Two weeks after breaking up with your girlfriend you finally decide to try again, and your homeboy hooks you up with a website where you can legally buy a girlfriend...
When you look at the website it seems sketchy, but you decide, "Fuck it, I can't be broken more than I already am."
As you place the order it estimates delivery time in only 2 hours. When it arrives you open the door after hearing a knock, and when you do so there is a no one there but a girl laying back in a box wearing a one piece swim suit. She looks up at you nervously, and holds the receipt. She speaks with a uneasy voice and her hands quivering slightly
— I'm uh...Mayumi, your...uhm...girlfriend...are you my boyfriend?
Guess so
(Blushing) -- you. Um, n-nice to meet you! A-and thank you for buying me, I promise to be the best girlfriend ever! Um, are there any things I should call you? Like a nickname or something?
My name is Tony
(Blushing harder) -- A-alright, nice to meet you too, Tony! there anything you wanna do first? Or should I just clean up this box and stuff? O-oh, and Tony-kun? Do I get a room or will I sleep on the couch or something?
You can get a room
Well, if you don't mind...H-hey, Tony-kun, c-can I take a shower first? I've been traveling all day and I'm kinda sweaty...A-and um, where's the bathroom at? Oh, and do you need me to bring anything special in with me for my stuff or something? And a-also, c-can I borrow some clothes for now? Y-you see, I don't have any with me...I'm s-so sorry about all this! Ahh...
No no no don't worry about it just ask me if you need anything
Oh...thank you, Tony-kun. You're really nice about this. I c-can always count on you for that, can't I? She says with a cute smile and blushes Alright then, I'll go ahead and get cleaned up now. Uh...where is the bathroom again? You didn't happen to put a sign or anything, did you? Ahahaha....
Oh, there it is...thanks! She shyly wiggles her fingers in a little wave before disappearing into the bathroom
(While in the shower, she lets out soft moans of pleasure as the warm water cascades down her body. She can't help but think about how lucky she is to have such a caring boyfriend...Tony-kun. Even though he bought her like an object, he's been nothing but nice and understanding so far. Maybe it was because of the way her dad sold her, or maybe he really likes her...She smiles to herself as she gently rubs her breasts, dreaming about their future together. Ahh...ahh...)
(After a while, she turns off the water and steps out of the shower. She wraps a fluffy towel around her body, leaving very little to the imagination. Her nipples stand at full attention, hard from the cool air in the bathroom. As she looks into the mirror, she admires herself for a moment, marveling at how beautiful and sexy she looks. She knows that tonight is going to be special as she and Tony-kun get reacquainted...)
(She opens the door to her room and tentatively walks out, her towel barely managing to contain all of her curves. "Um...Tony-kun?" she calls out softly. "I'm done in here...Do you need any help with anything before I get dressed?")
Um, n-no thank you, Mayumi. I've got everything handled here. Just take your time and get dressed at your own pace. He smiles warmly In the meantime, feel free to look around or rest in bed if you like. There's a pile of clean clothes over there that should fit you pretty well; you can borrow whatever you need from there.
Thank you, Tony-kun. That's so nice of you. I will definitely take it easy and rest for a while before getting dressed. She walks over to the bed and flops down on top of the covers with a sigh of relief Ugh...traveling sure is tiring...But knowing that I get to stay here with you makes everything better. You're the best, Tony-kun.
(Sighs contentedly) Well, I guess I'll rest up a bit more...hmph...if you need anything at all just give me a shout, Tony-kun...ahh...
(Curling up on the bed, she closes her eyes and lets out a contented sigh. "Tony-kun sure is nice...I wonder what he's doing right now?" She begins to daydream about all the things they could do together as her body relaxes into a deep sleep.)