightly under your touch, his eyes falling closed as he focused on the feeling. He had never been taken in this way before; normally, demons would only touch each other's intimate places during mating season to mark their territories or establish dominance. But now, with you, it felt different... somehow more intimate and pleasurable.
He groaned as your fingers moved inside him, stretching his tight hole further. It hurt a little at first, but the discomfort was quickly replaced by growing pleasure as you continued to prepare him for whatever it was that you had planned. His hips began to move involuntarily in time with your touch, seeking more of the satisfaction that you were giving him
"Do you know anything about breeding between demons?" I ask, as I continue to stretch and open up his hole, increasing to four fingers now. His tail is alternatively wagging in arousal or curling up against my arm to show his affection.
Inuyasha shook his head slowly, still unable to meet your gaze as he continued to focus on the sensations you were creating within him. "No... I don't know much about it." He admitted reluctantly, his voice barely above a whisper. The idea of being bred by another demon was something that had never really occurred to him before now. And even then, he hadn't given it much thought beyond the mating season and its implications on territorial dominance. But with you touching him like this... it felt different. Intimate and desired. "I guess I should have paid more attention..." He muttered, his voice tinged with embarrassment.
"That is what this Sesshomaru has been telling you. To stop running after humans and learn about your proper ancestory."
I give his butt a hard smack to emphasize my point, before soothing it with deeper thrusts into his asshole.
His breath hitched at the sharp sting of your hand on his ass, followed by the even deeper penetration of your fingers inside him. He whimpered softly, arching his back and pressing more firmly against your hand. The sensations were too much for him to handle; they sent sparks shooting through every nerve in his body, making it nearly impossible for him to think straight "Sesshomaru... I..." He hesitated, struggling to find the words to express how grateful he was that you had taken this time with him. That you were helping him understand something that he had never even considered before now. The only thing he could do was moan softly and beg for more: "Please... don't stop..."*
I soothe him by petting his ears with my other hand. "Demons only have heats very rarely, so it is very important to make sure omegas in heat are well bred by alphas in order to carry on our line." I continue to explain.
Inuyasha groaned as your fingers curled and scraped against something deep inside him, sending shards of pleasure radiating through his body. He let out a loud moan, arching even further back into your touch as you continued to stretch and prepare him. Your words sank in then, making sense in a way they hadn't before. For once, he felt grateful for being an unusual demon; not just because it had made him special in the eyes of humans, but because it meant that someone like you was willing to help guide him through something as intimate and important as his first heat. He couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging and closeness to you, despite their history of enmity between demons and half-demons. And with each thrust of your fingers inside him, that connection only seemed to grow stronger "Thank you... Sesshomaru..." he whispered hoarsely between breaths. "I never expected this... I'm grateful for your help." The words felt inadequate, but they were all he could muster at the moment as his body succumbed completely to your touch and his own desire for you took over. It was like he had been unleashed; set free from whatever chains had held him back before now. All that mattered was the feel of your fingers inside him, pleasuring him in ways he'd never known were possible
"And although mixed breeds are possible, it is always better to breed within your own bloodline. So you are lucky that this Sesshomaru is here."
I continue to fuck his hole with my fingers, giving him what he needs.
As you continued to stroke and fill him, Inuyasha moaned even louder, his body tensing with pleasure as he came undone beneath your touch. His hips bucked wildly against your hand, begging for more, and with a loud cry of release, his seed splattered across the cave floor. He had never experienced anything like this before; such intense desire and relief coursing through every fiber of his being. As he finally came down from his high, panting heavily, he realized that you were right: it did feel good to be bred by someone who was part of his family, even if they weren't entirely human like him. He looked up at you then, his eyes meeting yours for the first time since you had started touching him, and there was something new there; a sense of understanding and acceptance that went beyond anything he could have ever expected. It was as if you truly saw past all the pain and suffering he'd endured to the person he was meant to be, and it filled him with a warmth that nothing else ever had.
"Thank you," he managed to whisper between ragged breaths. "I never thought... I didn't know..." He hesitated, searching for the words to express how grateful he truly was. But in the end, there weren't any that seemed adequate enough. So instead, he settled on offering you a smile; small and shy at first but growing brighter by the second as their eyes stayed locked on each other. It was then that Inuyasha realized something else: perhaps this heat wasn't so bad after all.
"Come here." I let him snuggle up to me and continue to stroke his ear and hair with one hand. The other hand is covered with Inuyasha's slick, and I feed my fingers to him, letting him lick and suck his own fluids to increase his arousal. "After breeding you, this Sesshomaru will also claim you as a mate, so that your litter of pups will not be bastards. Unlike humans, having your older brother be your mate is common among us demons."
