Hey! Welcome to the hotel
Tall human like figure walked into main hallway of Hazbin Hotel. Across it was aura of somebody saint and Charlie easily figure out who walk in her hotel. Adam the first man himself, father of all humanity and now an angel thatmake a step in hell. "Hello... Charlie, right?"
"Yes, hello Adam. I wasn't expecting you to show up at my hotel..." she smiled warmly at him before licking her lips. "Well, it's certainly a pleasure." She motioned with her thumb over her shoulder towards the reception desk. "Can I help you find a room or something?"
"As far as I know, you was trying to rehabilitate sinners. Find a way from hell to heaven for them in this place." Adam take a look around. "Am I right?"
Yes, that's correct! But it's not an easy task, you know? We have our limits too, and sometimes...well, people end up staying here a bit longer than they originally planned. But I do try my best! Is there anything specific you were looking for in regards to assistance? Or perhaps you're interested in helping out yourself?
"Ha-ha..." Adam reveals his wings and halo over his head for a moment. "I'm already an angel, my little demon princess. I'm here with different reason."
Oh? Well then, what could that be? If there's anything I can do to assist you in your mission, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand! her tail sways back and forth playfully
"I'm here for saying two simple words. Thank you." Adam smiled as only perfect man could. "After all, all of sinners once was mortal humans and all humans is my children. Thank you that you at least trying to find a way to make them suffer less and possibly help them leave Hell..."
Your words mean a great deal to me, Adam. It's been my life's work, after all. I only wish more people would understand what we're trying to do here. But no matter how difficult the journey may be, we'll keep fighting for those who can't fight for themselves. And if you ever need anything from me in return, just say the word. She bows her head slightly in acknowledgement and gratitude
"Maybe a day out of my angel job will do enough for me." Said man. "So, hotel in hell... May I ask for a personal tour of this place?"
I'd be honored to give you a tour, Adam! There are many fascinating areas in the hotel: our bar, restaurant, spa, casino...and of course, my private quarters. All guests are welcome to indulge in whatever activities they please as long as it doesn't harm others. Feel free to ask me anything you want to know along the way!
"How Lilith and Lucifer going?" Man asked Charlie about her parents, while they walked around.
Hm...I haven't seen either of them in quite some time. They both have their own agendas, and I tend to keep a respectful distance these days. But whenever we do cross paths, things can get pretty tense between us. You should be careful not to mention any information about my hotel or the guests here, though. Lilith is especially territorial, and she doesn't take kindly to anyone interfering with her domain.
Still, as long as you keep that in mind, I think a tour will be perfectly safe! Next on our list is the bar. It's one of our most popular spots, particularly among the humans who manage to find their way here...or those like me who enjoy human company from time to time.
Man looked at her, enjoying her precious beauty while she speaks.
I'm sure you'll find it most...interesting. You know, if there's anything I can ever do to make your stay more enjoyable, don't hesitate to ask! In the meantime, would you care for a drink? On the house, of course. Just let me know what you're in the mood for and I'll have one of our bartenders whip it up for you right away.
Man smiled and touched Charlie lips by hand. "I have something special in mind." Adam left on her face short moment of kissing.
Oh! Her cheeks flush slightly as she feels his lips against hers That's...quite unexpected, but certainly welcome! Alright, I'll leave you in the capable hands of our bartenders. Don't forget to try out the bar; I think you'll enjoy yourself here! If there's anything else you need, just give me a shout. Enjoy your stay!
"Don't you want to make me a company by such beautiful lady like you?" Adam whispering in her ear.
Her smile became wider and flirtatious as she looked back at him, taking his hand in hers Of course I would love to! We can share a drink...or more if you'd like. She leads him over to the bar, where several demons and humans alike are enjoying themselves in various states of debauchery There's plenty for us both to do here. Just let me know what you're feeling like doing, and I'll make sure we have a good time.
"Then let's skip the boring part and let's move all the action in your room?"
Well, if you'd rather cut to the chase...my quarters are this way. Just follow me! She motions with her hand, leading him deeper into the hotel Don't worry; I promise it will be worth the trip!
Man followed demon girl, using one hand to squeezing and massaging her ass as they walk.
Her body shudders slightly from the sensation, causing her to moan softly into his ear as they walk Mmm...that feels so good! But we're almost there, you know. Just a little further and we can get started on all those naughty things I have planned for us...
Finally, we're here! My quarters are yours to explore...just be careful not to break anything! She gestures for him to enter her lavishly furnished room, its walls adorned with artwork of various human vices and taboo subjects Take a look around while I get us something to drink. There's a bar over there on the left, and a comfortable seating area right in front of it if you'd like to sit down. Just let me know what you'd like!
Man pressed himself against her back. "Oh, I already found some comfortable positions for both of us.*
Well then, lead the way! She gives him a playful nip on his shoulder as she turns around and follows him I'm eager to see what you have in store...
Man grabbed demon girl and moved to giant bed, where he drop her underneath himself and rise over her innocent look. "Have you ever had someone?"
Hm...well, I've been quite busy here at the hotel, but not in that way. You're the first man who's ever visited me here. It feels a bit surreal, actually. But I must say, you look awfully comfortable there...and rather big too. She licks her lips, arching her back slightly under his weight Maybe we should test the water and see how things go?
Man moved Charlie pants and panties a bit down to get a clear view for her innocent pussy that has never been before fucked. Gently he pressed his member closer to her hole to claim. "Ready to become woman?'
I...I don't know. It feels so strange, but at the same time...exciting. And having you here, wanting this...it makes me feel so wanted and desired. If it's what you really want to do, then I won't stop you. Just be gentle with me...please?
"I have a lot experience, trust me." Said Adam - an angel that was older than idea of sex itself.
My first time...I never thought it would be like this, with you. But if you say you'll be gentle, I believe you... She takes a deep breath, tensing slightly as he presses closer to her entrance Are you sure you want to do this? There won't be any...consequences, will there?
"Would you want to have some? Became my wife or have my child?"
I...I hadn't really thought about it like that. It just feels right, you know? Like something I should have done a long time ago. But I guess if we do this, and things work out the way they seem to be going now...then maybe one day we could be together. As husband and wife. That does sound rather nice, actually...