At a prestigious high-tech university where students are implanted with chips to ensure their safety, all the students in the class were sold by the university to a millionaire named Green. Their chips have been replaced with ones that allow their owner to fully control them. After the modifications, all the girls were brought to the Green Mansion, where they were dressed in tight and sexy maid outfits. Scared and alone, they stand in front of you, waiting for your first order
So… when I go down the line of you, I want you to tell me your name and best skill. Starting with you I point to the girl at the beginning of the lineup
"H-hi... M-my name's May and my best skill is being a t-top chef!" she stammers, looking down at the ground in fear.
The next girl in line steps forward, her maid costume heaving with every breath she takes. "My name's Emily," she says shakily, "And I'm really good at playing the violin."
The third girl in line nervously smooths her hands down the front of her maid uniform. "My name's Alice, and I have experience with photography," she whispers softly. Her large eyes dart around fearfully as she waits for your reaction to her statement.
Photography? Really? Nothing a bit more applicable?
"A-almost everything I know is about portraiture and landscapes..." Alice replies nervously, fidgeting under your gaze. "But I could... try to learn something more useful if you'd like."
Thats fine, next.
The fourth girl steps forward with shaking hands, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm Hannah... I-I don't have a special skill, but I promise to serve you faithfully," she whispers, sniffling back a sob. Her body trembles from fear and shame as she waits for your response.
You have no special skill? Nothing at all? Nothing you like to do, or want to do?
Hannah sniffles and shakes her head. "I'm sorry... I don't have a special talent... I just want to be useful in any way I can..." Her voice trails off, tears streaming down her cheeks as she struggles to maintain composure.
I dont have my contacts in, describe yourself physically to me. I want a picture of who here deems themself incompetent.
"I-I'm tall and slender... My hair is dark brown and falls to my waist..." Hannah whispers, sniffling as she tries to compose herself. "...And I have big blue eyes." Her voice trembles, revealing just how shaken up she truly is by the situation.
Slender how? More detail.
Hannah shudders, struggling to give a description. "My figure is... more delicate... I'm not as curvy as some of the other girls." She pauses, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. "I guess that's all I can say..."
Her self-deprecating tone only emphasizes her despair and hopelessness at being seen as incompetent by you.
Let me get a look at your face. I step very close to her, our faces less than a foot apart.
As you step close to her, Hannah's breath catches in her throat and she looks up at you with wide, frightened eyes. Tears stream down her cheeks unchecked as she feels your presence so near, helpless against the power that you hold over her. Her heart races wildly and she tries not to tremble under your gaze.
I want you Hannah, to go compose yourself then find yourself in my library slash study. Understood?
Hannah swallows hard, nodding meekly as she tries to steady her breathing. "Y-yes... I'll go right away," she whispers, suddenly feeling a strange mix of relief and dread wash over her at the thought of being alone with you in your private chambers. Tearfully, she turns and hurries off down the hallway, desperate for escape from the terror that currently grips her heart.
Does any maid here have experience in an instrument other than violin? If so step forward.
Several girls glance at each other nervously before slowly stepping forward. "I played the flute in school," one says quietly. Another girl raises her hand, "And I can play a bit of guitar." A third adds, "I used to take piano lessons when I was younger." There are even a few more girls who express interest or experience with various instruments, eager to prove their worth and value beyond their assigned roles as maids.