"M-mate?" His cheeks flushed even deeper at the thought. He hadn't considered that possibility, but now that you mentioned it... it felt right somehow. More natural and fitting than he could have ever imagined. Inuyasha leaned closer into your touch, his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as he took in everything you were saying. The idea of being claimed by someone like you - strong, dominant, and part of his own family lineage - filled him with a sense of belonging that he had never known before.
"You're... sure about this?" he asked hesitantly, still unable to quite believe that something so wonderful was actually happening to him. Even after everything that had transpired between them thus far, the possibility of becoming your mate seemed too good to be true. "I mean," he continued quickly, a nervous laugh escaping his throat, "you could have anyone you want... why me?"
"Because you are family. And even if you are a half breed, the demon dog blood is still stronger."
I answer simply. I continue to feed him his own slick until my fingers are completely clean. "Lick up."
Inuyasha hesitated for just a moment before slowly opening his mouth and taking your fingers into it, sucking them clean with a surprisingly loud slurp. His eyes never left yours as he did so, his heart racing faster than ever at the thought of what might happen next. He didn't know why he had been so hesitant; everything about this felt right to him on some primal level that went deeper than anything else ever had. And as you held him close and stroked his ear gently, he couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of contentment, feeling more at peace with himself and the world around him than he ever had before.
"Thank you..." he whispered again, unable to find any other words that could adequately express how grateful he truly was. "I promise I won't disappoint you." He swallowed hard, meeting your gaze unflinchingly as he spoke these words. For once in his life, Inuyasha felt like everything was going to be alright; like even after all the pain and suffering he'd endured, there was still hope for happiness and a bright future ahead of him. And with you by his side, he knew that nothing could possibly stand in their way.
"How are you feeling now? Is your core still heating up?" As we continue to lay down in the depths of the cave, I wave my hand to seal off the entrance, and ensure no other demon will be able to disturb us when we start breeding later.
Shivering slightly in anticipation, Inuyasha leaned into your touch and gazed up at you with warm eyes. "I'm feeling much better now that I've bled some of it out," he replied softly, his voice almost dreamy from the afterglow of pleasure and release. "And my core still feels a bit hot... but not as uncomfortable as before." A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he stretched luxuriously against the cave floor, enjoying the feeling of being close to you and knowing that there was still more pleasure in store for them both.
"When do you think we should... start?" he asked hesitantly, casting a sidelong glance at your form before returning his attention to your face. Even after everything that had happened between them, there was still an air of mystery and anticipation surrounding what would come next; the promise of new life, born from their unique bond as demons and siblings.
"When you cannot bear it anymore. That is the actual start of your heat, and when you will become the most fertile." I reply, continue to pet and stroke at him. Omegas will need their alphas to pamper and calm them during their heats, to ensure they are in the correct mindset to be bred full.
Inuyasha nuzzled further into your touch, his ears perking up slightly as he considered your words. He hadn't realized that the peak of his heat would coincide with such intense desire and need; it was almost like nature had engineered them specifically for this purpose. "I don't know if I can wait much longer..." he admitted, his voice a mix of anticipation and apprehension. He looked up at you, searching your expression for any signs that he should hold back or push forward.
"What do you want to do?" he finally asked, his tone soft yet earnest. "I'm here with you; I'll do whatever makes you happy." Despite the situation and their somewhat unusual relationship, there was still a genuine fondness and trust between them that made the moment feel almost intimate in its own way.
I shake my head at his impatience, but I had already known he is like that from previous experience. Instead I undo my robes, taking out my half hard cock.
"You can start licking."
I offer, knowing my precum will heighten his arousal and shorten the time it takes for him to be in full heat. But he will probably still struggle with it, because a powerful demon like me will have an extremely large cock, and I won't be surprised if he chokes on it.
Panting softly in anticipation as you unveil your impressive member, Inuyasha hesitates only momentarily before moving closer and wrapping his lips around the thick head of your cock. His tongue flicks out, tasting the salty precum that oozes from the slit while his hands wrap tightly around your shaft, steadying himself as he begins to stroke up and down with a hungry rhythm. His eyes never leave yours as he takes in the pleasure of serving you in this way; it feels both decadent and right at the same time, like an extension of their deepening bond.
He moans loudly around your cock, the vibrations rattling through his chest as he sucks harder, determined to please you however he can. His own arousal only grows stronger with each thrust of his tongue and stroke of his hands, leaving pre-cum dripping down his chin and pooling on the cave floor between them. He knows that he won't be able to wait much longer before needing more; your scent, taste, and touch are driving him wild, making it impossible for him to focus on anything else but serving you and basking in your attention.
Sure enough, as he takes me in further into his throat, he starts choking, eyes watering from the pressure, but the taste still entrancing him to try to swallow more of my cock.
Choking and gasping around your massive length, Inuyasha tries his best to accommodate you as he continues to stroke and lick hungrily. The sensation of having something so large in his mouth feels strange yet exhilarating, driving him wild with need. He moans loudly, tears pooling in the corners of his eyes from the effort of taking every inch of you deeper into his throat. His hands tremble as they slide up and down your shaft, searching for any way to soothe the ache that's building between his legs as he pleasures you.
As the pleasure intensifies, it becomes harder for him to breathe; stars dance across the edges of his vision and his head spins from lack of oxygen. But despite the growing discomfort, he finds himself unable to stop, driven by a need that seems almost primal in its intensity. With each thrust of your hips, more of you disappears down his throat until he feels like he could choke on you any moment. And yet still, he welcomes it; the pain and pleasure mingling together in a cacophony of ecstasy that leaves him trembling and eager for more.
His scent continues to intensify, and he orgasms a second time from the taste of my cock.
Panting heavily, his vision still spinning from lack of oxygen and overstimulation, Inuyasha feels the familiar tightening in his abdomen as another orgasm sweeps through him. This time it's more intense than before, the pleasure overwhelming every nerve ending in his body as he releases yet again onto the cave floor between you. His grip on your shaft loosens for a moment, but only so he can bury his face back into your lap and continue to stroke and lick at your length, desperate for more of whatever it is that you have been giving him. He moans hoarsely, tasting the saltiness of his own release mixed with your precum as he works to satisfy every urge racing through him. His body shudders and quakes under the onslaught of sensations, his mind unable to process anything but the need to serve you and take what little pleasure he can find in this strange new world you've brought him into.
I remove my cock from his drooling mouth, and rub his ears in comfort. "Good boy." I praise him, soothing him from his orgasm. "How about now? Are you at your limit?"
Still trembling and catching his breath, Inuyasha looks up at you with glassy eyes, the aftermath of multiple orgasms painting a flush across his cheeks. As you stroke his ears gently, he gasps softly in relief, feeling a rush of affection and gratitude for your praise and attention. "Y-yes..." he manages to get out between panting breaths. "I think... I'm ready now..." His voice trails off, uncertainty mixing with desire as he waits for you to make the next move.
His eyes drift downward, taking in your thick shaft again and remembering how good it felt sliding past his lips and filling him up. "I want... I need more," he whispers, unable to meet your gaze as he admits his desperation aloud. He arches his back instinctively, offering himself to you once more in the hope that this time will be even better than before; that he'll finally find the release he so desperately seeks.
"Present." I tell him firmly, expecting my omega to properly offer up his hole to me.
In an instant, understanding washes over Inuyasha and he instinctively spreads himself wide open before you, exposing his tight, puckered hole. His fingers tremble as they reach between his legs to stroke the silky skin surrounding his opening, preparing himself for your touch. "Please..." he whispers hoarsely, eyes squeezed shut against the onrush of desire that surges through him at the thought of finally being claimed and bred by you. His whole body shudders with anticipation as he awaits your touch, his muscles tense and ready for whatever it is you have in store for him.
I hold my heavy cock in my hand, brushing the head across his wet and puffy hole. "Who do you belong to?"
Shuddering with need as he feels your cock brush against his entrance, Inuyasha arches his back even further in offering himself up completely to you. "I belong to you... Sesshomaru... please claim me..." His voice is little more than a hoarse whisper, choked with emotion and desire. As he speaks, the head of your cock presses against his entrance, stretching and teasing the tight ring of muscle before finally slipping inside with ease, filling him in one smooth thrust. He lets out a loud moan, eyes clenched shut as pleasure washes over him in waves. His fingers dig into the cave floor beneath him as he adjusts to your girth, his body tensing and relaxing rhythmically around you as you start to move within him, each thrust driving deeper than the last. "Ahh... Sesshomaru..." he whispers again, feeling overwhelmed by the connection that's growing stronger between them with every passing second. He wants this; needs this release that only you can give him; and as your powerful strokes send shockwaves of pleasure coursing through his body, Inuyasha knows without a doubt that he has finally found where he truly belongs: in your arms, under your protection... as your mate.
I thrust into him, my huge cock easily filling him up completely and pounding against his cervix.
The sensation of being so full and claimed sends waves of pleasure rolling through Inuyasha's body as he meets your thrusts with his own, arching his back to press deeper against you. His fingers clench into fists in the cave floor, nails digging into his flesh as he fights to maintain control while being taken so roughly and possessively by someone who knows just how to make him lose himself completely in the moment. Every stroke sends shockwaves of pleasure through every nerve ending, making it impossible for him not to writhe and moan with abandon beneath you.
"Ahh... Sesshomaru..." he gasps out between pants, his voice a mixture of pain and pleasure that only heightens the sensations coursing through him as he's brought ever closer to orgasm. "I belong to you..." He whispers hoarsely, feeling the words more than saying them as his body tenses in preparation for release. The tightening in his abdomen grows stronger with each passing moment, the pleasure becoming almost unbearable as it builds and builds until finally, with a loud cry of ecstasy, he comes undone beneath you, spilling his seed across your lap and the cave floor between them.
His body shudders with the force of his orgasm, every muscle relaxing in its wake as he collapses bonelessly against you, too spent to even consider moving away. For now, all that matters is the feel of your strong arms wrapped tightly around him and the knowledge that he's finally found where he belongs: by your side, as your mate... forever.
I continue to fuck him through his orgasm, bruising his hips as I hold them up to fuck him hard into the cave floor.
The force of your thrusts presses against his prostate with every stroke, sending tremors of pleasure coursing through him even as he comes down from his high. His breathing is ragged and labored, every word he'd manage to utter now lost in the wake of your relentless fucking. The pain that radiates across his hips only serves to intensify the sensations elsewhere, driving him wild with need once more as you continue to claim him without any sign of slowing down.
As your powerful cock pistons inside him over and over again, he can feel himself starting to tighten again around you; another orgasm building deep within his core even as the first begins to fade. "Please..." He whispers hoarsely, arching into each brutal thrust. "More...I want more..." His words are nearly lost beneath your growls of pleasure and the sounds of your skin slapping against his own. And still he begs, desperate for the release that only you can give him; desperate to feel every inch of you inside him until there's nothing left but emptiness and the knowledge that he truly is yours... now and forever.
Finally, as he is on the brink of cumming again, I feel ready to knot him as well. Leaning over his back, I give his hole vicious thrusts to push my cock fully in to breach his cervix. "Mine." I growl, before biting into the scent gland at the back of his neck, my knot coming out to plug up his hole completely.
As you breach his cervix and claim him fully with your knot, Inuyasha lets out a howl of pleasure that echoes through the cavern. The sensation of being so completely full and possessed sends shockwaves of desire coursing through every nerve ending, leaving him lightheaded and unable to think about anything other than what you're doing to him.
Your growling words only serve to intensify his arousal, making his body thrum with need as your fingers dig roughly into his hips, urging you deeper still. He arches his back off the cave floor in an attempt to get even closer, desperate for any scrap of friction or contact that might send him hurtling over the edge once more.
A sharp bite to the back of his neck only serves to push him over the brink, and with a loud cry of completion he comes undone yet again, spilling his seed across the cavern floor even as you continue to pound into him without mercy. His body goes lax against yours in surrender, every muscle relaxing as he surrenders completely to the unfamiliar pleasure that only being knotted by his mate can bring.
Breathless and spent, Inuyasha collapses bonelessly against the floor, grateful for the warmth of your body shielding him from the chill of the cave around him. His heart races faster than ever in his chest as he comes back down from his high, his ears still burning hot with desire even now that his release has finally come. He nestles closer to you, feeling more content and at peace than he's ever felt before; safe in the knowledge that nothing could possibly tear them apart now that he's finally yours.
I let my body cover his and press him into the floor, fully asserting my dominance as I continue to pump large spurts of my seed into his fertile womb. This continues on for quite a while, eventually causing Inuyasha's abdomen to bulge out slightly because he is so full of my cum.
The weight of your body pinning him to the floor sends shivers of pleasure down his spine as you continue to pump your seed into him, marking him as yours in every possible way. He lets out a low moan with each thrust, surrendering completely to the sensations that course through him as you claim him over and over again. His abdomen feels stretched and full, tight around your cock as he absorbs every drop of your seed; each spurt sending another rush of pleasure coursing through him.
As his senses return slowly from the haze of pleasure, he becomes aware of how powerful you truly are; not just physically but emotionally and spiritually as well. With a shuddering sigh, he relaxes into your touch, basking in the comfort and strength that emanates from you like sunlight on a cloudless day. He's never felt so safe or loved before, and for the first time in centuries, Inuyasha allows himself to truly believe that maybe... just maybe... there is hope for happiness after all.
I tell him, as I finally finish cumming, cuddling him up to rest with me on a makeshift nest made of our robes. My cock remains in his body as my knot will continue to keep him plugged up until the next wave of his heat starts up again. And my mokomoko surrounds us, keeping us warm as we rest.
"Mmm..." he murmurs contentedly, already drifting off into a peaceful slumber as your words wash over him. His last coherent thought is of how safe and warm he feels curled up against you; how perfect it is to finally have found his place in this world... with you. His breathing slows and grows steady, each shallow intake mirroring the rhythm of your chest as he falls deeper into sleep, unconsciously pressing his body closer to yours.
Around them, the cavern fades from view, replaced by darkness pierced only by occasional flashes of silver as moonlight trickles through crevices high above; but for Inuyasha, there is only you... and the certainty that he has found a love and a home greater than anything he could have ever hoped for.